I have a set of points inside triangle in barycentric coordinates. I want to remap these to effectively produce the dual graph of the triangle
so that for an interpolated value, both the centre point (1/3,1/3,1/3) through to either of the triangle edges (e.g 1/2,0,1/2) should equal 0.
before an after image of a triangle interpolating between red, green
and blue, with the second triangle exhibiting a dark dual graph 'Y'
shape across it.
I realise that I could solve this by further tessellating the triangle and recalculating the barycentres, but I would prefer to avoid that if I can.
Well of course, walk away for half an hour and you find the answer. For a given barycentric coordinate:
Sort the weights in descending order
Take the highest weight. Put all others in a different list.
Subtract the second highest weight from the highest weight.
Use this value as a multiplier to get the result you desire.
Is above graph maxmial but not maximum?
I went ahead and got a maximum, which is below.
Am I understanding Maximal vs. Maximum correctly?
You are right. The first graph is a maximal matching, because you can not add any more egdes to the solution. The second graph is a maximum matching, because it is (one of) the matching(s) with the highest possible sum of weights. The second graph is also a maximal matching.
Consider a graph that has weights on each of its nodes instead of between two nodes. Therefore the cost of traveling to a node would be the weight of that node.
1- How can we represent this graph?
2- Is there a minimum spanning path algorithm for this type of graph (or could we modify an existing algorithm)?
For example, consider a matrix. What path, when traveling from a certain number to another, would produce a minimum sum? (Keep in mind the graph must be directed)
if one don't want to adjust existing algorithms and use edge oriented approaches, one could transform node weights to edge weights. For every incoming edge of node v, one would save the weight of v to the edge. Thats the representation.
well, with the approach of 1. this is now easy to do with well known algorithms like MST.
You could also represent the graph as wished and hold the weight at the node. The algorithm simply didn't use Weight w = edge.weight(); it would use Weight w = edge.target().weight()
simply done. no big adjustments are necessary.
if you have to use adjacency matrix, you need a second array with node weights and in adjacency matrix are just 0 - for no edge or 1 - for an edge.
hope that helped
Prob Statement:
'N' equal radii circles are plotted on a graph from (-)infinity to (+)infinity.Find the total area of intersection I.e all the area on the graph which is covered by two or more circles.
Firstly a correction: these aren't circles. They're ellipses (circles being a special case of ellipses where a = b). You can calculate the intersection of two ellipses so given N ellipses you need to check each pair, so the entire operation is O(n2) (multiplied by whatever the intersection operation is).
Take a look at Intersection of Ellipses and The Area of Intersecting Ellipses.
Edit: the intersection of circles is an easier problem but follows the same principle. Take a look at Intersection Of Two Circles and Circle-Circle Intersection.
Easiest (not necessarily fastest or "best") way to code is to find the bounding box that contains all circles and then use a numerical stochastic method to integrate.
Now by being smart you can probably group circles and box them separately, i.e work in a number of bounding boxes. And even handle certain special cases exactly.
But a pure stochastic method has the beauty of being easy to implement (but potentially slow).
This is only acceptable if you are happy to have an "approximate" (but arbitrarily close to correct) answer.
Given a convex polygon represented by a set of vertices (we can assume they're in counter-clockwise order), how can this polygon be broken down into a set of right triangles whose legs are aligned with the X- and Y-axes?
Since I probably lack some math terminology, "legs" are what I'm calling those two lines that are not the hypotenuse (apologies in advance if I've stabbed math jargon in the face--brief corrections are extra credit).
I'm not sure about writing an algorithm to do this but it seems entirely possible to do this for any convex polygon on a piece of paper. For each vertex project a line vertically or horizontally from that vertex until it meets another of these vertical or horizontal lines. For vertices with small changes in angle, where adjacent sides are both travelling in the same direction in terms of x and y, you will need to add two lines from the vertex, one horizontal and one vetical.
Once you have done this, you should be left with a polygon in the centre of the origonal polygon but with sides that are either vertical or horizontal because the sides have been formed by the lines drawn from the vertices of the original polygon. Because these sides are either vertical or horizontal, this shape can easily be sub-divided into a number of triangles with one horizontal side, one vertical side and one hypotenuse.
I'm assuming you've already ordered the vertices as you describe above, and that they indeed define a convex polygon.
Each vertex defines a horizontal line. For V vertices, then, you will have a set of V lines. Discard any line that meets one of the following criteria:
The vertex or vertices defining that line has/have the highest or lowest Y component (if one vertex, that line intersects the polygon only at that point; if two, that line coincides with a polygon edge)
If two vertices have equal Y coordinates otherwise, keep only one of those lines (it's duplicated).
The result will resemble a "banding" of the polygon.
Each horizontal line intersects the polygon at two points. One is its defining vertex. The other is either another vertex, or a point on a segment defined by two vertices. You can determine which is the case easily enough - just simple comparison of Y coords. The coordinates of the intersection with a segment is also easy math, which I leave to you.
Each intersection defines a vertical segment. The segment is contained within the polygon (if it coincides with an edge, you can discard it), and the other end meets either another horizontal line, or the edge of the polygon if that edge is itself horizontal. Determining the case is again a matter of mere comparison of coords. Finally, there may be 0-2 additional vertical segments, defined by the vertices with the highest and/or lowest Y coords, if there is only one of either.
The resulting diagram now shows each band with a right triangle trimmed off each end if possible. Each triangle should meet your criteria. The leftover regions are rectangles; draw an arbitrary diagonal to split each into two more right triangles meeting your criteria.
You're done.
I'm not sure if this is possible. Think about a square that's already aligned with the sides on the X and Y axes. How do you draw triangles using the vertices that are also aligned to the X,Y axes?
Or are the actual sides of the polygon allowed to be along the x,y axis. Which means you could just draw a line down the diagonal of the square. If so, it might be difficult to do with a more complex polygon where some sides are aligned to the axes, while others are not.
I'm not convinced there is a general solution to the question as posed. The problem is the aligned with the X- and Y-axes bit. That means that each vertex needs to be projected to the opposite side of the polygon in both the X and Y directions, and new vertices created at those intersection points. But that process must continue on for each new vertex added that way. You might get lucky and have this process terminate (because there's already a vertex appropriately placed on the opposite side), but in the general case it's just going to go on and on.
If you throw out that restriction, then Neil N's suggestion seems good to me.
Neil N is right, I think. Unfortunate that he didn't provide any specific links.
If you have a trapezoid whose top and bottom are parallel to the X axis, you can easily render that with 4 right triangles. Call that shape a horizontal trapezoid.
If you have a triangle with one side parallel to the X axis, you can render that with 2 right triangles -- or you can consider a degenerate case of the trapezoid with the top of bottom having length zero.
Start at either the top or bottom of your convex hull (i.e. search for coordinate with min or max y) and split it into horizontal trapezoids.
It's not to hard to write the code so that it works just as well with non-convex polygons.
I think this is not possible in the general case.
Consider the polygon {(0, 1), (1, 0), (2, 0)}
This triangle can not be split into a finite number of triangles as you describe.