Should I use UDP or TCP for my Minecraft-style game? - networking

I'm creating a 2D Minecraft style game, where the map is stored in a 2-dimensional int array.
You can place and destroy blocks and ai-controlled characters will walk around the map.
The game's made using xna/c#.
The problem is that I don't have much experience coding networked games.
Which protocol should I use? UDP, TCP? Or perhaps the Lindgren library? (which uses UDP + reliability)
Should I let the following things be done on the client, server or on both?
collision detection
Also, is it good practice to send destroy and place-block messages to the server?
I guess that when the client starts, it first needs to download the map. And then changes to the map will be made in parallel to the maps on the clients and the one on the server...
Finally, should I broadcast the positions of the characters only when they change (tends towards TCP) or should I continually send them (tends towards UDP)?

I feel as if the thread below has some nice information that will be useful to you. Like AmitApollo said, in a nutshell UDP is faster, but less reliable. If all your information you're sending across this network is absolutely vital then TCP might be the best implementation. You could always try both and see what kinds of performance/latency hits you have. In general, most fast paced/realtime games I've read up on have used UDP.
Android game UDP / TCP?

Everything should be verified by the server so that the game is not hackable or modifiable; either by modifying memory addresses or some other vulnerability.
Both AI/pathfinding and collision should be validated by the server however using TCP for both would cause congestion because of the handshake and window overhead. MMO's today use UDP packets with custom congestion control and handshakes. As a first version you should simply use a UDP packet - when packets are lost or dropped in transmission the game will simply lag and freeze until a UDP packet gets through. Subsequent versions of your game could implement a custom acknowledgment setup with UDP such that the character will pause until validated.
Client -- Movement request UDP --> Server
Client: Character is frozen Server: Validate coordinates on map
Client: <-- YES or NO to move request -- Server
Client: Move character based on response
This makes sure that every movement by the characters are valid. You will also need security keys or protocol security so that not just anyone can send coordinates to be validated.
You may think this design will lag your game but if properly designed it will be secure and free from client-side hacking. Remember to design your UDP packets to be as small as possible (size-wise).


reading tcp packets out of order

Web games are forced to use tcp.
But with real time constraints tcp head of line blocking behavior is absurd when you don't care about old packets.
While I'm aware that there's definitely nothing that we can do on the client side, I'm wondering if there is a solution on the server side.
Indeed, on the server you get packets in order and miserably wait if misbehaving packet t+42 has been lost even though packets t+43, t+44 can already be nicely waiting in your receive buffer.
Since we are talking about local data, technically it should be possible to retrieve it..
So does anyone have an idea on how to perform that feat?
How to save this precious data from these pesky kernel space daemons?
TCP guarantees that the data arrives in order and re-transmits lost packets. TCP Man Page
Given this, there is only one way to achieve the results you want given your stated constraints, and that is to hack the TCP protocol at the server side (assuming you cannot control the Client WebSocket behavior). The simplest, relative term, would be to open a raw socket, implement your own simple TCP handshake (Syn-Ack when client Syns), then read and write from the socket managing your own TCP headers. Your custom implementation would need to keep track of received sequence numbers and acknowledge all of those you want the client to forget about.
You might be able to reduce effort by making this program a proxy to your original.
Example of TCP raw socket here.

HTTP vs TCP for online games

I am wondering about the difference between HTTP and TCP data transfer protocols for online games.
I have heard many people using TCP or UDP to transfer data between client and server for online games.
But can you use http at all? I know http is mostly used for web browsing, but if I could set up web server and let my game applications use GET and POST methods, I can still send data back and forth right? Is it that this way of communicating is too slow or unnecessary?
And just one thing about TCP transmission protocols, if I were to write some gaming application using TCP, is it that the data are usually transferred using something called "sockets" (like Socket classes in Java)? What about UDP?
Thanks very much!
Appreciate any answer!
HTTP is an additional layer on top of TCP that defines what a request looks like, what a response looks like, and how the connection is closed or maintained across requests. You can either use it or not use it, depending on what you actually need to transport. If your game consists of a series of requests that each get a reply, HTTP might make sense. If it's more like unsolicited messages in each direction, making HTTP work is like putting a square peg in a round hole.
Most platforms provide a socket interface that allows you to work with either TCP or UDP depending on the protocol specified when the socket is allocated. Some higher-level APIs look completely different for different protocols.

UDP functionality for communication between 2 ports/sockets?

