Transpose multiple columns as column names and fill with values in R - r

The sample data as following:
x <- read.table(header=T, text="
ID CostType1 Cost1 CostType2 Cost2
1 a 10 c 1
2 b 2 c 20
3 a 1 b 50
4 a 40 c 1
5 c 2 b 30
6 a 60 c 3
7 c 10 d 1
8 a 20 d 2")
I want the second and third columns (CostType1 and CostType 2) to be the the names of new columns and fill the corresponding cost to certain cost type. If there's no match, filled with NA. The ideal format will be following:
a b c d
1 10 NA 1 NA
2 NA 2 20 NA
3 1 50 NA NA
4 40 1 NA NA
5 NA 30 2 NA
6 60 NA 3 NA
7 NA NA 10 1
8 20 NA NA 2

A solution using tidyverse. We can first get how many groups are there. In this example, there are two groups. We can convert each group, combine them, and then summarize the data frame with the first non-NA value in the column.
# Get the group numbers
g <- (ncol(x) - 1)/2
x2 <- map_dfr(1:g, function(i){
# Transform the data frame one group at a time
x <- x %>%
select(ID, ends_with(as.character(i))) %>%
spread(paste0("CostType", i), paste0("Cost", i))
}) %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
# Select the first non-NA value if there are multiple values
# # A tibble: 8 x 5
# ID a b c d
# <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
# 1 1 10 NA 1 NA
# 2 2 NA 2 20 NA
# 3 3 1 50 NA NA
# 4 4 40 NA 1 NA
# 5 5 NA 30 2 NA
# 6 6 60 NA 3 NA
# 7 7 NA NA 10 1
# 8 8 20 NA NA 2

A base solution using reshape
x1 <- setNames(x[,c("ID", "CostType1", "Cost1")], c("ID", "CostType", "Cost"))
x2 <- setNames(x[,c("ID", "CostType2", "Cost2")], c("ID", "CostType", "Cost"))
reshape(data=rbind(x1, x2), idvar="ID", timevar="CostType", v.names="Cost", direction="wide")


Is there a way to group values in a column between data gaps in R?

I want to group my data in different chunks when the data is continuous. Trying to get the group column from dummy data like this:
a b group
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 1
3 3 3 1
4 4 NA NA
5 5 NA NA
6 6 NA NA
7 7 12 2
8 8 15 2
9 9 NA NA
10 10 25 3
I tried using
test %>% mutate(test = complete.cases(.)) %>%
group_by(group = cumsum(test == TRUE)) %>%
select(group, everything())
But it doesn't work as expected:
group a b test
<int> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>
1 1 1 1 TRUE
2 2 2 2 TRUE
3 3 3 3 TRUE
4 3 4 NA FALSE
5 3 5 NA FALSE
6 3 6 NA FALSE
7 4 7 12 TRUE
8 5 8 15 TRUE
9 5 9 NA FALSE
10 6 10 25 TRUE
Any advice?
Using rle in base R -
transform(df, group1 = with(rle(!, rep(cumsum(values), lengths))) |>
transform(group1 = replace(group1,, NA))
# a b group group1
#1 1 1 1 1
#2 2 2 1 1
#3 3 3 1 1
#4 4 NA NA NA
#5 5 NA NA NA
#6 6 NA NA NA
#7 7 12 2 2
#8 8 15 2 2
#9 9 NA NA NA
#10 10 25 3 3
A couple of approaches to consider if you wish to use dplyr for this.
First, you could look at transition from non-complete cases (using lag) to complete cases.
test %>%
mutate(test = complete.cases(.)) %>%
group_by(group = cumsum(test & !lag(test, default = F))) %>%
mutate(group = replace(group, !test, NA))
Alternatively, you could add row numbers to your data.frame. Then, you could filter to include only complete cases, and group_by enumerating with cumsum based on gaps in row numbers. Then, join back to original data.
test$rn <-
test %>%
filter(complete.cases(.)) %>%
group_by(group = c(0, cumsum(diff(rn) > 1)) + 1) %>%
right_join(test) %>%
arrange(rn) %>%
a b group
<int> <int> <dbl>
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 1
3 3 3 1
4 4 NA NA
5 5 NA NA
6 6 NA NA
7 7 12 2
8 8 15 2
9 9 NA NA
10 10 25 3
Using data.table, get rleid then remove group IDs for NAs, then fix the sequence with factor to integer conversion:
setDT(test)[, group1 := {
x <- complete.cases(test)
grp <- rleid(x)
grp[ !x ] <- NA
# a b group group1
# 1: 1 1 1 1
# 2: 2 2 1 1
# 3: 3 3 1 1
# 4: 4 NA NA NA
# 5: 5 NA NA NA
# 6: 6 NA NA NA
# 7: 7 12 2 2
# 8: 8 15 2 2
# 9: 9 NA NA NA
# 10: 10 25 3 3

