R rugarch simulation - r

I'd like to know the range of each parameter in the rugarch specification models.
For example for distribution error "nig" and model "apARCH". I'd like to know what is the range for the parameters "skew", "shape" related to the "nig" distribution and the parameters "gamma" and "delta" for the model "apARCH".
This is my code example:
varianceModel = list(model="apARCH", garchOrder=c(1,1))
meanModel = list(armaOrder=c(1,1))
distributionModel = "nig"
fixedPars = list(mu=0, ar1 = 0.1, ma1= 0.9, omega=0.001, alpha1=0.1, beta1=0.8, gamma1 = 0.01, delta = 2, shape=1.5, skew = 0.2)
spec <- ugarchspec(variance.model = varianceModel,
mean.model= meanModel, distribution.model=distributionModel,
path.sgarch <- ugarchpath(spec, n.sim=1000, n.start=1, m.sim=20)
Now for each of this parameters, how I can get the possible range or the "standard" parameters?

There doesn't seem to be a list of ranges of possible values of such parameters in the documentation of rugarch, while this introduction provides only some partial information.
Those ranges of possible values, however, are (at least should be) standard in the sense that they provide well-defined distributions and stationary models. Hence, you should be able to find all such ranges in some other sources.
However, regarding the distributions, there actually is a hidden source in rugarch that you can use---the rugarch:::.DistributionBounds function source code. For instance, it contains
if (distribution == "nig") {
skew = 0.2
skew.LB = -0.99
skew.UB = 0.99
shape = 0.4
shape.LB = 0.01
shape.UB = 25
meaning that the lower and upper bounds for skew are -0.99 and 0.99, respectively. To extract those numbers faster, you may use
rugarch:::.DistributionBounds("nig")[c("skew.LB", "skew.UB")]
# $skew.LB
# [1] -0.99
# $skew.UB
# [1] 0.99
Regarding the variance models, typically "simple" ranges, such as as -1 < gamma < 1 for APARCH, are not available/what you want, because they only allow the model to exist, but doesn't guarantee stationarity. For instance, for GARCH(1,1) to be stationary we need alpha + beta < 1; hence, we actually have higher dimensional constraints than just intervals. As I said, you may find those online.
However, ugarchpath also checks those conditions by computing persistence(spec). Now, as you can see in
getMethod("persistence", signature(object = "uGARCHspec", pars = "missing",
distribution = "missing", model = "missing",
there is a different way to compute this persistence for each specification. For instance, for APARCH we look at
# function (pars, idx, distribution = "norm")
# {
# alpha = pars[idx["alpha", 1]:idx["alpha", 2]]
# beta = pars[idx["beta", 1]:idx["beta", 2]]
# gamma = pars[idx["gamma", 1]:idx["gamma", 2]]
# delta = pars[idx["delta", 1]:idx["delta", 2]]
# skew = pars[idx["skew", 1]:idx["skew", 2]]
# shape = pars[idx["shape", 1]:idx["shape", 2]]
# ghlambda = pars[idx["ghlambda", 1]:idx["ghlambda", 2]]
# ps = sum(beta) + sum(apply(cbind(gamma, alpha), 1, FUN = function(x) x[2] *
# aparchKappa(x[1], delta, ghlambda, shape, skew, distribution)))
# return(ps)
# }
and the condition is that ps < 1. Notice that
# function (pars, idx, distribution = "norm")
# {
# ps = sum(pars[idx["alpha", 1]:idx["alpha", 2]]) + sum(pars[idx["beta",
# 1]:idx["beta", 2]])
# return(ps)
# }
gives exactly alpha + beta in the case of GARCH(1,1) and then ugarchpathchecks the aforementioned stationarity condition. Hence, the most straightforward thing that you can do is to check if persistence(spec) < 1 before simulating. For instance, in your example,
# [1] 0.8997927


