deploying Xamarin forms application to android phone - xamarin.forms

I am very new to xamarin forms. I developed a simple autocomplete application in Xamrin forms using Visual studio 2017 enterprise version. I want to deploy that application to android phones. When I created the application, I selected Cross Platform app (xamarin.forms or Native). below is the image of visual studio run button:
and the properties of the project are below:
any article or any steps to deploy this application to android phones will be highly appreciated.

Set Up Device for Development - source -
Enable Debugging on the Device - By default, it will not be possible to debug applications on a Android device.
Install USB Drivers - This step is not necessary for OS X computers. Windows computers may require the installation of USB drivers.
Connect the Device to the Computer - The final step involves connecting the device to the computer by either USB or WiFi.
Once a device is connected to your computer you will see your device like this
Now Click the green arrow to start deploy and debug.
additional - This link will show you how to debug and prepare APK for release,_testing,_and_metrics/


Debug a real Android device using Xamarin for Visual Studio

I'm a beginner in mobile development, and I'm developing an application in Xamarin.Android with Visual Studio 2019, with SQLite and the MVVM pattern. The project structure is simple, I'm not using API's or external services. For debugging, I'm trying to use my physical device (Android 9.0 - API 28, Itel S15 tag), but unfortunately the following error message is returned in Visual Studio (Debug output):
Forwarding debugger port 8865
Failed to launch android application
it's the first time i've tried this, i've always debugged in an installed emulator,I have USB debugging enabled as well as developer mode on the physical device. I've done a lot of research and I can't find anything specific to my problem. Please any ideas?
Before debugging can occur on a device, it must be setup for development and connected to your PC or Mac.
Here are documents about how you can set up the device and how to debug on device

Xamarin Forms: All device features available with USB Debugging?

When using Xamarin forms (VS2017 for Windows) for cross-app development, there is certain features that are not covered by the android emulator, such as Bluetooth. Is this any different with USB debugging? Assuming my app runs via USB debugging on an actual mobile device, would Bluetooth be available in my running app as if it was installed and running natively?
I just would like to know, if I can test all features that are missing in the emulator by using USB debugging or is there any other limitations in this case?
If you're using an actual device there are no limitations other than those imposed by the device itself.

How to deploy Xamarin Forms App to iOS device for Testing

I m using VS2017 for Xamarin forms app development. With VS2017,I can use Android simulator and I can deploy the simple xamarin forms hello app to my Physical Android phone(after doing some settings on the android phone).
My problem now is How do I deploy my same Xamarin Forms hello app in VS2017 in my Windows 10 PC to an iOS device? right now, I have a macBook Pro and iphone6. I try the mac agent but this only for iOS simulator.
Please help. any link or help is very much appreciated.
Update 1:
The confusing part is App ID. Say, I created an AppID in Apple Portal called MySwiftDemo and on mac i created a dummy app with Bundle Id : com.FunProject.MyFirstSwiftDemo which I used it in AppID required by the Apple Portal
and I created XF-app in VS call MyVSFirstApp and this is the actual app will be deployed to iOS-device.
1) The app name in Mac and VS are not the same. So the provisioning file is referring everything from mac, Is it ok without Xamarin app name?
2) If I have another Xamarin forms app call My2ndApp to deploy to iOS device, do I need to create another AppID on Apple Portal and Bundle ID on mac?
Subscribe to Apple's Developer Program
Visit the Apple Developer Portal to register. Note that in order to register as an Apple developer, it is necessary to have an Apple ID and costs $100/year
Create an iOS Signing Certificate
Follow the steps linked here
Provision your iOS Project and your physical iOS device for Developer Mode
Connect your physical iOS device to the USB port on the Mac, then follow the steps linked here
Using XamarinLivePlayer we can test the app on Android and iOS
Which was introduced in Microsoft Build 2017 Event(
You can

Devolopping iOS apps with xamarin

i want to start a project that consist in mobile apps. can i develope native apps with Xamarin.Forms to the three platforms with a pc (Sony Vaio) and visual studio.
You can develop for Windows (Phone, or better yet Universal Windows Platforms Apps) and Android. They just work with Visual Studio.
If you want to build an iOS app as well, you are going to need a Mac. Building for iOS cannot be done without a Mac. There are a few options:
Buy a Mac laptop with a Windows VM; this is an option you see for most developers, however it is an expensive one because you're going to want a good MacBook Pro with a 1TB disk.
Buy a (cheap-ish) Mac (Mini); Xamarin is built so that you can let a standalone Mac machine do all the iOS building. All you have to do is install it with XCode and Xamarin, connect it to your network and you are ready to go. With the new Xamarin iOS Simulator for Windows you don't have to look at your Mac ever again. Let's be clear: the Simulator for Windows isn't a Simulator which runs on Windows. It simply mirrors the Simulator from your Mac.
Rent a Mac in the cloud. There are solutions like which let you rent a Mac hosted by them. They have different plans depending on your needs. The concept stays the same; you connect to a Mac in 'your network' (which is now over the internet) to build your iOS app.
Whichever option you choose; you are going to have to spend some extra money on Apple hardware to get to develop your iOS app.

Smart device Application in .net

Im learning basics in smart device application development.i developed small app using USA windows mobile 5.0 Pocket PC emulator. Im having basic doubts regarding emulator and deployment.
1.According to the smart phone devices we have to download emulator and develop applications or else default emulator will support for all windows devices?
2.How to deploy and install those deployed those files into my windows phone
Windows Mobile applications are not compatible with Windows Phone.
To develop Windows Phone application you need to install Windows Phone SDK. It will install WP emulator and a bunch of tools. You'll be able to deploy application to emulator or device using Visual Studio or tool called XAPDeploy which comes along with Windows Phone SDK.
Is this what are you asking for?
