writing a gauge widget using 2 images in qt - qt

I'm writing a gauge widget, using QT, that is constructed from 2 separate images, one as background and the other as Needle. I reimplement paintEvent function as follow:
void myGaugeWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *pe)
QPainter painter(this);
QPixmap bkgImage(bkgImgPath);
painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, width(), height(), bkgImage);
const double thetaDeg = 30.0;
QPixmap needle(needles[i].imgPath);
int needleWidth = 200;
int needleHeight = 200;
int anchorX = 20;
int anchorY = 30;
const int centerX = width()/2;
const int centerY = height()/2;
QTransform rm = QTransform().translate(-anchorX,- anchorY).rotate(thetaDeg).translate(centerX,centerY);
needle = needle.transformed(rm);
painter.drawPixmap(0,0, needle);
this code rotates my needle correctly but its position is not correct.
can anybody help me?

This most likely would depend on your images and widget size. I have tried your code and it seems to me that QTransform().translate() is not doing anything in a QPixmap. I tried to give extreme values for translate() and removed rotate() - the image does not move.
I already have have my own implementation for a gauge. This is with painter transformation instead of the image. My images are of dimensions:
Gauge Background: 252x252 (there is some external blurring effects around the circle boundaries, making the background image larger than it seems)
Needle: 7x72 ( the image dimensions wrap around the boundaries of the needle itself)
Needle roation center (with respect to the background): 126, 126 (divide background size by 2)
The needle image points upward
For this setup, here is my paintEvent() with some explanations:
void myGaugeWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
QPainter painter(this);
//draw the background which is same size as the widget.
painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, bg.width(), bg.height(), bg);
//Calculate the angle of rotation.
//The gauge I am using has a cutout angle of 120 degrees at the bottom (symmetric)
float needleAngle = -120/*offset for start rotation*/ + ((value-minValue)*240/*total sweep of the gauge*//(maxValue-minValue));
//translate the painter to the roation center and then perform the rotation
painter.translate(126, 126);
//translate the rotated canvas to adjust for the height of the needle.
//If you don't do this, your needle's tip will be at the rotation center
painter.translate(0, -72);
//draw the needle and adjust for the width with the x value
painter.drawPixmap(-needle.width()/2, 0, needle.width(), needle.height(), needle);


How do I add a border to a rounded QPixmap?

I'm trying to show a rounded avatar QPixMap with a white border around it. However, I have no clue as to how I could add the border... Is it even possible?
This is the function I have to draw the avatar image.
void AccountDropDownMenu::setAvatar(
const QByteArray& bytes)
QPixmap new_avatar;
new_avatar = new_avatar.scaledToHeight(40, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
QBitmap map(new_avatar.size());
QPainter painter(&map);
painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::white, 10));
Thanks to dtech I was able to get the desired output using the following updated function.... Although it's a bit pixly (the border).
void AccountDropDownMenu::setAvatar(
const QByteArray& bytes)
QPixmap new_avatar;
new_avatar = new_avatar.scaledToHeight(40, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
QBitmap map(new_avatar.size());
QPainter painter(&map);
QPainter painter2(&new_avatar);
painter2.setPen(QPen(Qt::white, 1));
In Qt you draw fills with a brush, but outlines are drawn with a QPen.
I haven't used QPainter in a long time, but IIRC, the default pen is zero width, which would explain why you aren't getting anything - you are not setting a pen.
Also, you don't need "another" rounded rectangle, you can apply fill and outline to the same geometry, as demonstrated in this answer.
Your updated code sets a mask, which sets an alpha channel. That cuts away from what you already have, it could not possibly add anything. You have to paint on the pixmap. Simply use new_avatar as the paint device - QPainter painter(&new_avatar); and get rid of the rest.

