Tibco Rendezvous - size constraints - constraints

I am attempting to put a potentially large string into a rendezvous message and was curious about size constraints. I understand there is a physical limit (64mb?) to the message as a whole, but I'm curious about how some other variables could affect it. Specifically:
How big the keys are?
How the string is stored (in one field vs. multiple fields)
Any advice on any of the above topics or anything else that could be relevant would be greatly appreciated.
Note: I would like to keep the message as a raw string (as opposed to bytecode, etc).

From the Tibco docs on Very Large Messages:
Rendezvous software can transport very
large messages; it divides them into
small packets, and places them on the
network as quickly as the network can
accept them. In some situations, this
behavior can overwhelm network
capacity; applications can achieve
higher throughput by dividing large
messages into smaller chunks and
regulating the rate at which it sends
those chunks. You can use the
performance tool to evaluate chunk
sizes and send rates for optimal
This example, sends one message
consisting of ten million bytes.
Rendezvous software automatically
divides the message into packets and
sends them. However, this burst of
packets might exceed network capacity,
resulting in poor throughput:
sender> rvperfm -size 10000000 -messages 1
In this second example, the
application divides the ten million
bytes into one thousand smaller
messages of ten thousand bytes each,
and automatically determines the batch
size and interval to regulate the flow
for optimal throughput:
sender> rvperfm -size 10000 -messages 1000 -auto
By varying the -messages and -size
parameters, you can determine the
optimal message size for your
applications in a specific network.
Application developers can use this
information to regulate sending rates
for improved performance.
As to actual limits the Add string function takes a C style ansi string so is theoretically unbounded but, given the signature of the AddOpaque
tibrv_status tibrvMsg_AddOpaque(
tibrvMsg message,
const char* fieldName,
const void* value,
tibrv_u32 size);
which takes a u32 it would seem sensible to state that the limit is likely to be 4GB rather than 64MB.
That said using Tib to transfer such large packets is likely to be a serious performance bottleneck as it may have to buffer significant amounts of traffic as it tries to get these sorts of messages to all consumers. By default the rvd buffer is only 60 seconds so you may find yourself suffering message loss if this is a significant amount of your traffic.
Message overhead within tibco is largely as simple as:
the fixed cost associated with each message (the header)
All the fields (type info and the field id)
Plus the cost of all variable length aspects including:
the send and receive subjects (effectively limited to 256 bytes each)
the field names. I can find no limit to the length of the field names in the docs but the smaller they are the better, better still don't use them at all and use the numerical identifiers
the array/string/opaque/user defined variable length fields in the message
Note: If you use nested messages simply recurse the above.
In your case the payload overhead will be so vast in comparison to the names (so long as they are reasonable and simple) there is little point attempting to optimize these at all.
You may find you can considerable efficiency on the wire/buffered if you transmit the strings in a compressed form, either through the use of an rvrd with compression enabled or by changing your producer/consumer to use something fast but effective like deflate (or if you're feeling esoteric things like QuickLZ,FastLZ,LZO,etc. Especially ones with fixed memory footprint compress/decompress engines)
You don't say which platform api you are targeting (.net/java/C++/C for example) and this will colour things a little. On the wire all string data will be in 1 byte per character regardless of java/.net using UTF-16 by default however you will incur a significant translation cost placing these into/reading them out of the message because the underlying buffer cannot be reused in those cases and a copy (and compaction/expansion respectively) must be performed.
If you stick to opaque byte sequences you will still have the copy overhead in the naieve implementations possible through the managed wrapper apis but this will at least be less overhead if you have no need to work with the data as a native string.

The overall maximum size of a message is 64MB as was speculated in the OP. From the "Tibco Rendezvous Concepts" document:
Although the ability to exchange large data buffers is a feature of Rendezvous
software, it is best not to make messages too large. For example, to exchange data
up to 10,000 bytes, a single message is efficient. But to send files that could be
many megabytes in length, we recommend using multiple send calls, perhaps one
for each record, block or track. Empirically determine the most efficient size for
the prevailing network conditions. (The actual size limit is 64 MB, which is rarely
an appropriate size.)


