Profiling valid for parallel efficiency study? - unix

I have been puzzled by the following matter:
I am trying to check the weak scaling of an in-house parallel Fortran code. Initially I tried to utilise the time command, but I would receive significant higher real times than the sys+user times. So, I ended up using gprof to perform the time measuring (although it may slow down the execution).
Is gprof a valid approach for benchmarking parallel efficiency (considering it is not ideal approach)?


Time complexity of nlm-package in R?

I'm estimating a Non-Linear system (via seemingly unrelated regressions - SUR), using systemfit (nlsystemfit() function) package with 4 equations, 32 parameters to estimate (!) and 412 observations. But my code is taking forever (my laptop it's not a super-powerful one tho). So far, the process was on a 13 hours run. I'm not an expert in computational stuff, but someone explained me some time ago the concept of Time Complexity of the algorithms (or big-o), then depending on this concept the time to compute a certain algorithm could rely on specific functional relation on the number of observations and/or coefficients.
Hence, I'm thinking of just stopping my process, and trying to simplify the model (temporarily) and trying to run something simpler, only to check-up if the estimated parameters had sens so far. And then, run a whole model.
But all this has a sense if I can change key elements in my model, which can reduce the time of processing significantly. That's why I was looking on google about the time complexity of nlm-package (nlsystemfit() function relies on nlm) but unsuccessfully. So, this is my question: Anybody knows where I can find that info, or at least give me advice on how test non-linear systems before run a whole model?
Since you didn't provide any substantial information regarding your model or some code for the same, its hard to express a betterment for your situation.
From what you said:
Hence, I'm thinking of just stopping my process, and trying to simplify the model (temporarily) and trying to run something simpler, only to check-up if the estimated parameters had sens so far. And then, run a whole model.
It seems you require benchmarking or to obtain the measured time taken to execute, as in your case. (although it can deal with memory usage or some other performance metric as well)
There are quite a few ways to benchmark code in R, which include the use of Sys.time() or system.time() just before and right after your algorithm/function executes, or libraries such as rbenchmark (which is a simple wrapper around the system.time function), tictoc, bench and microbenchmark.
Among these the last two are preferable options, as bench::mark includes system_time(), a higher precision alternative to system.time() and microbenchmark is known to be a reliable source to accurately measure and compare the execution time of R expressions/algorithms.

When (if ever) should I tell R parallel to not use all cores?

I've been using this code:
cl <- makeCluster( detectCores() - 1)
clusterCall(cl, function(){library(imager)})
then I have a wrapper function looking something like this:
d <- matrix #Loading a batch of data into a matrix
res <- parApply(cl, d, 1, FUN, ...)
# Upload `res` somewhere
I tested on my notebook, with 8 cores (4 cores, hyperthreading). When I ran it on a 50,000 row, 800 column, matrix, it took 177.5s to complete, and for most of the time the 7 cores were kept at near 100% (according to top), then it sat there for the last 15 or so seconds, which I guess was combining results. According to system.time(), user time was 14s, so that matches.
Now I'm running on EC2, a 36-core c4.8xlarge, and I'm seeing it spending almost all of its time with just one core at 100%. More precisely: There is an approx 10-20 secs burst where all cores are being used, then about 90 secs of just one core at 100% (being used by R), then about 45 secs of other stuff (where I save results and load the next batch of data). I'm doing batches of 40,000 rows, 800 columns.
The long-term load average, according to top, is hovering around 5.00.
Does this seem reasonable? Or is there a point where R parallelism spends more time with communication overhead, and I should be limiting to e.g. 16 cores. Any rules of thumb here?
Ref: CPU spec I'm using "Linux 4.4.5-15.26.amzn1.x86_64 (amd64)". R version 3.2.2 (2015-08-14)
UPDATE: I tried with 16 cores. For the smallest data, run-time increased from 13.9s to 18.3s. For the medium-sized data:
With 16 cores:
user system elapsed
30.424 0.580 60.034
With 35 cores:
user system elapsed
30.220 0.604 54.395
I.e. the overhead part took the same amount of time, but the parallel bit had fewer cores so took longer, and so it took longer overall.
I also tried using mclapply(), as suggested in the comments. It did appear to be a bit quicker (something like 330s vs. 360s on the particular test data I tried it on), but that was on my notebook, where other processes, or over-heating, could affect the results. So, I'm not drawing any conclusions on that yet.
There are no useful rules of thumb — the number of cores that a parallel task is optimal for is entirely determined by said task. For a more general discussion see Gustafson’s law.
The high single-core portion that you’re seeing in your code probably comes from the end phase of the algorithm (the “join” phase), where the parallel results are collated into a single data structure. Since this far surpasses the parallel computation phase, this may indeed be an indication that fewer cores could be beneficial.
I'd add that in case you are not aware of this wonderful resource for parallel computing in R, you may find reading Norman Matloff's recent book Parallel Computing for Data Science: With Examples in R, C++ and CUDA a very helpful read. I'd highly recommend it (I learnt a lot, not coming from a CS background).
The book answers your question in depth (Chapter 2 specifically). The book gives a high level overview of the causes of overhead that lead to bottlenecks to parallel programs.
Quoting section 2.1, which implicitly partially answers your question:
There are two main performance issues in parallel programming:
Communications overhead: Typically data must be transferred back and
forth between processes. This takes time, which can take quite a toll
on performance. In addition, the processes can get in each other’s way
if they all try to access the same data at once. They can collide when
trying to access the same communications channel, the same memory
module, and so on. This is another sap on speed. The term granularity
is used to refer, roughly, to the ratio of computa- tion to overhead.
Large-grained or coarse-grained algorithms involve large enough chunks
of computation that the overhead isn’t much of a problem. In
fine-grained algorithms, we really need to avoid overhead as much as
^ When overhead is high, less cores for the problem at hand can give shorter total computation time.
Load balance: As noted in the last chapter, if we are not
careful in the way in which we assign work to processes, we risk
assigning much more work to some than to others. This compromises
performance, as it leaves some processes unproductive at the end of
the run, while there is still work to be done.
When if ever do not use all cores? One example from my personal experience in running daily cronjobs in R on data that amounts to 100-200GB data in RAM, in which multiple cores are run to crunch blocks of data, I've indeed found running with say 6 out of 32 available cores to be faster than using 20-30 of the cores. A major reason was memory requirements for children processes (After a certain number of children processes were in action, memory usage got high and things slowed down considerably).

