Amount of BizTalk Orphaned Instances that starts noticeable performance degradation - biztalk

What is the acceptable amount of Orphaned Instances before you start to notice performance degradation of the BizTalk server?

Well, let me answer it this way. The acceptable number of orphaned instances is 0. Meaning, this shouldn't be happening, and if it is, it's a problem to solve.
The answer to your actual question depends. Depends on your database and app profiles.
Make sure the SQL Jobs are all running without error, then identify the app that is creating the orphans and refactor it to not do that.


How to "warm-up" Entity Framework? When does it get "cold"?

No, the answer to my second question is not the winter.
I've been doing a lot of research on Entity Framework recently and something that keeps bothering me is its performance when the queries are not warmed-up, so called cold queries.
I went through the performance considerations article for Entity Framework 5.0. The authors introduced the concept of Warm and Cold queries and how they differ, which I also noticed myself without knowing of their existence. Here it's probably worth to mention I only have six months of experience behind my back.
Now I know what topics I can research into additionally if I want to understand the framework better in terms of performance. Unfortunately most of the information on the Internet is outdated or bloated with subjectivity, hence my inability to find any additional information on the Warm vs Cold queries topic.
Basically what I've noticed so far is that whenever I have to recompile or the recycling hits, my initial queries are getting very slow. Any subsequent data read is fast (subjective), as expected.
We'll be migrating to Windows Server 2012, IIS8 and SQL Server 2012 and as a Junior I actually won myself the opportunity to test them before the rest. I'm very happy they introduced a warming-up module that will get my application ready for that first request. However, I'm not sure how to proceed with warming up my Entity Framework.
What I already know is worth doing:
Generate my Views in advance as suggested.
Eventually move my models into a separate assembly.
What I consider doing, by going with common sense, probably wrong approach:
Doing dummy data reads at Application Start in order to warm things
up, generate and validate the models.
What would be the best approach to have high availability on my Entity Framework at anytime?
In what cases does the Entity Framework gets "cold" again? (Recompilation, Recycling, IIS Restart etc.)
What would be the best approach to have high availability on my Entity Framework at anytime?
You can go for a mix of pregenerated views and static compiled queries.
Static CompiledQuerys are good because they're quick and easy to write and help increase performance. However with EF5 it isn't necessary to compile all your queries since EF will auto-compile queries itself. The only problem is that these queries can get lost when the cache is swept. So you still want to hold references to your own compiled queries for those that are occurring only very rare, but that are expensive. If you put those queries into static classes they will be compiled when they're first required. This may be too late for some queries, so you may want to force compilation of these queries during application startup.
Pregenerating views is the other possibility as you mention. Especially, for those queries that take very long to compile and that don't change. That way you move the performance overhead from runtime to compile time. Also this won't introduce any lag. But of course this change goes through to the database, so it's not so easy to deal with. Code is more flexible.
Do not use a lot of TPT inheritance (that's a general performance issue in EF). Neither build your inheritance hierarchies too deep nor too wide. Only 2-3 properties specific to some class may not be enough to require an own type, but could be handled as optional (nullable) properties to an existing type.
Don't hold on to a single context for a long time. Each context instance has its own first level cache which slows down the performance as it grows larger. Context creation is cheap, but the state management inside the cached entities of the context may become expensive. The other caches (query plan and metadata) are shared between contexts and will die together with the AppDomain.
All in all you should make sure to allocate contexts frequently and use them only for a short time, that you can start your application quickly, that you compile queries that are rarely used and provide pregenerated views for queries that are performance critical and often used.
