No Icons in Kentico Admin Page - icons

I'm very new to Kentico and just started using Kentico 11 for my companies CMS and have run into a lot of issues...most of which I've figured out by trial and error. The issue that comes up most often for me is that each time I create a new website with the wizard in the Admin page, no icons appear in either the dashboard or the applications list or on the top menu bar. It doesn't look like anyone has had this issue before, and I'm curious about how to fix it. I'm using IE 11.
Here is a screenshot:
As you can see from the screenshot, no icons appear anywhere in the dashboard, menu, or menu options. Please help with this issue.

these icons come from the font /App_Themes/Default/Fonts/Core-icons.woff. Check if it is loaded correctly.

A couple things can cause this:
Most common, Kentico caches static objects pretty heavy, so try a simple CTRL + F5 to see if it refreshes things.
If you have not granted access to the user running the website (granted on the app pool), there could be permissions issues with IIS not being able to get to the files it needs. Typically you grant at least read and execute permissions at the /CMS level to the IIS_IUSRS user in the file system on your machine.
Least common, the files weren't added during the install. To check this, run the installer again but in a different location like your Desktop, then spot check/compare a couple directories: /cms/cmsscripts and /cms/app_themes for any differences.

Thank you for all your help. I found the answer and it was very basic and simple. For me the problem was Internet Explorer options not being enabled.
Talking with Kentico support is what tipped me off to this fix:
In IE 11, Go to Internet Options > Security Tab > Click Custom level > Scroll down until you get to Downloads > Under Font download check Enabled.
That was it. Like I said very simple, but on a development server where everything is disabled, it made a huge difference in performance of the Kentico interface.
I hope this helps someone else.


Can not save transformation changes in Kentico Portal engine - errors in the console

I have a running Kentico 11 portal engine site and need to update the transformations in my navigation menu control. Something I have done many times before.
Today I went through all of the steps and the save button does not update the code. It never displays the change were saved messaging.
When I open the browser dev tools I see several errors on the page:
A couple of things to check.
Is this happening in different browsers, also?
Can you save other transformations?
On this particular web part, if you select a different transformation, will that save successfully?
And, is the event log registering any errors?
Sounds like it may be a caching issue. What I'd suggest is the following:
restarting IIS
Open a private browser window and log in
attempt to make an edit to the code in question
If this does not resolve the issue, have you made any changes recently to the web.config, in particular the CMSHashstringsalt value? If so, this will cause your macros to become invalidated. You'll need to go to System > Macros > Signatures and check both boxes and resign the macros. It may take some time depending on your site but this could also help resolve your issue.

Is it possible to resolve a DCOM Interactive User permission error, when using DCOM with IIS and .aspx pages displaying data from a database?

There are a number of similar-sounding questions to this, but none of them quite address this specific question.
I'm sure there are many other pages that are similar to this, but I'll stop here.
The scenario is this:
Windows 10... an application (or cluster of applications) that takes near-real-time data from real sensors parses the numbers, writes them to a database, and presents them onto a browser .aspx page via IIS and DCOM
(this is an archaic mysterious application/set of applications for which there is limited or no source code or documentation).
Occasionally, after working through all the installation and configuration steps, you are presented with a localhost/something.aspx page and whilst you can see the variables by hovering over the fields, the values are not populated.
Looking in Windows event viewer, you may see errors like this:
Event ID 10016 - The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application
The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Launch permission for the COM Server application with CLSID{...long hex number found in registry ...}
There are two more keys, but I don't have them on this PC that I'm typing on; one is an installed component for handling DCOM, and another one is to do with the Interactive User as well.
The installed one, is usually the one that reports having no permissions, typically for the "NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE SID (S-1-5-20)" user (formed into a group of admin and user accounts)
[ can't access this page at the moment]; then when you go into the security and add specific permissions for it, you're left with it reporting the above Interactive User keys, the 8d8... one and a 726... one, which you can't edit permissions for.
What bugs me about this is that it's apparently a complete magical mystery, which is unacceptable in a computer system! :D
The current solution is to just no bother fiddling, and just format the machine, redo windows, work through all the application installation, IIS, and DCOM steps, and .aspx config again from scratch, and hope for the best - i.e.: that the magical special order that you do things in just makes it work, "because it does". I think this is a bit ridiculous, and time-consuming, more to the point, it bugs me intensely that there's not really a clear notion of what the actual problem is and what the solution might be.
There must be something specific happening or not happening that is causing the DCOM to not talk to the .aspx webpage; surely something that can be tweaked after the event without zapping the whole systems and spending ages redoing it all. It's as if something is "unplugged" or has a different identity/name/number from what is being looked at or filtered by what the .aspx page ingests, maybe something in the code? something in the IIS selections? something that needs resetting? Not sure...
I'm not asking for a silver bullet, but if anyone is willing to help work through this, that would be appreciated, it's just annoying and frustrating, and I'd like to get to the bottom of it, and hopefully create a definitive thread that others might benefit from.
Before going into these lengthy procedures and editing registry. I would you look at TCP/IPv6 in the Local Area Connection Settings. If it is enabled then disable it and flush the dns or restart your server. Hope it helps the future seekers.
Stay blessed everyone..
This appears to be the exact same issue 4 years ago.
Not sure if this will fix your issue but I was able to fix mine.
Open Regedit.
Go to HKEY_Classes_Root\CLSID*CLSID*.
Note: CLSID stand for the ID that appears in your event viewer error. In your case, it's {C2F03A33-21F5-47FA-B4BB-156362A2F239}.
Right click on it then select permission.
Click Advance and change the owner to administrator. Also click the box that will appear below the owner line.
Apply full control.
Close the tab then go to HKEY_LocalMachine\Software\Classes\AppID*APPID*.
Note: AppID is the ID that appears in your event viewer. In your case it's {316CDED5-E4AE-4B15-9113-7055D84DCC97}.
Right click on it then select permission.
Click Advance and change the owner to administrators.
Click the box that will appear below the owner line.
Click Apply and grant full control to Administrators.
Close all tabs and go to Administrative tool.
Open component services.
Click Computer, click my computer, then click DCOM.
Look for the corresponding service that appears on the error viewer.
Note: For this step, look for the one that appeared at the right panel of the RegEdit. For example, the AppID Registry (316CDED5-E4AE-4B15-9113-7055D84DCC97) contains the "Immersive Shell" Data with a (Default) as a name. Now look for "Immersive Shell".
Right click on it then click properties.
Click security tab then click Add User. Add SYSTEM then apply.
Tick the Activate local box.
Hope that helps.
EDIT: I edited the step number 14 for it to be clearer. I am glad that I was able to help out.