What purpose is UDP for..if it delivers packets without any order (and given the fact that packets may get lost on the way or sent to other network).
UDP as many very usefull use cases.
Just a few off the top of my head:
1/ Your payloads are small (will hold in a single "packet") and you want to go fast. That's why DNS uses UDP when the data size does exceeds 512 bytes (99% of the cases?):
And you do hundreds of DNS requests every day. How many TCP 3-way handshakes and connection tear-down saved by this? How may petabytes or network load saved on "the internet"? I'd say that's quite useful!
2/ You do not know who you are talking too, or even if someone is listening or wishing to reply. In other words, you cannot or do not want for sure to establish an actual connection, like TCP would do. There may not be a TCP service listening for you. For example, the SSDP protocol from UPnP uses UDP to discover devices/services:
With UDP tough, you can send your data "in the wild" even if nobody is listening to you. Which leads me to point 3...
3/ You want to talk to multiple hosts, or even "everyone". That's multicasting and broadcasting, and it's very easy to do in UDP. The SSDP mentioned above is an example of such case. On the other hand, if you want to do multicast or broadcast on TCP, that becomes very tricky from the start. You'll have to subscribe to multicast group and blablabla. A multicast daemon may help (ex:, but it's really way more difficult in TCP than with UDP.
4/ Your data is realtime, if the target is missing it there's no point for it to ask for a "please send it again, I did not get it and/or not in the correct order". That's too late, sorry. The receiver better forget it, go on and try to catch-up. A typical use case here can be live audio/video (telephony conversations, real time video streaming). There's no point for the receiver to try to get old, expired data again and again in case of TCP missed segment(s). You can only accumulate network data debt doing this. Better forget it and move on to the new, real-time data that keep coming in. You cannot "pause" real-time incoming data. If you want actual real-time, not pseudo real-time like you get in your web browser.
And I'm sure other posters will find many use-cases for UDP.
So UDP is very, VERY useful. You use it daily without noticing it. The networking world would be a pitiful place without it. You would really miss it. The "TCP/IP" should really be renamed "TCP-UDP/IP".
This was my advocacy for the unfairly despised but Oh-so-useful UDP. :-)
Typically, use UDP in applications where speed is more critical than reliability. For example, it may be better to use UDP in an application sending data from a fast acquisition where it is acceptable to lose some data points. You can also use UDP to broadcast/multicast to any/many machine(s) listening to the server.
Applications may want finer control over the performance characteristics or the reliability of their communications. For this, the operating system exposes IP’s “best-effort datagrams” to the application for it to do whatever it wants with them.
To do this, the OS provides UDP — the “user” datagram protocol. It’s just like IP, in that the service is best-effort datagrams, but instead of delivering those datagrams “to a computer,” there’s an added layer of addressing that says which application is interested in them (and like TCP, UDP does this with a port number).
Applications can run whatever they want on top of UDP — anything that runs on best-effort datagrams. There are lots of protocols you can run on top of that abstraction.
In general:
TCP is for high-reliability data transmissions
UDP is for low-overhead transmissions

Discussion: Chat server via node.js: HTTP or TCP?

I was considering doing a chat server using node.js/ Should I make it a tcp server or a http server? I'd imagine tcp server would be more efficient, but can you send other stuff to it like file attachments etc? If tcp is more efficient, how much more so? Also, just wondering how many concurrent connections can one node.js server handle? Is it more work to do TCP or HTTP?
You are talking about 2 totally different approaches here - TCP is a transport layer protocol and HTTP is an application layer protocol. HTTP (usually) operates over TCP, so whichever option you choose, it will still be operating over TCP.
The efficiency question is sort of a moot point, because you are talking about different OSI layers. If you went for raw TCP sockets, your solution would probably be more efficient - in bandwidth at least - since HTTP contains a whole bunch of extra data (the headers) that would likely be irrelevant to your purposes (depending on the scale of the chat program). What you are talking about developing there is your own application layer protocol.
You can send anything you like over TCP - after all HTTP can send attachments, and that operates over TCP. FTP also operates over TCP, and that is designed purely for transferring "attachments". In order to do this, you would need to write your protocol so that it was able to tell the remote party that the following data was a file, then send the file data, then tell the remote party that the transfer is complete. Implementations of this are many and varied (the HTTP approach is completely different from the FTP approach) and your options are pretty much infinite.
I don't know for sure about the node.js connection limit, but I can say with a fair amount of confidence that it is limited by the operating system. This might help you get to grips with the answer to that question.
It is debatable whether it is more work to do it with TCP or HTTP - it's a lot of work to do it in both. I would probably lean more toward the TCP option being your best bet. While TCP would require you to design a protocol rather than/as well as an application, HTTP is not particularly suited to live, 2-way applications like chat servers. There are many implementations of chat over HTTP that use AJAX, but I can tell you from painful experience that they are a complete pain in the rear-end.
I would say that you should only be looking at HTTP if you are intending the endpoint (i.e. the client) to be a browser. If you are going to write a desktop app for the endpoint, a direct TCP link would definitely be the way to go. The main reason for this is that HTTP works in a request-response manner, where the client sends a request to the server, and the server responds. Over TCP you can open a single TCP stream, that can be used for bi-directional communication. This means that the server can push an event to the client instantly, while over HTTP you have to wait for the client to send a request, so you can respond with an event. If you were intending to use a browser as the client, it will make the whole file transfer thing much more tricky (the sending at least).
There are ways to implement this over HTTP using long-polling and server push (read this) but it can be a real pain to implement.
If you are going to implement this on a LAN (or possibly even over the internet) it is worth considering UDP over TCP - in a chat application it is not usually absolutely mission critical that messages arrive in the right order, and even if it was, users would probably not be able to type faster than the variations in network latency (probably <100ms). Then for file transfers you could either negotiate a seperate TCP socket for the data exchange (like FTP), or implement some kind of UDP ACK system (like TFTP).
I feel there is a lot more to say on this subject but right now I can't put it into words - I may extend this answer at some point.
Chat servers are the Hello World program in node. Use http.
As far as the question of how many concurrent connections can it handle, that all depends on your system. Set up a simple chat server and then try benchmarking it.
Also, check out and search for chat for a few pointers.

