Why is my site requesting (unsuccessfully) a font from an unrelated site - css

In my deployed website, I'm seeing this in the logs in Firefox:
My site has nothing to do with abc.net.au (although that is a site I browse often).
I've grepped my deployed code to be sure, and there are definitely no references anywhere that I can see that would be causing it to try to load these font files.
Clicking on the source code link doesn't reveal anything useful (just the index.html page).
Perhaps it's some kind of plugin going wrong?
How can I diagnose and fix the cause of these inappropriate font requests?

The first thing I'd do is make sure that the lines come from content requested from your website. You have 2 ways to do that:
Create a new Firefox profile, start it, close all the tabs and just leave 1 blank tab. Open the logs, clear them and then open your website. If the font line is not here, then it might have been a bogus log line.
On your original Firefox or new profile, open a new tab. Open up the Network Monitoring tool and then open your page. Look for the font entry in the network request. Unfortunately, it's not yet possible (see this) to break on specific network requests in the Firefox dev tools.
From there, I would go and check the source code depending on my findings. Keep us posted!
Update: this sounds like bug 1420680.


No Icons in Kentico Admin Page

I'm very new to Kentico and just started using Kentico 11 for my companies CMS and have run into a lot of issues...most of which I've figured out by trial and error. The issue that comes up most often for me is that each time I create a new website with the wizard in the Admin page, no icons appear in either the dashboard or the applications list or on the top menu bar. It doesn't look like anyone has had this issue before, and I'm curious about how to fix it. I'm using IE 11.
Here is a screenshot:
As you can see from the screenshot, no icons appear anywhere in the dashboard, menu, or menu options. Please help with this issue.
these icons come from the font /App_Themes/Default/Fonts/Core-icons.woff. Check if it is loaded correctly.
A couple things can cause this:
Most common, Kentico caches static objects pretty heavy, so try a simple CTRL + F5 to see if it refreshes things.
If you have not granted access to the user running the website (granted on the app pool), there could be permissions issues with IIS not being able to get to the files it needs. Typically you grant at least read and execute permissions at the /CMS level to the IIS_IUSRS user in the file system on your machine.
Least common, the files weren't added during the install. To check this, run the installer again but in a different location like your Desktop, then spot check/compare a couple directories: /cms/cmsscripts and /cms/app_themes for any differences.
Thank you for all your help. I found the answer and it was very basic and simple. For me the problem was Internet Explorer options not being enabled.
Talking with Kentico support is what tipped me off to this fix:
In IE 11, Go to Internet Options > Security Tab > Click Custom level > Scroll down until you get to Downloads > Under Font download check Enabled.
That was it. Like I said very simple, but on a development server where everything is disabled, it made a huge difference in performance of the Kentico interface.
I hope this helps someone else.

artifactory webinterface doesnt show properly

I installed artifactory (2.6.5) at a linux server. Started it and now i want to configure some stuff over the webinterface. But the webinterface doesnt look like it should.
Only thing I edit after the installation was the default port in the jetty.xml file.
No idea what the reason for this look (see Screenshot) is. So any help is appreciated.
A couple of things could cause this:
Residual browser caches (very likely).
UI Resources blocked by the browser (quite unlikely).
The first case can be easily solved by clearing the browser's cache and re-loading the page.
The second case might require you to investigate which resources are being blocked (using the browser's console) and tweak the security settings/rules.

How to determine what in the new FB App iframe browser is breaking https in my App

As far as I can tell, we are doing everything right, and FB's new new mini-feed App browser seems to be injecting ONE or TWO insecure resources from time to time.... NOT all the time.
How can I be positive it's FB's fault, so I can file a bug? We are only showing broken https with the new iframe.... and most of what is being is supplied by that setup IS secure, but they have stupid little things like an insecure 'credits' ikon, which breaks the whole damn thing.
If it's our fault, I need to fix it. If it's FB's, I need to stop wasting so much time debugging their platform for them.
Look at chrome's javascript console, it show warnings when an insecure resource is loaded on a secure page.
See the warning before the syntax error.
See also http://googleonlinesecurity.blogspot.com/2011/06/trying-to-end-mixed-scripting.html (where this image come from).

URL Routing and Relative Links Behavior

I'm building a website that stores a number of articles. The URL for each articles implements URL routing in the form /Articles/{categoryid}/{articleslug}.
Some articles have links to a graphics file. The link does not specify the full path so I'm storing the graphics file at /Articles/{categoryid}/{articleslug}/graphic.jpg.
This works fine on my desktop. But when I deployed the site to a shared hosting account, the behavior is different.
Now, the link only works if I store the graphics file at /Articles/{categoryid}/graphic.jpg. In other words, on my desktop, the {articleslug} is assumed to be a directory, but on the web it is assumed to be the name of the current page.
Does anyone know why the behavior changes? You can seen an example at http://www.blackbeltcoder.com/Articles/asp/creating-website-thumbnails-in-asp-net. Both the screenshot and download link near the top are broken links.
Without knowing more, it seems like the most likely cause would be a different version or configuration of IIS. The behavior of the web host makes all kinds of sense; the behavior of your desktop is confusing to me. Is your desktop doing a redirect from /Articles/{categoryid}/{articleslug} to /Articles/{categoryid}/{articleslug}/? Can you use Fiddler etc to see if the browser formats the GET request differently?
Thanks for the input. There probably wasn't enough information here for anyone to resolve this unless they've specifically seen the issue already.
At any rate, I was able to resolve it myself and I describe the resolution in a related question I posted at Relative Links with Extension-less URLs.

IE Security Warning with widgets

I'm creating an ASP.NET application which uses Facebook Connect and fbml tags. It also uses the LinkedIn widget. When I run this app in any browser, there are no warnings and everything works. However, in IE, a message like this comes up:
Security Warning:
The current webpage is trying to open a site in your Trusted sites list. Do you want to allow this?
Current site:http://www.facebook.com
Trusted site:http://localhost
(same for LinkedIn.com). I know how to fix this from a client perspective and to stop the security warning showing up. However, is it possible to ensure this message doesn't come up as it could be off putting for users who don't know how to suppress this warning? I haven't tried uploading it to my webhost, so not sure if this message will appear for everyone in production. However, I always get it on my local machine.
(None of my pages use SSL, so I don't think that's the issue. I tried using FB's HTTPS urls but that didn't make a difference).
I have come across the IE message many times. Whilst this might not be the case here I always check in Firebug to see if any requests are going to Https (using Net tab). If may be the case that something you are referencing is itself making a call to something else.
Often you get that message if you are serving an https page and then going to fetch an image over http.
Might not help but is the first thing I do in this situation.
