Wordpress embed error - wordpress

I am new to the Wordpress thing. I am trying to embed (use iframe src=) with shinyApps on our lab website but the error msg
"The backup of this post in browser is different from the version below"
pops up every time I am updating the code. Then I would lose the code. I am not sure how to solve this problem and there aren't actually solution out there online.
Greatly appreciate if you happen to know the solutions to this.

If this is shown every time you are trying to update the code on your Wordpress site (it doesn't matter which code) then it usually has to do something with a slight cookie corruption in your browser. This used to be a bug in one of the Firefox versions too, not a long ago.
Do try to do the same thing in a different browser or even a different computer.


Wordpress site switched to displaying Posts for no apparent reason

I have a site with a static home page which is just one of the pages. Ive been working on the site for several weeks. Today, when I went to clear the cache to see if some links were updated, the home page switched to displaying Posts (which is the other setting under the Settings->Reading) I went to settings and sure enough display Posts is checked. No one else, that I know of has the password to this site. Does anyone know why this happened or how I can prevent it from happeneing again?
There are so many variables to consider, but it has to be a direct database manipulation. So:
Someone did in fact change it, but no one knows who
A plugin or theme changed it. Unlikely, but certainly possible. Search your plugins/theme changelog and/or support threads for similar reported issues
One thing you could do is install the plugin Stream. This logs all (well, nearly every) database manipulation and tells you when, where, and who. This way, if it happens again, you can immediately pinpoint it.

not a robot recapcha loop at wordpress login

I was wondering if anyone has any experience with the following issue I am trying to figure out.
On the wordpress backend login a not a robot recapcha appears with the following text: This page is an extra security measure for websites which use WordPress or Joomla!. Before you can log in, you have confirm that you are a human being. You can do this by confirming the reCAPTCHA above.
With the button confirm under it. Passing the recapcha is not a problem, yet when you press on confirm it just refreshes the page and you have to pass the recapcha again and so on in a neverending loop.
I checked everything on the website level. turned off all caching, extensions, made sure all is updated. reinstalled the wordpress version. I checked on multiple browsers, cleaned the history, tried in safe mode and incognito mode. I also asked others to check on their laptop if they see the same thing and they did. Yet nothing solves this problem. Checked the error and access log, nothing out of the ordinary there too.
But.. on smartphones/tablets you can get to the username/password screen without recapcha looping. I did send a mail to google but the response time is not that fast, so it seems.
So I thought maybe someone here has some experience with this problem or knows where the solution needs to be found. Any help in the right direction will be greatly appreciated.
I fail to understand why this happens to be honest. Thank you in advance.

occasional client error fullcalendar.js

I am trying to help sort a friend's issue with their fullcalendar.js implementation.
The problem thus far is the events not loading consistently. Before uploading it to the Godaddy domain it worked every time but is spotty at best now. I looked at the Google developers tools and the credentials are all squared but saw that there is a client error happening however, I'm not sure where to look to fix an occasional problem? I am led to believe it is some sort of server issue but don't know where to start looking.
I don't have any rep so no pics, here is a link to the dashboard.
Any help would be amazing, thanks!
I contacted Godaddy to no avail, they said it was Google's issue and I should contact them.. which isn't possible without paying for it.. Also, I found a work around: if I refresh the page navigate away and return it loads correctly.. any ideas on how to code it so if it fails to load I can get the same process?
Hopefully this will help someone else, but...
I fixed my problem by changing the hierarchy of my files. I moved the calendar to the public html folder instead of the nested html folder. It seems as if the Jquery request to Google was getting interrupted or bogged down somehow, but, thus far I'm digging the 100% success rate. If anyone cares to weigh-in further, I'm happy to hear other suggestions.

Slow page load after Wordpress 4.0.1 update

All my WP sites ran perfectly fast until they got automatically updated to 4.0.1, now they each take approximately 3 minutes to load any page, even in admin. I am using different hostings on those pages, so it's not server related.
Do you please have any ideas what might be causing the problem or what should I try to do? I tried rolling back to 4.0 but the slowness stays. I'm getting desperate.
I was facing the same problem, i guess you are using the same template on your all sites. I recommend to change your theme to Twenty Fourteen.
In my case I narrowed the issue down to the options table of the WordPress database. I'm not entirely sure which rogue option caused the issue after updating to 4.0.1 but something was choking it up pretty badly as every page request was taking 2-3min to load both on front and backend.
I've replaced the options table with a fresh one and the problem was gone. The issue was resolved easily in my case as the website was fairly simple, however, if yours has numerous option values then your only hope it so dissect the table to find what could be choking it.

Google Analytics code not working on Wordpress site

We have a Wordpress site that has been running GA code fine for years. We noticed recently it had stopped reporting and that GA reports the code is not installed. The code is clearly there in the page source - I have tried sticking it directly into the code in the head and in the footer, I have tried using the theme to insert it and thirdparty plug-ins - nothing works.
I have tried changing the theme to the standard WP theme, I have tried turning off plug-ins one at a time (might try turning all off at once tonight!). I have tried removing the .htaccess file.
It feels like something is blocking it but can't figure out what.
Looking at the date of when it stopped working I think it is around the time we upgraded the PHP version of the server but not sure how this would have affected it and there are other Wordpress installs on the same server that are still collecting GA data perfectly happily!
Any advice welcome this is driving me insane now! Site can be viewed here: goo.gl/UO6deJ - Sorry if this has already been covered but everything else I read seemed to be related to plugins not functioning as they should.
As #Fazz mentioned, you have two instances of the same code which would duplicate all your data and skew your results. Also, you can check your Real-Time reports to see if you are tracking your own visits simultaneously. If you can see hits in your RT reports, then likely your tracking code is good. You can also install Google Tag Assistant to help diagnose any other issues with your tracking code.
Can you check to see if you were migrated from classic GA to UA? Usually you should wait 48 hours from initial installation before seeing data in your standard reports (but you should still see data in RT).
