Where can I find Bootstrap buttons without using bootstrap? - css

I'd like to put some buttons in my web app, with the exact same style like the ones from bootstrap.
Does someone have that styles in CSS to be included withtout using bootstrap?
Also, is there a "list" of the styles (templates?) that bootsrap had over time? I remember that in the past the buttons were not flat and now they are...
Thank you for your help!

This is not how Boodstrap works, you can use styling to make it look like a boodstrap button.


Why is Bootstrap styling lost in my sidebar?

I use bootstrap dashboard (https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.1/examples/dashboard) as a base for my project.
I have added form in the sidebar but 'bootstrap' styling is lost as you can see in picture below.
I have tried different approach like crispy-form (what I currently use), django-widget-peaks, but result is not really good I think, maybe because part of CSS is override?
For example, text in the "Select" is partially visible...
I would like to be able to use bootstrap styling option like input-group-sm to decrease input size but it doesn't works...
Thanks for your help

Sticky sidebar for Angular UI Bootstrap

I'm trying to do a sticky sidebar just like the one ng-bootstrap is using.
Currently, I am using Angular 7.0 and Bootstrap 4.x. I just want to do the sticky like sidebar like in the components page of AngularUI (see link above). However, I can't seem to find the feature in the list of components.
So far, I've inspected the page in the components section of ng-bootstrap demo page, it uses ngb-sidenav but I'm not sure though. Anyone knows where or what library should I use?
I've been trying to find a suitable library but most of them are either for AngularJS (1.x) or paid library.
>>> UPDATE <<<
I'm thinking of using position-sticky class and apply it to my vertical navs component. This might do the trick but I'm still gonna test this. I'm going to update this after I test it.
I've made it work. For those who are looking for the solution for having a sticky functionality, you may use bootstrap's sticky-top class. Just see its description
My fix is using bootstrap itself and not ng-bootstrap. Just sticky-top and a bunch of css styles to suite my needs.
Also, adjust accordingly to your needs.

Weird icons border in footer in Wordpress

I'm working on a web in Wordpress and I have some trouble with the footer. I have three widgets and in the middle one I want to put some social icons. I have tried with different plugins and the problem is the same: first icon shows great but next are showing a weird border and I have no idea how to modify.
Could someone pitch in?
Thank you!
It might be a css style issue. If the first icon looks right, maybe the styles only apply to the first because the icon html elements aren't having the same class or the css selector is wrong (something like icon-class:first-child).
I would check your Browser Dev Tools:
Check if the icon html elements are all having the same class.
If they do, maybe the icon file itself is just ugly. You can check the file in the dev tools by hovering the file URL. If that is the case, the plugin provider should updates the icons.
If the don't have the same css class, you should customize your css, maybe there is a way in the widget plugin.

Tinymce 4 inline css content applied to page instead of div only

I have a div and apply the latest version of tinymce (4.2.5) to it, including some of my websites stylesheets.
When I use the editor old fashioned way the loaded css is only applied to the div I'm attaching tinymce to. Like a charm.
But I want to use the inline: true option. When I use that all the css is applied to the complete page of the application, not only the div.
Is this expected behavior? Or should I look for another approach? My main reason to use the inline feature is that it keeps the toolbar visible on scrolling. Unfortunately tinymce loads different sets of html for the inline and fixed toolbar (for example, the menu bar and icon/tool bar are separate div's. On inline they have a parent div) so just applying the same or similar css isn't working out.
Anybody has any tips or tricks for me? Or should I accept the limitations of one or the other?
You will have to accept the limitations.
Both editor modes need different css for the UI and in inline mode it seems to be necessary to apply it to the complete page (even though you don't like that).

How to put back the hover effect on Bootstrap3's buttons?

The devs said Bootstrap 3 would come bundled with an optional theme to make it look like Bootstrap 2.
The problem is they seem to have forgotten to put the hover effects on the buttons. Is there a way to put that back?
This is how it looks on v2, just move the mouse over any button and see the effect:
And this is how it looks now in v3 (no effect):
The easiest way would be to create your own custom class, say, .btn-custom, and then apply your preferred styling, including hover effect. This answer shows you how to create your own button styles in Boostrap 3.
This website also helps to easily generate the CSS styles: http://twitterbootstrap3buttons.w3masters.nl
