C# Threading, My static variable not getting locked - asp.net

I have many static variables in my application and methods which modify those variables. Please find an example code below. Can somebody tell me how to lock my static variable in the following example. It's not getting locked
using System.Threading;
using System;
namespace ThreadTest
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
MyTest.TestVar = 0;
Thread th = new Thread(ThreadB);
Thread th1 = new Thread(ThreadC);
Console.WriteLine("Thread B started:");
Console.WriteLine("Thread C started :");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
MyTest.TestVar = Convert.ToInt32(MyTest.TestVar) + 1;
Console.WriteLine("A " + MyTest.TestVar);
Console.WriteLine("Threads completed");
public static void ThreadB()
lock (MyTest.TestVar)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
MyTest.TestVar = Convert.ToInt32(MyTest.TestVar) + 1;
Console.WriteLine("B " + MyTest.TestVar);
public static void ThreadC()
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
MyTest.TestVar = Convert.ToInt32(MyTest.TestVar) + 1;
Console.WriteLine("C " + MyTest.TestVar);
public class MyTest
public static Object TestVar;
Fiddle here https://dotnetfiddle.net/dBJpo2

Use lock statement for your issue. Use sample code like below.
Declare and instantiate a private object variable in your console app that will be used to lock access to TestVar.
//declare a private variable for locking
private Object obj = new Object() ;
Then, enclose the statement where TestVar is being incremeted by 1 within a lock statement.
//use lock to synchronize access to
//property TestVar
lock (obj)
MyTest.TestVar = Convert.ToInt32(MyTest.TestVar) + 1;
After above steps, C# runtime will only allow one thread at a time to execute the line of code that changes the value of TestVar.


unknown run-time exception in kattis problem "marbles on a tree"

I've been trying to implement this solution (https://algorithmist.com/wiki/UVa_10672_-_Marbles_on_a_tree) to this kattis problem (https://open.kattis.com/problems/marblestree). This is a graph theory problem involving a tree and a greedy algorithm similar to DFS. My code works for the sample test case, but generates a run-time exception on the second test case. The problem is, I have no idea where the exception is happening or what the exception is - Kattis gives me no hints. This isn't a memory exceeded or time exceeded deal, as kattis has a seperate notification for those errors; something somewhere is generating an explicit run-time exception and I have no idea where. My guess is that the exception is happening somewhere in the while loop with the condition "que.size() > 0", but I cant find where. Here is the code:
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class marblestree
public static ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> adjList = new ArrayList<>();
public static ArrayList<Integer> values = new ArrayList<>();
public static ArrayList<Integer> leaves = new ArrayList<>();
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
int n = 1;
while (n > 0)
n = in.nextInt();
if (n == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
adjList.add(new ArrayList<Integer>());
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
int adjNum = in.nextInt();
for (int m = 0; m < adjNum; m++)
adjList.get(in.nextInt() - 1).add(j);
if (adjNum == 0)
//System.out.println("adjList: " + adjList);
//handle case
LinkedList<Integer> que = new LinkedList<>();
for (Integer y : leaves)
int moves = 0;
while (que.size() > 0)
//System.out.println("next, this is currently the que: " + que);
//System.out.println("and these are the values at each vertex:" + values);
int now = que.poll();
if (now != 0)
if (adjList.get(now).get(0) > 0 && !que.contains(adjList.get(now).get(0)))
moves += Math.abs(values.get(now) - 1);
values.set(adjList.get(now).get(0), values.get(adjList.get(now).get(0)) + (values.get(now) - 1));
values.set(now, 1);
adjList = new ArrayList<>();
values = new ArrayList<>();
leaves = new ArrayList<>();