Randomly generate network with specified clustering coefficient

In the past I have used igraph to generate small world networks with a specified rewiring probability p, which is especially easy because it's an argument in the sample_smallworld function. For instance:
myNetwork <- sample_smallworld(dim = 1, size = 10, nei = 2, p = 0.25)
plot(myNetwork, layout = layout_in_circle)
I'd now like to generate small world networks with a specified clustering coefficient. I'm new to igraph and this seems like a functionality that it would have, but after some searching I've only found ways to calculate the coefficient from pre-existing networks, rather than a way to use it as a parameter for generating the network itself.
What's the best way to generate networks with a specified clustering coefficient ?
If you are okay with a few conditions, then it is possible to get a sort of hacky approximation using sna::rguman(). The conditions are: (1) using global transitivity (maybe you could work with it and modify); (2) using undirected graphs; (3) using large size graphs if using small values of transitivity, or use larger values of transitivity for small size graphs. Also, give up the sample_smallworld() algorithm. If that's ok this might get you where you want to go:
sample_cluster <- function(nv = 150, clustering_coef = 0.5, thres = 0.05) {
g <- sna::rguman(1, nv, mut = clustering_coef, asym = 0, null = 1 - clustering_coef) %>%
graph_from_adjacency_matrix(mode = "undirected")
while (!(transitivity(g) >= clustering_coef-thres & transitivity(g) <= clustering_coef+thres)) {
g <- sna::rguman(1, nv, mut = clustering_coef, asym = 0, null = 1 - clustering_coef) %>%
graph_from_adjacency_matrix(mode = "undirected")
sample_cluster(15, clustering_coef = 0.2, thres = 0.001) %>% transitivity()
#> [1] 0.2
sample_cluster(200, clustering_coef = 0.01, thres = 0.001) %>% transitivity()
#> [1] 0.009009009
sample_cluster(200, clustering_coef = 0.2, thres = 0.001) %>% transitivity()
#> [1] 0.2007628
sample_cluster(20, clustering_coef = 0.7, thres = 0.001) %>% transitivity()
#> [1] 0.7007168
Created on 2020-03-31 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
Not fancy, not sophisticated, but might do the trick!
As far I understand, you cannot specify the clustering coefficient (or transitivity, as it is named in the igraph package) because it is conditional on the parameters you specify.
Why? sample_smallworld generates a graph according to the Watts-Strogatz Model, as explained in the documentation. Check out the maths of the model on Wikipedia. The Watts-Strogatz model has three parameters:
Number of nodes (size parameter in the sample_smallworld method, N in the wikipedia article);
Average number of links per node (nei parameter, K on wikipedia);
Probability of connecting random pair of nodes, for each link in the graph, via "rewiring" (p parameter, beta on Wikipedia).
Have a look at Wikipedia (section "Clustering coefficient") to understand how the clustering coefficient can be computed from these parameters.
More empirically, if you play around with the parameters in your model, you can see how they affect the clustering coefficient with the transitivity command.
# clustering coefficient in your data:
myNetwork <- sample_smallworld(dim = 1, size = 10, nei = 2, p = 0.25)
[1] 0.3870968
# Varying average links/node:
for(i in 1:5) {
set.seed(1) # use this to get the same results
myNetwork <- sample_smallworld(dim = 1, size = 10, nei = i, p = 0.25)
print(transitivity(myNetwork, type="global"))
[1] 0
[1] 0.2380952
[1] 0.6
[1] 0.8723404
[1] 1
# Varying rewiring probability:
for(i in c(0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1)) {
myNetwork <- sample_smallworld(dim = 1, size = 10, nei = 2, p = i)
print(transitivity(myNetwork, type="global"))
[1] 0.483871
[1] 0.4615385
[1] 0.328125
[1] 0.3802817
[1] 0.4347826

Running Regression with Constraints on Coefficients [duplicate]

