how can chainer use multi-cpu like multi-gpu - chainer

in chainer.dataset.to_device, i have found
device (int or None) – Device ID to which an array is sent. If it is negative value, an array is sent to CPU. If it is positive, an array is sent to GPU with the given ID. If it is None, an array is left in the original device.
x (numpy.ndarray or cupy.ndarray) – An array to send.
chainer use 0,1,2... to represent the gpus device id. but for cpu, can i use the the number -1,-2,... to represent the different cpu device i want to choose?

Chainer does not distinguish multiple CPU devices.
As for chainer.datset.to_device (docs), the array will be converted to a CPU array if device argument is negative, no matter what the value is.


Is it possible to get device load in OpenCL

I know how to use clGetDeviceInfo to query information about the device but I don't know how to get information about the device at runtime. For example, how much global memory is in use right now? How busy have the processing elements been, on average, in the last n nanoseconds?
AFAIK, no. OpenCL itself does not have any API to query current status of a device. Those are exposed by the vendor of your particular implementation (like the GPUPerfAPI from AMD or the Graphics Performance analyzer from Intel).
Hope this helps.
What I did to be able to determine the free memory at runtime is write a wrapper around clDevice (or cl::Device in my case) and pipe all buffer allocations through said wrapper.
At the begin of the program, I query the total device memory (CL_DEVICE__GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE) and when buffers are allocated I store their addresses and sizes in a vector so I can subtract the accumulated size of the currently allocated buffers from the total memory.
With OpenCL, you can assign callback calls to the buffers, which are called when the buffer is destroyed (clSetMemObjectDestructorCallback). So I use those to clean up when the buffer is released. Hint: the cl_mem parameter with which the callback is called is NOT a valid mem object. It may have already been destroyed so you cannot query it for its size (that took me a couple of hours, even though it's clearly stated in the standard ...).
This way, I can always know, how much memory is left on the device.

Can opencl chain multiple passes without returning to CPU?

I want to auto scale some data. So, I want to pass through all the data and find the maximum extents of the data. Then I want to go through the data, do calculations, and send the results to opengl for rendering. Is this type of multipass thing possible in opencl? Or does the CPU have to direct the "find extents" calc, get the results, and then direct the other calc with that?
It sounds like you would need two OpenCL kernels, one for calculating the min and max and the other to actually scale the data. Using OpenCL command queues and events you can queue up these two kernels in order and store the results from the first in global memory, reading those results in the second kernel. The semantics of OpenCL command queues and events (assuming you don't have out-of-order execution enabled) will ensure that one completes before the other without any interaction from your host application (see clEnqueueNDRangeKernel).

OpenCL Copy-Once Share a lot

I am implementing a solution using OpenCL and I want to do the following thing, say for example you have a large array of data that you want to copy in the GPU once and have many kernels process batches of it and store the results in their specific output buffers.
The actual question is here which way is faster? En-queue each kernel with the portion of the array it needs to have or pass out the whole array before hand an let each kernel (in the same context) process the required batch, since they would have the same address space and could each map the array concurrently. Of course the said array is read-only but is not constant as it changes every time I execute the kernel(s)... (so I could cache it using a global memory buffer).
Also if the second way is actually faster could you point me with direction on how this could be implemented, as I haven't found anything concrete yet (although I am still searching :)).
I use the second memory normally. Sharing the memory is easy. Just pass the same buffer to each kernel. I do this in my real-time ray-tracer. I render with one kernel and post-process (image process) with another.
Using the C++ bindings it looks something like this
cl_input_mem = cl::Buffer(context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, sizeof(cl_uchar4)*npixels, NULL, &err);
kernel_render.setArg(0, cl_input_mem);
kernel_postprocess.setArg(0, cl_input_mem);
If you want one kernel to operate on a different segment of the array/memory you can pass an offset value to the kernel arguments and add that to e.g. the global memory pointer for each kernel.
I would use the first method if the array (actually the sum of each buffer - including output) does not fit in memory. Another reason to use the first method is if you're running on multiple devices. In my ray tracer I use the first method when I render on multiple devices. For example I have one GTX 580 render the upper half of the screen and the other GTX 580 rendering the lower half (actually I do this dynamically so one device may render 30% while the other 70% but that's besides the point). I have each device only render it's fraction of the output and then I assemble the output on the CPU. With PCI 3.0 the transfer back and forth between CPU and GPU (multiple times) has a negligible effect on the frame rate even for 1920x1080 images.

OpenCL - retrieving possible work item quantities?