How to access a method (value) that is nested in a public static class

How do I access/get the string return values of a public static method that is nested in a public static class?
I want to display the string on a screen.
I've tried using private StringProperty variables to setDataString() the method return values as seen in the code snippet below.
The method named "byteToHex(buffer)" is the one whose return value I'm trying to access.
public static class SerialPortReader implements SerialPortEventListener
final public static char COMMA = ',';
final public static String COMMA_STR = ",";
final public static char ESCAPE_CHAR = '\\';
public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent event)
if(event.isRXCHAR() && event.getEventValue() > 0)
try {
byte buffer[] = serialPort.readBytes();
TransCeiveSerialData dataString = new TransCeiveSerialData();
* wait some milliseconds before sending next data package to avoid data losses
try {
}catch(InterruptedException ie)
Logger.getLogger(TransCeiveSerialData.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ie);
catch(SerialPortException spe) {System.out.println("Error in port listener: " + spe);}
public static String byteToHex(byte x[])
StringBuffer retString = new StringBuffer();
for(int i = 0; i < x.length; ++i)
retString.append(Integer.toHexString(0x0100 + (x[i] & 0x00FF)).substring(1));
return retString.toString();
Using for exmaple System.out.println("Received data: " + instanceOfClass.getDataString()); in an external class to get the method's return string I get a "null". But I expect to get 31323334353637380d0a.
I've also tried binding the values but without any success.
Do you perhaps have any ideas how I can solve this problem? Your help will be very much appreciated.
Thanks a lot in advance!

Java Code - ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException

I have written the following code and keep running into this error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
at yournamep3.Yournamep3test.main(Yournamep3test.java:23)
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
public class Yournamep3test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Check if target file exists
File targetFile = new File(args[0]);
try {
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(targetFile);
out.write("\r\nStringed musical Instrument program");
for (int arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex < 10; arrayIndex++) {
out.write("\r\nCreating new Stringed Musical Instrument object now..............");
Yournamep3 violinInstrument = new Yournamep3();
violinInstrument.setNameOfInstrument("Violin # " + (arrayIndex+1));
out.write("\r\nCreated instrument with name - "
+ violinInstrument.getNameOfInstrument());
int num = violinInstrument.getNumberOfStrings();
out.write("\r\nNumber of strings in instrument is " + num);
out.write("\r\nNames of String are ");
String strings[] = violinInstrument.getStringNames();
for (int counter = 0; counter < num; counter++) {
out.write("\r\n" + strings[counter]);
out.write("\r\nIs the Instrument playing - "
+ violinInstrument.isPlaying());
out.write("\r\nIs the Instrument tuned - "
+ violinInstrument.isTuned());
out.write("\r\nTuning now.........");
out.write("\r\nIs the Instrument tuned - "
+ violinInstrument.isTuned());
out.write("\r\nCalling the Instrument play method now..");
out.write("\r\nIs the Instrument playing - "
+ violinInstrument.isPlaying());
out.write("\r\nStopping playing of instrument..............");
out.write("\r\nIs the Instrument playing - "
+ violinInstrument.isPlaying());
} catch (IOException e) {
I think the issue is with line 23. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks.
This is the other part of the code yournamep3
public class Yournamep3 {
//fields to determine if the instrument is isTuned,
private boolean isTuned;
//and if the instrument is currently isPlaying.
private boolean isPlaying;
private String name;
private int numberOfStrings = 4; // number of strings
private String nameofStringsInInstrument[] = {"E", "C", "D", "A"}; //an array of string names
//A constructor method that set the isTuned and currently isPlaying fields to false.
public Yournamep3() {
this.isTuned = false;
this.isPlaying = false;
* #return the name
public String getNameOfInstrument() {
return name;
* #param name the name to set
public void setNameOfInstrument(String nameOfInstrument) {
this.name = nameOfInstrument;
// Other methods
public boolean isPlaying() {
return isPlaying;
public void setPlaying(boolean playing) {
this.isPlaying = playing;
public boolean isTuned() {
return isTuned;
public void setTuned(boolean isTuned) {
this.isTuned = isTuned;
public void startPlayInstrument() {
System.out.println("The Instrument is now Playing.");
isPlaying = true;
public void stopPlayInstrument() {
System.out.println("The Instrument is not Playing anymore.");
isPlaying = false;
public void startTuneInstrument() {
System.out.println("The Instrument is Tuned.");
isTuned = true;
public void stopTuneInstrument() {
System.out.println("The Instrument is not Tuned.");
isTuned = false;
public int getNumberOfStrings() {
return this.numberOfStrings ;
public String[] getStringNames() {
return nameofStringsInInstrument;
I would look at your getStringNames() method for your violinInstrument. It seems to me that it isn't populating your String array properly, or the getNumberOfStrings() method does not give the right number of strings. If you put the code for that up, I can help a bit more.
Line 23 appears to be
Yournamep3 violinInstrument = new Yournamep3();
If that's the case you should check the constructor for Yournamemp3
Since Line 23 is
File targetFile = new File(args [0]);
It indicates that your args object is empty. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException is thrown to indicate that an array has been accessed with an illegal index. 0 is an illegal index.