I am trying to obtain estimated constrained coefficients using RSS. The beta coefficients are constrained between [0,1] and sum to 1. Additionally, my third parameter is constrained between (-1,1). Utilizing the below I can obtain a nice solution using simulated variables but when implementing the methodology on my real data set I keep arriving at a non-unique solution. In turn, I'm wondering if there is a more numerically stable way to obtain my estimated parameters.
k = 2
a = diff(c(0, sort(runif(k-1)), 1))
n = 1e4
x = matrix(rnorm(k*n), nc = k)
a2 = -0.5
y = a2 * (x %*% a) + rnorm(n)
f = function(u){sum((y - u[3] * (x %*% u[1:2]))^2)}
g = function(v){
v1 = v[1]
v2 = v[2]
u = vector(mode = "double", length = 3)
# ensure in (0,1)
v1 = 1 / (1 + exp(-v1))
# ensure add up to 1
u[1:2] = c(v1, 1 - sum(v1))
# ensure between [-1,1]
u[3] = (v2^2 - 1) / (v2^2 + 1)
res = optim(rnorm(2), function(v) f(g(v)), hessian = TRUE, method = "BFGS")
rbind(Est = res$par, SE = sqrt(diag(solve(res$hessian))))
Hats off to http://zoonek.free.fr/blosxom/R/2012-06-01_Optimization.html
Since there has been no direct answer to your question so far, I'd like to show a way how to implement a parameter-constrained model in Stan/RStan. You should give this a try using your real data.
Doing Bayesian inference has the advantage of giving you posterior probabilities for your (constrained) model parameters. Point estimates including confidence intervals can then be easily calculated.
First off, we load the library and set RStan to store the compiled model and use multiple cores (if available).
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE);
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores());
We now define our Stan model. In this case, it's very simple, and we can make use of RStan's simplex data type for vectors of non-negative values that sum to one.
model <- "
data {
int<lower=1> n; // number of observations
int<lower=0> k; // number of parameters
matrix[n, k] X; // data
vector[n] y; // response
parameters {
real a2; // a2 is a free scaling parameter
simplex[k] a; // a is constrained to sum to 1
real sigma; // residuals
model {
// Likelihood
y ~ normal(a2 * (X * a), sigma);
Stan supports various constrained data types; I'd recommend taking a lot at the Stan manual for more complex examples.
Using the sample data from your original question, we can run our model:
# Sample data
k = 2;
a = diff(c(0, sort(runif(k-1)), 1));
n = 1e4;
x = matrix(rnorm(k * n), nc = k);
a2 = -0.5;
y = a2 * (x %*% a) + rnorm(n);
# Fit stan model
fit <- stan(
model_code = model,
data = list(
n = n,
k = k,
X = x,
y = as.numeric(y)),
iter = 4000,
chains = 4);
Running the model will only take a few seconds (after the parser has internally translated and compiled the model in C++), and the full results (posterior distributions for all parameters conditional on the data) are stored in fit.
We can inspect the contents of fit using summary:
# Extract parameter estimates
pars <- summary(fit)$summary;
# mean se_mean sd 2.5% 25%
#a2 -0.4915289 1.970327e-04 0.014363398 -0.5194985 -0.5011471
#a[1] 0.7640606 2.273282e-04 0.016348488 0.7327691 0.7527457
#a[2] 0.2359394 2.273282e-04 0.016348488 0.2040952 0.2248482
#sigma 1.0048695 8.746869e-05 0.007048116 0.9909698 1.0001889
#lp__ -5048.4273105 1.881305e-02 1.204892294 -5051.4871931 -5048.9800451
# 50% 75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
#a2 -0.4916061 -0.4819086 -0.4625947 5314.196 1.0000947
#a[1] 0.7638723 0.7751518 0.7959048 5171.881 0.9997468
#a[2] 0.2361277 0.2472543 0.2672309 5171.881 0.9997468
#sigma 1.0048994 1.0095420 1.0187554 6492.930 0.9998086
#lp__ -5048.1238783 -5047.5409682 -5047.0355381 4101.832 1.0012841
You can see that a[1]+a[2]=1.
Plotting parameter estimates including confidence intervals is also easy:
The simplest way to solve optimization problems with equality and inequality constraints will most likely be through the "augmented Lagrangian" approach. In R this is, for example, realized in the alabama package.
# function and gradient
fn = function(u){sum((y - u[3] * (x %*% u[1:2]))^2)}
gr = function(u) numDeriv::grad(fn, u)
# constraint sum(u) == 1
heq = function(u) sum(u) - 1
# constraints 0 <= u[1],u[2] <= 1; -1 <= u[3] <= 1
hin = function(u) c(u[1], u[2], 1-u[1], 1-u[2], u[3]+1, 1-u[3])
sol_a = alabama::auglag(c(0.5, 0.5, 0), fn, gr, hin=hin, heq=heq)
## $par
## [1] 1.0000000 0.3642904 -0.3642904
## $value
## [1] 10094.74
## ...
## $hessian
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] 15009565054 9999999977 9999992926
## [2,] 9999999977 10000002578 9999997167
## [3,] 9999992926 9999997167 10000022569
For other packages containing an "augmented Lagrangian" procedure see the CRAN Task View on optimization.

