Error MSB3025: using - Builds fine from command prompt -

I'm hoping someone has seen this error before. I'm using MSBuild with CruiseControl.Net to run the build for this project. When i run the build from the command prompt it actually builds without errors, but when i run it with i get the following error:
error MSB3025: The source file "C:\PE\PE-DEV\UIProjects\FolderName\" is actually a directory. The "Copy" task does not support copying directories.
6 Warning(s)
1 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:01:50.07
I have been doing a search and nothing with that error number shows up in google. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
<buildArgs>/p:Configuration=DeployDev;BuildMode=DRYRUN;CreatePackage=true /fileLogger /verbosity:normal</buildArgs>
<logger>C:\Program Files (x86)\CruiseControl.NET\server\ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.MsBuild.dll</logger>
This task works fine in other projects... If i use command prompt and run msbuild it works fine as well.

If it works when you run it from the command prompt (runs using your user account and permissions) and fails when running under CC (runs under whatever service account cc is running) it might be a permission issue. Try changing the account that runs under to your own account and see what happens.

This one was a tricky one, i was able to make the project work. The issue was the deploy build xml file had a typo somewhere and i was able to find the bug and fix it and now the project is building as it should.


iExpress error: "Unable to end update of resources"

I've been successfully using iExpress for years. Now, when generating the same .exe files that I always generate, iExpress is now giving me the error: Unable to end update of resources.
This error comes at the very end of the process. I see the Create Package screen and the text "Creating the package..." Then the error occurs. In the file folder, I'll see a file like: ~MyFileName.CAB which would normally be deleted at the end of running iExpress.
I've tried deleting the .CAB file and rerunning iExpress again (many times). I tried rebooting. I tried running iExpress with different applications. I tried searching the web and Stack Overflow. I'm using the same Windows user account I normally use. Desperate for help as I'm unable to release my applications. Thank you!!!
The problem is resolved, though not exactly sure how. I did have another user run iExpress on my machine as that other user. (Ie, right-click on the iExpress executable and run as the other user.) That user was able to run iExpress without the error I reported above. And after that, iExpress started magically working for me too.
Could running as the other user have caused Windows to clear out some file that had been corrupted? Something else? I don't know. I just thought I would write what happened in case this can help someone else in the future.
The problem popped up again. I finally figured out that if I closed File Explorer before running iExpress, the error never happens. There's some bug with Windows 10 and/or iExpress where having the folder open can interfere with the final step that iExpress does.
Of interest: It's not a consistent bug. Sometimes iExpress finished and sometimes I got the above error when File Explorer and the folder in question was open.

Dotnet CLI command fails to run DLL

This is probably something stupid I'm overlooking, but suddenly the dotnet CLI command fails to run my .Net Core Project DLL (>dotnet MyFrameworkDependent.dll). It runs fine locally but just doesn't do anything on the VM which is Win7Pro. I reinstalled .Net Core and 'dotnet' utility is there as I can run it with -help and other stuff in the admin command prompt. It just wouldn't do anything when I pass my DLL. It used to run with the previous version, but now - nothing! Not even any error or feedback. Any ideas on how I can troubleshoot this? Any clues are greatly appreciated!
Windows Event viewer may contain either of these errors
This issue may occur if another program has not completed installing and a system reboot is required.
To resolve this issue, delete the strings, if any, in the PendingFileRenameOperations and FileRenameOperations registry keys.
Turned out there was some kinda problem with directory contents. I was able to run the DLL within the publish directory. I don't have time at the moment to investigate further, but if I get to it, I'll post details.

Bamboo Grunt 'dustc' task failing

I've moved my grunt job into Bamboo and everything works great except for the dust compiler. All of my other tasks in my gruntfile can be targeted from the bamboo task and they work. The dustc task gives this error when run: Fatal error: Error: not found: dustc.
I've manually run the dustc task on the build machine's command prompt every way I know how and it works. I even copied the command from the Bamboo build log - the one it uses to execute the grunt task - and it works just fine.
I just can't get it to work when I run the build from within Bamboo.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
This turned out to be a permissions/visibility issue.
Evidently system users (or at least the one which was running my build service) don't have access to the system environment variables in Windows. Learn something new every day!
I created a user to run the service (which I probably should have done in the first place) and that non-system user was able to see the correct PATH settings.
This took care of the problem.

Artifactory-Plugin won't deploy, because it thinks the build failed

I'm trying to use the Artifactory-Plugin for bamboo to deploy a tar.gz into artifactory. However, after the build went successful, the plugin won't even try to deploy and instead just writes
Build failed, not deploying to Artifactory.
I have no idea, why it would think, that the build failed. Does anyone else know this problem and has a suggestion on how to solve it?
As I just noticed, there was actually an error in my build before, which I didn't see, because it wasn't critical and was well hidden in the hundreds of lines of log. After getting rid of that error, it worked.
BAP-195 Was filed for this issue.
In my case Artifactory plugin fails to deploy even if build scripts has failonerror="false".

WCFTestClient won't launch

I am running VS2010 on Win7. For some reason WCFTestClient.exe won't execute. If I run this from Command line, it shows up in the task manager for split second and then dies. It won't run from VS as well. Has anybody run into this before?
I had the same problem,and it is fixed now because i had a problem in the App.Config file,i renamed a service but didn't update the config file
