Chrome Image Displayed Too Bright - css

I'm displaying this image on a website, however Chrome seems to be adjusting the brightness or saturation (not sure the exact term). I've only run into this problem recently, this image was displaying on Chrome correctly however some recent changes in Chrome must have changed that.
I've done a quick test with browsers and here are the results:
Chrome Desktop (64.0.3282.186): Broken
Chrome Mobile: Broken
Opera: Working
Edge: Working
Raw image can be found here:
Here's a side by side comparison between Chrome (left) and Edge.
Could anyone tell me the cause of this? Or perhaps point me in the right direction?

I think that your image is in CMYK (print) color mode. Chrome renders its colors differently.
Try to open the image with an editor (for example: Photoshop, Gimp 2), set the color mode to RGB (if the editor doesn't do that by default), and save it (or export it) with the same extension, .jpg. This works for me.
If your colors are changing a little bit, that is because of the conversion to RGB.


Google chrome rendering an image with the wrong colors

I have a jpeg file that will render with the wrong green color in google chrome.
This image:
dropbox link, looks a lot brighter in chrome.
The icon generation in dropbox also reflects the error, theese are screenshots from the same dropbox page:
dropbox page, rendered in chrome, the image below should not be that bright:
dropbox page, rendered in ie, images looks like they should:
To make this even more complicated, this stackoverflow page looks the same in all browsers. The image that looks the same in all browsers is here: the other dropbox link
The problem is that your image is in CMYK color mode. CMYK is a color format meant to print (paper) while app's, webs, etc use RGB. There are many colors you can't ever get in CMYK specially the brights (phosphorescent type). I guess chrome just try to convert the CMYK values to RGB by its own failing in this case.
Just open your image, turn it into RGB and try again. It will look as you want. (when transforming from CMYK to RGB you won't notice any big diference. You will if you transform from RGB to CMYK though).
This is the image I download from boxdrop and transformed into RGB

Google Chrome Changing Graphic Color

Google Chrome always seems to be changing the color of an image that I'm trying to match to a background color. I tried saving it in Photoshop and GIMP and even adjusted the color settings in each but it doesn't help in Chrome. FF and IE work fine (for once).
The color of my image is #282828. After I saved it as a PNG, I reopened it in both GIMP and Photoshop and used the eyedropper tool to confirm that the color was still #282828. When it renders in Chrome it's darker. I have a div with a background color of #282828, and the image is right next to it. I took a screen shot and the div's background color was #282828 and the images background color was #1d1d1d. I tried this for several different colors and each has had the same result. I even tried making the source image the color Chrome was rendering it as but Chrome still changes it. So for example, since Chrome was changing #282828 to #1d1d1d, I made the source image #1d1d1d, and when I rendered it in Chrome it was not #1d1d1d, but some other darker color.
At this point, I'm looking for either a fix or a programmatic work-around. Because the image is transparent, has curves, and a drop-shadow, there's really no way for me to avoid replacing the it, or even parts of it, with html.
I also tried saving it as a jpg and gif. gif actually works but can't preserve the drop shadow. The image I'm using is attached. If I take a screenshot of this in Chrome, GIMP's eyedropper tool says it's #1d1d1d. If I open the original and do the same, it's #282828.
PNG uses gamma correction to try to ensure that the image looks kinda the same across all monitors, and this can cause color mismatches like the one you're seeing. It's a combination of image editor issues and browser issues: image editors are not forced to embed gamma data inside images, and browsers are free to ignore the gamma correction if it's there and free to enforce some at random when it's not there. In this case, I'd rather think that Firefox ignores it.
Use a transparent PNG if you don't want its background to interfere with your page's background.
[EDIT] For your specific case, you may be able to replicate the graphics you're looking for by styling elements, using border-radius and box-shadow, two widely-implemented CSS3 properties that reasonably decay on older browsers.

Images Have Strange Tint Only in Firefox

I am having an issue with Firefox rendering a few of the .png's that I have loaded into a Wordpress blog that I am preparing for a client. The images look fine in IE 8 & 9, and chrome, but it looks very off in Mozilla. I was informed by our other UX guy that Firefox complies with embedded color profiles that may warp the tint of your image. You can view the tint shift by going to :
If anybody has any idea of how to over ride the color profile, I'd definitely appreciate the heads up!
Here is an image that shows the difference that I am seeing.
The difference in rendering is due to an ICC color profile embedded in the image. When Firefox finds a color profile it will combine it with the color profile of the display and adjust image rendering accordingly. This will normally make sure that the image is displayed the same on different displays. However, it might also cause undesired effects if the display profile is incorrect.
At least Windows 7 allows you to calibrate display colors. Not sure whether this feature was also present in earlier Windows versions but they definitely allowed selecting a color profile file in the advanced display settings - you could replace the driver-supplied profile by sRGB.
If you absolutely don't want different image display on different computers then you should just remove the color profile from the image with a tool like jStrip and pngcrush.