Update a variable if dplyr filter conditions are met

With the command df %>% filter([,2:4]) filter function subset in a new df that has rows with NA's in columns 2, 3 and 4. What I want is not a new subsetted df but rather assign in example "1" to a new variable called "Exclude" in the actual df.
This example with mutate was not exactly what I was looking for, but close:
Use dplyr´s filter and mutate to generate a new variable
Also I would need the same to happen with other filter conditions.
Example I have the following:
df <- data.frame(A = 1:6, B = 11:16, C = 21:26, D = 31:36)
df[3,2:4] <- NA
df[5,2:4] <- NA
> df
1 1 11 21 31
2 2 12 22 32
3 3 NA NA NA
4 4 14 24 34
5 5 NA NA NA
6 6 16 26 36
and would like
> df
A B C D Exclude
1 1 11 21 31 NA
2 2 12 22 32 NA
3 3 NA NA NA 1
4 4 14 24 34 NA
5 5 NA NA NA 1
6 6 16 26 36 NA
Any good ideas how the filter subset could be used to update easy? The hard way work around would be to generate this subset, create new variable for all and then join back but that is not tidy code.
We can do this with base R using vectorized rowSums
df$Exclude <- NA^!rowSums([-1]))
# A B C D Exclude
#1 1 11 21 31 NA
#2 2 12 22 32 NA
#3 3 NA NA NA 1
#4 4 14 24 34 NA
#5 5 NA NA NA 1
#6 6 16 26 36 NA
Does this work:
df %>% rowwise() %>%
mutate(Exclude = +any(, Exclude = na_if(Exclude, 0))
# A tibble: 6 x 5
# Rowwise:
A B C D Exclude
<int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1 1 11 21 31 NA
2 2 12 22 32 NA
3 3 NA NA NA 1
4 4 14 24 34 NA
5 5 NA NA NA 1
6 6 16 26 36 NA
Using anyNA.
df %>% mutate(Exclude=ifelse(apply(df[2:4], 1, anyNA), 1, NA))
# A B C D Exclude
# 1 1 11 21 31 NA
# 2 2 12 22 32 NA
# 3 3 NA NA NA 1
# 4 4 14 24 34 NA
# 5 5 NA NA NA 1
# 6 6 16 26 36 NA
Or just
df$Exclude <- ifelse(apply(df[2:4], 1, anyNA), 1, NA)
Another one-line solution:
df$Exclude <- as.numeric(apply(df[2:4], 1, function(x) any(
Use rowwise, sum over all numeric columns, assign 1 or NA in ifelse.
df <- data.frame(A = 1:6, B = 11:16, C = 21:26, D = 31:36)
df[3, 2:4] <- NA
df[5, 2:4] <- NA
df %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(Exclude = ifelse(, 1, NA
#> # A tibble: 6 x 5
#> # Rowwise:
#> A B C D Exclude
#> <int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 1 11 21 31 NA
#> 2 2 12 22 32 NA
#> 3 3 NA NA NA 1
#> 4 4 14 24 34 NA
#> 5 5 NA NA NA 1
#> 6 6 16 26 36 NA

