Magnolia Page Template not registering - magnolia

I watched a Tutorial from Magnolia here is the link: [].
During watching it I followed his orders. I also read the hello world tutorial in the documentation. That is, I installed magnolia with cli and created a light module and a page. Everything was created with cli so there is no way that my module could have any errors. I restarted my tomcat server and entered the admin panel. First off my module is not shown in the resource folder, neither is it shown in the page template selection menu.
What exactly could this be?

As per comments under the question,solution to this issue was to ensure property in file denoting folder with light modules points to correct directory.
When in doubt always use absolute path.


How can I enable directory listing for a nexus3 raw repository?

In the past I was able to view the contents of my raw repository to which I upload my javadoc sites (through dav:http:// using mvn site-deploy):
e.g. Accessing from the browser: http://myserver/nexus/content/sites/my-raw-repository/ would list the subdirectories.
Now (after admin upgraded to nexus 3.20) directory-listing does not work and I have to explicitly request for a resource page e.g.:
Is there a way to bring back the directory listing?
This closed issue says that nexus3 supports it, but I cannot figure out how.
I found the issue. The repository browser url is now differrent.
content/sites has become: service/rest/repository/browse.
(The old path is still available but with no directory listing. Based on the findings below, I guess it is deprecated)
I went to the browse left-menu-option -> select the raw repository -> clicked on the Html View link and it took me to the correct location.
The new link is now: http://myserver/nexus/service/rest/repository/browse/my-raw-repository/
Something noteable is that now when reaching the actual resource file (e.g. html),
that resource file link is differrent: http://myserver/nexus/repository/my-raw-repository/path/to/the/htmlpage.html
so instead of service/rest/repository/browse/my-raw-repository/ it is repository/my-raw-repository/ (which also does not support directory listing)

silverstripe fluent locale configuration

I need help to understand the documentation for Fluent, from here Fluent config documentation
The documentation says:
"You can create locales via the /admin/locales CMS section."
When I create a locale, for example english, and then click on it I get at popup saying "Not Found".
Do I need to install the locale somewhere else before using it?
Did you run dev/build?flush=1 when you installed the module? After installation you should have everything read to go, and can start adding locales in the CMS.
Note that when you add your first locale in the CMS, the existing pages you have will not be available in that locale and you'll need to go into the Pages section and publish the pages you want to show up in your default locale.
I ran into this aswell.
The problem were missing files in the resouces folder. The 'Not found.' message in the admin panel refers to missing static assets like js and css files from the resouces folder. Open up your dev tools and inspect the 404'd requests. There you can see which files exactly are missing.

Magnolia form module templates are missing in new page wizard

I'm building a site starting from the magnolia empty webapp with maven.
All is ok but now I'm now writing the contact page of the site. I'd like to use the magnolia mail module for this. So I installed the mail module and the form module.
After installing the form module in magnolia 5.4, the template called "Form" does not appear in the template selection when creating a new page in the pages app.
As it seems from the Documentation, it should be there.
Other templates, created by me with yaml and freemarker, correctly appear (and i can use them correctly).
The mail module is up and running and configured: i can send a mail to myself with the "verify setting" page, using a template i made, but i'd like to create a contact module for my site.
I installed the module with maven like:
dependency: groupId:info.magnolia, artifactId:magnolia-module-form , version:2.3
and installed it with the usual steps (installed module, wait , correctly completed without messages, started magnolia)
I DO NOT have STK installed since i'm using MTE... and i've other modules installed (resources, site, mail, MTE, DAM, etc...)
Am I missing something or doing something wrong? :|
Otherwise, Can the magnolia mail module simply be used standalone without the form module to send out a email, may be pointing a hand-written form to somewhere?
Or, best option imho: can I make a new form template with yaml? I can't find docs about it.
Thank you!.
Edit: I tried to install the STK along with MTE (I correctly updated to magnolia 5.4.1) but it relies on data-module 2.3.6 (which i don't have in my dependencies and which i don't use) so it won't install the STK. Also , installing STK just for a form template seems overkill to me. I'd prefere to understand how to insert a form in one of my templates.
Preinstalled templates are for STK. If you want to use Magnolia without STK, then you need to write template yourself, but in exchange have much more freedom in what you can do with that template. Once you create and register template you should be able to use it.
Re STK - latest version doesn't have any dependency on data module - see module descriptor. Either I'm blind or there is no such dependency. :D

Display Error in Oracle Apex Application

I have exported my oracle apex application and install on another computer. I used css file written by me on my application and also i have change some settings in Theme that i have used for my application. I have exported and installed that css file and theme also. but when i run my application, it is not display correctly. it display only Texts and Images that i have used in application. Theme is missing. but my Login page is display correctly. because it is not using my Template. Login page using Login Template in oracle apex. after logged, when i browse other pages in my application, they are not displaying correctly. Theme is missing on those pages.
The issue is with my Template. but i have imported it in to apex application.
How could i solve this ?
When i open the Developer Tools in my browser(chrome), in Matched CSS Rules section in Elements Tab, display only user agent stylesheet. there is no my stylesheet.
Check your theme templates you changed and see if they are really correct and contain the reference to your custom stylesheet(s)
Check the output of a page you know should have the stylesheet reference
Where do you store the stylesheet? Workspace files, Application files, or simply in the "/i/" (#IMAGE_PREFIX#) folder?
if the latter: did you copy over your stylesheet and is it in the correct location? You say you imported the application to another computer, so you might have simply forgotten to copy over those files.
What is your Apex version ?
How do you load your CSS files ? They are stored on the server (accessible using the image prefix #IMAGE_PREFIX#), loaded into the database (accessible using #WORKSPACE_IMAGES#) or stored on an external server (accessible using the full URL) ?
When you say "install on another computer", you mean load your application into another apex installation right ? Then are you sure the server is configured as the other one (especially image prefix) ?
Have you checked that templates are the same in the two applications ?
Use the console in Chrome or Firefox to check if there are any errors on your page, such as CSS files that can't be loaded.

Drupal: imagecache doesn't generate images

So, I have a strange issue with Drupal imagecache.
When I upload an image, the image is correctly stored in a folder, but imagecache doesn't generate the other cached images.
It doesn't work anymore after I moved the website from development server to the production environment.
The production server is IIS7.
All the "files" subfolder have both write/read permissions, imagecache module is supposed to create folders inside "files" folder.
The GD toolkit is correctly enabled (in Drupal report, imagecache module is correctly enabled). It is php 5.2.
Check out Imagecache's troubleshooting guide in the handbooks. In particular, check the logs for errors explaining where the process is breaking down.
Also, check the paths that are included in your pages and make sure they are still correct, now that you've moved the site to a production server. This issue has some more tips, specific to the path problem.
Finally, if none of that helps, check the issue queue. There are several issues related to IIS.
99% of the time when I have an issue with imagecache not creating images it has something to do with file system permissions. Verify that your web server is able to write to all of the files/imagecache directories recursively.