Storage cost / supportability / performance tradeoffs using compact attributes in DynamoDB

I'm working on large scale component that generates unique/opaque tokens representing business entities. Over time there will be many billions of these records, but for the first year we're not expecting growth to exceed more than 2 billion individual items (probably less than 500 million).
The system itself is horizontally scaled but needs token generation to be idempotent; data integrity is maintained by using a contained but reasonably complex combination of transactional writes with embedded condition expressions AND standalone condition check write items.
The tokens themselves are UUIDs, and 'being efficient' are persisted as Binary attribute values (16 bytes) rather than the string representation (36 bytes), however the downside is that the data doesn't visualise nicely in query consoles making support hard if we encounter any bugs and/or broken data. Note there is no extra code complexity since we implement attributevalue.Marshaler interface to bind UUID (language) types to DynamoDB Binary attributes, and similarly do the same for any composite attributes.
My question relates to (mostly) data size/saving. Since the tokens are the partition keys, and some mapping columns are [token] -> [other token composite attributes], for example two UUIDs concatenated together into 32 bytes.
I wanted to keep really tight control over storage costs knowing that, over time, we will be spending ~$0.25/GB per month for this. My question is really three parts:
Are the PK/SK index size 'reserved' (i.e. padded) so it would make no difference at all to storage cost if we compress the overall field sizes down to the minimum possible size? (... I read somewhere that 100 bytes is typically reserved.
If they ARE padded, the cost savings for the data would be reasonably high, because each (tree) index node will be nearly as big as the data being mapped. (I assume a tree index is used once hashed PK has routed the query to the right server node/disk etc.)
Is there any observable query time performance benefit to compacting 36 bytes into 16 (beyond saving a few bytes across the network)? i.e. if Dynamo has to read fewer pages it'll work faster, but in practice are we talking microseconds at best?
This is a secondary concern, but is worth considering if there is a lot of concurrent access to the data. UUIDs will distribute partitions but inevitably sometimes we will have some more active partitions than others.
Are there any tools that can parse bytes back into human-readable UUIDs (or that we customise to inject behaviour to do this)?
This is concern, because making things small and efficient is ok, but supporting and resolving data issues will be difficult without significant tooling investment, and (unsurprisingly) the DynamoDB console, DynamoDB IntelliJ plugin and AWS NoSQL Workbench all garble the binary into unreadable characters.
No, the PK/SK types are not padded. There's 100 bytes of overhead per item stored.
Sending less data certainly won't hurt your performance. Don't expect a noticeable improvement though. If shorter values can keep your items at 1,024 bytes instead of 1,025 bytes then you save yourself a Write Unit during the save.
For the "garbled" binary values I assume you're looking at the base64 encoded values, which is a standard binary encoding standard which can be reversed by lots of tooling (now that you know the name of it).

Is there a provably optimal block (piece) size for torrents (and individual files)?