how to avoid overwriting when merging multiple datasets in r

Suppose I have two datasets df1 and df2 as follows:
df1 <- data.frame(Id = c(1L,2L,3L,4L,5L,6L,7L,8L), pricetag = c("na","na","na","na","na","na","na","na"),stringsAsFactors=F)
df2 <- data.frame(Id=c(1L,2L,3L,4L), price = c(10,20,30,40), stringsAsFactors=F)
> df1
Id pricetag
1 1 na
2 2 na
3 3 na
4 4 na
5 5 na
6 6 na
7 7 na
8 8 na
> df2
Id price
1 1 10
2 2 20
3 3 30
4 4 40
I am trying to insert price values from df2 to df1 by matching the id using this function.
df1$pricetag <- df2$price[match(df1$Id, df2$Id)]
which provides this:
> df1
Id pricetag
1 1 10
2 2 20
3 3 30
4 4 40
5 5 NA
6 6 NA
7 7 NA
8 8 NA
I have the third dataset. I am trying to follow the same procedure.
df3 <- data.frame(Id=c(5L,6L,7L,8L), price=c(50,60,70,80),stringsAsFactors=F)
> df3
Id price
1 5 50
2 6 60
3 7 70
4 8 80
df1$pricetag <- df3$price[match(df1$Id, df3$Id)]
> df1
Id pricetag
1 1 NA
2 2 NA
3 3 NA
4 4 NA
5 5 50
6 6 60
7 7 70
8 8 80
However, it overwrites the price information coming from df2 in the df1. Is there any way to turn this option off when I replicate the same procedure?
df1$pricetag <- df3$price[match(df1$Id, df3$Id)]
in case you want to make an update-join (overwrite df1 with data in df3) with:
idx <- match(df1$Id, df3$Id)
idxn <- which(!
df1$pricetag[idxn] <- df3$price[idx[idxn]]
rm(idx, idxn)
# Id pricetag
#1 1 10
#2 2 20
#3 3 30
#4 4 40
#5 5 50
#6 6 60
#7 7 70
#8 8 80
in case you want to make a gap-fill-join (fill NA's in df1 with data in df3) with:
idxg <- which($pricetag))
idx <- match(df1$Id[idxg], df3$Id)
idxn <- which(!
df1$pricetag[idxg][idxn] <- df3$price[idx[idxn]]
rm(idxg, idx, idxn)
# Id pricetag
#1 1 10
#2 2 20
#3 3 30
#4 4 40
#5 5 50
#6 6 60
#7 7 70
#8 8 80
You can use the function to identify rows to look up:
w = which($pricetag))
df1$pricetag[w] <- df3$price[match(df1$Id[w], df3$Id)]
Id category pricetag
1 1 na 10
2 2 na 20
3 3 na 30
4 4 na 40
5 5 na 50
6 6 na 60
7 7 na 70
8 8 na 80
There's some more convenient syntax for this with the data.table package:
df1 <- data.frame(Id=c(1L,2L,3L,4L,5L,6L,7L,8L), category="na", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
setDT(df1); setDT(df2); setDT(df3)
df1[, pricetag := NA_real_]
for (odf in list(df2, df3))
pricetag := odf[.SD, on=.(Id), x.price]
Id category pricetag
1: 1 na 10
2: 2 na 20
3: 3 na 30
4: 4 na 40
5: 5 na 50
6: 6 na 60
7: 7 na 70
8: 8 na 80
This kind of merge is called an "update join".
We can use {powerjoin} :
df1 %>%
# have all price cols be named the same
rename(price = pricetag) %>%
# make regular numeric NAs from your "na" characters
mutate_at("price", as.numeric) %>%
# fetch Id cols and incorporate them
power_left_join(df2, "Id", conflict = coalesce_xy) %>%
power_left_join(df3, "Id", conflict = coalesce_xy)
# Id price
# 1 1 10
# 2 2 20
# 3 3 30
# 4 4 40
# 5 5 50
# 6 6 60
# 7 7 70
# 8 8 80

r element frequency and index, ranking

I was looking at this example code below,
r element frequency and column name
and was wondering if there is any way to show the index of each element in each column, in addition to the rank and frequency in r. so for example, the desired input and output would be
df <- read.table(header=T, text='A B C D
a a b c
b c x e
c d y a
d NA NA z
f NA NA NA',stringsAsFactors=F)
and output
element frequency columns ranking A B C D
1 a 3 A,B,D 1 1 1 na 2
3 c 3 A,B,D 1 3 2 na 1
2 b 2 A,C 2 2 na 1 na
4 d 2 A,B 2 4 3 na na
5 e 2 A,D 2 5 na na 2
6 f 1 A 3 6 na na na
8 x 1 C 3 na na 2 na
9 y 1 C 3 na na 3 na
10 z 1 D 3 na na na 3
Thank you.
Perhaps there is a way to do this in one step, but it's not coming to mind at the moment. So, continuing with my previous answer:
step1 <- df %>%
gather(var, val, everything()) %>% ## Make a long dataset
na.omit %>% ## We don't need the NA values
group_by(val) %>% ## All calculations grouped by val
summarise(column = toString(var), ## This collapses
freq = n()) %>% ## This counts
mutate(ranking = dense_rank(desc(freq))) ## This ranks
step2 <- df %>%
mutate(ind = 1:nrow(df)) %>% ## Add an indicator column
gather(var, val, -ind) %>% ## Go long
na.omit %>% ## Remove NA
spread(var, ind) ## Go wide
inner_join(step1, step2)
# Joining by: "val"
# Source: local data frame [9 x 8]
# val column freq ranking A B C D
# 1 a A, B, D 3 1 1 1 NA 3
# 2 b A, C 2 2 2 NA 1 NA
# 3 c A, B, D 3 1 3 2 NA 1
# 4 d A, B 2 2 4 3 NA NA
# 5 e A, D 2 2 5 NA NA 2
# 6 f A 1 3 6 NA NA NA
# 7 x C 1 3 NA NA 2 NA
# 8 y C 1 3 NA NA 3 NA
# 9 z D 1 3 NA NA NA 4

