Human readable alternative for UUIDs - standards

I am working on a system that makes heavy use of pseudonyms to make privacy-critical data available to researchers. These pseudonyms should have the following properties:
They should not contain any information (e.g. time of creation, relation to other pseudonyms, encoded data, …).
It should be easy to create unique pseudonyms.
They should be human readable. That means they should be easy for humans to compare, copy, and understand when read out aloud.
My first idea was to use UUID4. They are quite good on (1) and (2), but not so much on (3).
An variant is to encode UUIDs with a wider alphabet, resulting in shorter strings (see for example shortuuid). But I am not sure whether this actually improves readability.
Another approach I am currently looking into is a paper from 2005 titled "An optimal code for patient identifiers" which aims to tackle exactly my problem. The algorithm described there creates 8-character pseudonyms with 30 bits of entropy. I would prefer to use a more widely reviewed standard though.
Then there is also the git approach: only display the first few characters of the actual pseudonym. But this would mean that a pseudonym could lose its uniqueness after some time.
So my question is: Is there any widely-used standard for human-readable unique ids?

Not aware of any widely-used standard for this. Here’s a non-widely-used one:
A UUID4 (128 bit) would be converted into 8 proquints. If that’s too much, you can take the last 64 bits of the UUID4 (= just take 64 random bits). This doesn’t make it magically lose uniqueness; only increases the likelihood of collisions, which was non-zero to begin with, and which you can estimate mathematically to decide if it’s still OK for your purposes.

Here you go UUID Readable
Generate Easy to Remember, Readable UUIDs, that are Shakespearean and Grammatically Correct Sentences

This article suggests to use the first few characters from a SHA-256 hash, similarly to what git does. UUIDs are typically based on SHA-1, so this is not all that different. The tradeoff between property (2) and (3) is in the number of characters.
With d being the number of digits, you get 2 ** (4 * d) identifiers in total, but the first collision is expected to happen after 2 ** (2 * d).
The big question is really not about the kind of identifier you use, it is how you handle collisions.


Why does textreuse packge in R make LSH buckets way larger than the original minhashes?

As far as I understand one of the main functions of the LSH method is data reduction even beyond the underlying hashes (often minhashes). I have been using the textreuse package in R, and I am surprised by the size of the data it generates. textreuse is a peer-reviewed ROpenSci package, so I assume it does its job correctly, but my question persists.
Let's say I use 256 permutations and 64 bands for my minhash and LSH functions respectively -- realistic values that are often used to detect with relative certainty (~98%) similarities as low as 50%.
If I hash a random text file using TextReuseTextDocument (256 perms) and assign it to trtd, I will have:
> 1072 bytes
Now let's create the LSH buckets for this object (64 bands) and assign it to l, I will have:
> 6704 bytes
So, the retained hashes in the LSH buckets are six times larger than the original minhashes. I understand this happens because textreuse uses a md5 digest to create the bucket hashes.
But isn't this too wasteful / overkill, and can't I improve it? Is it normal that our data reduction technique ends up bloating up to this extent? And isn't it more efficacious to match the documents based on the original hashes (similar to perms = 256 and bands = 256) and then use a threshold to weed out the false positives?
Note that I have reviewed the typical texts such as Mining of Massive Datasets, but this question remains about this particular implementation. Also note that the question is not only out of curiosity, but rather out of need. When you have millions or billions of hashes, these differences become significant.
Package author here. Yes, it would be wasteful to use more hashes/bands than you need. (Though keep in mind we are talking about kilobytes here, which could be much smaller than the original documents.)
The question is, what do you need? If you need to find only matches that are close to identical (i.e., with a Jaccard score close to 1.0), then you don't need a particularly sensitive search. If, however, you need to reliable detect potential matches that only share a partial overlap (i.e., with a Jaccard score that is closer to 0), then you need more hashes/bands.
Since you've read MMD, you can look up the equation there. But there are two functions in the package, documented here, which can help you calculate how many hashes/bands you need. lsh_threshold() will calculate the threshold Jaccard score that will be detected; while lsh_probability() will tell you how likely it is that a pair of documents with a given Jaccard score will be detected. Play around with those two functions until you get the number of hashes/bands that is optimal for your search problem.

