Network settings in Openstack with single OpenVPN connection - networking

I'm trying to set up an Openstack environment with two Kubernetes clusters, one production and one testing. My idea was to separate them with two networks in Openstack and then have a VPN in front, to limit the exposure through floating ip:s (for this I would have a proxy that routes requests into the correct internal addresses).
However, issues arise when trying to tunnel requests to both networks when connected to the VPN. Either I choose to run the VPN in its own network or in one of the two, but I don't seem to be able to make requests across network boundaries.
Is there a better way to configure the networking in Openstack or OpenVPN, so that I can keep the clusters separated and still have access to all resources through one installation of OpenVPN?
Is it better to run everything in the same Openstack network and separate them with subnets? Can I still have the production and test cluster expose different IP-addresses externally? Are they still separated enough to limit the risk of them accessing each other?
Sidenote: I use Terraform to deploy the infrastructure and Ansible to install resources, if someone has suggestion in the line of already prepared scripts.

The solution I went for was to separate the environments with their own networks and cidr and then attach them to the VPN instance to let it get access to them. From there I just tunnel everything.


Does K8s run on plain Layer2 network infrastructure?

Does K8s run on a plain Layer2 network with no support for Layer3 routing stuff?!?
Im asking as I want to switch my K8s envirnoment from cloud VMs over to Bare Metal and Im not aware of the Privat-network Infrastrcture of the hoster ...
Kind regards and thanks in advance
Kubernetes will run on a more classic, statically defined network you would find on a private network (but does rely on layer 4 networking).
A clusters IP addressing and routing can be largely configured for you by one of the CNI plugins that creates an overlay network or can be configured statically with a bit more work (via kubenet/IPAM).
An overlay network can be setup with tools like Calico, Flannel or Weave that will manage all the routing in cluster as long as all the k8s nodes can route to each other, even over disparate networks. Kubespray is a good place to start with deploying clusters like this.
For a static network configuration, clusters will need permanent static routes added for all the networks kubernetes uses. The "magic" cloud providers and the overlay CNI plugins provide is to is to be able to route all those networks automatically. Each node will be assigned a Pod subnet and every node in the cluster will need to have a route to those IP's

K8s: routing traffic to a subnet via a pod (accesing VPN clients from pods)

I'm running an app on Kubernetes / GKE.
I have a bunch of devices without a public IP. I need to access SSH and VNC of those devices from the app.
The initial thought was to run an OpenVPN server within the cluster and have the devices connect, but then I hit the problem:
There doesn't seem to be any elegant / idiomatic way to route traffic from the app to the VPN clients.
Basically, all I need is to be able to tell route via vpn-pod
Possible solutions I've found:
Modifying routes on the nodes. I'd like to keep nodes ephemeral and have everything in K8s manifests only.
DaemonSet to add the routes on nodes with K8s manifests. It's not clear how to keep track of OpenVPN pod IP changes, however.
Istio. Seems like an overkill, and I wasn't able to find a solution to my problem in the documentation. L3 routing doesn't seem to be supported, so it would have to involve port mapping.
Calico. It is natively supported at GKE and it does support L3 routing, but I would like to avoid introducing such far-reaching changes for something that could have been solved with a single custom route.
OpenVPN client sidecar. Would work quite elegantly and it wouldn't matter where and how the VPN server is hosted, as long as the clients are allowed to communicate with each other. However, I'd like to isolate the clients and I might need to access the clients from different pods, meaning having to place the sidecar in multiple places, polluting the deployments. The isolation could be achieved by separating clients into classes in different IP ranges.
Routes within GCP / GKE itself. They only allow to specify a node as the next hop. This also means that both the app and the VPN server must run within GCP.
I'm currently leaning towards running the OpenVPN server on a bare-bones VM and using the GCP routes. It works, I can ping the VPN clients from the K8s app, but it still seems brittle and hard-wired.
However, only the sidecar solution provides a way to fully separate the concerns.
Is there an idiomatic solution to accessing the pod-private network from other pods?
Solution you devised - with the OpenVPN server acting as a gateway for multiple devices (I assume there will be dozens or even hundreds simultaneous connections) is the best way to do it.
GCP's VPN unfortunatelly doesn't offer needed functionality (just Site2site connections) so we can't use it.
You could simplify your solution by putting OpenVPN in the GCP (in the same VPC network as your application) so your app could talk directly to the server and then to the clients. I believe by doing this you would get rid of that "brittle and hardwired" part.
You will have to decide which solution works best for you - Open VPN in or out of GCP.
In my opinion if you go for hosting Open VPN server in GCP it will be more elegant and simple but not necessarily cheaper.
Regardless of the solution you can put the clients in different ip ranges but I would go for configuring some iptables rules (on Open VPN server) to block communication and allow clients to reach only a few IP's in the network. That way if in the future you needed some clients to communicate it would just be a matter of iptable configuration.

