Slow page load after Wordpress 4.0.1 update - wordpress

All my WP sites ran perfectly fast until they got automatically updated to 4.0.1, now they each take approximately 3 minutes to load any page, even in admin. I am using different hostings on those pages, so it's not server related.
Do you please have any ideas what might be causing the problem or what should I try to do? I tried rolling back to 4.0 but the slowness stays. I'm getting desperate.

I was facing the same problem, i guess you are using the same template on your all sites. I recommend to change your theme to Twenty Fourteen.

In my case I narrowed the issue down to the options table of the WordPress database. I'm not entirely sure which rogue option caused the issue after updating to 4.0.1 but something was choking it up pretty badly as every page request was taking 2-3min to load both on front and backend.
I've replaced the options table with a fresh one and the problem was gone. The issue was resolved easily in my case as the website was fairly simple, however, if yours has numerous option values then your only hope it so dissect the table to find what could be choking it.


wordpress Request 404/410 responses missing fonts

I try to fix the website speed for that I visit gtmetrix to check the exact speed and errors from last seven days one error continuously display there its called web fonts, even I try a lot but still didn't find the proper way to resolve this issue.
I tried turning off plugin one-by-one, but that didn't make any difference, so I know it's not a plugin conflict. I'm looking at the font files on the server, so I know they are there. Any ideas what to try next?
Currently, i am using Fetch Wordpress Theme its free, for reference, I provide the web page test result link please advise.
This Issue Happen Because of the Usage Of Plugin Wp-Hide, Once You Use The Plugin Very Carefully Because If You Mis Configure The Page Speed & Web Page Score Effected.

Wordpress embed error

I am new to the Wordpress thing. I am trying to embed (use iframe src=) with shinyApps on our lab website but the error msg
"The backup of this post in browser is different from the version below"
pops up every time I am updating the code. Then I would lose the code. I am not sure how to solve this problem and there aren't actually solution out there online.
Greatly appreciate if you happen to know the solutions to this.
If this is shown every time you are trying to update the code on your Wordpress site (it doesn't matter which code) then it usually has to do something with a slight cookie corruption in your browser. This used to be a bug in one of the Firefox versions too, not a long ago.
Do try to do the same thing in a different browser or even a different computer.

WordPress cache on the backend side

I have the same problem on different WordPress based websites.
I developed some of them, while others are made by someone else.
They don't have that much in common: completely different websites, different themes/plugins and so on.
Recently in these websites, I've been experiencing this problem: WordPress is caching the backend in a really tough way and, after saving any edits, I have to force a refresh with ctrl+f5 to actually see the edits I made before.
After some digging I can assure that:
it doesn't seem to depend on the webserver (same problem on nginx and on apache)
it doesn't depend on varnish or wp caching plugins (it happens also on website without any cache solutions)
it happens just in some new wp releases, I'm not experiencing this problem on older websites
it doesn't depend on my pc/browser configuration because my colleagues are experiencing the exact same problem on their pc
Anyone who had the same problem and was able to find a solution?
EDIT: It actually happened also on a fresh WordPress installation. Once I created a page, I went back to the page list by clicking on the menu item and I couldn't see the page in the list. After forcing a page refresh the newly created page was there as it was supposed to be before.

wordpress article rendering with a strange "404" text below each one

I have a very strange problem with a wordpress site I made for a friend of mine. I knew about the last WP bug fixed with version 4.2.2 , so I decided to update WP. As usual I made a backup with the plugin I usually use (its name is duplicator), then upgraded and I decided to also uninstall some deactivated plugins and to install "all in one seo pack". After all this operations I noticed that below all articles there is a "404" text and I really can't understand where the hell it comes from. So I thought that I made something wrong and restored the backup to a new location to see how the site was looking at the moment I made the backup and also in the new install I can see this "404" text. Does anybody ever had a similar problem? I really can't understand what's causing this issue. Attached you will find a, example screenshot, but that identical situation happens for all articles (BUT NOT FOR PAGES).
Thank you for your help
Just some minute after asking the question on SO, I found the problem: I decided to investigate the theme's pages in the editor and I found that the page "comments.php" was composed just from the text 404, as shown in the attached screenshot. Now the question is: how can it be possible? Could that mean that my site was hacked due to the wordpress bug resolved with the 4.2.2 version?

DNN 6.2 URL hacked

I am running one of my client's websites on DotNetNuke 6.2. Yesterday I noticed that the menu links for the website appear to have been hacked.
So when I click on a link which is supposed to go to:
It instead takes me to:
So basically I think that someone has hacked the URL generation bit of DNN and added some malicious code to our DNN installation. I am aware that I should upgrade to the latest version of DNN but I am looking for a short term fix to keep the site running in the interim.
Is their any solution to this?
Sorry about asking an off topic question. I was under the impression that it would be a scripting issue and would be related to code. Anyway I just happened to check the database and noticed that multiple aliases are being created. So if you are having a similar problem simply delete those aliases and you should get the site running in the interim. Of course do update your version of DNN ASAP!
