How to remove user timings or events - pagespeed

I am trying to remove some entries from my user timings under
Behavior->Site Speed->User Timings.
Putting them there with ga('event','timing_complete',args) is easy, but I cannot find documentation on how to remove them.
Any help is appreciated.


Find out how many different 'brands' (custom dim) a user looks at on average?

Our website has many related products from a large number of different brands
I'd like to try and use Google Analytics data to find out, on average, how many different brands - which I have set as a hit level custom dimension - a user will look at over a given time period
I'm not sure if this is possible, but it would be really cool to know!
Helps with understanding brand loyalty/defection
I started by creating a simple custom report to see how many manufacturers get seen by how many users, but I don't know where to go next with this question in order to answer it!

How to combine/gather "medium"s in Google Analytics?

I'm struggling with GA and how to combine two mediums.
More specifically, I have traffic from two versions of the same newsletter appearing in GA:
10122013_This-Is-My-Newsletter-Title. / newsletter_ubivox
10122013_This-Is-My-Newsletter-Title. / (newsletter_ubivox)
Obviously, this is not desirable. How can i setup a filter (maybe with regex) to combine these two versions into one?
Hopefully, this makes sense!
Past data is locked down so you can't touch that.
Instead of going into the regex world, could you not edit the tags so the campaign name and medium match? As soon as they match they will start to show as combined in GA.
Easier than filters and new code.
To further expand my answer, you can use an advanced Search and Replace filter to do what you want -
I'd set up a test profile first though to make sure that this works as expected.

Scrape all google search result for a specific name

I think the question has been answered here before,but i could not find the desired topic.I am a newbie in web scraping.I have to develop a script that will take all the google search result for a specific name.Then it will grab the related data against that name and if there is found more than one,the data will be grouped according to their names.
All I know is that,google has some kind of restriction on scraping.They provide a custom search api.I still did not use that api,but hoping to get all the resulted links corresponding to a query from that api. But, could not understand what will be the ideal process to do the scraping of the information from that links.Any tutorial link or suggestion is very much appreciated.
You should have provided a bit more what you have been doing, it does not sound like you even tried to solve it yourself.
Anyway, if you are still on it:
You can scrape Google through two ways, one is allowed one is not allowed.
a) Use their API, you can get around 2k results a day.
You can up it to around 3k a day for 2000 USD/year. You can up it more by getting in contact with them directly.
You will not be able to get accurate ranking positions from this method, if you only need a lower number of requests and are mainly interested in getting some websites according to a keyword that's the choice.
Starting point would be here:
b) You can scrape the real search results
That's the only way to get the true ranking positions, for SEO purposes or to track website positions. Also it allows to get a large amount of results, if done right.
You can Google for code, the most advanced free (PHP) code I know is at
However, there are other projects and code snippets.
You can start off at 300-500 requests per day and this can be multiplied by multiple IPs. Look at the linked article if you want to go that route, it explains it in more details and is quite accurate.
That said, if you choose route b) you break Googles terms, so either do not accept them or make sure you are not detected. If Google detects you, your script will be banned by IP/captcha. Not getting detected should be a priority.

Google Analytics One Page Order Form

Having looked through the questions already on SO, I can't seem to find the answer on how to track a form that has multiple steps on one page. I saw an example that Google gives but could not really understand the way they were presenting it. What we have is a one page order form and need to track the users that come from a website and end up ordering. the whole ordering process is done with one file so I don't know how to track whether or not someone has actually completed the order. Any help would be great, even directing me to better examples than what Google has shown to me.
Thank you
Just call the JS function _gaq.push([trackPageview,'/form/stepXX']); each time the process reaches a new step.
You can pass any text string you want as a parameter.
Then you can configure a Goal and a funnel in GA with all the major steps of process
You can also track Events in case of errors for example.
(this uses the GA Async syntax)

Website Layout Statistics

I have a client who has suggested laying out a long list of categories in a custom order. The order is to be decided by them based on product items they sell the most etc.
I tend to disagree and feel that people browsing the internet prefer to search lists of categories that are in alphabetical order or sorted by something they can take reference of such as a date.
I would like to know others thoughts on this and it would be appreciated if anyone could point me in the direction of any open source surveys that have been taken in this area.
What a silly stance to take regarding a simple customer request. Allow for both orderings, and other ones too. There is no survey that will demonstrate that the client is wrong as they are - by definition - correct.
Code that allows for different orderings has greater utility anyway, and real user data will be able to show them which - if either - should be the default.