The BitTorrent protocol doesn't specify block (piece) size. This is left to the user. (I've seen different torrents for the same content with 3 or more different choices.)
I'm thinking of filing a BitTorrent Enhancement Proposal which needs to make a specific block size mandatory — both for the whole torrent, and also for individual files (for which BTv2 (BEP 52) specifies bs=16KiB).
The only thing I've found that's close is the rsync block size algorithm in Tridgell & Mackerras' technical paper. Their bs=300-1100 B (# bytes aren't powers of 2).
Torrents, however, usually use bs=64kB–16MB (# bytes are powers of 2, and much larger than rsync's) for the whole torrent (and, for BTv2, 16KiB for files).
The specified block size doesn't need to be a constant. It could be a function of thing-hashed size, of course (like it is in rsync). It could also be a function of file type; e.g. there might be some block sizes which are better for making partial video/archive/etc files more usable.
See also this analysis of BitTorrent as a block-aligned file system.
What are optimal block sizes for a torrent, generic file, or partial usefulness of specific file types?
Where did the 16KiB bs in BEP 52 come from?
Block and piece size are not the same thing.
A piece is the unit that is hashed into the pieces string in v1 torrents, one hash per piece.
A block is a part of a piece that is requested via request (ID 6) and delivered via piece (ID 7) messages. These messages basically consist of (piece number, offset, length) tuple where the length is the block size. In this sense blocks are very ephemeral constructs in v1 torrents but they are still important since downloading clients have to keep a lot of state about them in memory. Since the downloading client is in control of the request size they customarily use fixed 16KiB blocks, even though they could do this more flexibly. For an uploading client it does not really matter complexity-wise as they have to simply serve the bytes covered by (piece,offset,length) and keep no further state.
Since clients generally implement an upper message size limit to avoid DoS attacks 16KiB is also the recommended upper bound. Specialized implementations could use larger blocks, but for public torrents that doesn't really happen.
For v2 torrents the picture changes a bit. There now are three concepts
the ephemeral blocks sent via messages
the pieces (now representing some layer in the merkle tree), needed for v1 compatibility in hybrid torrents and also stored as piece layers outside the info dictionary to allow partial file resume
the leaf blocks of the merkle tree
The first type is essentially unchanged compared to v1 torrents but the incentive to use 16KiB-sized blocks is much stronger now because that is also the leaf hash size.
The piece size must now be a power of two and multiple of 16KiB, this constraint did not exist in v1 torrents.
The leaf block size is fixed to 16KiB, it is relevant when constructing the merkle tree and exchanging message IDs 21 (hash request) and 22 (hashes)
What are optimal block sizes for a torrent, generic file, or partial usefulness of specific file types?
For a v1 torrent the piece size combined with the file sizes determines a lower bound of the metadata (aka .torrent file) size. Each piece must be stored as a 20byte hash in pieces, thus larger pieces result in fewer hashes and smaller .torrent files. For terabyte-scale torrents a 16KiB piece size result in a ~1GB torrent file, which is unacceptable for most use-cases.
For a v2 torrent it would result in a similarly sized piece layers in the root dictionary. Or if a client does not have the piece layers data available (e.g. because they started a download via infohash) they will have to retrieve the data via hash request messages instead, ultimately resulting in the same overhead, albeit more spread out over the course of the download.
Where did the 16KiB bs in BEP 52 come from?
16KiB was already the de-facto block size for most clients. Since a merkle-tree must be calculated from some leaf hashes a fixed block size for those leaves had to be defined. Hence the established messaging block size was also chosen for the merkle tree blocks.
The only thing I've found that's close is the rsync block size algorithm in Tridgell & Mackerras' technical paper. Their bs=300-1100 B (# bytes aren't powers of 2).
rsync uses a rolling hash for content-aware chunking rather than fixed-size blocks and that is the primary driver for their chunk-size choices. So rsync considerations do not apply to bittorrent.

Is there a good way to frame a protocol so data corruption can be detected in every case?