In what cases does the Entity Framework gets "cold" again? (Recompilation, Recycling, IIS Restart etc.)
Basically, every time you lose your AppDomain. IIS performs restarts every 29 hours, so you can never guarantee that you'll have your instances around. Also after some time without activity the AppDomain is also shut down. You should attempt to come up quickly again. Maybe you can do some of the initialization asynchronously (but beware of multi-threading issues). You can use scheduled tasks that call dummy pages in your application during times when there are no requests to prevent the AppDomain from dying, but it will eventually.
I also assume when you change your config file or change the assemblies there's going to be a restart.
If you are looking for maximum performance across all calls you should consider your architecture carefully. For instance, it might make sense to pre-cache often used look-ups in server RAM when the application loads up instead of using database calls on every request. This technique will ensure minimum application response times for commonly used data. However, you must be sure to have a well behaved expiration policy or always clear your cache whenever changes are made which affect the cached data to avoid issues with concurrency.
In general, you should strive to design distributed architectures to only require IO based data requests when the locally cached information becomes stale, or needs to be transactional. Any "over the wire" data request will normally take 10-1000 times longer to retrieve than an a local, in memory cache retrieval. This one fact alone often makes discussions about "cold vs. warm data" inconsequential in comparison to the "local vs. remote" data issue.
General tips.
Perform rigorous logging including what is accessed and request time.
Perform dummy requests when initializing your application to warm boot very slow requests that you pick up from the previous step.
Don't bother optimizing unless it's a real problem, communicate with the consumer of the application and ask. Get comfortable having a continuous feedback loop if only to figure out what needs optimization.
Now to explain why dummy requests are not the wrong approach.
Less Complexity - You are warming up the application in a manner that will work regardless of changes in the framework, and you don't need to figure out possibly funky APIs/framework internals to do it the right way.
Greater Coverage - You are warming up all layers of caching at once related to the slow request.
To explain when a cache gets "Cold".
This happens at any layer in your framework that applies a cache, there is a good description at the top of the performance page.
When ever a cache has to be validated after a potential change that makes the cache stale, this could be a timeout or more intelligent (i.e. change in the cached item).
When a cache item is evicted, the algorithm for doing this is described in the section "Cache eviction algorithm" in the performance article you linked, but in short.
LFRU (Least frequently - recently used) cache on hit count and age with a limit of 800 items.
The other things you mentioned, specifically recompilation and restarting of IIS clear either parts or all of the in memory caches.
As you have stated, use "pre-generated views" that's really all you need to do.
Extracted from your link:
"When views are generated, they are also validated. From a performance standpoint, the vast majority of the cost of view generation is actually the validation of the views"
This means the performance knock will take place when you build your model assembly. Your context object will then skip the "cold query" and stay responsive for the duration of the context object life cycle as well as subsequent new object contexts.
Executing irrelevant queries will serve no other purpose than to consume system resources.
The shortcut ...
Skip all that extra work of pre-generated views
Create your object context
Fire off that sweet irrelevant query
Then just keep a reference to your object context for the duration of your process
(not recommended).
I have no experience in this framework. But in other contexts, e.g. Solr, completely dummy reads will not be of much use unless you can cache the whole DB (or index).
A better approach would be to log the queries, extract the most common ones out of the logs and use them to warm up. Just be sure not to log the warm up queries or remove them from the logs before proceeding.

