IIS performance bottlenek - asp.net

We've got an interesting phenomenon and perhaps some of the IIS experts can give us some hints.
I am running an ASP.NET site in IIS. It is a site where users are playing games, so they are active for a long time and there is some computation on the server side. If the number of parallel users hits a certain level, CPU load goes to 100% and the site becomes unusable. This is not linear: Once a certain level is reached, each new user brings us nearer to doom and fast.
OK, time for more hardware (CPU, memory or whatever) you would think.
Now, the interesting part: We got a second instance of the same site on the same server, using the same files, the same database. Even when the first site is nearly down and the CPU is at 100%, the second site on the same server is still running smoothly. If some users switch from site one to two, everything is fine.
We already found one setting which is helpful: When we increased the standard number of parallel threads for an IIS site from 25 to 100, we could raise the critical number of users by 25%
Are there any other hints what could cause this behaviour? Are there other settings where IIS is throttling?


Applcation pool claiming more private memory if physical memory is added

Good day,
Our production servers (w2k2012 with iis8.x) got a memory upgrade recently from 4GB to 8GB. The reason was that application pools (20-30, one per mvc/.net application were claiming too much memory (reaching the 5% limit).
We used the private bytes claimed by the worker processes to find out how much memory was reserved per pool. This was about 300-400MB per pool.
After the memory upgrade the same pools now claimed 600-800GB. We verified on our development machines with even more memory and there the claim got even higher (up to 1GB).
So now our in-house hoster things adding more memory does not make sense.
My questions:
- Why are the pools taking memory relative to the physical memory (so it appears)? I could not find information about this, only that the maximum for private bytes is 60% of physical memory, not the actual claim would increase too for the same pool if more physical memory is added.
- How can we influence this? Is setting private byte limit per pool the solution?
We hoped to be able to add more customers to our server by adding more memory.
Best regards, Rob
You may be seeing an increase in Standy memory which is actually available. An interesting link with some related details is Where has all my Physical RAM Gone?
The related part is
Standby: Pages of physical ram not actively being used. These are still left in physical ram but will be repurposed first by the memory
manager (either returned to the active list or zeroed out and reused)
if something needs physical ram for active pages. Standby pages are
essentially cache – it’s better to have infrequently used data kept in
RAM “just in case” than pushing it out to disk when the memory isn’t
needed for anything else.
In general it is the operating taking as much of it as it can, just in case it needs it. This happens on Windows 7 as well in a similar manner. A computer with a couple of browser tabs and Outlook open is using 5 GB of memory, but will free up unused portions as needed.
On a 2012R2 development server, I see something similar
As you mentioned, you can also limit the memory usage of an App Pool within IIS itself. It sounds like you may know how to do this but in case it helps you or others:
You can limit memory taken by an App Pool
Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
Navigate to the Application Pool section
Click once on the App Pool you'd like to limit
On the right side under the Actions pane, click Recycling...
Within the window that appears, you can choose your preferred options under Memory Based Maximums
In general I'm suspecting you'll be okay to add more customers to your server, unless you have some heavy hitting web applications currently running. You may consider setting a reasonable limit for the memory for a few App Pools and see if it has any effect on the application in terms of performance and test what works.
This will give you a better idea of how many additional customers you could host reasonably.
You may also want to set a limit to the App Pools in terms of memory to prevent customer sites from taking resources away from other customer sites. This of course completely depends on your environment and what type of loads the server handles at certain times.