Background image color changes firefox/chrome

I have a very strange from when testing a website on Chrome.
The CSS is exactly the same but appears different. Plus tested on the same monitor.
You can see from the Chrome print screen the background image I am using for the knives/forks, its the background color of this image which changes.
The background image at has an embedded colour profile, which different browsers will interpret differently. You'll need to re-render the image without the embedded colour profile.
This is probably caused by using photoshop to simply 'Save' the JPG, rather than 'Save for web'ing.
Chances are, your image has a color profile applied, and thus is being rendered differently in Chrome and Firefox, which only the former of these two will actually respect it. Reading off of Chris Coiyer's article on web color profiles, you can fix the problem by doing as follows:
If you "Save As..." from the file menu, you will have the opportunity to save your color profile along with the image. If you "Save for Web & Devices..." the "sRGB" (best for the web) color profile will be automatically applied (in CS3 anyway).
this is something to do with colorprofiles.
this might help - Image color differences in different browsers. (Firefox, Chrome, IE)
and this
check your colorprofiles in photoshop (cmd+shift+k) and try to recreate the image. should work.
If you change the image to be png it will be the same color. The reason is in the link of #Nightfirecat and in #graphicdivine 's answer.

Chrome renders colours differently from Safari and Firefox

Chrome renders #FF3A00 as #FF0000 for some reason. I included a screenshot from jsfiddle to illustrate the point. The colour that the Color Meter reports (and what I see) differs from what CSS says.
This happens to other colours too. For example, #FFAF00 is rendered as #FFA400 according to the Color Meter.
However, the colours are rendered without problems on Safari and Firefox. I'm on a Mac using Chrome 11, Safari 5 and Firefox 5.
I'm sure there's a logical explanation. Any ideas?
Update: I'm attaching a screenshot of Chrome next to Safari showing the very same page. I checked this image in Photoshop: the colours are #F00 in Chrome and #FF3A00 in Safari.
Ok, as it turned out, I needed to restart my Chrome. I often connect my macbook air to a 24 inch monitor. It looks like Chrome displays the colours incorrectly when I change to a monitor that's different from what was used when Chrome was started.
I found the answer on the Google Help forum : "I should mention that in OS X, every time you change your monitor or monitor profile (e.g. if you switch from your laptop display to your external display), you MUST restart Chrome for it to get the proper monitor profile information from the OS."
By default both Firefox and Safari use the sRGB color profile. You must do the same, if your Google Chrome takes a different color profile as default.
Access at Chrome: chrome://flags/#force-color-profile
Change Force color profile to "sRGB".
Relaunch your browser and testify the rendered colors now.
I recently posted a similar question:
As Andrew Marshall answered there, this is a known issue:
Mac has color correction set up for your monitor. Your browser may or may not use color correction for web content/images depending on its setup. Your color picker reports what your OS thinks it is rendering. Your browser may report something else.
Color on computers. Something many of us take for granted but never bothered to understand how it is rendered.
Chrome color picker works by taking color from current monitor color profile,and the problem may happens by changing color setting or sometime change monitor, please check the below method to solve.
Go to chrome://flags/#force-color-profile and click Reset all to default
In case someone else come here because firefox images looks too colorful (over saturated).
Full guide on how to fix it
Type in about:config on your Firefox address bar
Set gfx.color_management.mode to 1
Set gfx.color_management.enablev4 to true
Restart firefox
Now Firefox will display colors same as Safari, Chrome and all other browsers
I changed the Colour Profile in OS X and that sorted it for me.
See the screenshots below using different Color Profile. Note, in the screenshots I'm trying to differentiate between #ff00ff, #ff1aff, #ff33ff and #ff4dff. It's only when I don't choose the default OS X colour profile that I can differentiate the colours correctly.
Default colour profile:
With a different colour profile:
From: CSS colors on OS X displaying correctly in Firefox but incorrectly in Safari and Chrome (potentially 'solved')
I found Safari and Chrome could not differentiate between #ff00ff, #ff1aff, #ff33ff and #ff4dff. But Firefox could. In addition Inkscape, an X11 app, could. But Gimp and Libreoffice Writer, non X11 apps, could not. Firefox and X11 apps seem to be using their own colour profile somehow.
I have no idea why Mac defaults to Color LCD profile which does not do this differentiation amongst others.
Had this problem with Chrome (Lubuntu) when exporting a PNG in Photoshop. Solution: File -> Save As -> Uncheck "ICC Profile: Adobe RGB (1998)".
