Post request to firebase without unique key - firebase

I want to post new data to my firebase API, but everytime I do so, a new key, like -L545gZW7E6Ed6iqXRok is generated with my object inside it. I would like to save my object directly to the API without this new key. This SO question answers how to do it using the set() method, but I would like to achieve this using Postman. I am posting directly to firebase using Postman.
url: with method POST.
//current saving like this in firebase
"0000001" : {
"active": false,
"name": "tp-milky-way",
"time": 60
"-L545gZW7E6Ed6iqXRok": {
"0000011": {
"active": false,
"name": "tp-andromeda",
"time": 60
//I want it without the key
"0000001" : {
"active": false,
"name": "tp-milky-way",
"time": 60
"0000011" : {
"active": false,
"name": "tp-andromeda",
"time": 60
EDIT: I found out I can use PUT with the entire json object that was originally 'put' to firebase with the additions or deletions, and firebase compares the new put request with what's already on there and updates accordingly. I don't know the behaviour is as I understand it or if there isn't a better way to add data without auto-generated keys.

When you use the POST verb, Firebase generates a new location. This is in line with REST-ful idioms: POST is used to create a new object in a server-defined new location.
If you want to write to an existing location, or a new location you control, use the PUT verb. In this case the data will be written to exactly the location you specify in the URL, and it will overwrite any existing data at that location.
If you want to update part of the data at an existing location, but leave other pieces of the data unmodified, use the PATCH verb.
If your HTTP client doesn't support specifying a verb, you can optionally pass the verb as HTTP-Method-Override header.


Exist some way to pass custom parameter to short dynamic link on Firebase?

I know how to pass a custom parameter from a DynamicLink created in FireBase and get it on my app but the problem is that I can only make this work with the large link version, like this:
The problem is that the link is too large, how can I send CUSTOM parameter with the short version from DynamicLink on Firebase?
You can probably get it to work if you send a request body instead of URL parameters. The REST docs explain how to:
"dynamicLinkInfo": {
"domainUriPrefix": string,
"link": string,
"suffix": {
"option": "SHORT" or "UNGUESSABLE"

How can I retrieve a RingCentral call recording from a monitored incoming call?

I'm monitoring incoming calls on RingCentral by listening for the Call Session Notifications (CSN) telephony/sessions event filter:
From this, I will receive events like the following. The recordings property will appear to indicate a recording is available. How can I retrieve this recording?
"name":"Jane Doe",
"name":"John Smith"
There are two ways to retrieve the recording using information in the Call Session Notification (CSN) event, specifically the recordings[0].id property and the sessionID property.
retrieving a full media URL by calling the call-log endpoint with the sessionId property
manually creating recording media URL using the recordings[0].id property.
Note 1: While the call is ongoing, the recording will not be available for retrieval, even when the recording id is present in the Call Session Notification event. The recording will be available to be retrieved shortly after the call concludes.
Note 2: Call recordings can be in MP3 or WAV format determined by the company. To distinguish check the response Content-Type header for the MIME type when retrieving the recording media file.
1) Retrieving Full Medial URL via Call Log API
Making an intermediate API call to the call-log API has the dual benefits of being the official approach for receiving a media URL an providing more metadata for the call. In this approach, the in the call-log record will match the recordings[0].id property in the Call Session Notification event.
Both the company account and user extension call-log APIs can be called with the sessionId parameter from the event as shown:
GET /restapi/v1.0/account/~/call-log?sessionId={sessionId}
GET /restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~/call-log?sessionId={sessionId}
In this example, the sessionId is 1234567890 so you would have a Company Call Log API URL as follows
GET /restapi/v1.0/account/~/call-log?sessionId=1234567890
The response object will have a recording property that provides hypermedia links to get the media file. The file can be WAV or MP3 format which is communicated in the response Content-Type header.
"uri": "",
"records": [
"uri": "",
"id": "1234567890ABCDEFGabcdefgh",
"sessionId": "1234567890",
"startTime": "2019-03-08T22:30:29.505Z",
"duration": 35,
"type": "Voice",
"direction": "Inbound",
"action": "Phone Call",
"result": "Accepted",
"to": {
"phoneNumber": "+16505550100",
"name": "Jane Doe"
"from": {
"phoneNumber": "+14155550100",
"name": "John Smith",
"location": "San Francisco, CA"
"recording": {
"uri": "",
"id": "44444444",
"type": "OnDemand",
"contentUri": ""
"extension": {
"uri": "",
"id": 22222222
"reason": "Accepted",
"reasonDescription": "The call connected to and was accepted by this number."
"paging": {
"page": 1,
"perPage": 100,
"pageStart": 0,
"pageEnd": 0
"navigation": {
"firstPage": {
"uri": ""
"lastPage": {
"uri": ""
2) Manually Creating Media URL
You can call the Recording API endpoint and retrieve the media directly by manually constructing the recording URL as follows:{accountId}/recording/{recordingId}/content
In this example, the accountId is 11111111 and the recordingId is 44444444 for the following:
The accountId in the URL path can be set to the currently authorized user's account using ~. Alternately, it can be set explicitly by extracting the accountId from the event property or using the accountId property in the relevant party object. Using ~ is the recommended way to set accountId.
Note: This this approach can be quick, it may be error prone as RingCentral has changed the media hostname once in the past. While there are no anticipated, future changes, calling the call-log API and retrieving the full media URL from the response is the safer and recommended approach. See below for this approach. This is only included as some people will try this and potentially run into issues later.
3) Hybrid Approach
The first approach of calling the call-log end point is the recommended approach, however, it involves an extra API call and most of the time the second approach should work fine.
A hybrid approach is to construct the URL as in approach 2 and then fall back to approach 1 if approach 2 returns a 404 or other error.

