Integration of web app using webGL, into company's CRM -

I want to develop a web application using webGL library. But, to make it run on Internet Explorer, we need IEWebGL plugin.
That's Ok. But, the main issue is that I want to integrate this application into a Company's CRM system. For that, the plugin usage would be a problem.
So, how to integrate that app into the CRM ? Please suggest some solution .


How to integrate Microsoft chatbot to existing site

I have created chatbot demo application from article
Now I just want to integrate this chat bot to my existing web application, for this I have created a website and published it on file system locally
can anyone please tell how to integrate this?
There is a prebuilt solution for this known as the Webchat control. It is an open source project which offers customization. You can also put it on you website just as an iFrame if you would rather go that route. Take a look at the readme on the repo to get started. there is also this doc that tells you how to include webchat as a channel in your bot registration.

Integrating N2CMS with existing ASP.Net Website

We need to select a CMS for our company's website which will allow the designers to make changes to the pages, add pages, view and publish them.
We r using Visual Studio 2010 for web development and includes Global.asax, Masterpages, User-/Custom-Controls, Security (FormsAuthentication, custom Membership-/RoleProvider). W ehave SQL server 2008 for the DB.
I have looked into various CMS like Sitefinity,N2CMS, Umbraco, DotNetnuke. We kinda liked playing with the demo of N2CMS. We don't want to start developing the site from scratch. We want to integrate some CMS into our application for the designers to use. However, I can't find any helpful documentation regarding the integration. Everyone starts talking building from sctrach. The documentation for N2CMS seems so outdated.
If anyone can guide me how to set a CMS into exsiting application, I will really appreciate it.

starting on a new project(C# /ASP.NET) , need some guidelines on the framework and infra for the same

so i am going to start on a website which is going to have
Main Website
Mobile Version
Android App
iPhone App
WP7 App
going to start on the website first using .Net Framework 4 , for database will be using the EF4. The website is expected to create lots of traffic.
i want to take advice on how to approach the development , currently evaluating following 2 options
1) Main Website and Mobile website versions talk directly to database and the mobile apps are built upon WCF / Odata .
2nd Option
First build up the WCF /OData webservices and then develop all Main Website / Mobile Website and apps using the data services ( will this make the website slow , assuming all will Database on one box and website + services on the other box)
please pour in your views on both options.
I would choose the second option. Have a look at
Web Service Software Factory that will help you build web services correctly, and develop good practices.
ASP.NET MVC i recommend to use it for building web site, and your web services will serve as Model for site.
I would also put wcf services on the same server as database.
Regards, Sergiu.

Developing MS Outlook Plugin using .NET

I am currently building 3-tired ASP.NET 3.5 Web application which has workflows built in for manager approvals. Currently there is a dashboard on the homepage of the website where all the pending approvals are displayed in a webpart. I want to build a plugin for MS Outlook so that whenever there is a new request for approval I want that request to show up in MS outlook. Where do I start with this? Do I have to expose my business logic layer through webservices? Can anyone please point me towards some useful material or books?
It's been a while, but I can give you a quick heads up.
Have built a single add-on to Outlook 2007. between 2003 and 2007 you develop the add-ons differently. Since the introduction of the Ribbon 2007.
I used WCF to setup Web Services (a simple API) within my web application. Then, connected to that API from an Outlook application. If I remember correctly, there is a template in visual studio to use for building Office Add-ins.
I just did some google searching and this was nearly 2 years ago. there was very limited info then. Now there should be more.
Hope that helps.
I've done some VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) code in the past, but I think you should check out this video on the Microsoft site.

Offline mode in ASP.NET Web Application

I want to build a web application (SaaS) that can work both in Online and Offline modes. The user needs limited features in case he is offline and full feature access when he becomes online again. I thought of the following options:
Make the user download a local server such as Cassini and devise an architecture to allow online and offline modes in the web application. I am not sure how it will be done but I believe all the commands will be routed through this local server. The local server will then decide whether it accesses the local resources or the server.
Making a user install application on his system will defeat the whole idea behind SaaS.
Use Google Gears - I just checked how Google Docs work in offline mode. It installs Google Gears on the user's system which was pretty neat and fast and copies all the files locally. A link is provided to access the offline version. This seems like a good option to me as it integrates a local server, relational datastore and a worker pool in itself but is Google Gears mature enough to be used in production?
Has anyone worked/working on such an application. Ideas welcome.
EDIT #1:
I am not very familiar with Silverlight and whether it can be used in such a scenario.
EDIT #2: The following link mentions that SilverLight can be used to develop Offline applications Offline SilverLight
I am looking for expert comments from people who have used SilverLight in their development. Can user work offline? Can user re-open the same webpage after closing the browser window?
If you choose to let users install an app on their computer, I would consider developing a Windows Forms app instead of a web app, basically because this seem like a more logical solution. If you deploy the app using ClickOnce it is remarkably easy to keep the clients up to date.
From a user's point of view, I think that Gears is mature. I use in it Gmail, Google Calendar and Google Docs, pretty much without any problems. I don't know about the developer tools. It might help to use Google Clusure Library since it has methods specific for Google Gears.
Depending on the web browser that you need to support, you could also take a look at HTML 5. O'Reilly's online book Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript has a chapter about making a web app work in offline mode.
Seems to me that "web application" and "offline mode" are a bit contradictory.
I have seen some examples of Silverlight being used in such a way however. And, at one time, I implemented a WinForms smart client application that worked in such a way. These days, though, I would definately look into Silverlight.
