fun <I, O> ((I) -> O).modify(modifier: (I, (I) -> O) -> O): (I) -> O =
{ modifier(it, this) }
fun modify() {
{ x: Double -> x + 100.0 }
.modify { x, parent -> parent(sin(x)*100.0) }(PI/2)
What I want is to turn a unary function F1(x) into another unary function F2(x) that uses the first function in some way. Am I reinventing the wheel here? Does this functional operation already have some more specific name than "modify"?
So, in functional, curried syntax that would be
modify :: (i -> o) -> (i -> (i -> o) -> o) -> i -> o
modify f modifier x = modifier x f
Note that you're not actually using the fact that the second argument of modifier is a function, i.e. this is strictly a specialisation of
modify :: a -> (i -> a -> o) -> i -> o
modify a modifier x = modifier x a
which can be written
modify a modifier x = flip modifier a x
...allowing us to η-reduce it to
modify a modifier = flip modifier a
The flip itself can be flipped too:
modify a modifier = flip flip a modifier
...and we can η-reduce the rest too:
modify = flip flip
Whatever this is worth.
On another thought, (i -> o) -> o is the characteristic signature of continuation-passing style, so perhaps that's what you're re-inventing here.
Your test case looks like what you mostly want is a way to pre-process the argument of a function. That, as Marko Topolnik already commented, is simply composition
({ x: Double -> x + 100.0 }
compose { x -> sin(x)*100.0 }) (PI/2)
(Not sure I've got the Kotlin syntax right there)
I know that I can run monadic instructions sequentially inside monads in Kind language, like this:
Test: _
IO {
But is it possible to run monadic instructions repeatedly, like this below?
Test: _
a = [2,1,3,4,5]
IO {
for num in a:
If it is possible how can I do it correctly?
Monads are usually represented by only two operators :
return :: a -> m(a) // that encapulapse the value inside a effectful monad
>>= :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
// the monadic laws are omitted
Notice, the bind operator is naturally recursive, once it can compose two monads or even discard the value of one and the return can be thought of as a "base case".
m >>= (\a -> ... >>= (\b -> ~ i have a and b, compose or discard? ~) >>= fixpoint)
You just have to produce that sequence, which is pretty straightforward. For example, in Kind we represent monads as a pair which takes a type-for-type value and encapluse a polymorphic type.
type Monad <M: Type -> Type> {
bind: <A: Type, B: Type> M<A> -> (A -> M<B>) -> M<B>
pure: <A: Type> A -> M<A>
In your example, we just have to trigger the effect and discard the value, a recursive definition is enough :
action (x : List<String>): IO(Unit)
case x {
nil : IO.end!( // base case but we are not worried about values here, just the effects
cons : IO {
IO.print(x.head) // print and discard the value
action(x.tail) // fixpoint
test : IO(Unit)
IO {
let ls = ["2", "1", "3", "4", "5"]
The IO as you know it will be desugared by a sequence of binds!
Normally in case of list it can be generalized like the mapM function of haskell library :
Monadic.forM(A : Type -> Type, B : Type,
C : Type, m : Monad<A>, b : A(C), f : B -> A(C), x : List<A(B)>): A(C)
case x {
nil : b
cons :
open m
let k = App.Kaelin.App.mapM!!!(m, b, f, x.tail)
let ac = m.bind!!(x.head, f)
m.bind!!(ac, (c) k) // the >> operator
It naturally discard the value and finally we can do it :
action2 (ls : List<String>): IO(Unit)
let ls = [IO.end!(2), IO.end!(1), IO.end!(3), IO.end!(4), IO.end!(5)]
Monadic.forM!!!(IO.monad, IO.end!(, (b) IO.print(, ls)
So, action2 do the same thing of action, but in one line!.
When you need compose the values you can represent as monadic fold :
Monadic.foldM(A : Type -> Type, B : Type,
C : Type, m : Monad<A>, b : A(C), f : B -> C -> A(C), x : List<A(B)>): A(C)
case x {
nil : b
cons :
open m
let k = Monadic.foldM!!!(m, b, f, x.tail)
m.bind!!(x.head, (b) m.bind!!(k, (c) f(b, c)))
For example, suppose that you want to sum a sequence of numbers that you ask for the user in a loop, you just have to call foldM and compose with a simple function :
Monad.action3 : IO(Nat)
let ls = [IO.get_line, IO.get_line, IO.get_line]
Monadic.foldM!!!(IO.monad, IO.end!(0),
(b, c) IO {
IO.end!(Nat.add(, c))
test : IO(Unit)
IO {
get total = action3
For now, Kind do not support typeclass so it make the things a little more verbose, but i think a new support to forM loops syntax can be thought in the future. We hope so :)
In the image below there is a quick explanation, why pure functions appear to have only one possible implementation.I don't really get the idea because (++) : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b for example can clearly be implemented by let (++) (f: ('a -> 'b)) (g: ('a -> 'b)) x = f x orlet (++) (f: ('a -> 'b)) (g: ('a -> 'b)) x = g x
Is that image just wrong or do I miss something here?
