reading tcp packets out of order - tcp

Web games are forced to use tcp.
But with real time constraints tcp head of line blocking behavior is absurd when you don't care about old packets.
While I'm aware that there's definitely nothing that we can do on the client side, I'm wondering if there is a solution on the server side.
Indeed, on the server you get packets in order and miserably wait if misbehaving packet t+42 has been lost even though packets t+43, t+44 can already be nicely waiting in your receive buffer.
Since we are talking about local data, technically it should be possible to retrieve it..
So does anyone have an idea on how to perform that feat?
How to save this precious data from these pesky kernel space daemons?

TCP guarantees that the data arrives in order and re-transmits lost packets. TCP Man Page
Given this, there is only one way to achieve the results you want given your stated constraints, and that is to hack the TCP protocol at the server side (assuming you cannot control the Client WebSocket behavior). The simplest, relative term, would be to open a raw socket, implement your own simple TCP handshake (Syn-Ack when client Syns), then read and write from the socket managing your own TCP headers. Your custom implementation would need to keep track of received sequence numbers and acknowledge all of those you want the client to forget about.
You might be able to reduce effort by making this program a proxy to your original.
Example of TCP raw socket here.


Wireshark Sniffer vs TCP Receive

Say I am capturing data from TCP using RECV function in c++.
I might sound stupid but I would like to know will I get any speed up if I capture the packet through a simple sniffer (maybe using PCAP) and process it?
No, it probably won't speed up anything. I rather expect it to be even slower and more memory-consuming. (overhead, overhead, overhead...).
Additionally, it won't work at all.
No payload will be exchanged if there isn´t a real client
which creates a proper connection with the peer.
If there is a connection and you´re relying only on the sniffer without proper receiving the payload in the client, the whole transfer will stop after some amount of data. (Because the buffer is full, and the sender won't send anymore until there is space again).
That means you must call recv, which makes sniffing useless in the first place.

TCP as connection protocol questions

I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask, so forgive me if it isn't.
I'm writing computer monitoring software that needs to connect to a server. The server may send out relatively urgent messages, such as sound or cancel an alarm, and the client may send out data about the computer, such as screenshots. The data that the client sends isn't too critical on timing, but shouldn't be more than a two minutes late.
It is essential to the software that portforwarding need not be set up, and it is assumed that the internet connection will be done through a wireless router that has NAT almost all the time.
My idea is to have a TCP connection initiated from the client, and use that to transfer data. Ideally, I would have no data being sent when it is not needed, but I believe this to be impossible. Would sending the equivalent of a ping every now and again keep the connection alive, and what sort of bandwidth would it use if this program was running all the time on the computer? In addition, would it be possible to reduce the header size for these keep-alives?
Before I start designing the communication and programming, is this plan for connection flawed? Are there better alternatives?
1) You do not need to send 'ping' data to keep the connection alive, the TCP stack does this automatically; one reason for sending 'ping' data would be to detect a connection close on the client side - typically you only find out something has gone wrong when you try and read/write from the socket. There may be a way to change various time-outs so you can detect this condition faster.
2) In general while TCP provides a stream-oriented error free channel, it makes no guarantees about timeliness, if you are using it on the internet it is even more unpredictable.
3) For applications such as this (I hope you are making it for ethical purposes) - I would tend to use TCP, since you don't want a situation where the client receives a packet to raise an alarm but misses that one that turns it off again.

Should I use UDP or TCP for my Minecraft-style game?

I'm creating a 2D Minecraft style game, where the map is stored in a 2-dimensional int array.
You can place and destroy blocks and ai-controlled characters will walk around the map.
The game's made using xna/c#.
The problem is that I don't have much experience coding networked games.
Which protocol should I use? UDP, TCP? Or perhaps the Lindgren library? (which uses UDP + reliability)
Should I let the following things be done on the client, server or on both?
collision detection
Also, is it good practice to send destroy and place-block messages to the server?
I guess that when the client starts, it first needs to download the map. And then changes to the map will be made in parallel to the maps on the clients and the one on the server...
Finally, should I broadcast the positions of the characters only when they change (tends towards TCP) or should I continually send them (tends towards UDP)?
I feel as if the thread below has some nice information that will be useful to you. Like AmitApollo said, in a nutshell UDP is faster, but less reliable. If all your information you're sending across this network is absolutely vital then TCP might be the best implementation. You could always try both and see what kinds of performance/latency hits you have. In general, most fast paced/realtime games I've read up on have used UDP.
Android game UDP / TCP?
Everything should be verified by the server so that the game is not hackable or modifiable; either by modifying memory addresses or some other vulnerability.
Both AI/pathfinding and collision should be validated by the server however using TCP for both would cause congestion because of the handshake and window overhead. MMO's today use UDP packets with custom congestion control and handshakes. As a first version you should simply use a UDP packet - when packets are lost or dropped in transmission the game will simply lag and freeze until a UDP packet gets through. Subsequent versions of your game could implement a custom acknowledgment setup with UDP such that the character will pause until validated.
Client -- Movement request UDP --> Server
Client: Character is frozen Server: Validate coordinates on map
Client: <-- YES or NO to move request -- Server
Client: Move character based on response
This makes sure that every movement by the characters are valid. You will also need security keys or protocol security so that not just anyone can send coordinates to be validated.
You may think this design will lag your game but if properly designed it will be secure and free from client-side hacking. Remember to design your UDP packets to be as small as possible (size-wise).