How to find Hash/Cipher

is there any tool or method to figure out what is this hash/cipher function?
i have only a 500 item list of input and output plus i know all of the inputs are numeric, and output is always 2 Byte long hexadecimal representation.
here's some samples:
i looked around and couldn't find any hash this short, is this a hash folded on itself? (with xor maybe?) or maybe a simple trivial cipher?
is there any tool or method for finding the output of other numbers?
(i want to figure this out; my next option would be training a Neural Network or Regression, so i thought i ask before taking any drastic action )
Edit: The Numbers are directory names, and for accessing them, the Hex parts are required.
Actually, Wikipedia's page on hashes lists three CRCs and three checksum methods that it could be. It could also be only half the output from some more complex hashing mechanism. Cross your fingers and hope that it's of the former. Hashes are specifically meant to be difficult (if not impossible) to reverse engineer.
What it's being used for should be a very strong hint about whether or not it's more likely to be a checksum/CRC or a hash.

Generate very very large random numbers

How would you generate a very very large random number? I am thinking on the order of 2^10^9 (one billion bits). Any programming language -- I assume the solution would translate to other languages.
I would like a uniform distribution on [1,N].
My initial thoughts:
--You could randomly generate each digit and concatenate. Problem: even very good pseudorandom generators are likely to develop patterns with millions of digits, right?
You could perhaps help create large random numbers by raising random numbers to random exponents. Problem: you must make the math work so that the resulting number is still random, and you should be able to compute it in a reasonable amount of time (say, an hour).
If it helps, you could try to generate a possibly non-uniform distribution on a possibly smaller range (using the real numbers, for instance) and transform. Problem: this might be equally difficult.
Any ideas?
Generate log2(N) random bits to get a number M,
where M may be up to twice as large as N.
Repeat until M is in the range [1;N].
Now to generate the random bits you could either use a source of true randomness, which is expensive.
Or you might use some cryptographically secure random number generator, for example AES with a random key encrypting a counter for subsequent blocks of bits. The cryptographically secure implies that there can be no noticeable patterns.
It depends on what you need the data for. For most purposes, a PRNG is fast and simple. But they are not perfect. For instance I remember hearing that Monte Carlos simulations of chaotic systems are really good at revealing the underlying pattern in a PRNG.
If that is the sort of thing that you are doing, though, there is a simple trick I learned in grad school for generating lots of random data. Take a large (preferably rapidly changing) file. (Some big data structures from the running kernel are good.) Compress it to increase the entropy. Throw away the headers. Then for good measure, encrypt the result. If you're planning to use this for cryptographic purposes (and you didn't have a perfect entropy data set to work with), then reverse it and encrypt again.
The underlying theory is simple. Information theory tells us that there is no difference between a signal with no redundancy and pure random data. So if we pick a big file (ie lots of signal), remove redundancy with compression, and strip the headers, we have a pretty good random signal. Encryption does a really good job at removing artifacts. However encryption algorithms tend to work forward in blocks. So if someone could, despite everything, guess what was happening at the start of the file, that data is more easily guessable. But then reversing the file and encrypting again means that they would need to know the whole file, and our encryption, to find any pattern in the data.
The reason to pick a rapidly changing piece of data is that if you run out of data and want to generate more, you can go back to the same source again. Even small changes will, after that process, turn into an essentially uncorrelated random data set.
NTL: A Library for doing Number Theory
This was recommended by my Coding Theory and Cryptography teacher... so I guess it does the work right, and it's pretty easy to use.
RandomBnd, RandomBits, RandomLen -- routines for generating pseudo-random numbers
ZZ RandomLen_ZZ(long l);
// ZZ = psuedo-random number with precisely l bits,
// or 0 of l <= 0.
If you have a random number generator that generates random numbers of X bits. And concatenated bits of [X1, X2, ... Xn ] create the number you want of N bits, as long as each X is random, I don't see why your large number wouldn't be random as well for all intents and purposes. And if standard C rand() method is not secure enough, I'm sure there's plenty of other libraries (like the ones mentioned in this thread) whose pseudo-random numbers are "more random".
even very good pseudorandom generators are likely to develop patterns with millions of digits, right?
From the wikipedia on pseudo-random number generation:
A PRNG can be started from an arbitrary starting state using a seed state. It will always produce the same sequence thereafter when initialized with that state. The maximum length of the sequence before it begins to repeat is determined by the size of the state, measured in bits. However, since the length of the maximum period potentially doubles with each bit of 'state' added, it is easy to build PRNGs with periods long enough for many practical applications.
You could perhaps help create large random numbers by raising random numbers to random exponents
I assume you're suggesting something like populating the values of a scientific notation with random values?
E.g.: 1.58901231 x 10^5819203489
The problem with this is that your distribution is going to be logarithmic (or is that exponential? :) - same difference, it isn't even). You will never get a value that has the millionth digit set, yet contains a digit in the one's column.
you could try to generate a possibly non-uniform distribution on a possibly smaller range (using the real numbers, for instance) and transform
Not sure I understand this. Sounds like the same thing as the exponential solution, with the same problems. If you're talking about multiplying by a constant, then you'll get a lumpy distribution instead of a logarithmic (exponential?) one.
Suggested Solution
If you just need really big pseudo-random values, with a good distribution, use a PRNG algorithm with a larger state. The Periodicity of a PRNG is often the square of the number of bits, so it doesn't take that many bits to fill even a really large number.
From there, you can use your first solution:
You could randomly generate each digit and concatenate
Although I'd suggest that you use the full range of values returned by your PRNG (possibly 2^31 or 2^32), and populate a byte array with those values, splitting it up as necessary. Otherwise you might be throwing away a lot of bits of randomness. Also, scaling your values to a range (or using modulo) can easily screw up your distribution, so there's another reason to try to keep the max number of bits your PRNG can return. Be careful to pack your byte array full of the bits returned, though, or you'll again introduce lumpiness to your distribution.
The problem with those solution, though, is how to fill that (larger than normal) seed state with random-enough values. You might be able to use standard-size seeds (populated via time or GUID-style population), and populate your big-PRNG state with values from the smaller-PRNG. This might work if it isn't mission critical how well distributed your numbers are.
If you need truly cryptographically secure random values, the only real way to do it is use a natural form of randomness, such as that at The disadvantages of natural randomness are availability, and the fact that many natural-random devices take a while to generate new entropy, so generating large amounts of data might be really slow.
You can also use a hybrid and be safe - natural-random seeds only (to avoid the slowness of generation), and PRNG for the rest of it. Re-seed periodically.