GAE endpoints generates wrong discovery doc

I have upgraded to the latest Cloud Endpoints 2.0 as well as the endpoints_proto_datastore to its latest commit. When I now try to generate the API discovery doc I get the following error messages:
Method user.update specifies path parameters but you are not using a ResourceContainer This will fail in future releases; please switch to using ResourceContainer as soon as possible
Method position.update specifies path parameters but you are not using a ResourceContainer This will fail in future releases; please switch to using ResourceContainer as soon as possible
The only two available endpoints are the following two methods which should update the User and the Position model:
#User.method(name='user.update', path='users/{id}', http_method='PUT')
def UserUpdate(self, user):
""" Update an user resource. """
return user
#Position.method(name='position.update', path='positions/{id}', http_method='PUT')
def PositionUpdate(self, position):
""" Update a position resource. """
return position
Before upgrading to Cloud Endpoints 2.0 everything worked fine. But now if I take a look into the generated discovery file both endpoints have a ProtorpcMessagesCombinedContainer in their request. But the combined container itself is defined with the properties of the Position model!
This is how both methods request attribute are defined:
"request": {
"$ref": "ProtorpcMessagesCombinedContainer",
"parameterName": "resource"
And this is the definition of the combined container (which has the properties of the Position model):
"ProtorpcMessagesCombinedContainer": {
"id": "ProtorpcMessagesCombinedContainer",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"displayName": {
"type": "string"
"shortName": {
"type": "string"
Does anyone else had this issue with GAE and Cloud Endpoints 2.0?
What am I doing wrong? Usually the endpoints-proto-datastore should handle the ResourceContainer and the methods path parameters. Also the endpoints-proto-datastore wasn't updated for years ... I really don't know where the error comes from.
Thanks for your help!

Can't create cloudsql role for Service Account via api

I have been trying to use the api to create service accounts in GCP.
To create a service account I send the following post request:
base_url = f"{project}/serviceAccounts"
auth = f"?access_token={access_token}"
data = {"accountId": name}
# Create a service Account
r = + auth, json=data)
this returns a 200 and creates a service account:
Then, this is the code that I use to create the specific roles:
sa = f"{name}"
sa_url = base_url + f'/{sa}:setIamPolicy' + auth
data = {"policy":
{"bindings": [
"role": roles,
If roles is set to one of roles/viewer, roles/editor or roles/owner this approach does work.
However, if I want to use, specifically roles/cloudsql.viewer The api tells me that this option is not supported.
Here are the roles.
I don't want to give this service account full viewer rights to my project, it's against the principle of least privilege.
How can I set specific roles from the api?
here is the response using the resource manager api: with roles/cloudsql.admin as the role
"policy": {
"bindings": [
"members": [
"role": "roles/cloudsql.viewer"
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Request contains an invalid argument.",
"details": [
"#type": "",
"role": "roles/owner"
With the code provided it appears that you are appending to the first base_url which is not the correct context to modify project roles.
This will try to place the appended path to:{project}/serviceAccount
The POST path for adding roles needs to be:{project]:setIamPolicy
If you remove /serviceAccounts from the base_url and it should work.
Edited response to add more information due to your edit
OK, I see the issue here, sorry but I had to set up a new project to test this.
cloudresourcemanager.projects.setIamPolicy needs to replace the entire policy. It appears that you can add constraints to what you change but that you have to submit a complete policy in json for the project.
Note that gcloud has a --log-http option that will help you dig through some of these issues. If you run
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT --member serviceAccount:$NAME --role roles/cloudsql.viewer --log-http
It will show you how it pulls the existing existing policy, appends the new role and adds it.
I would recommend using the example code provided here to make these changes if you don't want to use gcloud or the console to add the role to the user as this could impact the entire project.
Hopefully they improve the API for this need.

"Reverse formatting" Riak search results

Let's say I have an object in the test bucket in my Riak installation with the following structure:
"animals": {
"dog": "woof",
"cat: "miaow",
"cow": "moo"
When performing a search request for this object, the structure of the search results is as follows:
"responseHeader": {
"status": 0,
"QTime": 3,
"params": {
"q": "animals_cow:moo",
"q.op": "or",
"wt": "json"
"response": {
"numFound": 1,
"start": 0,
"maxScore": "0.353553",
"docs": [
"id": "test",
"index": "test",
"fields": {
"animals_cat": "miaow",
"animals_cow": "moo",
"animals_dog": "woof"
"props": {}
As you can see, the way the object is stored, the cat, cow and dog keys are nested within animals. However, when the search results come back, none of the keys are nested, and are simply separated by _.
My question is this: Is there any way provided by Riak to "reverse format" the search, and return the fields of the object in the correct (nested) format? This becomes a problem when storing and returning user data that might possibly contain _.
I do see that the latest version of Riak (beta release) provides a search schema, but I can't seem to see whether my question would be answered by this.
What you receive back in the search result is what the object looked like after passing through the json analyzer. If you need the data formatted differently, you can use a custom analyzer. However, this will only affect newly put data.
For existing data, you can use the id field and issue a get request for the original object, or use the solr query as input to a MapReduce job.