Adding more hardware v/s refactoring code under a time crunch

Enterprise application - very will written for its time in 2004.
.NET, Heavy use of Remoting, ASMX style web services, SQL Server
The application allows user to go through various wizards for lack of a better term, all of their actions are stored in what we call "wiz state", which is essentially XML that is persisted to a SQL server database very frequently because we allow users to pause/resume their application. Often in these wizards, the XML that comprises the wizard state grows very large, I'm talking 5-8 MB of data, and we noticed that when we had a sudden influx of simultaneous users, we started receiving occasional timeouts against the database, because a lot of what the wizard state is comprised of, is keeping track of collections of "things". Sometimes these custom collections grow very large.
We were in a meeting today and we're expecting a flurry of activity in October that will test the system like never before, and possibly result in huge wizard states that go back and forth from the web server to the database. The crux of the situation is that there is only one database and one web server.
For arguments sake, because of the complexity of the application, lets say adding any kind of clustering/mirroring to increase database throughput is out of the question. I spoke up in the meeting and said the quickest way to address this in the shortest time period would be to add more servers to the front end web application so the load could be distributed amongst web servers. The development lead said I was completely wrong and it would have no effect because we only have one database, so adding more web power would do nothing. He is having one of the other developers reduce the xml bloat that we persist frequently to the database. Probably in the long run, reducing the size of the xml that we pass back and forth is the right idea, but will adding additional web servers truly have no effect, I just think in terms of simultaneous users, it should help.
Any responses thoughts are appreciated, proof that more web servers would help would be pure win.
EDIT: We use binary serialization to store the XML in the database in an image field.
I haven't heard anything about locating the "bottlenecks". Isn't that the first thing to do? Here's the method I use.
Otherwise you're just investing in guesses. That won't work.
I've been in meetings like that, where everybody gets excited throwing ideas around, and "management" wants to make "decisions", but it's the blind leading the blind. Knuckle down and find out what's going on. You can't do that in meetings.
Some time ago I looked at a performance problem with some similarity to yours. The biggest "bottleneck" was in writing and parsing XML, with attendant memory allocation, setup, and destruction. Then there were others as well. You might find the same thing, or something different.
P.S. I keep quoting "bottleneck" because all the performance problems I've found have been nothing at all like the necks of bottles. Rather they are like way over-bushy call trees that need radical pruning, such as making and reading mountains of XML for no good reason.
If the rate at which the data is written by SQL is the bottleneck, feeding data to SQL more quickly should have no effect.
I am not sure exactly what the data structure is, but perhaps compressing the XML data on the web server(s) before writing may have a positive effect.
If the bottleneck is the database, then more web services will not help you a lot.
The problem may be that the problem is not only the size of the data, but the number of concurrent request to the same table. The number of writes will be the big problem. If your XML write is in a transaction with other queries you may try to break out the XML write from that transaction to reduce locking time of the XML table.
As stated by vdeych you may try compression to reduce the data size. (That would increase the load on the web servers.)
You may also try caching the data. Only read from the SQL server if the data is not already in the cache. Make sure you don't update the SQL server if your data has not changed.
No one seems to have suggest this, what about replacing your XML serialization of your wizard with JsonSerialization.
Not only should this give you a minor boost in performance in the serialization itself since both the DataContractSerializer (faster) and Newtonsoft Json.NET (fastest) out perform the XML serializers in .NET. This should easily reduce the size of your object graph by upwards of 50% or more (depending on number of properties vs large strings in the XML).
This should dramatically lower the IO that is inflicted upon Sql server. This should also limit the amount of scope required to alter your application significantly (assuming it's well designed and works through common calls for serialization/deserialization).
If you choose to go this route also invest time comparing BSON vs JSON as I think it would be likely that the binary encoded one will offer even more space savings (and further IO reduction) due to the size of your object graphs.
I'm not a .NET expert but maybe using a binary serialization would increase throughput. Making sure that the XML isn't stored as text (fairly obvious but thought I'd mention it). Also relational databases are best for storing relational data, so perhaps substituting an ORM layer in place of the serialization (sounds feasible) could speed things up.
Mike is spot on, without understanding the resource constaint leading to the performance issues, no amount of discussion will resolve the problem. I'll add that socket timeouts that affect running statements are a symptom, and are never imposed by SQL Server, they're an artifact of your driver configuration or a firewall or similar device between app and db imposing them (unless you're talking about timeouts for new connections, then you have a host in serious distress under load).
Given your symptom is database timeouts, you need to start there. If they're indicative of long running statements that result in a socket timeout, use SQL Server profiler to capture the workload while simultaneously monitoring system resources. Given it's a mature application and the type of workload you mention, it's unlikely to be statement tuning related, it probably boils down to resource limitations CPU, memory or disk IO capacity
This Technet guide is a very good place to start:
If it's resource contention, then it's a simple discussion about how the resource contention can be tuned, configured for or addressed by adding more of whatever is needed.
Edit: I should add that given a database performance issue, more applications servers is likely to worsen the problem as you increase the amount of concurrency, that might otherwise be kept in check by connection pool, request processing or other limits.