Background: I've spent a while working with a variety of device interfaces and have seen a lot of protocols, many serial and UDP in which data integrity is handled at the application protocol level. I've been seeking to improve my receive routine handling of protocols in general, and considering the "ideal" design of a protocol.
My question is: is there any protocol framing scheme out there that can definitively identify corrupt data in all cases? For example, consider the standard framing scheme of many protocols:
Field: Length in bytes
<SOH>: 1
<other framing information>: arbitrary, but fixed for a given protocol
<length>: 1 or 2
<data payload etc.>: based on length field (above)
<checksum/CRC>: 1 or 2
<ETX>: 1
For the vast majority of cases, this works fine. When you receive some data, you search for the SOH (or whatever your start byte sequence is), move forward a fixed number of bytes to your length field, and then move that number of bytes (plus or minus some fixed offset) to the end of the packet to your CRC, and if that checks out you know you have a valid packet. If you don't have enough bytes in your input buffer to find an SOH or to have a CRC based on the length field, then you wait until you receive enough to check the CRC. Disregarding CRC collisions (not much we can do about that), this guarantees that your packet is well formed and uncorrupted.
However, if the length field itself is corrupt and has a high value (which I'm running into), then you can't check the (corrupt) packet's CRC until you fill up your input buffer with enough bytes to meet the corrupt length field's requirement.
So is there a deterministic way to get around this, either in the receive handler or in the protocol design itself? I can set a maximum packet length or a timeout to flush my receive buffer in the receive handler, which should solve the problem on a practical level, but I'm still wondering if there's a "pure" theoretical solution that works for the general case and doesn't require setting implementation-specific maximum lengths or timeouts.
The reason why all protocols I know of, including those handling "streaming" data, chop up the datastream in smaller transmission units each with their own checks on board is exactly to avoid the problems you describe. Probably the fundamental flaw in your protocol design is that the blocks are too big.
The accepted answer of this SO question contains a good explanation and a link to a very interesting (but rather heavy on math) paper about this subject.
So in short, you should stick to smaller transmission units not only because of practical programming related arguments but also because of the message length's role in determining the security offered by your crc.
One way would be to encode the length parameter so that it would be easily detected to be corrupted, and save you from reading in the large buffer to check the CRC.
For example, the XModem protocol embeds an 8 bit packet number followed by it's one's complement.
It could mean doubling your length block size, but it's an option.

WSARecv and WSABuf questions

I have a few questions regarding WSARecv
Question 1:
How do I excactly determine what size we must assign to the WSABUF.len?
Question 2:
Does WSARecv read data with length 0?
WSABUF.len = 0
I want to use that to use that to determine whether all packets are sent.
Question 3:
If I understand this correctly the lpNumberOfBytesRecvd holds the number of bytes actually read and not WSABUF.len, correct?
1) WSABUF.len is the length of the buffer that you have supplied. It's the maximum amount that can be read in this call. You know this size as it's the size of the memory that you allocated for the buffer that WSABUF.buf points to.
2) In certain high performance situations with many thousands of concurrent connections, when using asynchronous I/O you can set the WSABUF.len value to 0 to prevent the read from doing anything except completing to tell you that data is available. This is a performance tweak that is rarely needed and is often referred to as a 'zero byte read'. The reason it's useful is that it means that the I/O system doesn't need to lock the read buffer in memory (there is no read buffer) and so this reduces the number of I/O pages locked. There's a fixed limit on the number of I/O pages that can be locked and so this can be useful when you have many thousands of connections but they don't send data very often. You post a zero byte read on all the connections and then post a real read when the zero byte read completes and you know that you have data available.
3) Yes. The number of bytes actually read is returned separately via lpNumberOfBytesRecvd.
You should probably think about message framing (which I talk about here and here as this will help you know how much data you're expecting to read from a connection at a given time.

