How to integrate Microsoft chatbot to existing site -

I have created chatbot demo application from article
Now I just want to integrate this chat bot to my existing web application, for this I have created a website and published it on file system locally
can anyone please tell how to integrate this?

There is a prebuilt solution for this known as the Webchat control. It is an open source project which offers customization. You can also put it on you website just as an iFrame if you would rather go that route. Take a look at the readme on the repo to get started. there is also this doc that tells you how to include webchat as a channel in your bot registration.


How to login sense/net from another website?

I have a website build by, and want to embed sensenet web app into my website(maybe using iframe?), how can I handle the authentication for sensenet? Or are there any other ways to achieve this?
You have several options to achieve this, it mostly depends on your application structure, and what parts of Sense/Net do you want to use.
I recommend to give a try to Sense/Net ECM 7.0. It's in Beta stage at the moment, but you can already use the core functionality (e.g. the Content Repository, OData API, WebDav, etc...) and it's very easy to install from NuGet to an existing Asp.NET MVC project.
There is no GUI layer included at the moment, but you can use Sense/NET directly from your Asp.Net application.
If you want to use the Sense/Net WebPages Gui, there will be a package also available soon from NuGet.
If you want to keep your website separated, you can authenticate with Basic Auth, but with the next update, SN7 will support JWT authentication

Is it possible to post to google+ account using web application?

Is this possible to Implement the ability to post to Google+ platform using web application?
I have searched through but did not find any solution yet.
follow the link
VS c# sample is also available

Integration of web app using webGL, into company's CRM

I want to develop a web application using webGL library. But, to make it run on Internet Explorer, we need IEWebGL plugin.
That's Ok. But, the main issue is that I want to integrate this application into a Company's CRM system. For that, the plugin usage would be a problem.
So, how to integrate that app into the CRM ? Please suggest some solution .

Best resource for integrating Skype API into ASP.Net website?

What's the best resource for integrating Skype API into ASP.Net website? I can't seem to find much on's developer section.
What do you mean by best resource? Just put the dll to Bin folder and start using the api..? I'm also new to api ant I think Skype client must be installed to the server.

Orkut application development. How to start?

I am an developer and would like to create an application to be deployed in orkut application.Where should i start from ? Whats the steps ? Is ASP.NET is a must to develop an application ?
The Orkut developer page would probably be the best place to start. I haven't developed for Orkut directly, but I've done some development using OpenSocial, which the Orkut API is based on. It's not tied to specific to a specific server-side language like ASP.NET - you "interact" with Orkut through JavaScript libraries and REST service calls - so an Orkut application could be developed in any language that can produce/consume HTTP. You can develop your server-side piece in ASP.NET, but it isn't required.
It is simple.. Take one example orkut application. Open that application iframe into new tab. Save the source and add this source into your orkut application content section xml. Upload your xml and followthe steps to add that into Furnish your application. Submit for production orkut environment. Enjoy.. :)