Performance logging tips

I am developing large data collecting ASP.Net/Windows service application-pair that uses Microsoft SQL Server 2005 through LINQ2Sql.
Performance is always the issue.
Currently the application is divided into multiple larger processing parts, each logging the duration of their work. This is not detailed and does not help us with anything. It would be nice to have some database tables that contain statistics that the application itself collected from its own behavior.
What logging tips and data structures do you recommend to spot the parts that cause performance problems?
Mostly I am looking for parts of the application that can cripple the whole system when excessively used. There are peaks during the day when some parts of the application are under heavy load. Some advanced logging would help me isolate the parts that need more attention and optimizing.
Don't use logging for this, use Performance Counters instead. The runtime impact of performance counters is minor and you can simple have them always on. To collect and monitor the performance, you can rely on the existing performance counters infrastructure (perfmon.exe, logman.exe, relog.exe etc).
I personally use XML and XSLT to generate the counters. I can then decorate all my code with performance counters tracking functions being run, average call duration time, number of executions, rate of executions per second and so on and so forth. Good choice of counters will give an immediate, accurate, performance picture much faster than logging can. While logging can give more insight on certain event paths (ie. order of events that lead to certain state), logging can seldom be 'always on' as the impact on performance is significant, not only on performance but most importantly on concurrency as most existing logging infrastructures add contention.
This is not a job for logging. It's a job for a profiler.
Try one of these:
JetBrains' dotTrace -
Red-Gate ANTS -
Automated QA's AQTime -
While I haven't (yet) tried it for myself, it may be worth looking at Gibraltar which can be used with PostSharp to put declarative performance logging into your code.
When dealing with problems like this I try and not add any extra headache by manually adding logging / tracing & timing into the application itself. If all you want is to tune the application then I suggest getting a profiler which will show you what areas of code are an issue. I recommend Red-Gate's Ant's Profiler.
Now if you want to collect statistics for monitoring or trending purposes then a profiler is not the right tool. I have had success using PerformanceCounters which let's many third party tools pull the performance information out of the application.
So what are you trying to do solve performance problems or monitor to ensure you catch a performance problem before it becomes severe?
Based on your comment, I would look at using performance monitors around critical sections of code, timing how long it took to complete an operation. Then you can use the built in performance monitoring tools, or any number of third party tools to monitor and trend the stats.
SQL Server keeps track of some things for you, so try running some of these queries on your system:
Wayback Machine: Uncover Hidden Data to Optimize Application Performance
here is an example from the link:
--Identifying Most Costly Queries by I/O
[Average IO] = (total_logical_reads + total_logical_writes) / qs.execution_count
,[Total IO] = (total_logical_reads + total_logical_writes)
,[Execution count] = qs.execution_count
,[Individual Query] = SUBSTRING (qt.text,qs.statement_start_offset/2,
(CASE WHEN qs.statement_end_offset = -1
ELSE qs.statement_end_offset END - qs.statement_start_offset)/2)
,[Parent Query] = qt.text
,DatabaseName = DB_NAME(qt.dbid)
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats qs
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) as qt
the link contains many queries including ones for: Costly Missing Indexes, Logically Fragmented Indexes, Identifying Queries that Execute Most Often , etc...
I would start would diagnosing what is the real cause for the perf issue? Is it CPU, Memory, Disk or IO. This can be identified by few perfmon counters.
For example Linq2SQL uses Sync I/O which could be a big bottleneck for scalability. Because it uses Sync I/O windows threads get blocked and requests would end up waiting. This is usual suspect and might not be true. Here is an MSDN article how sync I/O could affect scalability.
If CPU is an issue then the next question is application CPU bound? Then you could use one of the profilers like mentioned above. Also look for time spent on GC perfmon counter that is another usual suspect?

How commonly do deadlock issues occur in programming?

