Server random downtime windows server 2003 sp2 .net4 -

Server Specks
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP2
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU
X5680 # 3.33GHz, 2.00GB of RAM
Physical Address Extension
I am having trouble finding the cause of our server's random downtime. Our clients inform us that their website goes down for hours at a time. Sometimes users are able to log in however the site is extremely slow/unstable and unusable. Sometimes users are not able to log in at all. When users are able to log in not all images are displayed (they get the image not found image).
We upgraded their website from .net1 to .net4 because we thought the cause of their downtime and random user log out was due to them running their website on .net1. The website was running fine with no issues for a few months.
The first time the server started to go down after that was due to the drive with which the website resided on running out of disk space. There was 40GB partitioned to this drive and 20GB was added. This didn't resolve the issue for very long.
The second time the server would randomly go down, I noticed in the Event viewer, that the web worker associated with the app pool used by the website would periodically require to be recylcled. That is, in the Security tab of the Event Viewer I would periodically see an event with ID 1074 reading 'A worker process with process id of '1540' serving application pool 'Net4' has requested a recycle because the worker process reached its allowed processing time limit.'. I then went into this app pool's properties and saw that the app pool would be recycled every 29 hours, which is the default. I modified this to have the app pool recycle every day at 3:00am. Since that we have not seen this event in the Event Viewer. We were able to catch the website during one of its downtimes before this was changed and recycled the app pool manually. This resolved the issue in this one instance.
This did not permanently fix the issue however, as we are still receiving emails from our client informing us that the website is down for hours at a time.
I then set up a performance monitor counter log. We have managed to monitor the server's performance during many of these downtimes. It does not appear to be a problem with memory as there is plenty of space on the drive. It does not appear to be a memory leak or related to excessive paging as there are no running processes which take up an excessive amount of % Processor Time and the Pages/Second Memory counter does not peak at an excessive amount during most of the downtime (I'll explain why excessive paging occurs later). The total IO Data Bytes/sec and IO Other Data Bytes/sec Process counter does not appear to be usually high or low during downtime. The total Thread Count and Handle Count Process counter do not exhibit any abnormal spikes or drops during this time. The total thread count, at a given time, seems to be between 600 and 900, give or take. The total handle count, at a given time, seems to be between 15,000 and 23,00, give or take. The % Time in Jit .NET CLR jit counter for instance w3wp is 0 for about half of the time and will randomly peak at almost 100 the other half, most of the time peaking for just a moment but rarely peaking for about 10 minutes, unrelated to downtime.
There are random times throughout the day where the process dsmcsvc takes up most, if not all, of the % Processor Time. This is a process run by the Symantec Antivirus software. When this process takes up the % Processor Time there is a corresponding event in the Event Viewer signifying that a new virus definition file has been uploaded that is, an Application event with ID 7 'New virus definition file loaded. Version: #version number#'. When this event occurs, the Pages/Sec counter spikes. Sometimes it spikes to only 200-300 but will at times peak over 10,000. This event seems to be completely unrelated to website downtime. I have researched the Symantec Antivirus software and found that there is a known memory leak in old versions of this software. I have found that this software is known to cause high memory usage when the link to a process called NavLogon.exe is broken/does not exist. This process does not appear to exist on the server so I currently have no way of restoring the link to it. I also found that this software uses Crypt32.dll and that old versions of Crypt32.dll have a known memory leak. The Crypt32.dll which exists on the server was last updated in 2007.
The Performance Monitor log monitors the total Sessions Active ASP.Net Applications counter. During downtime, the total number of sessions does not exhibit any abnormal behavior, there are a normal amount of active sessions during this time. Active sessions at a given time can be between 0 and 200. I was informed that the time when the most users are active is during 1st shift, however during about 10pm and 2am every day, this number peaks.
The site runs JavaScript client side, and Visual server side. All users have about 10-15 session variables almost all of the time.
When the site goes down there are no events which seem to correspond to its downtime in the Event Viewer.
I also have set up a W3C Extended Log File Format log for this site. During downtime there seems be an excessive amount of GET requests for a Telerik.RadUploadProgressHandler.ashx.
I have seriously run out of ideas at this point and have extensively searched the web for solutions and come up empty. Any feedback as to why this may be occurring would be great.

It does not appear to be a problem with memory as there is plenty of space on the drive.
Really? Memory and hard drive space are two completely different things. 2GB of RAM was okay a decade ago, when that server was new, but today it's laughably small.
But don't bother upgrading or adding RAM. This server is old enough, the problem is probably just that the hardware is reaching the end of it's useful life. Additionally, the operating system is also nearing it's end of life. Server 2003 is scheduled for end of life on July 14, 2015. After that date, there will be no new patches of any kind produced for Server 2003... not even critical security patches. That will make Server 2003 completely unsuitable as a web server.
This seems like a good time to execute a transition to a completely new server.