Caveats of select/poll vs. epoll reactors in Twisted

Everything I've read and experienced ( Tornado based apps ) leads me to believe that ePoll is a natural replacement for Select and Poll based networking, especially with Twisted. Which makes me paranoid, its pretty rare for a better technique or methodology not to come with a price.
Reading a couple dozen comparisons between epoll and alternatives shows that epoll is clearly the champion for speed and scalability, specifically that it scales in a linear fashion which is fantastic. That said, what about processor and memory utilization, is epoll still the champ?
For very small numbers of sockets (varies depending on your hardware, of course, but we're talking about something on the order of 10 or fewer), select can beat epoll in memory usage and runtime speed. Of course, for such small numbers of sockets, both mechanisms are so fast that you don't really care about this difference in the vast majority of cases.
One clarification, though. Both select and epoll scale linearly. A big difference, though, is that the userspace-facing APIs have complexities that are based on different things. The cost of a select call goes roughly with the value of the highest numbered file descriptor you pass it. If you select on a single fd, 100, then that's roughly twice as expensive as selecting on a single fd, 50. Adding more fds below the highest isn't quite free, so it's a little more complicated than this in practice, but this is a good first approximation for most implementations.
The cost of epoll is closer to the number of file descriptors that actually have events on them. If you're monitoring 200 file descriptors, but only 100 of them have events on them, then you're (very roughly) only paying for those 100 active file descriptors. This is where epoll tends to offer one of its major advantages over select. If you have a thousand clients that are mostly idle, then when you use select you're still paying for all one thousand of them. However, with epoll, it's like you've only got a few - you're only paying for the ones that are active at any given time.
All this means that epoll will lead to less CPU usage for most workloads. As far as memory usage goes, it's a bit of a toss up. select does manage to represent all the necessary information in a highly compact way (one bit per file descriptor). And the FD_SETSIZE (typically 1024) limitation on how many file descriptors you can use with select means that you'll never spend more than 128 bytes for each of the three fd sets you can use with select (read, write, exception). Compared to those 384 bytes max, epoll is sort of a pig. Each file descriptor is represented by a multi-byte structure. However, in absolute terms, it's still not going to use much memory. You can represent a huge number of file descriptors in a few dozen kilobytes (roughly 20k per 1000 file descriptors, I think). And you can also throw in the fact that you have to spend all 384 of those bytes with select if you only want to monitor one file descriptor but its value happens to be 1024, wheras with epoll you'd only spend 20 bytes. Still, all these numbers are pretty small, so it doesn't make much difference.
And there's also that other benefit of epoll, which perhaps you're already aware of, that it is not limited to FD_SETSIZE file descriptors. You can use it to monitor as many file descriptors as you have. And if you only have one file descriptor, but its value is greater than FD_SETSIZE, epoll works with that too, but select does not.
Randomly, I've also recently discovered one slight drawback to epoll as compared to select or poll. While none of these three APIs supports normal files (i.e., files on a file system), select and poll present this lack of support as reporting such descriptors as always readable and always writable. This makes them unsuitable for any meaningful kind of non-blocking filesystem I/O, a program which uses select or poll and happens to encounter a file descriptor from the filesystem will at least continue to operate (or if it fails, it won't be because of select or poll), albeit it perhaps not with the best performance.
On the other hand, epoll will fail fast with an error (EPERM, apparently) when asked to monitor such a file descriptor. Strictly speaking, this is hardly incorrect. It's merely signalling its lack of support in an explicit way. Normally I would applaud explicit failure conditions, but this one is undocumented (as far as I can tell) and results in a completely broken application, rather than one which merely operates with potentially degraded performance.
In practice, the only place I've seen this come up is when interacting with stdio. A user might redirect stdin or stdout from/to a normal file. Whereas previously stdin and stdout would have been a pipe -- supported by epoll just fine -- it then becomes a normal file and epoll fails loudly, breaking the application.
In tests at my company, one issue with epoll() came up, thus a single cost compared to select.
When attempting to read from the network with a timeout, creating an epoll_fd ( instead of a FD_SET ), and adding the fd to the epoll_fd, is much more expensive than creating a FD_SET (which is a simple malloc).
As per the previous answer, as the number of FDs in the process becomes large, the cost of select() becomes higher, but in our testing, even with fd values in the 10,000's, select was still a winner. These are cases where there is only one fd that a thread is waiting on, and simply trying to overcome the fact that network read, and network write, doesn't timeout when using a blocking thread model. Of course, blocking thread models are low performance compared to non-blocking reactor systems, but there are occasions where, to integrate with a particular legacy code base, it is required.
This kind of use case is rare in high performance applications, because a reactor model doesn't need to create a new epoll_fd every time. For the model where an epoll_fd is long-lived --- which is clearly preferred for any high performance server design --- epoll is the clear winner in every way.