TCP vs UDP - Issues that arise from using both

When I'm learning about various technologies, I often try to think of how applications I use regularly implement such things. I've played a few MMOs along with some FPSs. I did some looking around and happened upon this thread:
I have been seeing that UDP shines when some loss of packets is permissible. There's less overhead involved and updates are done more quickly. After looking around for a bit and reading various articles and threads, I've come to see that character positioning will often be done with UDP. Games like FPSs will often be done with UDP because of all the rapid changes that are occuring.
I've seen multiple times now where someone pointed out issues that can occur when using UDP and TCP simultaneously. What might some of these problems be? Are these issues that would mostly be encountered by novice programmers? It seems to me that it would be ideal to use a combination of UDP and TCP, gaining the advantages of each. However, if using the two together adds a significant amount of complexity to the code to deal with problems caused, it may not be worth it in certain situations.
Many games use UDP and TCP together. Since it is mandatory for every game to deliver the actions of a player to everyone, it has to be done in one way or the other. It now depends on what kind of game you want to make. In a RTS, surely TCP would be much wiser, since you cannot lose information about your opponents movement. In an RPG, it is not that incredibly important to keep track of everything every second of the game.
Bottom line is, if data has to arrive at the client, in any case, (position updates, upgrades aso.), you have to send it via TCP, or, you implement your own reliable protocol based on UDP. I have constructed quite a few network stacks for games, and I have to say, what you use depends on the usecase and what you are trying to accomplish. I mostly did a heartbeat over UDP, so the remote server/client knows that I am still there. The problem with UDP is, that packets get lost and not resent. If a packet drops, it is lost for ever. You have to take that into account. If you send some information over UDP, it has to be information that is allowed to be lost. Everything else goes via TCP.
And so the madness began. If you want to get most out of both, you will have to adapt them. TCP can be slow sometimes, and you have to wait, if packets get fragmented or do not arrive in order, until the OS has reassembled them. In some cases it could be advisable to build your own reliable protocol on top of UDP. That would allow you complete control over your traffic. Most firewalls do not drop UDP or anything else, but as with TCP, any traffic that is not declared to be safe (Opening Ports, packet redirects, aso.), gets dropped. I would suggest you read up the TCP and UDP and UDP-Lite article up at wikipedia and then decide which ones you want to use for what. AFAIK uses a combination of the two.
Many services use udp and tcp together, but doing so without adding congestion control to your udp implementation can cause major problems for tcp. Long story short, udp can and often will clog the routers at each endpoint making tcp's congestion control to go haywire and significantly limit the throughout of the tcp connection. The udp based congestion can also cause significant increase in packet loss for tcp, limiting tcp's throughput even more as it will need to have these packets retransmitted. Using them together isn't a bad idea and is even becoming somewhat common, but you'll want to keep this in mind.
The first possible issue I can think of is that, because UDP doesn't have the overhead inherent in the "transmission control" that TCP does, UDP has higher data bandwidth and lower latency. So, it is possible for a UDP datagram that was sent after a TCP message to be available on the remote computer's input buffers before the TCP message is received in full.
This may cause problems if you use TCP to control or monitor UDP transmission; for instance, you might tell the server via TCP that you'll be sending some datagrams via UDP on port X. If the remote computer isn't already listening on port X, it may not receive some of these datagrams, because they arrived before it was told to listen; if it is listening, but not expecting traffic from you, it may discard them because they showed up before it was told to expect them. This may have an adverse effect on your program's flow or your user's experience.
I think that if you like to transfer game data TCP will be the only solution. Imagine that you send a command (e.g gained x item :P) at the server and this packet never reach its destination. (udp has no guaranties).
Also imagine the scenario that two or more UDP packets reach their destination in wrong order.
But if with your game you integrate any VoIP or Video Call capabilities you can use at these UDP.

what happens when tcp/udp server is publishing faster than client is consuming?

