Export data to different excel sheets in R shiny app - r

I'm wondering which package can be used in a Shiny App to export data to excel file.
I know I can use xlsx, but it requires RJava and I fear that other users can't install it.

you can easily export data to Excel using a download button and base R. Then your file would be a csv-file, which can be easily opened in Excel. An example could be:
Would a csv-File be sufficient or do you absolutely need an xlsx-file?


Exporting dataframe to an existing excel without using xlsx package R

I need to export multiple dataframes to an existing excel file. I'm working in AWS and as stated in this post Can't upload xlsx library in Amazon Web Service, I can't use write.xlsx from the xlsx package.
Similar functions such as write_xlsx do not have the append function that allows me to export the dataframes in the existing file without overwriting it. Which function could be a substitute for write.xlsx? Thanks in advance! (Sorry for not providing any reproducible example, I didn't come up with any for this particular problem)

Using and displaying data using shiny

I have a .mat file that contains certain data. How would I insert that data and be able to display it using Shiny?
Use the R.matlab package and the readMat() function to get the file into R, after that, you can build a shiny app from scratch the way you normally would.

Are there any ways to export csv. in google-colab with R kernel

I use write.csv() to save output and click option to download output to local machine.
I want to know that there are any ways to export csv. in google-colab with R kernel?
Since I can't download output timely. And colab will delete my data.

Saving Excel Table to OneDrive with R PowerQuery

I have a report that all it does is export it's data to excel via power automate using some R code.
However, I need to manipulate it further and it needs to be in a tabular format to do so. Yet, when I try "write.table" I get the error that my connection to OneDrive is not open. So I can export an Excel sheet with the data, but not the same data as a Table.
Any ideas?

How do I export a data frame to Excel?

I am trying to export a dataframe from R to excel. I am using the 'writexl' package but it does not seem to work.
The code is as following:
write_xlsx(data_frame, "H:\\folder1.xlsx")
There does not seem to be any error produced and the code appears to have run, however when I look in 'folder1' the data_frame is not there.
Is there anything I am doing incorrectly?
I've found the openxlsx package to be easier to use than the xlsx package. It also doesn't have a java dependency. The main command for directly writing a data frame to an Excel file is write.xlsx. You can also create worksheets, do lots of fancy formatting and write multiple tables to a worksheet (see the vignettes here for some examples), but start with write.xlsx for the basic creation of Excel files.