I've programmed in a number of languages, but I am not aware of deadlocks in my code.
I took this to mean it doesn't happen.
Does this happen frequently (in programming, not in the databases) enough that I should be concerned about it?
Deadlocks could arise if two conditions are true: you have mutilple theads, and they contend for more than one resource.
Do you write multi-threaded code? You might do this explicitly by starting your own threads, or you might work in a framework where the threads are created out of your sight, and so you're running in more than one thread without you seeing that in your code.
An example: the Java Servlet API. You write a servlet or JSP. You deploy to the app server. Several users hit your web site, and hence your servlet. The server will likely have a thread per user.
Now consider what happens if in servicing the requests you want to aquire some resources:
if ( user Is Important ){
if (today is Thursday ) {
// some more code
In the contrived example above, think about what might happen on a Thursday when an important user's request arrives, and more or less simultaneously an unimportant user's request arrives.
The important user's thread gets Resoruce A and wants B. The less important user gets resource B and wants A. Neither will let go of the resource that they already own ... deadlock.
This can actually happen quite easily if you are writing code that explicitly uses synchronization. Most commonly I see it happen when using databases, and fortunately databases usually have deadlock detection so we can find out what error we made.
Defense against deadlock:
Acquire resources in a well defined order. In the aboce example, if resource A was always obtained before resource B no deadlock would occur.
If possible use timeouts, so that you don't wait indefinately for a resource. This will allow you to detect contention and apply defense 1.
It would be very hard to give an idea of how often it happens in reality (in production code? in development?) and that wouldn't really give a good idea of how much code is vulnerable to it anyway. (Quite often a deadlock will only occur in very specific situations.)
I've seen a few occurrences, although the most recent one I saw was in an Oracle driver (not in the database at all) due to a finalizer running at the same time as another thread trying to grab a connection. Fortunately I found another bug which let me avoid the finalizer running in the first place...
Basically deadlock is almost always due to trying to acquire one lock (B) whilst holding another one (A) while another thread does exactly the same thing the other way round. If one thread is waiting for B to be released, and the thread holding B is waiting for A to be released, neither is willing to let the other proceed.
Make sure you always acquire locks in the same order (and release them in the reverse order) and you should be able to avoid deadlock in most cases.
There are some odd cases where you don't directly have two locks, but it's the same basic principle. For example, in .NET you might use Control.Invoke from a worker thread in order to update the UI on the UI thread. Now Invoke waits until the update has been processed before continuing. Suppose your background thread holds a lock with the update requires... again, the worker thread is waiting for the UI thread, but the UI thread can't proceed because the worker thread holds the lock. Deadlock again.
This is the sort of pattern to watch out for. If you make sure you only lock where you need to, lock for as short a period as you can get away with, and document the thread safety and locking policies of all your code, you should be able to avoid deadlock. Like all threading topics, however, it's easier said than done.
If you get a chance take a look at first few chapters in Java Concurrency in Practice.
Deadlocks can occur in any concurrent programming situation, so it depends how much concurrency you deal with. Several examples of concurrent programming are: multi-process, multi-thread, and libraries introducing multi-thread. UI frameworks, event handling (such as timer event) could be implemented as threads. Web frameworks could spawn threads to handle multiple web requests simultaneously. With multicore CPUs you might see more concurrent situations visibly than before.
If A is waiting for B, and B is waiting for A, the circular wait causes the deadlock. So, it also depends on the type of code you write as well. If you use distributed transactions, you can easily cause that type of scenario. Without distributed transactions, you risk bank accounts from stealing money.
All depends on what you are coding. Traditional single threaded applications that do not use locking. Not really.
Multi-threaded code with multiple locks is what will cause deadlocks.
I just finished refactoring code that used seven different locks without proper exception handling. That had numerous deadlock issues.
A common cause of deadlocks is when you have different threads (or processes) acquire a set of resources in different order.
E.g. if you have some resource A and B, if thread 1 acquires A and then B, and thread 2 acquires B and then A, then this is a deadlock waiting to happen.
There's a simple solution to this problem: have all your threads always acquire resources in the same order. E.g. if all your threads acquire A and B in that order, you will avoid deadlock.
A deadlock is a situation with two processes are dependent on each other - one cannot finish before the other. Therefore, you will likely only have a deadlock in your code if you are running multiple code flows at any one time.
Developing a multi-threaded application means you need to consider deadlocks. A single-threaded application is unlikely to have deadlocks - but not impossible, the obvious example being that you may be using a DB which is subject to deadlocking.

What are common reasons for deadlocks?