Regression with equality and inequality constrained coefficients in R

I am trying to obtain estimated constrained coefficients using RSS. The beta coefficients are constrained between [0,1] and sum to 1. Additionally, my third parameter is constrained between (-1,1). Utilizing the below I can obtain a nice solution using simulated variables but when implementing the methodology on my real data set I keep arriving at a non-unique solution. In turn, I'm wondering if there is a more numerically stable way to obtain my estimated parameters.
k = 2
a = diff(c(0, sort(runif(k-1)), 1))
n = 1e4
x = matrix(rnorm(k*n), nc = k)
a2 = -0.5
y = a2 * (x %*% a) + rnorm(n)
f = function(u){sum((y - u[3] * (x %*% u[1:2]))^2)}
g = function(v){
v1 = v[1]
v2 = v[2]
u = vector(mode = "double", length = 3)
# ensure in (0,1)
v1 = 1 / (1 + exp(-v1))
# ensure add up to 1
u[1:2] = c(v1, 1 - sum(v1))
# ensure between [-1,1]
u[3] = (v2^2 - 1) / (v2^2 + 1)
res = optim(rnorm(2), function(v) f(g(v)), hessian = TRUE, method = "BFGS")
rbind(Est = res$par, SE = sqrt(diag(solve(res$hessian))))
Hats off to http://zoonek.free.fr/blosxom/R/2012-06-01_Optimization.html
Since there has been no direct answer to your question so far, I'd like to show a way how to implement a parameter-constrained model in Stan/RStan. You should give this a try using your real data.
Doing Bayesian inference has the advantage of giving you posterior probabilities for your (constrained) model parameters. Point estimates including confidence intervals can then be easily calculated.
First off, we load the library and set RStan to store the compiled model and use multiple cores (if available).
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE);
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores());
We now define our Stan model. In this case, it's very simple, and we can make use of RStan's simplex data type for vectors of non-negative values that sum to one.
model <- "
data {
int<lower=1> n; // number of observations
int<lower=0> k; // number of parameters
matrix[n, k] X; // data
vector[n] y; // response
parameters {
real a2; // a2 is a free scaling parameter
simplex[k] a; // a is constrained to sum to 1
real sigma; // residuals
model {
// Likelihood
y ~ normal(a2 * (X * a), sigma);
Stan supports various constrained data types; I'd recommend taking a lot at the Stan manual for more complex examples.
Using the sample data from your original question, we can run our model:
# Sample data
k = 2;
a = diff(c(0, sort(runif(k-1)), 1));
n = 1e4;
x = matrix(rnorm(k * n), nc = k);
a2 = -0.5;
y = a2 * (x %*% a) + rnorm(n);
# Fit stan model
fit <- stan(
model_code = model,
data = list(
n = n,
k = k,
X = x,
y = as.numeric(y)),
iter = 4000,
chains = 4);
Running the model will only take a few seconds (after the parser has internally translated and compiled the model in C++), and the full results (posterior distributions for all parameters conditional on the data) are stored in fit.
We can inspect the contents of fit using summary:
# Extract parameter estimates
pars <- summary(fit)$summary;
# mean se_mean sd 2.5% 25%
#a2 -0.4915289 1.970327e-04 0.014363398 -0.5194985 -0.5011471
#a[1] 0.7640606 2.273282e-04 0.016348488 0.7327691 0.7527457
#a[2] 0.2359394 2.273282e-04 0.016348488 0.2040952 0.2248482
#sigma 1.0048695 8.746869e-05 0.007048116 0.9909698 1.0001889
#lp__ -5048.4273105 1.881305e-02 1.204892294 -5051.4871931 -5048.9800451
# 50% 75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
#a2 -0.4916061 -0.4819086 -0.4625947 5314.196 1.0000947
#a[1] 0.7638723 0.7751518 0.7959048 5171.881 0.9997468
#a[2] 0.2361277 0.2472543 0.2672309 5171.881 0.9997468
#sigma 1.0048994 1.0095420 1.0187554 6492.930 0.9998086
#lp__ -5048.1238783 -5047.5409682 -5047.0355381 4101.832 1.0012841
You can see that a[1]+a[2]=1.
Plotting parameter estimates including confidence intervals is also easy:
The simplest way to solve optimization problems with equality and inequality constraints will most likely be through the "augmented Lagrangian" approach. In R this is, for example, realized in the alabama package.
# function and gradient
fn = function(u){sum((y - u[3] * (x %*% u[1:2]))^2)}
gr = function(u) numDeriv::grad(fn, u)
# constraint sum(u) == 1
heq = function(u) sum(u) - 1
# constraints 0 <= u[1],u[2] <= 1; -1 <= u[3] <= 1
hin = function(u) c(u[1], u[2], 1-u[1], 1-u[2], u[3]+1, 1-u[3])
sol_a = alabama::auglag(c(0.5, 0.5, 0), fn, gr, hin=hin, heq=heq)
## $par
## [1] 1.0000000 0.3642904 -0.3642904
## $value
## [1] 10094.74
## ...
## $hessian
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] 15009565054 9999999977 9999992926
## [2,] 9999999977 10000002578 9999997167
## [3,] 9999992926 9999997167 10000022569
For other packages containing an "augmented Lagrangian" procedure see the CRAN Task View on optimization.

