Is there a way to get the format of the current selection? Here is what I have so far:
var currentFormat:TextLayoutFormat;
var selectionStart:int;
var selectionEnd:int;
var operationState:SelectionState;
var editManager:IEditManager;
if (richEditableText.textFlow && richEditableText.textFlow.interactionManager is IEditManager) {
editManager = IEditManager(richEditableText.textFlow.interactionManager);
selectionStart = Math.min(richEditableText.selectionActivePosition, richEditableText.selectionAnchorPosition);
selectionEnd = Math.max(richEditableText.selectionActivePosition, richEditableText.selectionAnchorPosition);
if (operationState == null) {
operationState = new SelectionState(richEditableText.textFlow, selectionStart, selectionEnd);
// this does not work
currentFormat = editManager.getCommonCharacterFormat(operationState);
I couldn't find anything so here is what seems to work:
* Get format of element range
public static function getElementRangeFormat(elementRange:ElementRange):TextLayoutFormat {
var leaf:FlowLeafElement = elementRange.firstLeaf;
var attr:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat(leaf.computedFormat);
for (;;)
if (leaf == elementRange.lastLeaf)
leaf = leaf.getNextLeaf();
return Property.extractInCategory(TextLayoutFormat, TextLayoutFormat.description, attr, Category.CHARACTER, false) as TextLayoutFormat;
Inspired by ElementRange.getCommonCharacterFormat().
I started with ASP.Net Core 2.0, I'm trying to rewrite a method GetAll by search use stored procedure. Here is method search:
public async Task<List<DepartmentTypeDto>> SearchDepartmentType()
using (var command = CreateCommand("CM_DEPT_GROUP_Search", CommandType.StoredProcedure))
using (var dataReader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync())
List<DepartmentTypeDto> result = new List<DepartmentTypeDto>();
while (dataReader.Read())
DepartmentTypeDto departmentTypeDto = new DepartmentTypeDto
GROUP_ID = dataReader["GROUP_ID"].ToString(),
GROUP_CODE = dataReader["GROUP_CODE"].ToString(),
GROUP_NAME = dataReader["GROUP_NAME"].ToString(),
NOTES = dataReader["NOTES"].ToString(),
RECORD_STATUS = dataReader["RECORD_STATUS"].ToString(),
MAKER_ID = dataReader["MAKER_ID"].ToString(),
CREATE_DT = Convert.ToDateTime(dataReader["CREATE_DT"]),
AUTH_STATUS = dataReader["AUTH_STATUS"].ToString(),
CHECKER_ID = dataReader["CHECKER_ID"].ToString(),
APPROVE_DT = Convert.ToDateTime(dataReader["APPROVE_DT"]),
return result;
Here is the service:
public async Task<PagedResultDto<GetDepartmentTypeForView>> GetAll(GetAllDepartmentTypesInput input)
var filteredDepartmentTypes = _departmentTypeRepository.SearchDepartmentType();
var query = (from o in filteredDepartmentTypes
select new GetDepartmentTypeForView() { DepartmentType = ObjectMapper.Map<DepartmentTypeDto>(o) });
var totalCount = await query.CountAsync();
var departmentTypes = await query
.OrderBy(input.Sorting ?? " asc")
return new PagedResultDto<GetDepartmentTypeForView>(totalCount, departmentTypes);
But I get an error:
Task<List<DepartmentTypeDto>> does not contain a definition for Select
Does anyone know what I should do? I work on Asp.Net Zero.
I changed my search method
public IQueryable<DepartmentTypeView> SearchDepartmentType(GetAllDepartmentTypesInput input, int top)
var GROUP_FILTER = input.Filter;
var GROUP_CODE = input.GROUP_CODEFilter;
var GROUP_NAME = input.GROUP_NAMEFilter;
var AUTH_STATUS = input.AUTH_STATUSFilter;
var result = Context.Query<DepartmentTypeView>().FromSql($"EXEC CM_DEPT_GROUP_Search #p_GROUP_FILTER = {GROUP_FILTER}, #p_GROUP_CODE={GROUP_CODE}, #p_GROUP_NAME={GROUP_NAME}, #p_AUTH_STATUS={AUTH_STATUS}, #p_TOP={top}");
return result;
return null;
and in the service, I call that function
var filteredDepartmentTypes = _departmentTypeRepository.SearchDepartmentType(input,100);
I also create new class to keep the result and don't forget to map that class with DTO class
configuration.CreateMap<DepartmentTypeView, DepartmentTypeDto>();
It works for me.
