Display Error in Oracle Apex Application - css

I have exported my oracle apex application and install on another computer. I used css file written by me on my application and also i have change some settings in Theme that i have used for my application. I have exported and installed that css file and theme also. but when i run my application, it is not display correctly. it display only Texts and Images that i have used in application. Theme is missing. but my Login page is display correctly. because it is not using my Template. Login page using Login Template in oracle apex. after logged, when i browse other pages in my application, they are not displaying correctly. Theme is missing on those pages.
The issue is with my Template. but i have imported it in to apex application.
How could i solve this ?
When i open the Developer Tools in my browser(chrome), in Matched CSS Rules section in Elements Tab, display only user agent stylesheet. there is no my stylesheet.

Check your theme templates you changed and see if they are really correct and contain the reference to your custom stylesheet(s)
Check the output of a page you know should have the stylesheet reference
Where do you store the stylesheet? Workspace files, Application files, or simply in the "/i/" (#IMAGE_PREFIX#) folder?
if the latter: did you copy over your stylesheet and is it in the correct location? You say you imported the application to another computer, so you might have simply forgotten to copy over those files.

What is your Apex version ?
How do you load your CSS files ? They are stored on the server (accessible using the image prefix #IMAGE_PREFIX#), loaded into the database (accessible using #WORKSPACE_IMAGES#) or stored on an external server (accessible using the full URL) ?
When you say "install on another computer", you mean load your application into another apex installation right ? Then are you sure the server is configured as the other one (especially image prefix) ?
Have you checked that templates are the same in the two applications ?

Use the console in Chrome or Firefox to check if there are any errors on your page, such as CSS files that can't be loaded.


Custom Domain not loading CSS (Azure)

The custom domain I've been using (which is already linked to an App Service in Microsoft Azure Portal) is not loading the my current styles files (.css files). Actually, it's loading older versions of those files, which I didn't create (they've had been created previously by another employee).
Has someone experienced this same issue? If I go to the website created by the App Service, the .CSS loaded there is correct (the one I've created), but whenever I go to the custom domain linked with this website, the .CSS loaded is older.
Clearing the browser cache will work locally. However, other repeat visitors will have the same issue you are having. A global method would be to rename your CSS file. That will force the browser for repeat visitor's to load the new/ current CSS file.
ex. "style.css" --> "styles.css"
Rename the CSS file and don't forget to rename the meta link as well.
Try clearing browser cache memory. CSS files are often get cached in the browsers.

Rails: prevent a css file from being added to asset pipeline

We're accessing a 3rd-party iFrame (dialog) in our web app. This is loaded by javascript and served via the 3rd-party's server. If we provide them with a link to a custom CSS file we can change the appearance of the dialog.
How, in the Rails pipeline, can we create this file and then provide the 3rd-party with a URL that will, hopefully, respect (read: use) our CDN?
Does the file belong in vendor/assets/stylesheets/? I'm pretty sure that becomes part of asset pipeline as well...

Bootstrap Controller not working in

bootstrap controls are not working after hosting website in IIS. Is there any solution for solving this problem. This project is completely done.
Check iis have permission to access folder contains bootstrap. You can do this by
Open your site in Chrome
Setting-> More options -> View source
Click on "Bootstrap" link.
This problem may cause on some hosts if folder name contains .(dot), like bootstrap-3.1.1

In sitecore, where can I add my own custom CSS?

Our sitecore developer quit suddenly and I need to make a small change. I'm a front end developer and have no real experience with the sitecore backend. I just need to add some CSS styles to the main style.css file or I need to add my own file. I've got full access to the CMS, but no access to the hosting account. I'm trying to find the main CSS file through the CMS browser, but I'm not having any luck.
Can you help me either:
A) Locate the main CSS file so I can add some classes (preferred)
B) Add my own link in the tag to my own CSS file hosted on another domain
C) Use the home page link to CSS file where I can add some classes
A note about OPTION C... I'm in the CMS and I see there is a system folder and in that a CSS folder where I can add a custom.css file. Then I go to the home page and I can actually call that CSS file from a field in the home page BUT, when the site loads, even though it's calling this file, it comes over as .aspx and it's blank so no styles I set are applied.
you can find the location of file as suggested by Maciej or use firebug or any other developer tools to find the location of main style.css. Once you get the location you can browser the physical file on server by going to Sitecore start menu -> All Application ->File explorer . Download file using File explorer make your changes and upload it back, make sure you check override existing file when you upload. Also make sure you upload file to delivery server once you test your changes, typically you will be accessing Sitecore using Authoring Server so instance you are accessing might not be same as CD server.
You could right-click in your browser to figure out where your css is coming from relative to the server root. Although not completely fool-proof, this method may give you a quick answer.
According to documentation for sitecore 6.2, style sheet location is determined by the developer so it could be anywhere that the developer has chosen.
Take a look at this answer for more details.
You should also be wary of how code gets built and deployed. Most Sitecore developers have very specific methodologies for how they include code (including front end) in their solutions.
Make sure you're aware of any deployment methodologies your developer used, so that your work doesn't get overwritten in a future deployment.
Did they use a source control management solution (like Git or TFS)? Did they use an automated tool to do deployments (like Octopus Deploy)?
If you can find main CSS file in physical location, you can update the file with new CSS styles.
If you want to add your own CSS as an additional CSS style, you might need to create a new template for css link and use that template when you create new page with your own CSS.
Just for future reference, by default the location of the used css files is described in Sitecore.config like this:
CSS file for HTML content of Sitecore database.
The file pointed to by WebStylesheet setting is automatically included in Html and Rich Text fields.
By using it, you can make the content of HTML fields look the same as the actual Web Site
<setting name="WebStylesheet" value="/default.css"/>
Paths are relative to the root of your sitecore installation, you can find default.css in the root of the sitecore application on the webserver.
In Chrome Browser, Inspect element and select source tab
and open required css file and make changes.

How do I download an msi file via an asp.net button?

So, I've created my wonderful winforms app that I want to unleash upon the world, and now I am trying to create a simple website to host some basic information and link to the setup file (msi installer file )....
I have a button on the asp.net page and the setup file setupApp.msi in same folder as the asp.net page. I am currently trying the following:
But this best guess at what to do is not working. Is there something wrong with Mime types here? What do I need to put in the click event to allow users to download this file?
The path you are passing in to the method is not valid (there's no server name called ".").
You can pass in a relative path and it should work fine because ASP.NET will resolve the path:
Or if it's not in the same folder, try one of these:
Keep in mind that you don't necessarily have to do the whole redirect at all. Instead of writing code in an ASPX file you could just have a link to your MSI:
Download my app!