Finding Y value corresponding to a particular X

I'm trying to find the precision value corresponding to a cutoff threshold of 0.5, as part of my model evaluation (logistic regression).
I get numeric(0) after instead of the Y value.
y_hat = predict(mdl, newdata=ds_ts, type="response")
pred = prediction(y_hat, ds_ts$popularity)
perfPrc = performance(pred, "prec")
xPrc = perfPrc#x.values[[1]]
# Find the precision value corresponds to a cutoff threshold of 0.5
prc = yPrc[c(0.5000188)] # perfPrc isn't continuous - closest value to 0.5
prc # output is 'numeric(0)' `
Try this (assuming that you have the model object mdl with you, also assuming that your response variable popularity has 2 levels 1 (positive) and 0), by applying the definition of precision (you can try some approximate kNN based non-parametric methods to aggregate precision values at nearby cutoffs present, OR fit curves as Precision=f(Cutoff) to find Precision at unknown Cutoff, but that will be approximate again, instead going by definition of precision will give you the correct result):
p <- predict(mdl, newdata=ds_ts, type='response') # compute the prob that the output class label is 1
test_cut_off <- 0.5 # this is the cut off value for which you want to find precision
preds <- ifelse(p > test_cut_off, 1, 0) # find the class labels predicted with the new cut off
prec <- sum((preds == 1) & (ds_ts$popularity == 1)) / sum(preds == 1) # TP / (TP + FP)
Try the following simple experiment with randomly generated data (you can test with your own data).
ds_ts <- data.frame(x=rnorm(100), popularity=sample(0:1, 100, replace=TRUE))
mdl <- glm(popularity~x, ds_ts, family=binomial())
y_hat = predict(mdl, newdata=ds_ts, type="response")
pred = prediction(y_hat, ds_ts$popularity)
perfPrc = performance(pred, "prec")
xPrc = perfPrc#x.values[[1]]
yPrc = perfPrc#y.values[[1]]
plot(xPrc, yPrc, pch=19)
test_cut_off <- 0.5 # this is the cut off value for which you want to find precision
# Find the precision value corresponds to a cutoff threshold, since it's not there you can't get this way
prc = yPrc[c(test_cut_off)] # perfPrc isn't continuous
prc #
# numeric(0)
# workaround: 1-NN, use the precision at the neasrest cutoff to get an approximate precision, the one you have used should work
nearest_cutoff_index <- which.min(abs(xPrc - test_cut_off))
approx_prec_at_cutoff <- yPrc[nearest_cutoff_index]
# [1] 0.5294118
points(test_cut_off, approx_prec_at_cutoff, pch=19, col='red', cex=2)
The red point represents the approximate precision (it may be exactly equal to the actual precision if we are lucky).
# use average precision from k-NN
k <- 3 # 3-NN
nearest_cutoff_indices <- sort(abs(xPrc - test_cut_off), index.return=TRUE)$ix[1:k]
approx_prec_at_cutoff <- mean(yPrc[nearest_cutoff_indices])
# [1] 0.5294881
points(test_cut_off, approx_prec_at_cutoff, pch=19, col='red', cex=2)
p <- predict(mdl, newdata=ds_ts, type='response')
preds <- ifelse(p > 0.5000188, 1, 0)
actual_prec_at_cutoff <- sum((preds == 1) & (ds_ts$popularity == 1)) / sum(preds == 1) # TP / (TP + FP)
# [1] 0.5294118