I'm trying to read the mime type in GWT client side in order to validate a file before upload it. To do this I use JSNI to read the file header using HTML5 filereader API. However my problem is that GWT does not wait for the result of the reading and continue the code execution. The side effect is that my boolean is not set yet and my condition goes wrong. Is there any mechanism like promise implemented in GWT?
Any help on this would be much appreciated!
private boolean isMimeTypeValid = false;
private String mimeType = null;
public native boolean isValid(Element element)/*-{
var widget = this;
var files = element.files;
var reader = new FileReader();
var CountdownLatch = function (limit){
this.limit = limit;
this.count = 0;
this.waitBlock = function (){};
CountdownLatch.prototype.countDown = function (){
this.count = this.count + 1;
if(this.limit <= this.count){
return this.waitBlock();
CountdownLatch.prototype.await = function(callback){
this.waitBlock = callback;
var barrier = new CountdownLatch(1);
reader.onloadend = function(e) {
var arr = (new Uint8Array(, 4);
var header = "";
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
header += arr[i].toString(16);
return barrier.await(function(){
return widget.#com.portal.client.widgets.base.UploadImageButtonWidget::isMimeTypeValid();
public void setMimeType(String headerString) {
boolean mimeValid = true;
if (headerString.equalsIgnoreCase(PNG_HEADER)) {
mimeType = PNG_MIMETYPE;
} else if (headerString.equalsIgnoreCase(GIF_HEADER)) {
mimeType = GIF_MIMETYPE;
} else if (headerString.equalsIgnoreCase(JPG_HEADER1) || headerString.equalsIgnoreCase(JPG_HEADER2) || headerString.equalsIgnoreCase(JPG_HEADER3)) {
mimeType = JPG_MIMETYPE;
} else {
mimeValid = false;
fileChooser.getElement().setPropertyJSO("files", null);
public boolean isMimeTypeValid() {
GWT.log("mimeType" + mimeType);
GWT.log("isMimetypeValid" + String.valueOf(isMimeTypeValid));
return mimeType != null;
in the activity:
public void validateAndUpload() {
UploadImageButtonWidget uploadImageButtonWidget = view.getUpload();
if (uploadImageButtonWidget.isValid()) {
GWT.log("mime ok: will be uploaded");
} else {
GWT.log("mime not ok: will not be uploaded");
If I have an application located at and i want to pass in a variable via the url (i.e. -, how can I get that name variable into a string var?
I use the class Adobe provided in this article.
import flash.external.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public class QueryString
private var _queryString:String;
private var _all:String;
private var _params:Object;
public function get queryString():String
return _queryString;
public function get url():String
return _all;
public function get parameters():Object
return _params;
public function QueryString()
private function readQueryString():void
_params = {};
_all ="window.location.href.toString");
_queryString ="", 1);
var params:Array = _queryString.split('&');
var length:uint = params.length;
for (var i:uint=0,index:int=-1; i 0)
var key:String = kvPair.substring(0,index);
var value:String = kvPair.substring(index+1);
_params[key] = value;
}catch(e:Error) { trace("Some error occured.
ExternalInterface doesn't work in Standalone player."); }
UPDATE: An updated version of this class can also be found here, although I haven't tried this one.
Here's an example on how to use the Querystring class:
public function CheckForIDInQuerystring():void
// sample URL:
var qs:QueryString = new QueryString;
if ( != null)
// URL contains the "id" parameter
// URL doesn't contain the "id" parameter
trace("No id found.");
Divide 'em with String.split() and conquer:
var url:String = "";
var params:String = url.substr(url.lastIndexOf("?") + 1);
if (params.length == url.length) return; //no params
for each (var pair:String in params.split("&"))
trace("Got parameter:");
var nameValue:Array = pair.split("=");
trace("name: " + nameValue[0] + ", value: " + nameValue[1]);
Got parameter:
name: arg1, value: vae
Got parameter:
name: arg2, value: victus
I have some data that gets pulled out of a database and mapped to an arraycollection. This data has a field called parentid, and I would like to map the data into a new arraycollection with hierarchical information to then feed to an advanced data grid.