Deadlocks are hard to find and very uncomfortable to remove.
How can I find error sources for deadlocks in my code? Are there any "deadlock patterns"?
In my special case, it deals with databases, but this question is open for every deadlock.
Update: This recent MSDN article, Tools And Techniques to Identify Concurrency Issues, might also be of interest
Stephen Toub in the MSDN article Deadlock monitor states the following four conditions necessary for deadlocks to occur:
A limited number of a particular resource. In the case of a monitor in C# (what you use when you employ the lock keyword), this limited number is one, since a monitor is a mutual-exclusion lock (meaning only one thread can own a monitor at a time).
The ability to hold one resource and request another. In C#, this is akin to locking on one object and then locking on another before releasing the first lock, for example:
No preemption capability. In C#, this means that one thread can't force another thread to release a lock.
A circular wait condition. This means that there is a cycle of threads, each of which is waiting for the next to release a resource before it can continue.
He goes on to explain that the way to avoid deadlocks is to avoid (or thwart) condition four.
Joe Duffy discusses several techniques
for avoiding and detecting deadlocks,
including one known as lock leveling.
In lock leveling, locks are assigned
numerical values, and threads must
only acquire locks that have higher
numbers than locks they have already
acquired. This prevents the
possibility of a cycle. It's also
frequently difficult to do well in a
typical software application today,
and a failure to follow lock leveling
on every lock acquisition invites
The classic deadlock scenario is A is holding lock X and wants to acquire lock Y, while B is holding lock Y and wants to acquire lock X. Since neither can complete what they are trying to do both will end up waiting forever (unless timeouts are used).
In this case a deadlock can be avoided if A and B acquire the locks in the same order.
No deadlock patterns to my knowledge (and 12 years of writing heavily multithreaded trading applications).. But the TimedLock class has been of great help in finding deadlocks that exist in code without massive rework.
basically, (in dotnet/c#) you search/replace all your "lock(xxx)" statements with "using TimedLock.Lock(xxx)"
If a deadlock is ever detected (lock unable to be obtained within the specified timeout, defaults to 10 seconds), then an exception is thrown. My local version also immediately logs the stacktrace. Walk up the stacktrace (preferably debug build with line numbers) and you'll immediately see what locks were held at the point of failure, and which one it was attempting to get.
In dotnet 1.1, in a deadlock situation as described, as luck would have it all the threads which were locked would throw the exception at the same time. So you'd get 2+ stacktraces, and all the information necessary to fix the problem. (2.0+ may have changed the threading model internally enough to not be this lucky, I'm not sure)
Making sure all transactions affect tables in the same order is the key to avoiding the most common of deadlocks.
For example:
Transaction A
UPDATE Table A SET Foo = 'Bar'
UPDATE Table B SET Bar = 'Foo'
Transaction B
UPDATE Table B SET Bar = 'Foo'
UPDATE Table A SET Foo = 'Bar'
This is extremely likely to result in a deadlock as Transaction A gets a lock on Table A, Transaction B gets a lock on table B, therefore neither of them get a lock for their second command until the other has finished.
All other forms of deadlocks are generally caused through high intensity use and SQL Server deadlocking internally whilst allocated resources.
Yes - deadlocks occur when processes try to acquire resources in random order. If all your processes try to acquire the same resources in the same order, the possibilities for deadlocks are greatly reduced, if not eliminated.
Of course, this is not always easy to arrange...
The most common (according to my unscientific observations) DB deadlock scenario is very simple:
Two processes read something (a DB record for example), both acquire a shared lock on the associated resource (usually a DB page),
Both try to make an update, trying to upgrade their locks to exclusive ones - voila, deadlock.
This can be avoided by specifying the "FOR UPDATE" clause (or similar, depending on your particular RDBMS) if the read is to be followed by an update. This way the process gets the exclusive lock from the start, making the above scenario impossible.
I recommend reading this article by Herb Sutter. It explains the reasons behind deadlocking issues and puts forward a framework in this article to tackle this problem.
The typical scenario are mismatched update plans (tables not always updated in the same order). However it is not unusual to have deadlocks when under high processing volume.
I tend to accept deadlocks as a fact of life, it will happen one day or another so I have my DAL prepared to handle and retry a deadlocked operation.
A condition that occure whene two process are each waiting for the othere to complete befoure preceding.the result is both procedure is hang.
its most comonelly multitasking and clint/server.
Deadlock occurs mainly when there are multiple dependent locks exist. In a thread and another thread tries to lock the mutex in reverse order occurs. One should pay attention to use a mutex to avoid deadlocks.
Be sure to complete the operation after releasing the lock. If you have multiple locks, such as access order is ABC, releasing order should also be ABC.
In my last project I faced a problem with deadlocks in an sql Server Database. The problem in finding the reason was, that my software and a third party software are using the same Database and are working on the same tables. It was very hard to find out, what causes the deadlocks. I ended up writing an sql-query to find out which processes an which sql-Statements are causing the deadlocks. You can find that statement here: Deadlocks on SQL-Server
To avoid the deadlock there is a algorithm called Banker's algorithm.
This one also provides helpful information to avoid deadlock.