Java Game Application Working in Eclipse, but not as a .jar (Slick2D + LWJGL)

Today I was going to pack my game into a Jar to provide to a friend who codes and wanted to see a nice glitch I managed to create. When I went to make it a Runnable jar it would load up in the Command Prompt but throw Resource Not Found errors for Sounds (.ogg's), which was fine because they werent going to be used in the Debug mode it was set to. Then it threw a NullPointerException in TileHanlder.class at initTileMap() line 137.
I am at a loss so I came to StackOverflow because I have spent nearly my entire day on getting a working Jar. I have also tried JarSplice.
My main question is if there is any anomalies you notice or something I didnt do that is leading to resources not being found in the .jar.
For ALL my code (it is OpenSource after all: Game Source Code)
Level.java (The class calling AssetHandler and TileHandler)
public class Level extends BasicGameState {
public MapHandler map = new MapHandler();
public AssetHandler asset = new AssetHandler();
static OutputHandler out = new OutputHandler();
public GameContainer container;
public StateBasedGame game;
public static float MouseX = 0;
public static float MouseY = 0;
public float RectX = 0;
public float RectY = 0;
public int tileAmount = 0;
public static int mapID = 1;
public static int delta;
public static int score = 0;
private static int EntityAmount = 0;
private static int ActiveEntityAmount = 0;
private int FPS = 0;
public static Image mapImage;
public static TileHandler Tile = new TileHandler();
public Point mousePoint;
public Circle mouseCirc;
public static Player p;
public static Enemy Blinky, Pinky, Inky, Clyde;
public Level(int id) {
public void init(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game) throws SlickException {
mapID = MapHandler.getMapID();
try {
} catch (AssetException e) {
this.container = container;
this.game = game;
AMBUSH = new PinkAI();
HIT_RUN = new BlueAI();
SORTOFRANDOM = new OrangeAI();
p = new Player("Player1");
Blinky = new Enemy("Shadow", AGGRESSIVE);
Pinky = new Enemy("Speedy", AMBUSH);
Inky = new Enemy("Bashful", HIT_RUN);
Clyde = new Enemy("Pokey", SORTOFRANDOM);
public void render(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game, Graphics g) throws SlickException {
Tile.drawTileMap(TileHandler.tileLayer, TileHandler.tMapTiles, g);
if (Reference.debug) {
displayTileBounds(TileHandler.tileLayer, g);
public void update(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game, int delta) throws SlickException {
Input in = container.getInput();
MouseX = in.getMouseX();
MouseY = in.getMouseY();
RectX = MapHandler.Map32.getX();
RectY = MapHandler.Map32.getY();
EntityAmount = Entity.entityList.size();
ActiveEntityAmount = Enemy.enemyList.size() + Projectile.activeProjectiles.size() + 1;
Level.delta = delta;
Reference.defProjectileVelocity = .13f * Level.delta;
FPS = container.getFPS();
public int getID() {
return 2;
/** #deprecated **/
protected void drawMap(Graphics g) {
g.drawImage(mapImage, Reference.MAP_X, Reference.MAP_Y);
protected void drawStrings(Graphics g) {
if (Reference.debug) {
OutputHandler.write("FPS: " + Integer.toString(FPS), 11, 10);
OutputHandler.write(String.format("Mouse X: %s, Mouse Y: %s", MouseX, MouseY), 11, 30);
OutputHandler.write(String.format("Rect X: %s, Y: %s", RectX, RectY), 11, 50);
OutputHandler.write("Amount of Tiles: " + (TileHandler.tileLayer.length * TileHandler.tileLayer[0].length), 11, 70);
OutputHandler.write(String.format("Amount of Entities = %s", Integer.toString(EntityAmount)), 11, 90);
OutputHandler.write(String.format("Active Entities = %s", Integer.toString(ActiveEntityAmount)), 11, 110);
out.write("Currently Loaded: " + p.isReloaded(), 11, 130);
OutputHandler.write("Amount of Entities is Accumulative", 11, 666);
} else {
String curTime = Reference.getTime();
String scoreStr = Reference.convertScore(score);
OutputHandler.write("Time: " + curTime, 11, 10);
OutputHandler.write("Score: " + scoreStr, 550, 10);
protected void displayTileBounds(Rectangle[][] tileLayer, Graphics g) {
for (int x = 0; x < tileLayer.length; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < tileLayer[0].length; y++) {
for (int s = 0; s < TileHandler.collisionTiles.size(); s++) {
Rectangle r = TileHandler.collisionTiles.get(s);
for (int z = 0; z < Entity.teleportingTiles.length; z++) {
Rectangle r = Entity.teleportingTiles[z];
protected void drawEntities() {
ArrayList<Entity> list = Entity.entityList;
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
protected void updateNonPlayerEntities() {
ArrayList<Enemy> list = Enemy.enemyList;