Fill missing values with new data R-Python

I have two dataset x and y
> x
a index b
1 1 1 5
2 NA 2 6
3 2 3 NA
4 NA 4 9
> y
index a
1 2 100
2 4 101
I would like to fill the missing values of x with the values contained in y.
I have tried to use the merge function but the result is not what I want.
> merge(x,y, by = 'index', all=T)
index a.x b a.y
1 1 1 5 NA
2 2 NA 6 100
3 3 2 7 NA
4 4 NA 9 101
In the real problem there are additional limitations:
1 - y does not fill all the missing values
2 - x and y have in common more variables (so not only a and index)
EDIT : More realistic example
> x
a index b c
1 1 1 5 NA
2 NA 2 6 NA
3 2 3 NA 5
4 NA 4 9 NA
5 NA 5 10 6
> y
index a c
1 2 100 4
2 4 101 NA
The solution would be accepted both in python or R
I used your merge idea and did the following using dplyr. I am sure there will be better ways of doing this task.
index <- 1:5
a <- c(1, NA, 2, NA, NA)
b <- c(5,6,NA,9,10)
c <- c(NA,NA,5,NA,6)
ana <- data.frame(index, a,b,c, stringsAsFactors=F)
index <- c(2,4)
a <- c(100, 101)
c <- c(4, NA)
bob <- data.frame(index, a,c, stringsAsFactors=F)
> ana
index a b c
1 1 1 5 NA
2 2 NA 6 NA
3 3 2 NA 5
4 4 NA 9 NA
5 5 NA 10 6
> bob
index a c
1 2 100 4
2 4 101 NA
ana %>%
merge(., bob, by = "index", all = TRUE) %>%
mutate(a.x = ifelse(a.x %in% NA, a.y, a.x)) %>%
mutate(c.x = ifelse(c.x %in% NA, c.y, c.x))
index a.x b c.x a.y c.y
1 1 1 5 NA NA NA
2 2 100 6 4 100 4
3 3 2 NA 5 NA NA
4 4 101 9 NA 101 NA
5 5 NA 10 6 NA NA
I overwrote a.x (ana$$a) using a.y (bob$a) using mutate. I did a similar thing for c.x (ana$c). If you remove a.y and c.y in the end, that will be the outcome you expect, I think.
xa = x[,c(1,2)]
m1 = merge(y,xa,all=T)
m1 = m1[!duplicated(m1$index),]
m1$b = x$b[match(m1$index, x$index)]
m1$c = x$c[match(m1$index, x$index)]
index a b c
1 1 1 5 NA
2 2 100 6 NA
4 3 2 NA 5
5 4 101 9 NA
7 5 NA 10 6
or, if there many other columns like b and c:
xa = x[,c(1,2)]
m1 = merge(y,xa,all=T)
m1 = m1[!duplicated(m1$index),]
for(nn in names(x)[3:4]) m1[,nn] = x[,nn][match(m1$index, x$index)]
index a b c
1 1 1 5 NA
2 2 100 6 NA
4 3 2 NA 5
5 4 101 9 NA
7 5 NA 10 6
If there are multiple columns to replace, you could try converting from wide to long form as shown in the first two methods and replace in one step
m1 <- merge(x,y, by="index", all=TRUE)
m1L <- reshape(m1, idvar="index", varying=grep("\\.", colnames(m1)), direction="long", sep=".")
row.names(m1L) <- 1:nrow(m1L)
lst1 <- split(m1L, m1L$time)
indx <-[[1]][,4:5])
lst1[[1]][,4:5][indx] <- lst1[[2]][,4:5][indx]
res <- lst1[[1]][,c(4,1,2,5)]
# a index b c
#1 1 1 5 NA
#2 100 2 6 4
#3 2 3 NA 5
#4 101 4 9 NA
#5 NA 5 10 6
Or you could use dplyr with tidyr
z <- left_join(x, y, by="index") %>%
gather(Var, Val, matches("\\.")) %>%
separate(Var, c("Var1", "Var2"))
indx1 <- which($Val) & z$Var2=="x")
z$Val[indx1] <- z$Val[indx1+nrow(z)/2]
z %>%
spread(Var1, Val) %>%
filter(Var2=="x") %>%
# index b a c
#1 1 5 1 NA
#2 2 6 100 4
#3 3 NA 2 5
#4 4 9 101 NA
#5 5 10 NA 6
Or split the columns by matching names before the . and use lapply to replace the NA's.
indx <- grep("\\.", colnames(m1),value=TRUE)
res <- cbind(m1[!names(m1) %in% indx],
sapply(split(indx, gsub("\\..*", "", indx)), function(x) {
x1 <- m1[x]
indx1 <-[,1])
x1[,1][indx1] <- x1[,2][indx1]
x1[,1]} ))
# index b a c
#1 1 5 1 NA
#2 2 6 100 4
#3 3 NA 2 5
#4 4 9 101 NA
#5 5 10 NA 6
