Is it possible to customise firebase email templates - firebase

I am trying to figure out if it is possible to customise firebase email templates at html level. In my dashboard the field seems to be there
But is not editable. I am using their free tier at the moment, will this become editable if I upgrade to paid plan? Can I request this field to become editable somehow?
Right now setting up deep/universal links results in a really really long bad looking url sent to user, it would be great if it could be custumised i.e. put under certain button.

There are the three email templates:
Email password verification
password reset
email address change
Password reset, text can be changed please see the image below:
The other two options, the text cannot be changed to prevent spam (as it says if you hover the mouse on the question mark)


Advanced Forms (Free version) question notification email

I’m using the great Advanced Forms plugin (Version: 1.9.1) for Wordpress for a client.
Therefore I have a question. How can I send the current page/post title inside the notification email where the form is completed in? It's about the green "Demo aanvraag" button which will open in a pop-up.
I know that I can use {all_fields} for the filled fields. But can I somehow also retrieve the source page title? So that the client knows on which page the user was? I know that with another form plugin like WPForms it's possible with some special tags.
Thanks already!
I tried multiple tags like [url] [page_title] etc but nothing works.

Edit specific woocommerce notification message

On our woocommerce store, we only allow new customers to access the shop after their new account has been manually approved.
However, after successfully registering a new account the user is shown this misleading notification by woocommerce - and I'm not sure where to edit this:
> Your account was created successfully and a password has been sent to your email address.
Any ideas on where this message is generated? and how I can change the text
I'm not sure how to edit this message, but I may know a workaround if you want it to make it disappear.
You can try to inspect the element to find out the class and set display: none to it in your theme's custom css.
It may buy you time until you find the actual solution.

Woocommerce - Order Tracking Link

I want to include a 'check my order status' link in the thank you email. Woocommerce comes with a order tracking form, but the user has to input their order id and email. Is there a way to show the tracking page without going through the input form?
I know my accounts has a view order link, but that would only work if the user is registered.
Yes, you can show an order tracking link in your email. It is a bit convoluted way and will take some time. It is much easier to let the user input his information. This makes things a lot less complicated. But if you absolutely need the order tracking in the email, then,
Put this information somewhere other than your secured site,
Make sure you update this information regularly,
Take the ID of
this information from your database and make a GET endpoint(hoping
its a web application), such that it takes in the ID number of the
information and displays it,
This GET link needs to be embedded
into a HTML form/template which you are sending as the email
If you want the whole implementation, you need to specify the tech stack you are using and other details.
If you want to show one tracking page which page customers/users can search their order status without login, then you can use the plugin Order Tracker for WooCommerce
If you use the plugin then the user can check his/her order status without login/hassle free, and also you don't need to add any extra tracking number, user can search using their order ID and phone number.
you can use it the very easy way, like making a page template or using the [cbwct-order-tracker] shortcode, anytime anywhere, and it’s also working with ajax.
You can watch the video for the plugin documentation on how to use that plugin here is the
Video Tutorial

Drupal 7 : get user profile picture at registration

I am using Drupal 7.
I follow this link to enable profile picture of user.
Now i want to get profile picture from user at the time of registration.
How can i get this?
Any help will be appreciated.
Ideal module to do this is Reg-With-Pic
You will be given a check box at admin/config/people/accounts named "Enable user pictures on registration" and weight selection.
If you are using Content Profile module, File field would be an option.
Here is the Helper function to add default user account fields to user registration and edit form.
You might also want to use the Gravatar module to take some of the pain out of what you are suggesting. It's enough trouble to set up a profile on yet another site that you might not want to force them to configure their profile at the time of registration, especially with such things as a "user picture", unless you really want to put a damper on registrations.
Depending on the type of site you are working on, the Gravatar module might be ideal. Anyone who already has a Gravatar will have it automatically set as their user picture.

How to display blocks of text in drupal?

I'm trying to build a module that lets users with a certain role post messages that will be displayed for users with a different role. I'd like this to simply be one module that handles both these things, however, the furthest I've gotten is setting up the form to post messages.
I'd like to show the posted messages on the same page as the input form (and hide the form for the unauthorised users), but I just can't figure out what I have to do to show the messages. How hard can it be to display some simple text?
So far I've added an item to the menu that links to the page with a form on it.
You could make use of the boxes module to have online editing of this text that other users will see. If you're set on Using your custom Form you could put your text in a block.
The Content Access module will let you restrict view permission for a given content type to users having a certain role.
For setting up the layout, you might want to put the posted messages in a block or use Panels.