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
ArrayList<Projectile> pList = Projectile.activeProjectiles;
for (int p = 0; p < pList.size(); p++) {
The AssetHandler (Game-Handlers-AssetHandler.java) Sounds are the THIRD TO LAST METHOD
public class AssetHandler {
public static boolean isComplete = false;
private static String musPath = "res/Sounds/";
static TileHandler tile;
private static int tsize = 32;
private static String spritesPath = "res/GameSprites/Maze Game/sprites.png";
private static String terrainPath = "res/GameSprites/Maze Game/terrain.png";
private static String twPath = "res/GameSprites/Maze Game/animation/tankToWest.png";
private static String tePath = "res/GameSprites/Maze Game/animation/tankToEast.png";
private static String tnPath = "res/GameSprites/Maze Game/animation/tankToNorth.png";
private static String tsPath = "res/GameSprites/Maze Game/animation/tankToSouth.png";
private static String bwPath = "res/GameSprites/Maze Game/animation/blueToWest.png";
private static String bePath = "res/GameSprites/Maze Game/animation/blueToEast.png";
private static String bnPath = "res/GameSprites/Maze Game/animation/blueToNorth.png";
private static String bsPath = "res/GameSprites/Maze Game/animation/blueToSouth.png";
private static String rePath, rwPath, rsPath, rnPath;
private static String pePath, pwPath, psPath, pnPath;
private static String oePath, owPath, osPath, onPath;
public static Music titleMus1, titleMus2, titleMus3, loadingScreenMus1, loadingScreenMus2, loadingScreenMus3;
public static Sound tankMove, tankFire, tankExplode, tankSurrender, tankRetreat;
public static void initSounds() {
System.out.println("Initializing Main Menu Music...");
try {
titleMus1 = new Music(musPath + "title/titlefirst.ogg");
titleMus2 = new Music(musPath + "title/titlesecond.ogg");
titleMus3 = new Music(musPath + "title/titlethird.ogg");
System.out.println("Initialized Main Menu Music!...");
} catch (SlickException e) {
System.out.println("ERROR: Initializing Main Menu Sounds at " + "com.treehouseelite.tank.game.handlers.AssetHandler" + " : initSounds() Method, First Try/Catch");
System.out.println("Initializing Loading Screen Music...");
try {
loadingScreenMus1 = new Music(musPath + "levels or loading screens/ActionBuilder.ogg");
loadingScreenMus2 = new Music(musPath + "levels or loading screens/StruggleforSurvival.ogg");
loadingScreenMus3 = new Music(musPath + "levels or loading screens/SurrealSomber.ogg");
} catch (SlickException e) {
System.out.println("ERROR: Initializing Loading Screen Sounds at " + "com.treehouseelite.tank.game.handlers.AssetHandler" + " : initSounds() Method, Second Try/Catch");
private static void initsComplete() {
System.out.println("========================ALL ASSETS INITIALIZED========================");
public static void initSFX() {
try {
tankMove = new Sound("res/Sounds/SFX/tankMove.wav");
} catch (SlickException e) {
} finally {
System.out.println("All Sound Effects Initialized...");
TileHandler.java (Game-Handlers-TileHandler.java)
public class TileHandler {
public static String mapPath = "res/World/level_";
public static int bg, paths, collision;
public static Image[][] tMapTiles = new Image[25][20];
public static boolean[][] collidableTile = new boolean[25][20];
static Graphics g = new Graphics();
static AssetHandler asset = new AssetHandler();
// The Amount of Image is too damn high!
static TiledMap tMap;
public static int wFrame = 0;
private static int id;
public static Rectangle[][] tileLayer = new Rectangle[25][20];
public static ArrayList<Rectangle> collisionTiles = new ArrayList<Rectangle>(500);
public TileHandler() {
public TileHandler(int id, Rectangle rect) {
TileHandler.id = id;
try {
createTiles(id, rect);
} catch (SlickException e) {
protected void createTiles(int id, Rectangle layer) throws SlickException {
// Scans 0,0 to 0,20 of the tiles and then moves down the x line
// gettings tiles
// 0,0 = tileLayer[0][0]
mapPath = String.format("res/World/level_%s.tmx", id);
tMap = new TiledMap(mapPath);
bg = tMap.getLayerIndex("background");
paths = tMap.getLayerIndex("paths");
collision = tMap.getLayerIndex("collision");
// Constructs a Grid of Rectangles based on the Map's Top Left point
for (int i = 0; i < tileLayer.length; i++) {
for (int y = 0; y < tileLayer[0].length; y++) {
Rectangle tile = new Rectangle((i + Reference.MAP_X) + (i * Reference.TILE_SIZE), (y + Reference.MAP_Y) + (y * Reference.TILE_SIZE), 32, 32);
tileLayer[i][y] = tile;
* for(int x = 0; x<collisionTiles.length; x++){ for(int y = 0;
* y<collisionTiles[0].length; y++){ Rectangle tile = new
* Rectangle((x+Reference.MAP_X) + (x*31),