Error: min(p, na.rm = TRUE) >= 0 is not TRUE

I came across an interesting presentation on page 32, and I started out to replicate and understand a code presented
The code from the presentation is as follows:
#Unicredit banks code
# Quantile function of lognormal-GPD severity distribution
qlnorm.gpd = function(p, theta, theta.gpd, u)
Fu = plnorm(u, meanlog=theta[1], sdlog=theta[2])
x = ifelse(p<Fu,
qlnorm( p=p, meanlog=theta[1], sdlog=theta[2] ),
qgpd( p=(p - Fu) / (1 - Fu) , xi=theta.gpd[1], mu=theta.gpd[2], beta=theta.gpd[3]) )
# Random sampling function of lognormal-GPD severity distribution
rlnorm.gpd = function(n, theta, theta.gpd, u)
r = qlnorm.gpd(runif(n), theta, theta.gpd, u)
nSim = 1000000 # Number of simulated annual losses
H = 1500 # Threshold body-tail
lambda = 791.7354 # Parameter of Poisson body
theta1 = 2.5 # Parameter mu of lognormal (body)
theta2 = 2 # Parameter sigma of lognormal (body)
theta1.tail = 0.5 # Shape parameter of GPD (tail)
theta2.tail = H # Location parameter of GPD (tail)
theta3.tail = 1000 # Scale parameter of GPD (tail)
sj = rep(0,nSim) # Annual loss distribution inizialization
freq = rpois(nSim, lambda) # Random sampling from Poisson
for(i in 1:nSim) # Convolution with Monte Carlo method
sj[i] = sum(rlnorm.gpd(n=freq[i], theta=c(theta1,theta2), theta.gpd=c(theta1.tail, theta2.tail, theta3.tail), u=H))
However I get this error which I cannot resolve:
Error: min(p, na.rm = TRUE) >= 0 is not TRUE
Many thanks to Shadow.
I dont know how to change function reference. Is it as easy as qgpd.fExtremes to qgpd.evir?
Thanks to Shadow again to pointing this out.
For anyone who wishes to change reference to function from different package (In the above example from fExtremes to evir its as simple as adding evir:::(function).
evir:::qgpd( p=(p - Fu) / (1 - Fu) , xi=theta.gpd[1], mu=theta.gpd[2], beta=theta.gpd[3]) )
The reason you get an error here is that the packages fExtremes and evir both implement different versions of the function qgpd. In the evir version, p can be less than 0, while the fExtremes package only implements qgpd for p>=0.
The easiest solution to this is to change the qgpd function call to evir:::qgpd.