I am trying to get a handle on what happens when a server publishes (over tcp, udp, etc.) faster than a client can consume the data.
Within a program I understand that if a queue sits between the producer and the consumer, it will start to get larger. If there is no queue, then the producer simply won't be able to produce anything new, until the consumer can consume (I know there may be many more variations).
I am not clear on what happens when data leaves the server (which may be a different process, machine or data center) and is sent to the client. If the client simply can't respond to the incoming data fast enough, assuming the server and the consumer are very loosely coupled, what happens to the in-flight data?
Where can I read to get details on this topic? Do I just have to read the low level details of TCP/UDP?
With TCP there's a TCP Window which is used for flow control. TCP only allows a certain amount of data to remain unacknowledged at a time. If a server is producing data faster than a client is consuming data then the amount of data that is unacknowledged will increase until the TCP window is 'full' at this point the sending TCP stack will wait and will not send any more data until the client acknowledges some of the data that is pending.
With UDP there's no such flow control system; it's unreliable after all. The UDP stacks on both client and server are allowed to drop datagrams if they feel like it, as are all routers between them. If you send more datagrams than the link can deliver to the client or if the link delivers more datagrams than your client code can receive then some of them will get thrown away. The server and client code will likely never know unless you have built some form of reliable protocol over basic UDP. Though actually you may find that datagrams are NOT thrown away by the network stack and that the NIC drivers simply chew up all available non-paged pool and eventually crash the system (see this blog posting for more details).
Back with TCP, how your server code deals with the TCP Window becoming full depends on whether you are using blocking I/O, non-blocking I/O or async I/O.
If you are using blocking I/O then your send calls will block and your server will slow down; effectively your server is now in lock step with your client. It can't send more data until the client has received the pending data.
If the server is using non blocking I/O then you'll likely get an error return that tells you that the call would have blocked; you can do other things but your server will need to resend the data at a later date...
If you're using async I/O then things may be more complex. With async I/O using I/O Completion Ports on Windows, for example, you wont notice anything different at all. Your overlapped sends will still be accepted just fine but you might notice that they are taking longer to complete. The overlapped sends are being queued on your server machine and are using memory for your overlapped buffers and probably using up 'non-paged pool' as well. If you keep issuing overlapped sends then you run the risk of exhausting non-paged pool memory or using a potentially unbounded amount of memory as I/O buffers. Therefore with async I/O and servers that COULD generate data faster than their clients can consume it you should write your own flow control code that you drive using the completions from your writes. I have written about this problem on my blog here and here and my server framework provides code which deals with it automatically for you.
As far as the data 'in flight' is concerned the TCP stacks in both peers will ensure that the data arrives as expected (i.e. in order and with nothing missing), they'll do this by resending data as and when required.
TCP has a feature called flow control.
As part of the TCP protocol, the client tells the server how much more data can be sent without filling up the buffer. If the buffer fills up, the client tells the server that it can't send more data yet. Once the buffer is emptied out a bit, the client tells the server it can start sending data again. (This also applies to when the client is sending data to the server).
UDP on the other hand is completely different. UDP itself does not do anything like this and will start dropping data if it is coming in faster then the process can handle. It would be up to the application to add logic to the application protocol if it can't lose data (i.e. if it requires a 'reliable' data stream).
If you really want to understand TCP, you pretty much need to read an implementation in conjunction with the RFC; real TCP implementations are not exactly as specified. For example, Linux has a 'memory pressure' concept which protects against running out of the kernel's (rather small) pool of DMA memory, and also prevents one socket running any others out of buffer space.
The server can't be faster than the client for a long time. After it has been faster than the client for a while, the system where it is hosted will block it when it writes on the socket (writes can block on a full buffer just as reads can block on an empty buffer).
With TCP, this cannot happen.
In case of UDP, packets will be lost.
The TCP Wikipedia article shows the TCP header format which is where the window size and acknowledgment sequence number are kept. The rest of the fields and the description there should give a good overview of how transmission throttling works. RFC 793 specifies the basic operations; pages 41 and 42 details the flow control.