Server random downtime windows server 2003 sp2 .net4

Server Specks
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP2
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU
X5680 # 3.33GHz, 2.00GB of RAM
Physical Address Extension
I am having trouble finding the cause of our server's random downtime. Our clients inform us that their website goes down for hours at a time. Sometimes users are able to log in however the site is extremely slow/unstable and unusable. Sometimes users are not able to log in at all. When users are able to log in not all images are displayed (they get the image not found image).
We upgraded their website from .net1 to .net4 because we thought the cause of their downtime and random user log out was due to them running their website on .net1. The website was running fine with no issues for a few months.
The first time the server started to go down after that was due to the drive with which the website resided on running out of disk space. There was 40GB partitioned to this drive and 20GB was added. This didn't resolve the issue for very long.
The second time the server would randomly go down, I noticed in the Event viewer, that the web worker associated with the app pool used by the website would periodically require to be recylcled. That is, in the Security tab of the Event Viewer I would periodically see an event with ID 1074 reading 'A worker process with process id of '1540' serving application pool 'Net4' has requested a recycle because the worker process reached its allowed processing time limit.'. I then went into this app pool's properties and saw that the app pool would be recycled every 29 hours, which is the default. I modified this to have the app pool recycle every day at 3:00am. Since that we have not seen this event in the Event Viewer. We were able to catch the website during one of its downtimes before this was changed and recycled the app pool manually. This resolved the issue in this one instance.
This did not permanently fix the issue however, as we are still receiving emails from our client informing us that the website is down for hours at a time.
I then set up a performance monitor counter log. We have managed to monitor the server's performance during many of these downtimes. It does not appear to be a problem with memory as there is plenty of space on the drive. It does not appear to be a memory leak or related to excessive paging as there are no running processes which take up an excessive amount of % Processor Time and the Pages/Second Memory counter does not peak at an excessive amount during most of the downtime (I'll explain why excessive paging occurs later). The total IO Data Bytes/sec and IO Other Data Bytes/sec Process counter does not appear to be usually high or low during downtime. The total Thread Count and Handle Count Process counter do not exhibit any abnormal spikes or drops during this time. The total thread count, at a given time, seems to be between 600 and 900, give or take. The total handle count, at a given time, seems to be between 15,000 and 23,00, give or take. The % Time in Jit .NET CLR jit counter for instance w3wp is 0 for about half of the time and will randomly peak at almost 100 the other half, most of the time peaking for just a moment but rarely peaking for about 10 minutes, unrelated to downtime.
There are random times throughout the day where the process dsmcsvc takes up most, if not all, of the % Processor Time. This is a process run by the Symantec Antivirus software. When this process takes up the % Processor Time there is a corresponding event in the Event Viewer signifying that a new virus definition file has been uploaded that is, an Application event with ID 7 'New virus definition file loaded. Version: #version number#'. When this event occurs, the Pages/Sec counter spikes. Sometimes it spikes to only 200-300 but will at times peak over 10,000. This event seems to be completely unrelated to website downtime. I have researched the Symantec Antivirus software and found that there is a known memory leak in old versions of this software. I have found that this software is known to cause high memory usage when the link to a process called NavLogon.exe is broken/does not exist. This process does not appear to exist on the server so I currently have no way of restoring the link to it. I also found that this software uses Crypt32.dll and that old versions of Crypt32.dll have a known memory leak. The Crypt32.dll which exists on the server was last updated in 2007.
The Performance Monitor log monitors the total Sessions Active ASP.Net Applications counter. During downtime, the total number of sessions does not exhibit any abnormal behavior, there are a normal amount of active sessions during this time. Active sessions at a given time can be between 0 and 200. I was informed that the time when the most users are active is during 1st shift, however during about 10pm and 2am every day, this number peaks.
The site runs JavaScript client side, and Visual Basic.net server side. All users have about 10-15 session variables almost all of the time.
When the site goes down there are no events which seem to correspond to its downtime in the Event Viewer.
I also have set up a W3C Extended Log File Format log for this site. During downtime there seems be an excessive amount of GET requests for a Telerik.RadUploadProgressHandler.ashx.
I have seriously run out of ideas at this point and have extensively searched the web for solutions and come up empty. Any feedback as to why this may be occurring would be great.
It does not appear to be a problem with memory as there is plenty of space on the drive.
Really? Memory and hard drive space are two completely different things. 2GB of RAM was okay a decade ago, when that server was new, but today it's laughably small.
But don't bother upgrading or adding RAM. This server is old enough, the problem is probably just that the hardware is reaching the end of it's useful life. Additionally, the operating system is also nearing it's end of life. Server 2003 is scheduled for end of life on July 14, 2015. After that date, there will be no new patches of any kind produced for Server 2003... not even critical security patches. That will make Server 2003 completely unsuitable as a web server.
This seems like a good time to execute a transition to a completely new server.