I'm writing a simple OpenCL application using a very basic kernel. I have only one workgroup, and I am attempting to vary the number of work items. I've noticed that when I use only the CPU, I can have any number of work items. However, when I use only the GPU, it seems I can only have 512,1024,2048,... work items. 256 will generate errors, as will any number that isn't a power of two.
I've found this experimentally, but how can I find this information programmatically, presumably from the OpenCL C++ API?
There is a device limit for the workgroup size, and for a given kernel depending on its resource usage. You can query the maximum possible workgroup size for a device with clGetDeviceInfo() with CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE. For a kernel, you can get the maximum workgroup size with clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo() using CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE.
As for smaller sizes, on the GPU, the workgroup size must be a multiple of the wavefront/warp size. This is 32 on Nvidia, and 64 for most AMD GPUs (but 32 for some). You can query the warp size using Nvidia's cl_nv_device_attribute_query (which provides the option CL_DEVICE_WARP_SIZE_NV for clGetDeviceInfo()), but there's no good way to get it on AMD. I just assume it is 64.
Additionally, the global work size must be divisible by the workgroup size in each dimension. It's usually best to round up your global size to some multiple of the workgroup size, and then avoid out of bounds workitems in your kernel.
The wavefront/warp size is a kernel parameter and not a device parameter (altough it is in fact hardware imposed), so you can query the wavefront/warp size by using clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo() with CL_KERNEL_PREFERRED_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_MULTIPLE.
See the documentation at:

Tibco Rendezvous - size constraints

I am attempting to put a potentially large string into a rendezvous message and was curious about size constraints. I understand there is a physical limit (64mb?) to the message as a whole, but I'm curious about how some other variables could affect it. Specifically:
How big the keys are?
How the string is stored (in one field vs. multiple fields)
Any advice on any of the above topics or anything else that could be relevant would be greatly appreciated.
Note: I would like to keep the message as a raw string (as opposed to bytecode, etc).
From the Tibco docs on Very Large Messages:
Rendezvous software can transport very
large messages; it divides them into
small packets, and places them on the
network as quickly as the network can
accept them. In some situations, this
behavior can overwhelm network
capacity; applications can achieve
higher throughput by dividing large
messages into smaller chunks and
regulating the rate at which it sends
those chunks. You can use the
performance tool to evaluate chunk
sizes and send rates for optimal
This example, sends one message
consisting of ten million bytes.
Rendezvous software automatically
divides the message into packets and
sends them. However, this burst of
packets might exceed network capacity,
resulting in poor throughput:
sender> rvperfm -size 10000000 -messages 1
In this second example, the
application divides the ten million
bytes into one thousand smaller
messages of ten thousand bytes each,
and automatically determines the batch
size and interval to regulate the flow
for optimal throughput:
sender> rvperfm -size 10000 -messages 1000 -auto
By varying the -messages and -size
parameters, you can determine the
optimal message size for your
applications in a specific network.
Application developers can use this
information to regulate sending rates
for improved performance.
As to actual limits the Add string function takes a C style ansi string so is theoretically unbounded but, given the signature of the AddOpaque
tibrv_status tibrvMsg_AddOpaque(
tibrvMsg message,
const char* fieldName,
const void* value,
tibrv_u32 size);
which takes a u32 it would seem sensible to state that the limit is likely to be 4GB rather than 64MB.
That said using Tib to transfer such large packets is likely to be a serious performance bottleneck as it may have to buffer significant amounts of traffic as it tries to get these sorts of messages to all consumers. By default the rvd buffer is only 60 seconds so you may find yourself suffering message loss if this is a significant amount of your traffic.
Message overhead within tibco is largely as simple as:
the fixed cost associated with each message (the header)
All the fields (type info and the field id)
Plus the cost of all variable length aspects including:
the send and receive subjects (effectively limited to 256 bytes each)
the field names. I can find no limit to the length of the field names in the docs but the smaller they are the better, better still don't use them at all and use the numerical identifiers
the array/string/opaque/user defined variable length fields in the message
Note: If you use nested messages simply recurse the above.
In your case the payload overhead will be so vast in comparison to the names (so long as they are reasonable and simple) there is little point attempting to optimize these at all.
You may find you can considerable efficiency on the wire/buffered if you transmit the strings in a compressed form, either through the use of an rvrd with compression enabled or by changing your producer/consumer to use something fast but effective like deflate (or if you're feeling esoteric things like QuickLZ,FastLZ,LZO,etc. Especially ones with fixed memory footprint compress/decompress engines)
You don't say which platform api you are targeting (.net/java/C++/C for example) and this will colour things a little. On the wire all string data will be in 1 byte per character regardless of java/.net using UTF-16 by default however you will incur a significant translation cost placing these into/reading them out of the message because the underlying buffer cannot be reused in those cases and a copy (and compaction/expansion respectively) must be performed.
If you stick to opaque byte sequences you will still have the copy overhead in the naieve implementations possible through the managed wrapper apis but this will at least be less overhead if you have no need to work with the data as a native string.
The overall maximum size of a message is 64MB as was speculated in the OP. From the "Tibco Rendezvous Concepts" document:
Although the ability to exchange large data buffers is a feature of Rendezvous
software, it is best not to make messages too large. For example, to exchange data
up to 10,000 bytes, a single message is efficient. But to send files that could be
many megabytes in length, we recommend using multiple send calls, perhaps one
for each record, block or track. Empirically determine the most efficient size for
the prevailing network conditions. (The actual size limit is 64 MB, which is rarely
an appropriate size.)