Why is UDP + a software reliable ordering system faster than TCP?

Some games today use a network system that transmits messages over UDP, and ensures that the messages are reliable and ordered.
For example, RakNet is a popular game network engine. It uses only UDP for its connections, and has a whole system to ensure that packets can be reliable and ordered if you so choose.
My basic question is, what's up with that? Isn't TCP the same thing as ordered, reliable UDP? What makes it so much slower that people have to basically reinvent the wheel?
TCP is a general purpose reliable system
UDP +whatever is a special purpose reliable system.
Specialized things are usually better than general purpose things for the thing they are specialized.
Stream / Message
TCP is stream-based
UDP is message-based
Sending discrete gaming information maps usually better to a message-based paradigm. Sending it through a stream is possible but horribly ineffective. If you want to reliably send a huge amount of data (File transfer), TCP is quite effective. That's why Bit-torrent use UDP for control messages and TCP for data sending.
We switched from reliable to unreliable in "league of legends" about a year ago because of several advantages which have since proven to be true:
1) Old information becomes irrelevant. If I send a health packet and it doesn't arrive... I don't want to have to wait for that same health packet to resend when I know its changed.
2) Order is sometimes not necessary. If I'm sending different messages to different systems it may not be necessary to get those messages in order. I don't force the client to wait for in-order messages.
3) Unreliable doesn't get backed up with messages... ie waiting for acknowledgements which means you can resolve loss spikes much more quickly.
4) You can control resends when necessarily more efficiently. Such as repacking something that didn't send into another packet. (TCP does repack but you can do it more efficiently with knowledge about how your program works.)
5) Flow control of message such as throwing away messages that are less relevant when the network suddenly spikes. The network system can choose not to resend less relevant messages when you have a loss spike. With TCP you'd still have a queue of messages that are trying to resend which may be lower priority.
6) Smaller header packet... don't really need to say much about that.
There's much more of a difference between UDP and TCP than just reliability and sequencing:
At the heart of the matter is the fact that UDP is connectionless while TCP is connected. This simple difference leads to a host of other differences that I'm not going to be able to reasonbly summarize here. You can read the analysis below for much more detail.
TCP - UDP Comparative Analysis
The answer in in my opinion the two words: "Congestion control".
TCP goes to great lengths to manage the bandwidth of the path - to use the most of it, but to ensure that there is space for other applications. This is a very hard task, and inherently it is not possible to use 100% of the bandwidth 100% of the time.
With UDP, on the other hand, one can make their own protocol to send the packets onto the wire as fast as they want - this makes the protocol very unfriendly to other applications, but can gain more "performance" short-term. On the other hand, it is with high probability that if the conditions are appropriate, this kind of protocols might contribute to congestion collapse.
TCP is a stream-oriented protocol, whereas UDP is a message-oriented protocol. Hence TCP does more than just reliability and ordering. See this post for more details. Basically, the RakNet developers added the reliability and ordering while still keeping it as a message-oriented protocol, and so the result was more lightweight than TCP (which has to do more).
This little article is old, but it's still pretty true when it comes to games. It explains the two protocols, and the havoc these folks went trying to develop a multiplayer internet game. "X-Wing vs Tie Fighter"
Lessons Learned (The Internet Sucks)
There is one caveat to this though, I run/develop a multiplayer game, and I've used both. UDP was much better for my app, but alot of people couldn't play with UDP. Routers and such blocked the connections. So I changed to the "reliable" TCP. Well... Reliable? I don't think so. You send a packet, no errors, you send another and it crashes (exception) in the middle of the packet. Now which packets made it? So you end up writing a reliable protocol ON TOP OF tcp, to simulate UDP - but continuously establish a new connection when it crashes. Take about inefficient.
UDP + Stop and wait ARW = good
UDP + Sliding Window Protocol = better
TCP + Sliding Window Protocol with reconnection? = Worthless bulkware. (IMHO)
The other side effect is multi-threaded applications. TCP works well for a chat room type thing, since each room can be it's own thread. A room can hold 60-100 people and it runs fine, as the Room thread contains the Sockets for each participant.
UDP on the other hand is best served (IMO) by one thread, but when you get the packet, you have to parse it to figure out who it came from (via info sent or RemoteEndPoint), then pass that data to the chatroom thread in a threadsafe manner.
Actually, you have to do the same with TCP, but only on connect.
Last point. Remember that TCP will just error out and kill the connection at anytime, but you can reconnect in about .5 seconds and send the same information. Most bizzare thing I've ever worked with.
UDP have a lower reliability give it more reliability by making it send a message and wait for respond if no respond came it resend the message.