IIS performance bottlenek

We've got an interesting phenomenon and perhaps some of the IIS experts can give us some hints.
I am running an ASP.NET site in IIS. It is a site where users are playing games, so they are active for a long time and there is some computation on the server side. If the number of parallel users hits a certain level, CPU load goes to 100% and the site becomes unusable. This is not linear: Once a certain level is reached, each new user brings us nearer to doom and fast.
OK, time for more hardware (CPU, memory or whatever) you would think.
Now, the interesting part: We got a second instance of the same site on the same server, using the same files, the same database. Even when the first site is nearly down and the CPU is at 100%, the second site on the same server is still running smoothly. If some users switch from site one to two, everything is fine.
We already found one setting which is helpful: When we increased the standard number of parallel threads for an IIS site from 25 to 100, we could raise the critical number of users by 25%
Are there any other hints what could cause this behaviour? Are there other settings where IIS is throttling? runs fast then slow on restart

Why is it that every time the server goes down, and restarts, the response time is SUPER FAST when it comes back up for a few minutes. I assume because everyone is off the server and I am one of the few (or only) people back on the server so quick?
I have discussed this with our developers and they say the response time is due to everyone on the server normally (200+ desktops) and when you are the only person on there, it flys. Really? Then does that mean we need newer, faster web servers?
I am not a programmer, but I think there may be two answers, one is what the devs say above is true, and two is the system is accumulating temp files of some sort and they get cleared out when the server crashes and then restarts.
How do we prove who might be right? Where does one start to look for bottlenecks?
windows server 2003 3.0
12GB ram
sql server 2005 (db admin says there is no load issue on sql..)
Some very basic steps that you can follow and check if your server work on limits are:
First you download the Process Explorer from sysinternals and you run it to see two things.
Is your server work on their memory limit ?
If yes then what program eats the memory, usually SQL Server 2005 use a lot of memory for database cache, and this is done after many time of work.
Did the server use all of his computing power, if yes, check what program is the one that need all that computing power.
Now next step, download the TCPView from sysinternals, run it and see how many connections are done, how fast, etc... There you can see anomalies, or if the computer is also on their limit.
Final step is to defrag your disks.
Also have in mine that the session is lock the entire view on all users. So if you have one application on web, with too many users, and each user, or some users, make long time processing on their calls, then this can cause delay to all the users.

Can low memory on IIS server cause SQL Timeouts (SQL Server on separate box)?

I have an IIS Web Server that hosts 400 web applications (distributed across 30 application pools). They are both ASP.NET applications and WCF Services end points. The server has 32GB of RAM and is usually running fast; although it's running at 95% memory usage. Worker processes each take between 500MB and 1.5GB of RAM.
I also have another box running SQL Server. That one has plenty of free memory.
Sometimes, the Web Server starts throwing SQL Timeout exceptions. A few per minutes at first and rapidly increasing to hundreds per minute; effectively making the server down. This problem affects applications in all pools. Some requests still complete but most of them don't. While this happens the CPU usage on the server is around 30% (which is the normal load on that box).
While this is happening, we can still use SQL Server Management Studio (from the IIS Server) to execute requests successfully (and fast).
The fix is to restart IIS. And then everything goes back to normal until the next time.
Because the server is running with very low memory, I feel like this is the cause. But I cannot explain the relationship between low memory and sudden bursts of SQL Timeout exceptions.
Any idea?
Memory pressure can trigger paging and garbage collection. Both introduce latency which would not be present otherwise.
GC'ing 32GB of data can take seconds. Why would all app processes GC at the same time? Because at about 95% memory utilization Windows sets a "low memory" event that the CLR listens to. It will try to release memory to help other processes.
If the applications get into a paging frenzy that would also explain huge delays in normal execution.
This is just guessing, though. You can try proving it by looking at the "Hard page faults/sec" counter. There also must be a counter for "full GC" or "Gen 2 GC".
The fix would be running at a higher margin to the physical memory limit.
The first problem is to discover where the timeout is happening. Can you tell from the stack trace if the timeout is happening when executing a request against the database, or when connecting to the database? (Or even connecting to the web server?)
Timeouts executing database requests can be a variety of causes. The problem might be in the database with blocking processes, database maintenance (also locking), deadlocks, etc. When apps are running slowly, do you see a lot of entries in sys.dm_exec_requests, and if so, what are their wait_types?
Even if you can run SQL in the query window while the web server is timing out, that doesn't mean there isn't massive blocking or deadlocking going on.
If it is a timeout connecting to the database, then it is possible the ADO connection pools are overwhelmed and not getting cleaned up, or the database has a connection limit, and the web services are timing out waiting for a connection.
One of the best ways to find out what is going on is to capture a memory dump of the w3wp.exe process and analyze it. Even if you aren't adept at a debugger like WinDbg, Microsoft's DebugDiag tool can produce some nice reports with helpful information.
This property is the cumulative time-out for all network reads during command execution or processing of the results. A time-out can still occur after the first row is returned, and does not include user processing time, only network read time.
It is a client based time out. If stuff is getting queued due to memory constraints then that could cause a timeout.
Are you retrieving a lot of data from these queries?
If some queries return a lot of data consider breaking them up and give the user a next and prior button.
Have you considered asynch like BeginExecuteReader?
The advantage is no timeout.
It does not release the calling thread.
isExecutingFTSindexWordOnce = true;
sqlCmdFTSindexWordOnce.BeginExecuteNonQuery(callbackFTSindexWordOnce, sqlCmdFTSindexWordOnce);
// isExecutingFTSindexWordOnce set to false in the callback
Debug.WriteLine("Calling thread active");
But I agree with your comment how to respond to the request as the answer does not come back to the calling thread.
Sorry I am used to WPF where I just update a public property on the call back. high number of Request Queued and Context switching