* (y+Reference.MAP_Y+14)+(y*31),32,32); collisionTiles[x][y] = tile; }
* }
/** #deprecated */
public static void initSprites(Rectangle[][] layer) {
bg = tMap.getLayerIndex("background");
paths = tMap.getLayerIndex("paths");
collision = tMap.getLayerIndex("collision");
System.out.println("Initialized Sprites!");
// Initializes all tiles and put them into Image and Boolean Arrays
// Boolean Array for later use with determining whether the player or entity
// can be there. (collidableTile)
// Image array holds the tiles (tMapTiles)
public static void initTileMap() {
new Graphics();
// Getting Tiles based off Tile ID's
/** DIRT PATH MAPS (Dev Map, Level 1) **/
if ((id == 0) || (id == 1)) {
for (int x = 0; x < tileLayer.length; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < tileLayer[0].length; y++) {
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(tileLayer[x][y].getX(), tileLayer[x][y].getY(), 32, 32);
if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, bg) == 1) {
tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.sparseGrass;
if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, collision) == 2) {
tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.water11;
if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, collision) == 57) {
tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.concrete1;
if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, collision) == 71) {
tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.concrete2;
// collisionTiles.add(new
// Rectangle(tileLayer[x][y].getX(),
// tileLayer[x][y].getY()+14, 32, 32)) ;
if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, collision) == 85) {
tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.concrete3;
if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, collision) == 72) {
tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.metal1;
if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, collision) == 58) {
tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.metal2;
if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, paths) == 50) {
tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.hDirtPath;
if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, paths) == 60) {
tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.dirtPath;
if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, paths) == 59) {
tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.dirtPathTurn4;
if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, paths) == 73) {
tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.dirtPathTurn3;
if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, paths) == 79) {
tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.dirtThreewayRight;
if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, paths) == 46) {
tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.dirtPathTurn1;
if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, paths) == 37) {
tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.hDirtCrossing1;
if ((tMap.getTileId(x, y, paths) == 80) || (tMap.getTileId(x, y, paths) == 88)) {
tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.dirtThreewayLeft;
if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, paths) == 102) {
tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.dirtThreewayDown;
if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, paths) == 74) {
tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.dirtPathTurn2;
if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, paths) == 107) {
tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.dirtThreewayUp;
if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, paths) == 88) {
tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.dirtCrossroads;
public void drawTileMap(Rectangle[][] layer, Image[][] tiles, Graphics g) {
// Loops through the Image array and places tile based on the Top Left
// corner of the Rectangle in the rectangle array
// Rectangle Array = layer (tileLayer was passed)
// Image Array = tiles (tMapTiles was passed)
// Asset Refers to Asset Handler
for (int x = 0; x < layer.length; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < layer[0].length; y++) {
g.drawImage(tiles[x][y], layer[x][y].getX(), layer[x][y].getY());
// Below here is image detection for the placement of Animations
if (tiles[x][y] == AssetHandler.water11) {
AssetHandler.vRiver1.draw(layer[x][y].getX(), layer[x][y].getY());
} else if (tiles[x][y] == AssetHandler.hDirtCrossing1) {
AssetHandler.hDirtCrossing.draw(layer[x][y].getX(), layer[x][y].getY());