You are right. The attached image is incorrect even without type annotations.
At first, it's important to consider what kind of "equality" on implementations is assumed here. Let's consider the following examples.
Is (##) equal to (##+)?
let ( ## ) f x = f x
let ( ##+ ) f x =
let _ = 42 in
f x
Is (|>) equal to (|>+)?
let ( |> ) x f = f x
let ( |>+ ) x f = f ## x
Is (%) equal to (%+)?
let ( % ) f g x = f (g x)
let ( %+ ) p q r = p (q r)
If (##) is not equal to (##+), then we can construct the 5th implementation of a function bool -> bool, such as (fun x -> let _ = 42 in true).
Therefore, the author of the image would have wanted to distinguish functions not by its implementation (or codes), but by some other element such as its behavior (like duck test or the equality on mathematical functions).
Still, the image is incorrect. The image claims "for pure functions that don't have any concrete type in the signature, there is only one possible implementation", but no. For example, there is no pure function 'a -> 'b. This can be shown through the Curry–Howard correspondence.
The image is wrong if you consider the counterexample you just gave. I think the author of the image didn’t consider the possibility of type annotation.
In fact if
there are no type annotations and
all the arguments are polymorphic and or function over polymorphic types,
you don’t consider the existence of polymorphic operators such as = or <>
(otherwise it is wrong since <> and = have the same type and different implementation),
then there is only one pure implementation of your function signature.
(you can probably prove that by saying the only things you can use to define that function are :
pure functions of the same type, that can be inlined, so you can ignore that
match-patterns and let, for which the image’s argument is true
cartesian product (let f a b = a, b)
function composition
infinite recursion
and maybe other things I forget, but you can make an exhaustive list
and that the combination of these used can be guessed from the output and input types.
Say I have this record:
type alias Rec = { a : Int }
And, for example, a function that takes two of these and sums their integers.
f: Rec -> Rec -> Int
This can be implemented using record accessors (i.e. f x y = x.a + y.a), but is there a way to use pattern matching to extract both integers?
Obviously, these two do not work because they would be binding two different numbers to the same variable:
f {a} {a} = a + a
f x y = case (x, y) of ({a}, {a}) -> a + a
There seems to be no such way in the current Elm language. In other functional languages such as ML and Haskell, you could write patterns inside records like:
$ sml
Standard ML of New Jersey v110.74 [built: Sat Oct 6 00:59:36 2012]
- fun func {field=x} {field=y} = x+y ;
val func = fn : {field:int} -> {field:int} -> int
- func {field=123} {field=45} ;
val it = 168 : int
You might as well make a feature request to the developer(s) of Elm - or ask a question in the community mailing list at least.
P.S. After a quick search, I found such a proposal to add ML-like pattern matching on record fields in Elm, but it seems to have been turned down.:-(
There's no way to do this currently. There is pattern aliasing (as) but it only works for a whole pattern, so this is invalid:
type alias Rec = { a : Int }
f: Rec -> Rec -> Int
f { a as xa } { a as ya } = xa + ya
main = f { a = 1 } { a = 2 }
results in:
Detected errors in 1 module.
-- SYNTAX PROBLEM --------------------------------------------------------------
I ran into something unexpected when parsing your code!
4| f { a as xa } { a as ya } = xa + ya
I am looking for one of the following things:
a closing bracket '}'
I am working through the Purescript By Example tutorial and I am having trouble getting types to line up using a fold left as such:
smallestFile' :: [Path] -> Maybe Path
smallestFile' (x : xs) = foldl(\acc i -> smallerFile(acc i) ) Just(x) xs // Error is on this line
smallerFile :: Maybe Path -> Path -> Maybe Path
smallerFile maybeA b = do
a <- maybeA
sa <- size a
sb <- size b
if sa > sb then return(b) else return(a)
The error I am receiving is on the fold left and is
Cannot unify Prim.Function u13116 with Data.Maybe.Maybe
I believe that the types line up, but I cannot make heads or tails of this error.
Also, is it possible to clean up the anonymous function syntax so that
foldl(\acc i -> smallerFile(acc i) ) Just(x) xs
becomes something like:
foldl smallerFile Just(x) xs
In PureScript, like Haskell, function application uses whitespace, and associates to the left, which means that f x y z parses as ((f x) y) z. You only need parentheses when terms need to be regrouped. It looks like you're trying to use parentheses for function application.
I suspect what you want to write is
foldl (\acc i -> smallerFile acc i) (Just x) xs
The argument to foldl is a function which takes two arguments acc and i and returns the application smallerFile acc i. This is equivalent to the double application (smallerFile acc) i. First we apply the argument acc, then the second argument i. The precedence rule for function application in the parser makes these equivalent.
