apm update: error: unable to get local issuer certificate - atom-editor

Recently, I tried re-installing vim-mode-plus on atom, and when that didn't work I decided to run apm update to ensure my package manager for atom was up to date. I am getting the error:
Unable to download https://www.atom.io/api/packages/vim-mode-plus/versions/1.31.0/tarball: unable to get local issuer certificate
I am assuming this has to do with my corporate proxy, how do I fix this?

Answers taken from - https://flight-manual.atom.io/getting-started/sections/installing-atom/#proxy-and-firewall-settings
Consult above link for addtional information.
If you are behind a firewall, this command may help:
apm config set strict-ssl false
If you are using a proxy, this command may help:
apm config set https-proxy <your-corporate-proxy>


Problem committing a project from RStudio to Github

I'm trying to push my files to my GitHub, but I'm getting the following error:
error: cannot run rpostback-askpass: No such file or directory
fatal: could not read Username for 'https://github.com': Device not configured
I'm using MAC
My git version: git version 2.32.1 (Apple Git-133)
I'm linking my project to GitHub with HTTP protocole
I ran git config --global user.name and user.mail in the terminal in Rstudio
I tried to use the solution of running git push -u origin main and when I type in my credentials, it gives me the error: "authentication failed". I never changed my password to GitHub, I checked it today to enter the website, it works.
I tried using ssh protocol instead but it seems to be giving me even more errors even though I created my ssh key and added it successfully to my GitHub. Specifically when I click on create new project and add the ssh link Rstudio says:
Cloning into 'data-science-hw'...
ssh_askpass: exec(rpostback-askpass): No such file or directory Host key verification failed.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.
I went through all the possible suggestions I could find on the internet but none of them worked. I also tried linking a token generated by git, but it work either.
I would be very happy if anybody has any idea what else I could try..

unable to install composer for symfony

I am using a computer provided by my work org and I do not have any access to change firewall since I am just a user.
I am trying to install Composer to start on a symfony 2 project. When I try Composer exe file to install, I see this message - The "https://getcomposer.org/versions" file could not be downloaded: SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:
error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed
failed to open stream: Cannot connect to HTTPS server through proxy
I Googled it but the solutions all given are related to firewall and can be solved by an Admin only.
It seems that you have network issues: Cannot connect to HTTPS server through proxy. You probably might want to work this out but since you have no access to network settings then it will be easier just to use Manual Download option from https://getcomposer.org/download/ . Just download composer.phar file from this url

How to setup system proxy for VS2015 when using Tools for Apache Cordova

My question is how to setup system proxy in windows, because I got the following message from VS2015 output, and system proxy should setup in IE proxy setting. But it looks like need to setup in the other way. Any help on this?
RUNMDAINSTALL : warning : The proxy currently configured for npm (http://proxy.domain.com:8080/) does not match the detected system proxy (http://proxy:8080/). This may result in package installation failures
From your description, I think you can ignore this warning if you didn't encounter any issue when build your Cordova app(or when install packages using npm). The proxy configured for npm is full qualified address against the system level one. If it is not a wrong address, I think it should work.
To change the npm proxy setting, you can follow the instructions(using npm config command) mentioned in To section "configure proxy settings for npm package manager" in this article.
If you want to change the system level proxy, I think you need to use netsh command as below:
netsh winhttp set proxy myproxy

Memcachier add-on for cloudcontrol is failing

I followed the installation guide at https://www.cloudcontrol.com/dev-center/Add-on%20Documentation/Data%20Storage/MemCachier. The memcachier server is up and running, I tested it from the command line. But my cloudcontrol app isn't able to access it.
Here's the error in our logs:
Info MemcachedError: error 40 from memcached_set: FAILED TO SEND AUTHENTICATION TO SERVER, no mechanism available, host: [my-memcachier-server-url]:11211 -> libmemcached/sasl.cc:221
Notice No worthy mechs found
This seems to be a SASL-related issue. Is it possible that cctrl does not have the correct sasl2 libraries installed? Did anyone else experience this problem?
Further info:
django-pylibmc==0.5.0 and pylibmc==1.4.1 in requirements.txt
url and credentials are read from the cctrl environment correctly
This is caused by the libmemched version bundled with the buildpack missing a patch (https://bugs.launchpad.net/libmemcached/+bug/1381160). Because it is a stackoverflow bug, it can work systematically on your machine while it systematically breaks in the container. I will update the python buildpack to use the patched libmemcached library from the stack.
In the meantime you can try to achieve this manually by setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to /usr/local/lib either via config add-on or web: env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib <your_command> in the Procfile.

pull command error : Failed connect to github.com:8080

I tried to pull repository so that I can merge the changes made to my repository.
But while using the pull command it gives following error:
$ git pull https://github.com/ShrutiRuparel/depot.git master
error: Failed connect to github.com:8080;
No error while accessing https://github.com/ShrutiRuparel/depot.git/info/refs
fatal: HTTP request failed
I tried setting the http proxy but no change.
push command worked perfectly fine but error with pull command.
Any suggestions?
I had the same issue because I forgot to remove my proxy configuration on Git.
git config --global http.proxy
If it returns something you have to unset the value with the following command :
git config --global --unset http.proxy
There is a lot of way to set a proxy for git and maybe this is not the good one. You can also check your environment variable.
echo $http_proxy
After that, it should works
Why are you using https?
For private repo on GitHub, you would use (as shown here):
git clone https://username#github.com/username/project.git
But for a public repo, a simple:
git clone http://github.com/username/project.git
should be enough.