Why is my site requesting (unsuccessfully) a font from an unrelated site

In my deployed website, I'm seeing this in the logs in Firefox:
My site has nothing to do with (although that is a site I browse often).
I've grepped my deployed code to be sure, and there are definitely no references anywhere that I can see that would be causing it to try to load these font files.
Clicking on the source code link doesn't reveal anything useful (just the index.html page).
Perhaps it's some kind of plugin going wrong?
How can I diagnose and fix the cause of these inappropriate font requests?
The first thing I'd do is make sure that the lines come from content requested from your website. You have 2 ways to do that:
Create a new Firefox profile, start it, close all the tabs and just leave 1 blank tab. Open the logs, clear them and then open your website. If the font line is not here, then it might have been a bogus log line.
On your original Firefox or new profile, open a new tab. Open up the Network Monitoring tool and then open your page. Look for the font entry in the network request. Unfortunately, it's not yet possible (see this) to break on specific network requests in the Firefox dev tools.
From there, I would go and check the source code depending on my findings. Keep us posted!
Update: this sounds like bug 1420680.

Dnn Rich Text(Text editor) template manager doesn't load

I've been working with DNN for the past weeks and now it's finnaly time to make my project to the production server, but I found an issue.
In the default Rich Text we have a "Template" option, witch we can save html presets, saving them works fine. But when I try to open the list of templates, the small popup opens and stays forever loading, no error displayed.
Ethernal loading image
I believe it's a config issue, since it works fine on my development eviroment. The server is running Windows Server 2008 R2(so, no IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool user to give permissions). Also I already gave permission to IIS_IUSRS and to IUSR.
If someone could help me, that would be awesome =)
Best Regards
do other dialogs fail as well, or just this one?
My guess is that the folder, which contains the templates, doesn't exist - or it does exist, but DNN doesn't know about it. So make sure you have it and that the the DNN files are synced with the DB (in the admin > files section)

"The Resource Cannot Be Found: /Login.aspx" on new v5.20 Install

Please see my DNN Forum Post for more details.
I've never had any issues with DotNetNuke installations. But with the new v5.20 (or v5.02, whichever it really is), everything runs perfectly fine through installation. I then get to the main default portal homepage. But as soon as I click any of the links available to continue (Home, Register or Login) I get 404 errors every time with a reference back to the applicable aspx page (Home.aspx, Register.aspx or Login.aspx.).
Windows 7, IIS7, SQL Server 2008. All permissions are setup properly on the directory and in IIS. I would think this is an IIS7 configuration issue, but I've tweaked everything in there a half-dozen times. No one at DNN is returning answers on my forum post anymore either after one guy tried.
This is something to do with the Friendly URL stuff. I found this blog post which talks about the Friendly URL Provider architecture. This made me try changing the urlFormat attribute for the DNNFriendlyUrl provider from "humanfriendly" to "searchfriendly", which made the URLs the way they used to be. I'm not sure exactly where things are going wrong and don't really have time to dig into it at the moment, but hopefully this will be helpful to get you moving again too.
With the release of DNN5 (up until 5.02.01 as of the time of writing), the friendly URL provider won't work when DotNetNuke is not on default port 80. There are different solutions floating around, but the simplest is just to replace the DNN friendly URL provider with the free one from iFinity. The installation is really simple and included in the download. Or see the following blog post:
Okay have you tried the 'old style' of login -
If that still doesnt work then i have to say that most likely something has happened to IIS - if so then you might just see if you can install the package you have on a different box or have a friend try a different box
I have done 2 upgrades with 5.2 and a few test installs with the Starter Kit Package and Install packages and have never seen this problem - not to say that it doesnt exist.
My next trial would be to go and redownload the install package from CodePlex and start from scratch to see if you can make the same thing happen again.
OKayone thing I dont think that has been mentioned in reading through everything is double check IIS.
My first guess without looking on your server would be to check if something happened to the 'check file exists' setting - i know this is changed in IIS7 so I cant point to the exact place to check this.
Here is a link to the IIS7 forums on it -
either one might help - google also has a lot on this
Tell me how this goes in checking up on it and we can move forward from there!
you probably need to reg_iis on the version(s) of that your IIS is going to support.
If the right version is not set up then you will get the 404 error
So placing it under port 80 works, right?
Is there a good reason not putting it under that port?