Finally, MapHandler.java -- Very Sparsely used, Main goal is to intialize a TileHandler object to construct the tile grid for constructing the TiledMap.
public class MapHandler {
public static AssetHandler asset = new AssetHandler();
static Image devMap;
Image map_1;
Image map_2;
Image map_3;
public static Rectangle Map32;
public MapHandler() {
// Sends a Rectangle set Around the Map Image to TileHandler
// to construct a grid of 32x32 Rectangles inside the Map's Rectangle
public static void deployMap(int id) {
if (id == 0) {
new TileHandler(id, Map32);
// Randomly Generates a Map ID corresponding to a Level_X.tmx
// Currently set to 0 for development purposes
public static int getMapID() {
new Random();
return 0;
// return id;
/* Create the Rectangle and Grid */
public static void mapRect() throws SlickException {
System.out.println("Initializing Rectangular Plane...");
Map32 = new Rectangle(Reference.GUI_WIDTH / 24, Reference.GUI_HEIGHT / 24, 800, 640);
System.out.println("Map32 Initialized!...");
If You need ANY other resources or information than please let me know and I will be happy to provide so I can get over this. I will also be thinking of other ways, Thank you for any responses!
THINGS WERE CUT OUT DUE TO THE 30k Char Limit on the question text box. Mostly in the insanely crowded AssetHandler.java, it is still there in the git repository though.
I had the very same problem. After searching for a while, I came across this neat solution. See this LWJGL forum post.
public static void main(String[] args) throws SlickException {
/* Set lwjgl library path so that LWJGL finds the natives depending on the OS. */
String osName = System.getProperty("os.name");
// Get .jar dir. new File(".") and property "user.dir" will not work if .jar is called from
// a different directory, e.g. java -jar /someOtherDirectory/myApp.jar
String nativeDir = "";
try {
nativeDir = new File(GameMain.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toURI()).getParent();
} catch (URISyntaxException uriEx) {
try {
// Try to resort to current dir. May still fail later due to bad start dir.
nativeDir = new File(".").getCanonicalPath();
} catch (IOException ioEx) {
// Completely failed
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(new JFrame(), "Failed to locate native library directory. " +
"Error:\n" + ioEx.toString(), "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
// Append library subdir
nativeDir += File.separator + "lib" + File.separator + "native" + File.separator;
if (osName.startsWith("Windows")) {
nativeDir += "windows";
} else if (osName.startsWith("Linux") || osName.startsWith("FreeBSD")) {
nativeDir += "linux";
} else if (osName.startsWith("Mac OS X")) {
nativeDir += "macosx";
} else if (osName.startsWith("Solaris") || osName.startsWith("SunOS")) {
nativeDir += "solaris";
} else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(new JFrame(), "Unsupported OS: " + osName + ". Exiting.",
"Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
System.setProperty("org.lwjgl.librarypath", nativeDir);
Bear in mind that you need a lib folder in the same directory. I have mine stored outside of the .jar, but it may be possible to have it inside as well. Also note that it needs to happen before you do any LWJGL stuff, so the main method is a good place.

Calling an Enterprise bean method

Here's my Bean class source
public class NewSessionBean implements NewSessionRemote {
String val = null;
public String stringChange(int parameter) {
while(parameter < 5){
switch (parameter){
case 1: System.out.println(val + "One" + ",");
case 2: System.out.println(val + "Two" + ",");
case 3: System.out.println(val + "Three" + ",");
case 4: System.out.println(val + "Four" + ",");
return val;
And here's my client class for this bean (Stand Alone Client)
import endpoint.NewSessionRemote;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
public class TestLogicBean {
static String retVal = null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
NewSessionRemote br = (NewSessionRemote) ctx.lookup("StringVal");
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
String retVal1 = br.stringChange(i);
System.out.println("EJB message is:" + retVal1);
} catch (Exception ex) {
But i'm getting this Exception "javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Need to specify class name in environment or system property, or as an applet parameter, or in an application resource file: java.naming.factory.initial"
I have tried several ways to make this,but still it gives this exception.
Look what I found:
Seems like you have to had this to your jndi.properties:
Looks like it's all about setting up the connection to the JNDI server.
