WixCode Opting out of Google Analytics - google-analytics

Can anybody help me to find a solution how to make this code work on my Wix-Site:
Click here to opt-out of Google Analytics
I have this code from Google itself (At the bottom of the page see "example"):
Here is a Screenshot of this code from the google website:
Google Analytics Opt Out Code
I tried this:
$w("#text1").html = "<a href='javascript:gaOptout()'>Click here to opt-out of Google Analytics</a>";
But I was told that in Wix it is not possible to add events to a-tag elements in text element. Here you will find the little discussion that I had on Wix Forum:
I also asked on Reddit, Facebook and WixSupport. But nobody could help me with that issue.

You might want to take a look at the new wix feature called "tracking and analytics". It lets you embed custom scripts in your html's body, header, or footer.

You cannot access the HTML directly via Wix Code. Wix Code exposes a dedicated API for you to manipulate their controllers and elements on screen but not further under the hood.
You can use wix-fetch to call external API calls to google analytics (if they have an API to opt-out, not familiar enough to say here is the post)
anyway, your code in Wix should be something like this:
(as example API taken from their docs)
import {fetch} from 'wix-data'
fetch('https://analyticsreporting.googleapis.com/v4/...', options) // returns a Promise


Can I use Google Tag Manager with the new Google Sites?

I have a new Google sites and already use Google analytics with it but I also would like to use Google Tag Manager. Any one know a way to make that work?
Not really. You could technically add an "Embed" element to the site and add your GTM snippet there. But you can really only trigger tags when the embedded element loads similar to a page view. I believe these elements are similar to iFrames so I don't think you could get any data from the parent URL either.
Otherwise, you can still add Google Analytics by going to "Settings".

Custom Google Form? Example of Google Form API?

I'm trying to make a google form look like my own site. I found examples of how to do this on How to style Google Forms and google-custom-form (GitHub project), but I tried both of the examples they give and they seem to fail now.
I had a look at Class Form - Google Apps Script which seems to be like an API, but I can't get my head around the documentation. Does anyone have an example of it working. Or has found another way of getting this to work? It would be really handy to do as embedded forms look really out of sync with the rest of the site.
The API you're linking to is an apps script API. This is needed if you want to create dynamic forms (dynamic amount of questions, dynamic answers,...) but not for custom styling. An intro to appscript can be found on this page: https://developers.google.com/apps-script/
You could just create a form manually on https://www.google.com/forms/about/
You can change the styling and colors in the top-right of the page. When you are ready to embed the form on your own page you have to press "SEND", an select the embed icon <> at the top.
I've worked with this a ton, and still have issues with it. Been learning the new api v4 for sheets but still having trouble, it is still in beta too. For now I can recommend this solution though by heaversm on github.
The example fully works as long as you find the entry.xxxxxxx for each field and replace in the appropriate js. To avoid the embed issues, give your form submit on a click function that has the event as the input and then preventDefault on the event like so:
$('#submit-button').on('click', function(event){
// continue code from heaversm
Hope this works for you. Cheers

Automatic checking of GTM Tags

Is there is a tool or a solution that automatically checks if the GTM (Google Tag Manager) tags are working properly on a page?
I don't need it to do anything else except retrieve the bag of tags and let me know which any URLs where there is a problem with a tag.
I can only find manual validation checking and I would need to implement a solution for a large number of tags so automation would be most helpful.
There are a few paid services that I can think of:
Tag Inspector
I'm sure there are others, but those are the ones I've used.
You can also use GTM's error tracking to log client-side JS error. Doesn't really check to see what tags are firing, but will let you know when your JavaScript is having problems.
Good blog post here: Using Google Tag Manager to log JavaScript errors in Google Analytics

Ember.js and Google Analytics

I wanted to get a definitive answer on here for later reference now that we have a stable Ember RC. A combination of the top 2 search results for emberjs google analytics reveals that this is a good way to do track route changes:
App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend
routeChanged: ( ->
return unless window._gaq
Em.run.next ->
page = if window.location.hash.length > 0 then window.location.hash.substring(1) else window.location.pathname
_gaq.push(['_trackPage', page])
but then I also see results for using Event Tracking for single page web applications.
I haven't tested the code above yet, it takes a few hours to propagate changes to the GA dashboard. Update: This doesn't show up under the Content category on my Google Analytics dashboard. Neither under "Pages" or "Events".
If anyone has advice or if there's something I'm missing somewhere let me know. I can also PR a guide for the website based on the answers here.
Alex DiLiberto gave a really nice talk about a robust & scalable way of adding Google Analytics to an ember app in his EmberConf 2014 talk here.
- Slides
- GitHub
App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
actions: {
didTransition: function() {
Ember.run.once(this, function() {
ga('send', 'pageview', this.router.get('url'));
The talk was aiming to be independent of which analytics library was used.
There is also now an official Ember Cookbook on implementing Google Analytics here.
I would use _trackPageview for things that have routable URLs and _trackEvent for things that don't.
In the Event Tracking link when they refer to "Embedded AJAX page elements". They're not meaning SPA's, but rather those cases when the URL stays the same, but some event that you wish to track happens within the page (in the case via AJAX).
There may be other cases where it makes sense to use _trackEvent, but for route transitions I'd use _trackPageview.
Using routeChanged() is not a good way to track dynamic segments such as /category/food /category/something since it's going to be fired only once. I wrote an article about this here: http://www.randomshouting.com/2013/05/04/Ember-and-Google-Analytics.html. I also consulted with the guys behind Ember and confirmed that this is indeed the proper way to track url changes for Google Analytics.
Most of these answers are outdated. You should be using a mixin and adding it to your Router to listen for the didTransition event and fire your pageview there. That way it's handled for all routes. There are several addons out there, including one I wrote called ember tracker which gives you pageviews and event tracking out-of-the-box.
You can see how I did it here. It's fairly straight forward.

Can Google Analytics track Custom Events from an AdWords Flash Banner?

i know it can track flash events from other flash banners/sites on other networks..
but can it from Adwords?
i found this code:
on (release) {
// Track with no action
but it seems to require a JS script on the page.
how does Adwords handle this?
It should be fairly easy to try this and upload a banner to AdWords, but the following seems to imply that this is not allowed
"Extra calls: Your ad code cannot make external server calls for additional JavaScript or other functionality. All functionality must be localized to the code itself. "
Also if you want to use Google Analytics within Flash, refer to the following documentation :
(in your case it sounds like Bridge mode is what you are looking for).