We have a fairly popular site that has around 4 mil users a month. It is hosted on a Dedicated Box with 16 gb of Ram, 2 procc with 24 cores.
At any given time the CPU is always under 40% and the memory is under 12 GB but at the highest traffic we see a very poor performance. The site is very very slow. We have 2 app pools one for our main site and one for our forum. Only the site is being slow. We don't have any restrictions on cpu or memory per app pool.
I have looked at he Performance counters and I saw something very interesting. At our peek time for some reason Request are being queued. Overall context switching numbers are very high around 30 - 110 000 k.
As i understand high context switching is caused by locks. Can anyone give me an example code that would cause a high number of context switches.
I am not too concerned with the context switching, and i don't think the numbers are huge. You have a lot of threads running in IIS (since its a 24 core machine), and higher context switching numbers re expected. However, I am definitely concerned with the request queuing.
I would do several things and see how it affects your performance counters:
Your server CPU is evidently under-utilized, since you run below 40% all the time. You can try to set a higher value of "Threads per processor limit" in IIS until you get to a 50-60% utilization. An optimal value of threads per core by the books is 20, but it depends on the scenario, and you can experiment with higher or lower values. I would recommend trying setting a value >=30. Low CPU utilization can also be a sign of blocking IO operations.
Adjust the "Queue Length" settings in IIS properties. If you have configured the "Threads per processor limit" to be 20, then you should configure the Queue Length to be 20 x 24 cores = 480. Again, if the requests are getting Queued, that can be a sign that all your threads are blocked serving other requests or blocked waiting for an IO response.
Don't serve your static files from IIS. Move them to a CDN, amazon S3 or whatever else. This will significantly improve your server performance, because 1,000s of Server requests will go somewhere else! If you MUST serve the files from IIS, than configure IIS file compression. In addition use expire headers for your static content, so they get cached on the client, which will save a lot of bandwidth.
Use Async IO wherever possible (reading/writing from disk, db, network etc.) in your ASP.NET controllers, handlers etc. to make sure you are using your threads optimally. Blocking the available threads using blocking IO (which is done in 95% of the ASP.NET apps i have seen in my life) could easily cause the thread pool to be fully utilized under heavy load, and Queuing would occur.
Do a general optimization to prevent the number of requests that hit your server, and the processing time of single requests. This can include Minification and Bundling of your CSS/JS files, refactoring your Javascript to do less roundtrips to the server, refactoring your controller/handler methods to be faster etc. I have added links below to Google and Yahoo recommendations.
Disable ASP.NET debugging in IIS.
Google and Yahoo recommendations:
If you follow all these advices, i am sure you will get some improvements!

CPU Usage relative to number of users? - ASP.Net Application

My application uses
25-30% of the CPU on a test server which has 600 MB Ram on it.
I can see the asp_wb process taking that much percentage of CPU.
This is when I am testing using one user.
How many users can the server afford then without falling over?
Is there a relationship between the CPU Usage and number of user aka if there are 2 users my application will sky rocket to 60% of memory usage?
Or does/Should/How does the server handle this?
The is base on pools and not on users.
Some memory per user is going on user session, but I believe that you not hold huge amount of data on sessions (did you ?).
Now I suggest ti run process explorer from sysinternals, and check on w3wp.exe the working set and the virtual size of the memory for this. You can do that by open this 2 columns on Process Memory tab.
Then you see there how many memory needs for your application.
Second step if to check how you have configure your pool by open it. Maybe you have configure it to recycle too often, or to recycle when you have more than 125k working set memory, and your program have 200k working set memory. So you need to recalibrate some values.
Together with process explorer you can see how much memory your application need, and setup correctly the pool.
Of cource maybe there are other problems and other issues with the memory but is not eat memory for every user and you need to check where your memory is used - and the process explorer is a good tool for this job.
Hope this help.