How to configure VPN connection between 2 Kubernetes clusters

How to configure VPN connection between 2 Kubernetes clusters.
The case is:
- 2 kubernetes clusters running on different sites
- OpenVPN connectivity between 2 clusters
- In both kubernetes clusters are installed openvpn running in separate container.
How to configure kubernetes clusters (vpn, routing, firewall configurations) so, the Nodes and Containers of any of the kubernetes clusters to have connectivity through VPN to nodes and services to the other cluster?
Thank you for the answers !!!
You can use Submariner to connect multiple clusters, it creates a secure and performant connection between the clusters on-premises and on public clouds, then you can export the services and access them across all clusters in the cluster set.
Usually we use this tool to create multiple K8S clusters in different geographical locations, then replicate the databases across all the clusters to avoid data loss in case of any data center incident.
What you need in Kubernetes is called federation.
Use of Federation v1 is strongly discouraged. Federation V1 never achieved GA status and is no longer under active development. Documentation is for historical purposes only.
For more information, see the intended replacement, Kubernetes Federation v2.
As for using a VPN in Kubernetes, I recommend Exposing Kubernetes cluster over VPN.
It describes how to connect VPN node to kuberentes cluster or Kubernetes services.
You might be also interested in reading Kubernetes documentation regarding Running in Multiple Zones.
Also Kubernetes multi-cluster networking made simple, which explains different use cases of VPNs across number of clusters and is strongly encouraging to use IPv6 instead of IPv4.
Why use IPv6? Because “we could assign a — public — IPv6 address to EVERY ATOM ON THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH, and still have enough addresses left to do another 100+ earths” [SOURCE]
Lastly Introducing kEdge: a fresh approach to cross-cluster communication, which seems to make live easier and helps with configuration and maintenance of VPN services between clusters.
Submariner is a very good solution but unfortunately doesn't support IPv6 yet so if your use case has ipv6 or dualstack clusters, then it could be an issue

How to use one external ip for multiple instances

In GCloud we have one Kubernetes cluster with two nodes, it is possible to setup all nodes to get the same external IP? Now we are getting two external IP's.
Thank you in advance.
The short answer is no, you cannot assign the very same external IP to two nodes or two instances, but you can use the same IP to access them, for example through a LoadBalancer.
The long answer
Depending on your scenario and the infrastructure you want to set up, several ways are available to expose different resources through the very same IP.
I do not know why you want to assign the same IP to the nodes, but since each node it is a Google Compute Engine instance you can set up a Load Balancer (TCP, SSL, HTTP(s), internal, ecc). In this way you reach the nodes as if they were not part of a Kubernetes cluster, basically you are treating them as Compute Engine instances and you will able to connect to any port they are listening on (for example an HTTP server or an external health check).
Notice that you will be not able to connect to the PODs in this way: the services and the containers are running in a separate software bases network and they will be not reachable if not properly set, for example with a NodePort.
On the other hand if you are interested in making your PODs running in two different kubernetes nodes reachable through a unique entry point you have to set up Kubernetes related ingress and load balancing to expose your services. This resources are based as well on the Google Cloud Platform Load Balancer components, but when created they trigger as well the required change to the Kubernetes Network.

Configuring openstack for a in-house test cloud

We're currently looking to migrate an old and buggy eucalyptus cloud to openstack. We have ~15 machines that are all on the same office-internal network. The instances get their network configuration from an external (not eucalyptus) DHCP server. We run both linux and windows images. The cloud is used exclusively for platform testing from Jenkins.
Looking into openstack, it seems that out of the three supported networking modes, none really fit our environment. What we are looking for is something like an "unmanaged mode" where openstack launches an instance that is hooked up to eth0 interface on the instances' compute node and which will receive its network configuration from the external DHCP on boot. I.e. the VM's, guest hosts and clients (jenkins) are all on the same network, managed by an external DHCP server.
Is a scenario like this possible to set up in OpenStack?
It's not commonly used, but the Networking setup that will fit your needs the best is FlatNetworking (not FlatDHCPNetworking). There isn't stellar documentation on configuring that setup to work through your environment, and some pieces (like the nova-metadata service) may be a bit tricky to manage with it, but that should accomplish allowing you to run an OpenStack cloud with an external DHCP provider.
I wrote up the wiki page some time ago to explain the setup of the various networks and how they operate with regards to NICs on hosting systems. FlatNetworking is effectively the same as FlatDHCPNetworking except that OpenStack doesn't try and run the DHCP service for you.
Note that with this mode, all the VM instances will be on the same network with your OpenStack infrastructure - there's no separation of networks at all.