MPI and OpenMP. Do I even have a choice?

I have a linear algebra code that I am trying get to run faster. Its a iterative algorithm with a loop and matrix vector multiplications within in.
So far, I have used MATMUL (Fortran Lib.), DGEMV, Tried writing my own MV code in OpenMP but the algorithm is doing no better in terms of scalability. Speed ups are barely 3.5 - 4 irrespective of how many processors I am allotting to it (I have tried up 64 processors).
The profiling shows significant time being spent in Matrix-Vector and the rest is fairly nominal.
My question is:
I have a shared memory system with tons of RAM and processors. I have tried tweaking OpenMP implementation of the code (including Matrix Vector) but has not helped. Will it help to code in MPI? I am not a pro at MPI but the ability to fine tune the message communication might help a bit but I can't be sure. Any comments?
More generally, from the literature I have read, MPI = Distributed, OpenMP = Shared but can they perform well in the others' territory? Like MPI in Shared? Will it work? Will it be better than the OpenMP implementation if done well?
You're best off just using a linear algebra package that is already well optimized for a multitcore environment and using that for your matrix-vector multiplication. The Atlas package, gotoblas (if you have a nehalem or older; sadly it's no longer being updated), or vendor BLAS implementations (like MKL for intel CPUs, ACML for AMD, or VecLib for apple, which all cost money) all have good, well-tuned, multithreaded BLAS implementations. Unless you have excellent reason to believe that you can do better than those full time development teams can, you're best off using them.
Note that you'll never get the parallel speedup with DGEMV that you do with DGEMM, just because the vector is smaller than another matrix and so there's less work; but you can still do quite well, and you'll find you get much better perforamance with these libraries than you do with anything hand-rolled unless you were already doing multi-level cache blocking.
You can use MPI in a shared environment (though not OpenMP in a distributed one). However, achieving a good speedup depends a lot more on your algorithms and data dependencies than the technology used. Since you have a lot of shared memory, I'd recommend you stick with OpenMP, and carefully examine whether you're making the best use of your resources.

How to let R use all the cores of the computer?

I have read that R uses only a single CPU. How can I let R use all the available cores to run statistical algorithms?
Yes, for starters, see the High Performance Computing Task View on CRAN. This lists details of packages that can be used in support of parallel computing on a single machine.
From R version 2.14.0, there is inbuilt support for parallel computing via the parallel package, which includes slightly modified versions of the existing snow and multicore packages. The parallel package has a vignette that you should read. You can view it using:
vignette(package="parallel", topic = "parallel")
There are other ways to exploit your multiple cores, for example via use of a multi-threaded BLAS for linear algebra computations.
Whether any of this will speed up the "statistics calculations" you want to do will depend on what those "statistics calculations" are. Spawning off multiple threads or workers entails an overhead cost to set them up, manage them and collect the results. Some operations see a benefit (some large, some small) of using multiple cores/threads, others are slowed down because of this extra overhead.
In short, do not expect to get an n times decrease in your compute time by using n cores instead of just 1.
If you happen to do few* iterations of the same thing (or same code for few* different parameters), the easiest way to go is to run several copies of R -- OS will allocate the work on different cores.
In the opposite case, go and learn how to use real parallel extensions.
For the sake of this answer, few means less or equal the number of cores.

Has your pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) ever not been random enough?

Have you ever written simulations or randomized algorithms where you've run into trouble because of the quality of the (pseudo)-random numbers you used?
What was happening?
How did you detect / realize your prng was the problem?
Was switching PRNGs enough to fix the problem, or did you have to switch to a source of true randomness?
I'm trying to figure out what types of applications require one to worry about the quality of their source of randomness and how one realizes when this becomes a problem.
The dated random number generator RANDU was infamous in the seventies for producing "bad" random numbers. My PhD supervisor mentioned that it affected his PhD and he had to rerun simulations. A search on Google for RANDU linear congrunetial generator brings up other examples.
When I run simulations on multiple machines, I've sometimes been tempted to generate "random seeds", rather than just use a proper parallel random number generator. For example, generate the seed using the current time in seconds. This has caused me enough problems that I avoid this at all costs.
This is mainly due to my particular interests, but other than parallel computing, the thought of creating my own random number generator would never cross my mind. Calling a well tested random number function is trivial in most languages.
It is a good practice to run your prng against DieHard. Very good and fast PRNG exist nowadays (see the work of Marsaglia), see Numerical Recipes edition 3 for a good introduction.