How to size the texture to occupy only a portion of a QQuickItem UI

I have overriden updatePaintNode in the following way to draw an OpenGL texture on a QQuickItem derived class called MyQQuickItem here.
QSGNode *MyQQuickItem::updatePaintNode(QSGNode * oldNode, QQuickItem::UpdatePaintNodeData * /*updatePaintNodeData*/)
QSGSimpleTextureNode * textureNode = static_cast<QSGSimpleTextureNode *>(oldNode);
if (!textureNode) {
textureNode = new QSGSimpleTextureNode();
QSize size(800, 800);
// myTextureId is a GLuint here
textureNode.reset(window()->createTextureFromId(myTextureId, size));
QSizeF myiewport = boundingRect().size();
qreal xOffset = 0;
qreal yOffset = 10;
textureNode->setRect(xOffset, yOffset, myViewport.width(), myViewport.height());
return textureNode;
This renders the texture content well but covers the whole of my MyQQuickItem UI.
How can reduce the bottom margin of the texture to say fit 80% of the height of MyQQuickItem.
I want to render the texture to a portion of MyQQuickItem & leave the rest blank or black? Is that possible within updatePaintNode.
Note that the texture size is not the UI window size here. My texture size is 800 by 800. Whereas the UI window size is different and depends on the screen.
I found the answer to this:
Changing myViewport.height() gives the required end in Y direction one wishes to set. Similarly, changing myViewport.width() gives the required end in X direction one wishes to set.
4 parameters in TextureNode's setRect can stretch & fit the texture in the way one wishes within a portion of the QQuickItem.

Painting on QWidget to cover whole widget

I have a QWidget inside a window. The window can be resized and the widget should stretch to cover the maximum area possible. I'm drawing a plot onto this QWidget and I want the plot to stretch with the window. Currently it works, but I feel I could be doing this way cleaner.
This is how it looks:
After resizing this is what I want it to look like:
Currently this works, but I'm doing it like this:
In the widgets paintEvent() I calculate the scale factor like this
double scaleFactorX = (double) width() / m_xAxis.last();
double scaleFactorY = (double) height() / m_yAxis.last();
*Note that m_xAxis.last() is the largest value that will be plotted. And width() and height() return the width and height of the QWidget.
Then when I'm drawing the elements I multiply each point with the scale factor to stretch it to the width of the QWidget. I feel like there's a better (more correct) way of doing this, but I'm not sure what to do.
Any help would be appreciated.
You can do this in an easier / more readable way using by setting a QTransform on your QPainter.
Example from the doc (of course you're probably more interested in .scale() than in .translate()):
void CombinedTransformation::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
QPainter painter(this);
painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::blue, 1, Qt::DashLine));
painter.drawRect(0, 0, 100, 100);
QTransform transform;
transform.translate(50, 50);
transform.scale(0.5, 1.0);
painter.setFont(QFont("Helvetica", 24));
painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 1));
painter.drawText(20, 10, "QTransform");

