Is there a way to use a standalone WireMock with Handlebars partials? - integration-testing

I would like to use handlebars partials in WireMock. Unfortunately I can't find a way to register those in the docs.

Presently there is no support for HandleBars Partials in WireMock.
HandleBars is supported in the Response Template transformer and feature is handled as an extension. In the GitHub the handles the processing.
It's functionality can be extended using WireMock HandleBars 'helpers'. These are extensions documented on the Custom extensions page (bottom of the page) and examples in the GitHub code can be found here: responsetemplateing/helpers


How to do SSR (server-side rendering) in Svelte/TypeScript?

Svelte’s JavaScript server-side rendering API is described here:
However, when I do this in TypeScript, there is no method App.render().
Do I need to change rollup.config.js (e.g. compilerOptions.generate)?
Do I need two versions of this file – one for the server and one for the client?
Can anyone help? Thanks!
Svelte Server-side component API is not directly accessible via import. Instead, you need to build the production with vite options --ssr. Otherwise, you're importing the component class extended SvelteComponent and that class has no render function.
You can check out this guide for Production SSR build: Vite Server-Side Rendering.
You don't need to set up the SSR Dev server or inject /#vite/client because svelte-hmr already does the magic under the hood.
The SSR Bundle options ssr.noExternal doesn't seem to work for me. So that I need to convert all Svelte components import into static import for a production build.
The official template relies on rollup-plugin-svelte, where similar question was asked. Essentially compiling in SSR mode does not automatically generate any HTML, in fact some post processing is required. The Svelte Server-side component API can be used for that.
There are several solutions out there for SSR:

Adobe CQ: Client Library Manager

I'm attempting to modify/override functionalities of the CQ client library manager and I was wondering if anyone is familiar with where the code lives?
I've found some js that controls channel detection in DefaultChannelDetector.js and CQClientLibraryManager.js which seemingly only deals with channels, not dependencies or embedding. These are served as a clientlib, etc/clientlibs/foundation/librarymanager.js which I assume can be overriden by pointing htmllibmanager.clientmanager in apps/system/config/
So for modifying, I would need to know where the code lives. For overriding, I assume I point the htmllibmanager.clientmanager toward something else but I would still need to know how to access dependencies/categories/embed properties of clientlibs.
Additionally, any low-level insight into how the cq:includeClientLib tag works would be appreciated. (low-level as in point to the code that implements it)
The vast majority of the Client Library functionality is in the HtmlLibraryManager component implemented OOB by the HtmlLibraryManagerImpl class in the bundle. You can look up this component in Felix to see what bundle it is in and then decompile that bundle if you need to look at the guts of what the implementation does.
At a high level this component handles both the generation of the results of the cq:includeClientLib tag and the concatenation and compilation of libraries when a library URL is requested. Speaking specifically to the cq:includeClientLib tag, the HtmlLibraryManager's writeIncludes method will determine, based on parameters of the request and parameters provided in the cq:includeClientLib tag, how to write includes to the page for the existing libraries.
In the case of dynamic libraries (libraries which are channel based) it will write calls to the library manager JavaScript mechanisms which will dynamically include libraries based on the user's channel. Otherwise appropriate script and link tags for JavaScript and CSS respectively will be written for the requested libraries and their dependencies.

Using Handlebars util methods in Meteor server

I'm working on my first Meteor app, and I'm trying to escape a string on the server side. I was hoping to use Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression, but even when I add handlebars (which I had to do, even though Meteor already uses it?), I still get
ReferenceError: Handlebars is not defined
error when that code is hit. Is there a way to invoke that method server side without manually including the source in my project?
Meteor uses Handlebars on the client only. Server-side rendering is on the roadmap.
Also, the Handlebars that comes with Meteor doesn't include Utils.
Use {{{thingThatNeedsEscaping}}} instead, as per the documentation that unescapes it.
Also, I don't think it's necessary to escape stuff before inserting it into the database, if you want it though there are other JS functions for that (like escape variants that are not deprecated).

using SquishIt with web resources

I'm using the SquishIt to manage the js/css files and it works perfect, but only with my manually created files. How can I use it with the webresources/script resources (scripts for ajax, validation etc.) which are returned to browser throught the script manager?
A method on bundles called .AddRootEmbeddedResource has been added to deal with situations like this (where an embedded resource does not use the default AssemblyName.ResourceName convention)

Can I use an XLL add-in with SpreadsheetGear

I have a custom add-in that I need to use in SpreadsheetGear. Can I directly reference the XLL file, or is there a way of making an interface or wrapper to access it?
SpreadsheetGear has no APIs to interface with XLL files. There are APIs to create your own custom functions within SpreadsheetGear, so you could re-implement your custom functions using this API. I couldn't say whether it's possible to write some sort of wrapper around your XLL using SpreadsheetGear's Custom Function API.
For more information on our Custom Function API, see the SpreadsheetGear.CustomFunction namespace in our documentation (
There's also a sample in the SpreadsheetGear Explorer Solutions for C#/VB (found in the "SpreadsheetGear 2010" folder under the Start Menu...assuming you have SG installed on your machine) that demonstrates building a simple custom function (under Calculations > Custom Functions).
