React-native-firebase error after first build - react-native-firebase

I am developing a cross platform application for Android and iOS and have chosen to use react-native-firebase. I have cloned the project from react-native-firebase free starter kit. When I build my application the first time using "npm run android" it works fine but the second time I get the error:
Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugGoogleServices'.
Failed to delete: C:\\android\app\build\generated\res\google-services\debug
To run the application again in the Android Studio emulator I have to manually delete the build folder and run "npm run android" again so it can create a new one. Why is this happening and how can I solve it?

I have the same problem.
Though, as a workaround, I don't clean the build folder : I start again the build (react-native run-android) and it goes live.
I may have to start several times.
So that means that the problem is about synchronization in the build process.
I've tried to set in my :
Till now it works fine!


Unity Android build crashes on start due Proguard

A development build works fine, but when I try a release build, it crashes immediately on start due to the Proguard.
I installed Crashlytics to try getting any error but it does not show any error (crashlytics works).
Might be important to add:
Just added Firebase and Facebook SDK.
How should the proguard.txt file look like?
Thank you in advance.

How To Solve Gradle Build Failed Error -Unity

I am using Firebase Auth. I am working in unity 2018. I have dowloaded Quickstart-unity-Master. In that I am working Auth Section. I have download the latest googlservices.json file also, but when I try to build the Firebase auth in android, it shows the error
Gradle build Error.
Error Image
I have searched in Forum it Says Java greater 8 is not supported. I am using jdk1.8.0_171.
I have donwloaded varrious unity packages 2017 Versions.
I Installed 10 Different versions. In that one versions First time it builds and apk produced. But second time I build it shows the error. Gradle Build failed.
How can I solve the gradle Error.
Thanks and Regads
This error might not be related to Firebase at all. I have multiple projects where Gradle fails for some reason. Just try what happens when you switch the build system from Gradle to Internal. This works for my projects.

watchkit extension 2 iOS app crash at start in simulator

I have configured the WatchKit App to run in my project (WatchOS2).
When I try to run it into the simulator the WatchKit App start perfectly, but each times I'm trying to start the iOS app, this one crash.
The simulator's log show me that :[13288] (UIKitApplication:com.MyCompany.MyProject[0x847][13496]): Service exited due to signal: Trace/BPT trap: 5
All of my code in the application delegate is in comment. just enough to start
If I build and use my main app target with the same simulator setting, that works nicely. it just when I build and run the watchkit extension target.
I tried to clean everything (derived data, simulator setting and contents).
I know, it is not the simulator, because with a new project, the issue is not here. it might be something set somewhere ??
but nothing works, any idea ?.
Your application aborted, likely due to a failed assertion. You should look at the crash log (in ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports) for more details.

iOS app not being copied to simulator

An iPad app I'm starting compiles and builds fine, I get a packaged application. But when I try to debug it, it fails with "Unknown error" after trying to install in the simulator. Inspecting the simulator directory, no Application sub-dir for my app is ever created.
It works perfectly for other iPad projects and I'm not really sure where to start - what does this imply is wrong inside my package? Does the simulator inspect the package before installing it?
I should add, this XCode project was a working iOS sample app that previously DID deploy and run on the simulator. I have only changed the source files and linked in some additional libs, not changed the underlying project structure. I don't expect it to run without errors, but I did expect it to at least start up!

Error MSB3025: using - Builds fine from command prompt

I'm hoping someone has seen this error before. I'm using MSBuild with CruiseControl.Net to run the build for this project. When i run the build from the command prompt it actually builds without errors, but when i run it with i get the following error:
error MSB3025: The source file "C:\PE\PE-DEV\UIProjects\FolderName\" is actually a directory. The "Copy" task does not support copying directories.
6 Warning(s)
1 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:01:50.07
I have been doing a search and nothing with that error number shows up in google. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
<buildArgs>/p:Configuration=DeployDev;BuildMode=DRYRUN;CreatePackage=true /fileLogger /verbosity:normal</buildArgs>
<logger>C:\Program Files (x86)\CruiseControl.NET\server\ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.MsBuild.dll</logger>
This task works fine in other projects... If i use command prompt and run msbuild it works fine as well.
If it works when you run it from the command prompt (runs using your user account and permissions) and fails when running under CC (runs under whatever service account cc is running) it might be a permission issue. Try changing the account that runs under to your own account and see what happens.
This one was a tricky one, i was able to make the project work. The issue was the deploy build xml file had a typo somewhere and i was able to find the bug and fix it and now the project is building as it should.