ASP.NET Requests Queued causes website to crumble. SQL backend, IIS6

I have inherited a somewhat complex system (and problem) that I need help with.
I have a webserver w/ the following specs:
Server 2003 32bit
8 cores (16 w/ hyperthreading)
12gb RAM
ASP.NET site
3 app pools, so 3 instances of w3wp.exe running.
This system serves a large number of people and bandwidth is fairly constant during business hours reaching ~ 68,000kbit/s
There are moments when the system "comes down" - site gets very slow which generates a lot of phone calls. Things usually slow down for 60 seconds, but has varied greatly in length. Sometimes only a few seconds and sometimes 3 minutes or more.
I have my app pools set to recycle somewhere about 600mb of consumed memory. That's not exact but they recycle on their own with much success. At times I recycle the "main" pool manually to clear the problem I'm describing.
This is what I know is going on when things are running slow.
Network bandwidth takes a considerable dip.
Requests Queued in the ASP.NET performance counters goes up.
In tandem w/ the Requests Queued rising page latency increases. (I employ a simple ASP page that makes a SQL call and just says "The system is live" - this page is monitored for latency)
Overall CPU usage rises.
Overall memory consumption of w3wp.exe rises.
In my mind here is what I imagine is happening.
Someone asks the system to generate a report or glob of data. This spins up a process that consumes a large number of threads (ie, all available threads) This causes all other requests to the system to wait in the ASP.NET que pool which essentially kills the site. The lack of activity causes the network traffic to dip.
I have read many articles about thread queues, thread pools, etc. This is a good example: http://williablog.net/williablog/post/2008/12/02/Increase-ASPNET-Scalability-Instantly.aspx and does what I believe is a clue to help me solve my problem... but I'm not sure. My "Machine.config" file for the version of asp.net that I am using does not specify any of the thread values listed in the article so we are default for everything which I believe is incorrect given our situation.
If you were me; What would you do next? Where do you think the problem is?
edit: Here is a screenshot. It should be obvious when the problem is happening.
I want to change these values for our setup. A few questions first:
1) After making the changes, what needs to be restarted for them to take effect?
2) How do these settings look for a system with 8 physical cores?
maxconnection = 96
maxIoThreads = 100
maxWorkerThreads = 100
minFreeThreads = 704
minLocalRequestFreeThreads = 608
Not fun.
Many root causes share common symptoms which makes it difficult to diagnose without getting dirty with the application. :) Pardon if some of these steps were implied.
Some next steps might be:
Review the IIS logs of each site looking for things like:
HTTP response codes (5xx,4xx,3xx)
Request response times
Review Windows Event Logs
How often are application pools cycling?
Application errors, etc.
Verify processModel settings as suggested by #vinayc to make sure predecessor didn't get 'tricky'
Install DebugDiag, its a surprisingly good tool for some basic analysis of memory and crash related problems.
This can also help you capture memory snaps to diagnose later.
Tess Ferrandez blog can help make heads/tails of memory snap analysis.
Understand how many web applications are running in each AppPool.
Investigate using a 'web garden' to possibly help minimize number of users impacted by 'slow down'
Is a virus scanner enabled? Is it running? If so, verify exclusions.
Are application teams available to help troubleshoot? Identify if they have any custom application instrumentation that might help diagnose problem.
Is the behavior 'new'? Or has it always been there? If 'new', can you track down which deployment might have caused the new behavior?
Could the the description given of the 'slow down' behavior be attributed to an apppool recycle and resulting jitting of the application again? ala - the first request syndrome.
Reviewing the logs helps understand how the sites/applications are being used, which can be especially important if you don't own the codebase. Logparser is an excellent tool for doing some IIS log analysis (as well as other formats).
Good luck!
The settings that your are talking are part of processModel element under system.web element from machine.config. For IIS6, following are applicable:
Typically, you will only find autoConfig="true" and not other elements. Auto-config sets the values as per your machine configuration - the tuning is done as per recommended values (see Threading Explained section from this article) which are same as sighted by the link that you have provided.
The article although dated, i excellent resource if you want to tune up these settings manually.
On the other hand, at the load that you are serving, I would recommend two things (if you haven't tried already)
Use output caching aggressively - even if the data is dynamic, caching for say 30-60 seconds can give a definite boost at your load
If you suspect certain requests are hogging too many threads then attempt to move those resources under different app-pool (you can use different web-site with different sub-domain or you can use different virtual directory/application and choose different app-pool)

w3wp.exe has high cpu usage on every request

I'm running a Windows 2008 server (a VPS with 1GB of RAM), with SQL Server Express and IIS 7 installed. On it I'm hosting a NopCommerce 1.7 website, with a database of around 26 000 products.
Right now I'm the only user of the website (it's in development) and I'm getting rather bad performance from it. To be more specific every time I make a request, the worker process goes to 90-100% CPU usage for a few seconds. Is it me or this is a lot for a 1 user NopCommerce website? Any ideas why this happens and what I can do to rectify it or further investigate?
PS: the worker process uses between 100MB-400MB of memory (private working set), and SQL Server with this database, around 160MB. Do you have any suggestions other then the obvious one to get more RAM? I intend to get one more GB but I fear this will not solve the cpu usage problem.
You've already stated you're going to get more RAM, but don't be surprised how much a lack of RAM can impact the CPU. If your RAM is not able to hold large objects efficiently because of lack of space (and I'd say using 40% of available RAM qualifies), then the CPU has to work harder to page things in and out of virtual memory. 90% is a little overkill for this, but with the server specs you give it's not impossible.
The most likely problem is that there is a hole in your code somewhere. My guess is that you have either an infinite loop or a direct memory leak (resources open during requests that aren't closed perhaps?). Your best bet would be to get the IIS Debug Diagnostics tool, install it and set up reports to find out what is going on directly on the server.

CPU Usage relative to number of users? - ASP.Net Application

My Asp.net application uses
25-30% of the CPU on a test server which has 600 MB Ram on it.
I can see the asp_wb process taking that much percentage of CPU.
This is when I am testing using one user.
How many users can the server afford then without falling over?
Is there a relationship between the CPU Usage and number of user aka if there are 2 users my application will sky rocket to 60% of memory usage?
Or does/Should/How does the server handle this?
The asp.net is base on pools and not on users.
Some memory per user is going on user session, but I believe that you not hold huge amount of data on sessions (did you ?).
Now I suggest ti run process explorer from sysinternals, and check on w3wp.exe the working set and the virtual size of the memory for this. You can do that by open this 2 columns on Process Memory tab.
Then you see there how many memory asp.net needs for your application.
Second step if to check how you have configure your pool by open it. Maybe you have configure it to recycle too often, or to recycle when you have more than 125k working set memory, and your program have 200k working set memory. So you need to recalibrate some values.
Together with process explorer you can see how much memory your application need, and setup correctly the pool.
Of cource maybe there are other problems and other issues with the memory but asp.net is not eat memory for every user and you need to check where your memory is used - and the process explorer is a good tool for this job.
Hope this help.
