I have created unix script to connect to Oracle Database and pull some data. When i run the script manually, it works perfectly fine but when it runs the cron, it is throwing SQL error.
Cron entry:
05 14 * * mon-fri /home/test.sh >& /home/test.log
. /home/common_profile
echo "---------------------"
echo "Connecting to Database : $database"
echo "spool $log_Path/SQL_Output.log
select count(*) from table where lbd='20180221';
spool off
quit" > $SQLfile1
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus -S -L $user/$passwd#$database #$SQLfile1
cat $log_Path/SQL_Output.log
The problem is $log_Path/SQL_Output.log is not getting updated and instead shows the some SQL errors.
I have checked ORACLE_HOME as well and its pointing correctly. Please advise
I'm using a wp-cli tool in order to optimize images:
$ wp image-optimize batch --limit=20
I've installed wpcli using composer so it's in an unusual location, but is in my $PATH:
This works great. I'd like to run this command nightly. I've tried two different approaches to this. First, I tried running the command as a cronjob (set every minute for testing):
$ crontab -e
* * * * * cd /path/to/example.com && wp image-optimize batch --limit=20
I got no response. I wondered if the problem had something to do with passing arguments in a cronjob. So, I created a bash script nightly-image-optimize (also in path) hoping that this might get around it:
echo "begin" >> /home/user/cronlog.log
cd /path/to/example.com
sh /home/user/.config/composer/vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli/bin/wp image-optimize batch --limit=2
echo "end" >> /home/user/cronlog.log
I then modified the cronjob to execute this file every minute as my username since cron runs as root:
* * * * * username /usr/local/bin/nightly-image-optimize
I know the cronjob is running because my cronlog.log file is created and is populated every minute with the echo begin and end statements above.
While in context this is a wp-cli problem, I don't believe that the issue has anything to do with wp-cli. I think I'm misunderstanding how to essentially 'tell' bash to run a process as if I had manually entered it in (maybe something to do with the interactivity of wp-cli?).
Any ideas?
I'm on AWS running Ubuntu 18.04.3 as a non-root user with sudo privileges
I've written a script that checks for a specific file of format("OLO2OLO_$DATE.txt.zip") in the ftp server and then copies it to my local machine:
/usr/bin/ftp -n << !EOF!
cd "/0009/Codici Migrazione"
get $FILE
echo "$FILE"
But I'm not getting the desired result from this.
This line triggers the error.
SOURCE_FOLDER="/0009/"Codici Migrazione""
It tries to execute the command Migrazione with the environment variable SOURCE_FOLDER set to /0009/Codici which doesn't exists.
What you probably wanted to do was:
SOURCE_FOLDER="/0009/Codici Migrazione"
I have a shell script where I am calling the hana.scr script from within the main script. The hana.scr contains the below code.
chmod 777 /data/auto/SLT.out; rm -rf /data/auto/SLT.out; hdbsql -n plhesappr61 -i 00 -u USR -p $#^F#$GGG -o /data/auto/SLT.out "Select sum("ERPACC_RPPCLNT200"."VABD"."NETWR") FROM "ACC_CLNT"."VFKH" inner join "ACC_CLNT"."VNRO" on ("ACC_CLNT"."VNRO"."VBELN"="ACC_CLNT"."VFKH"."VBELN") where FKART in ('ZFP1','ZFP3') and FKDAT = (select ADD_DAYS (TO_DATE (current_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), -1) "add_days" from dummy) group by FKDAT";
When I run the main script manually, it calls this script fine and the SLT.out file is also generated.
But when I schedule it in cron, the main script executes just fine, except for this hana.scr which does not seem to execute because it does not does not even remove the old file as per the second command rm in the hana.scr.
The cron is the same user as the one I run the script manually with.
I read that if the cron does not get the same environment to run, these issues happen. I tried to import the UNIX profile of the user before executing as the hana.scr as well, but was not successful.
Below is the cron command which runs the main script which calls the hana.scr from within: Used absolute paths..
37 0,2,3,4,5,6 * * * /data/esb/auto/./main.sh R > /data/esb/auto/main.log
The hana.scr is executed in the below manner:
check6=$? ;
if [ $check6 = "1" ]
echo "***********HANA counts were not generated**********"
After /data/esb/auto/./main.sh your current directory is not changed to /data/esb/auto/. I think you started main.sh from the commandline while your $PWD was the same as where hana.scr was.
Test it from the commandline with
cd /
How to fix?
The worst solution is changing the crontab line into
37 0,2,3,4,5,6 * * * cd /data/esb/auto; /data/esb/auto/main.sh R > /data/esb/auto/main.log
That is a workaround for the crontab but main.sh still fails when started from a different directory.
Slightly better is using the complete path in main.sh when you call hana.scr
When you change the folders you need to edit the files and repair the settings.
You can try to use some config file with settings or let main.sh figure out what in which directory it is:
Getting the source directory of a Bash script from within
I am trying to run a Unix script which populates our Aged Debt table for our finance department from SSIS but cannot get my head around it. The script has to be run under user "username" and the script to run is :
P1='0*99999999' P2='2015_03_25*%%YY*Y' P3='Y*0.0' P4='Y*0.0' P5='Y*0.0' P6='Y*0.0' P7='Y*0.0' P8='Y*0.0' /cer_cerprod1/exe/par50219r
I believe that I need to have ssh configured on both sides to do this and I believe that I may do this from the "Execute Process Task" but I don't think that I am populating the parameters correctly.
Can anyone help.
I currently do this using putty/plink. Like sorrell says above, You use an execute process task to call a batch file. That batch file calls plink. I pass plink the shell script on the unix server that I want it to execute.
example of batch file:
echo y | "d:\program files\putty\plink.exe" [username#yourserver.com] -pw [password] -v sh /myremotescriptname.sh
the echo y at the beginning is to tell plink to accept the security credentials of the server.
I'm running the following command (where variables have valid values for ssh command and $file - is a .sql file).
nohup ssh -qn ${ssh_user}#${dbs} "sqlplus $dbuser/${dbpswd}#${dbname} <<ENDSQL | tee "${sql_run_output_file}".ssh.log
set echo off
set echo on
set timing on
set time on
set serveroutput on size 1000000
When I was using the above command without "nohup" before ssh command, after 1 hour or so, my connection from source server (where im running ssh) was getting an error/message "Connection reset...." and hanging my BASH shell script (which contains this ssh command in it). When, I use nohup, i dont see the connection issue.
Here's what I'm trying to get and need your help.
Change the command shown above so that the command will NOT create a nohup.out
(Did I read that I can use > instead of | tee ... and use 2>&1)
I DO NOT want to run the command giving a "&" (background)
I DO want a LOG file for the sqlplus session that's running on the target DB server via ssh command/connection (initiated from source server).
You can still lose the connection when running ssh under nohup, so it's not really a good solution. If possible, I would recommend that you copy the sql file via scp to the target server, then ssh in to the server, open a screen and run the command from there (Or run it under nohup). Is that an option?