Math question regarding Python's uuid4

I'm not great with statistical mathematics, etc. I've been wondering, if I use the following:
import uuid
unique_str = str(uuid.uuid4())
double_str = ''.join([str(uuid.uuid4()), str(uuid.uuid4())])
Is double_str string squared as unique as unique_str or just some amount more unique? Also, is there any negative implication in doing something like this (like some birthday problem situation, etc)? This may sound ignorant, but I simply would not know as my math spans algebra 2 at best.
The uuid4 function returns a UUID created from 16 random bytes and it is extremely unlikely to produce a collision, to the point at which you probably shouldn't even worry about it.
If for some reason uuid4 does produce a duplicate it is far more likely to be a programming error such as a failure to correctly initialize the random number generator than genuine bad luck. In which case the approach you are using it will not make it any better - an incorrectly initialized random number generator can still produce duplicates even with your approach.
If you use the default implementation random.seed(None) you can see in the source that only 16 bytes of randomness are used to initialize the random number generator, so this is an a issue you would have to solve first. Also, if the OS doesn't provide a source of randomness the system time will be used which is not very random at all.
But ignoring these practical issues, you are basically along the right lines. To use a mathematical approach we first have to define what you mean by "uniqueness". I think a reasonable definition is the number of ids you need to generate before the probability of generating a duplicate exceeds some probability p. An approcimate formula for this is:
where d is 2**(16*8) for a single randomly generated uuid and 2**(16*2*8) with your suggested approach. The square root in the formula is indeed due to the Birthday Paradox. But if you work it out you can see that if you square the range of values d while keeping p constant then you also square n.
Since uuid4 is based off a pseudo-random number generator, calling it twice is not going to square the amount of "uniqueness" (and may not even add any uniqueness at all).
See also When should I use uuid.uuid1() vs. uuid.uuid4() in python?
It depends on the random number generator, but it's almost squared uniqueness.