Customizing shape of bounding rect

I am drawing a line using mouse clicks. The line is drawn using paint function as:
painter->drawLine(start_p, end_p);
The bounding rect of line is defined as:
QRectF Line::boundingRect() const
// bounding rectangle for line
return QRectF(start_p, end_p).normalized();
This shows the line painted. I get the bounding rect for this as shown:
I want to have the bounding rect according to the shape of the item, something like:
How to achieve this?
While selecting any of the overlapping lines, the one with bounding rect on top is selected(see figure below). Even making use of setZValue won't work here.
I want to implement this by minimizing the bounding rect to the shape of line.
If you have an item that is not shaped like a rectangle, or is a rotated rectangle use QGraphicsItem::shape.
This function should return a QPainterPath. You should be able to create your path by using QPainterPath::addPolygon.
Here is a small example:
QPainterPath Item::shape() const
QPainterPath path;
QPolygon polygon;
polygon << QPoint(0, 0);
polygon << QPoint(5, 5);
polygon << QPoint(width, height);
polygon << QPoint(width - 5, height - 5);
return path;
You of course should calculate your points inside the path in a different way, but you get the point. Now when you click on an item, it will only select it if the click happened inside the shape defined by the QPainterPath.
If you ever need to make curvy lines, you can use QPainterPathStroker::createStroke as suggested by cmannett85.
There are two relevant functions in a QGraphicsItem that you should be interested in. The first is boundingRect. This, as you probably realise is a rectangle which encompasses the whole item. Qt uses this for such things as quickly calculating how much of an item is visible and simple item collision.
That's great if you have rectangular items; you can just override boundingRect() in any items you inherit from QGraphicsItem or QGraphicsObject.
If you have a shape that isn't regular and you want to do things such as collision with an item's shape, then theshape() function needs overriding too in your class.
This returns a QPainterPath, so you can do something like this: -
QPainterPath Line::shape()
QRectF rect(start_p, end_p).normalized();
// increase the rect beyond the width of the line
rect.adjust(-2, -2, 2, 2);
QPainterPath path;
return path; // return the item's defined shape
Now, you can use a painter to draw the shape() item, instead of the boundingRect() and collision will work as expected.
boundingRect is always used for optimize painting process of of scene. So you have have no room for manipulation here.
BUT if you want change area for mouse interaction there is shape method. By default this method returns QPainterPath rectangle received from boundingRect method.
So just override this method and provide desired shape.
QPainterPath YourGraphicsItem::shape() const {
static const qreal kClickTolerance = 10;
QPointF vec = end_p-start_p;
vec = vec*(kClickTolerance/qSqrt(QPointF::dotProduct(vec, vec)));
QPointF orthogonal(vec.y(), -vec.x());
QPainterPath result(start_p-vec+orthogonal);
return result;
You must draw yourself bounding if you want some thing like this. let Qt have it's QRect for bounding and define your new QRect dependent to the corner of previous QRect, top-left and bottom-right. for example if the top-left corner is (2,2) your new QRect top-left is (1,2) and top-right is (2,1) and ....

QPainter DrawImage CenterAligned

Is there any way to draw an image on QPainter center aligned? I see QPainter::drawText gives us this provision but drawImage does not. I have one source rect, target rect and an image. when the source size is small the image gets drawn on the left side of the page. I want it to be printed center aligned.
The painter doesn't have a size, but the device() it paints on does. You can use QRect(painter.device()->width(), painter.device()->height()) as the rectangle where you want to center your image in.
Then you'd paint the image centered like so:
QImage source;
QPainter painter(...);
QRect rect(source.rect());
QRect devRect(0, 0, painter.device()->width(), painter.device()->height());
painter.drawImage(rect.topLeft(), source);
I would try to do the following (please follow the source code comments):
The sample image that should be drawn
// The image to draw - blue rectangle 100x100.
QImage img(100, 100, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
In the paint event handler
QRect source(0, 0, 100, 100);
QRect target(0, 0, 400, 400);
// Calculate the point, where the image should be displayed.
// The center of source rect. should be in the center of target rect.
int deltaX = target.width() - source.width();
int deltaY = target.height() - source.height();
// Just apply coordinates transformation to draw where we need.
painter.translate(deltaX / 2, deltaY / 2);
painter.drawImage(source, img);
Of course you should check whether source rectangle is smaller than the target before applying this approach. I omitted that code for simplicity reasons just to demonstrate how you can center your image.
I wanted to show a more complete example with a variable image size that stays within the bounds of the area provided to add to the other great answers.
void ImageView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)
if (this->imageBuffer.empty()){ return; }
double widgetWidth = this->width();
double widgetHeight = this->height();
QRectF target(0, 0, widgetWidth, widgetHeight);
QImage tempQImage = *this->imageBuffer.at(this->imageBuffer.count()-1);
tempQImage = tempQImage.scaled(rect().size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
double imageSizeWidth = static_cast<double>(tempQImage.width());
double imageSizeHeight = static_cast<double>(tempQImage.height());
QRectF source(0.0, 0.0, imageSizeWidth, imageSizeHeight);
int deltaX = 0;
int deltaY = 0;
if(source.width() < target.width())
deltaX = target.width() - source.width();
deltaX = source.width() - target.width();
if(source.height() < target.height())
deltaY = target.height() - source.height();
deltaY = source.height() - target.height();
QPainter painter(this);
painter.translate(deltaX / 2, deltaY / 2);
painter.drawImage(source, tempQImage);