Also, Just x needs to be parenthesized because what you wrote parses as
foldl (\acc i -> smallerFile (acc i)) Just x xs
which provides too many arguments to foldl.
Once you have the correct version, you can notice that \acc i -> smallerFile acc i is equivalent to \acc -> (\i -> (smallerFile acc) i). The inner function applies its argument i immediately, so we can simplify this to \acc -> smallerFile acc. Applying this simplification a second time, we get just smallerFile, so the code becomes:
foldl smallerFile (Just x) xs
so the only mistake in the end was the incorrect bracketing of Just x.
This isn't a homework question, by the way. It got brought up in class but my teacher couldn't think of any. Thanks.
How do you define the identity functions ? If you're only considering the syntax, there are different identity functions, which all have the correct type:
let f x = x
let f2 x = (fun y -> y) x
let f3 x = (fun y -> y) (fun y -> y) x
let f4 x = (fun y -> (fun y -> y) y) x
let f5 x = (fun y z -> z) x x
let f6 x = if false then x else x
There are even weirder functions:
let f7 x = if Random.bool() then x else x
let f8 x = if Sys.argv < 5 then x else x
If you restrict yourself to a pure subset of OCaml (which rules out f7 and f8), all the functions you can build verify an observational equation that ensures, in a sense, that what they compute is the identity : for all value f : 'a -> 'a, we have that f x = x
This equation does not depend on the specific function, it is uniquely determined by the type. There are several theorems (framed in different contexts) that formalize the informal idea that "a polymorphic function can't change a parameter of polymorphic type, only pass it around". See for example the paper of Philip Wadler, Theorems for free!.
The nice thing with those theorems is that they don't only apply to the 'a -> 'a case, which is not so interesting. You can get a theorem out of the ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list type of a sorting function, which says that its application commutes with the mapping of a monotonous function.
More formally, if you have any function s with such a type, then for all types u, v, functions cmp_u : u -> u -> bool, cmp_v : v -> v -> bool, f : u -> v, and list li : u list, and if cmp_u u u' implies cmp_v (f u) (f u') (f is monotonous), you have :
map f (s cmp_u li) = s cmp_v (map f li)
This is indeed true when s is exactly a sorting function, but I find it impressive to be able to prove that it is true of any function s with the same type.
Once you allow non-termination, either by diverging (looping indefinitely, as with the let rec f x = f x function given above), or by raising exceptions, of course you can have anything : you can build a function of type 'a -> 'b, and types don't mean anything anymore. Using Obj.magic : 'a -> 'b has the same effect.
There are saner ways to lose the equivalence to identity : you could work inside a non-empty environment, with predefined values accessible from the function. Consider for example the following function :
let counter = ref 0
let f x = incr counter; x
You still that the property that for all x, f x = x : if you only consider the return value, your function still behaves as the identity. But once you consider side-effects, you're not equivalent to the (side-effect-free) identity anymore : if I know counter, I can write a separating function that returns true when given this function f, and would return false for pure identity functions.
let separate g =
let before = !counter in
g ();
!counter = before + 1
If counter is hidden (for example by a module signature, or simply let f = let counter = ... in fun x -> ...), and no other function can observe it, then we again can't distinguish f and the pure identity functions. So the story is much more subtle in presence of local state.
let rec f x = f (f x)
This function never terminates, but it does have type 'a -> 'a.
If we only allow total functions, the question becomes more interesting. Without using evil tricks, it's not possible to write a total function of type 'a -> 'a, but evil tricks are fun so:
let f (x:'a):'a = Obj.magic 42
Obj.magic is an evil abomination of type 'a -> 'b which allows all kinds of shenanigans to circumvent the type system.
On second thought that one isn't total either because it will crash when used with boxed types.
So the real answer is: the identity function is the only total function of type 'a -> 'a.
Throwing an exception can also give you an 'a -> 'a type:
# let f (x:'a) : 'a = raise (Failure "aaa");;
val f : 'a -> 'a = <fun>
If you restrict yourself to a "reasonable" strongly normalizing typed λ-calculus, there is a single function of type ∀α α→α, which is the identity function. You can prove it by examining the possible normal forms of a term of this type.
Philip Wadler's 1989 article "Theorems for Free" explains how functions having polymorphic types necessarily satisfy certain theorems (e.g. a map-like function commutes with composition).
There are however some nonintuitive issues when one deals with much polymorphism. For instance, there is a standard trick for encoding inductive types and recursion with impredicative polymorphism, by representing an inductive object (e.g. a list) using its recursor function. In some cases, there are terms belonging to the type of the recursor function that are not recursor functions; there is an example in §4.3.1 of Christine Paulin's PhD thesis.