Do cryptographic hash functions reach each possible values, i.e., are they surjective?

Take a commonly used binary hash function - for example, SHA-256. As the name implies, it outputs a 256 bit value.
Let A be the set of all possible 256 bit binary values. A is extremely large, but finite.
Let B be the set of all possible binary values. B is infinite.
Let C be the set of values obtained by running SHA-256 on every member of B. Obviously this can't be done in practice, but I'm guessing we can still do mathematical analysis of it.
My Question: By necessity, C ⊆ A. But does C = A?
EDIT: As was pointed out by some answers, this is wholly dependent on the has function in question. So, if you know the answer for any particular hash function, please say so!
First, let's point out that SHA-256 does not accept all possible binary strings as input. As defined by FIPS 180-3, SHA-256 accepts as input any sequence of bits of length lower than 2^64 bits (i.e. no more than 18446744073709551615 bits). This is very common; all hash functions are somehow limited in formal input length. One reason is that the notion of security is defined with regards to computational cost; there is a threshold about computational power that any attacker may muster. Inputs beyond a given length would require more than that maximum computational power to simply evaluate the function. In brief, cryptographers are very wary of infinites, because infinites tend to prevent security from being even defined, let alone quantified. So your input set C should be restricted to sequences up to 2^64-1 bits.
That being said, let's see what is known about hash function surjectivity.
Hash functions try to emulate a random oracle, a conceptual object which selects outputs at random under the only constraint that it "remembers" previous inputs and outputs, and, if given an already seen input, it returns the same output than previously. By definition, a random oracle can be proven surjective only by trying inputs and exhausting the output space. If the output has size n bits, then it is expected that about 2^(2n) distinct inputs will be needed to exhaust the output space of size 2^n. For n = 256, this means that hashing about 2^512 messages (e.g. all messages of 512 bits) ought to be enough (on average). SHA-256 accepts inputs very much longer than 512 bits (indeed, it accepts inputs up to 18446744073709551615 bits), so it seems highly plausible that SHA-256 is surjective.
However, it has not been proven that SHA-256 is surjective, and that is expected. As shown above, a surjectivity proof for a random oracle requires an awful lot of computing power, substantially more than mere attacks such as preimages (2^n) and collisions (2^(n/2)). Consequently, a good hash function "should not" allow a property such as surjectivity to be actually proven. It would be very suspicious: security of hash function stems from the intractability of their internal structure, and such an intractability should firmly oppose to any attempt at mathematical analysis.
As a consequence, surjectivity is not formally proven for any decent hash function, and not even for "broken" hash functions such as MD4. It is only "highly suspected" (a random oracle with inputs much longer than the output should be surjective).
Not necessarily. The pigeonhole principle states that once one more hash beyond the size of A has been generated that there is a probability of collision of 1, but it does not state that every single element of A has been generated.
It really depends on the hash function. If you use this valid hash function:
Int256 Hash (string input) {
return 0;
then it is obvious that C != A. So the "for example, SHA256" is a pretty important note to consider.
To answer your actual question: I believe so, but I'm just guessing. Wikipedia does not provide any meaningful info on this.
Not necessarily. That would depend on the hash function.
It would probably be ideal if the hash function was surjective, but there are things that're usually more important, such as a low likelihood of collisions.
It is not always the case. However, quality required for an hash algorithm are:
Cardinality of B
Repartition of hashes in B (every value in B must have the same probability to be a hash)