I think I'm basically trying to take the parent object, add a new property/field/variable of type ArrayCollection called children and then remove the child object from the original list and clone it into the children array? Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I apologize ahead of time for this code:
private function PutChildrenWithParents(accountData : ArrayCollection) : ArrayCollection{
var pos_inner:int = 0;
var pos_outer:int = 0;
while(pos_outer < accountData.length){
if (accountData[pos_outer].ParentId != null){
pos_inner = 0;
while(pos_inner < accountData.length){
if (accountData[pos_inner].Id == accountData[pos_outer].ParentId){
accountData[pos_inner] + {children:new ArrayCollection(accountData[pos_outer])},
return accountData;
I had a similar problem with a hierarchical task set which was slightly different as it has many root elements, this is what i did, seems good to me:
public static function convertFlatTasks(tasks:Array):Array
var rootItems:Array = [];
var task:TaskData;
// hashify tasks on id and clear all pre existing children
var taskIdHash:Array = [];
for each (task in tasks){
taskIdHash[] = task;
task.children = [];
task.originalChildren = [];
// loop through all tasks and push items into their parent
for each (task in tasks){
var parent:TaskData = taskIdHash[task.parentId];
// if no parent then root element, i.e push into the return Array
if (parent == null){
// if has parent push into children and originalChildren
else {
return rootItems;
Try this:
public class AccountData
public var Id:int;
public var ParentId:int;
public var children:/*AccountData*/Array;
public function AccountData(id:int, parentId:int)
children = [];
this.Id = id;
this.ParentId = parentId;
private function PutChildrenWithParents(accountData:ArrayCollection):AccountData
// dummy data for testing
//var arr:/*AccountData*/Array = [new AccountData(2, 1),
// new AccountData(1, 0), // root
// new AccountData(4, 2),
// new AccountData(3, 1)
// ];
var arr:/*AccountData*/Array = accountData.source;
var dict:Object = { };
var i:int;
// generate a lookup dictionary
for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
dict[arr[i].Id] = arr[i];
// root element
dict[0] = new AccountData(0, 0);
// generate the tree
for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
return dict[0];
dict[0] holds now your root element.
Maybe it's doesn't have the best possible performance but it does what you want.
PS: This code supposes that there are no invalid ParentId's.
Here's what I ended up doing, apparently you can dynamically add new properties to an object with
object['new_prop'] = whatever
From there, I used a recursive function to iterate through any children so you could have n levels of the hierarchy and if it found anything it would pass up through the chain by reference until the original function found it and acted on it.
private function PutChildrenWithParents(accountData : ArrayCollection) : ArrayCollection{
var pos_inner:int = 0;
var pos_outer:int = 0;
var result:Object = new Object();
while(pos_outer < accountData.length){
if (accountData[pos_outer].ParentId != null){
pos_inner = 0;
while(pos_inner < accountData.length){
result = CheckForParent(accountData[pos_inner],
if ( result != null ){
if(result.hasOwnProperty('children') == false){
result['children'] = new ArrayCollection();
return accountData;
private function CheckForParent(suspectedParent:Object, parentId:String) : Object{
var parentObj:Object;
var counter:int = 0;
if ( suspectedParent.hasOwnProperty('children') == true ){
while (counter < suspectedParent.children.length){
parentObj = CheckForParent(suspectedParent.children[counter], parentId);
if (parentObj != null){
return parentObj;
if ( suspectedParent.Id == parentId ){
return suspectedParent;
return null;
Does anyone know why when using BindingUtils on the selectedItem property of a ComboBox you get the following warning? Any ideas how to resolve the issue?
The binding still works properly, but it would be nice to get rid of the warning.
warning: multiple describeType entries for 'selectedItem' on type 'mx.controls::ComboBox':
<accessor name="selectedItem" access="readwrite" type="Object" declaredBy="mx.controls::ComboBase">
<metadata name="Bindable">
<arg key="" value="valueCommit"/>
It is better to override the property in question and declare it final.
Here is the code. It is basically a copy of BindingUtils.bindProperty that is setup for a ComboBox so that both the combo box and the model are updated when either of the two change.
public static function bindProperty2(site:Object, prop:String, host:Object, chain:Object, commitOnly:Boolean = false):ChangeWatcher
var cbx:ComboBox = null;
if ( site is ComboBox ) { cbx = ComboBox(site); }
if ( host is ComboBox ) { cbx = ComboBox(host); }
var labelField:String = "listID";
var w:ChangeWatcher =, chain, null, commitOnly);
if (w != null)
var func:Function;
if ( site is ComboBox )
func = function(event:*):void
var dp:ICollectionView = ICollectionView(site.dataProvider);
var selItem:Object = null;
for ( var i:int=0; i<dp.length; i++ )
var obj:Object = dp[i];
if ( obj.hasOwnProperty(labelField) )
var val:String = String(obj[labelField]);
if ( val == w.getValue() )
selItem = obj;
site.selectedItem = selItem;
func = function(event:*):void
var value:Object = w.getValue();
if ( value == null )
site[prop] = null;
site[prop] = String(w.getValue()[labelField]);
return w;