r element frequency and index, ranking - r

I was looking at this example code below,
r element frequency and column name
and was wondering if there is any way to show the index of each element in each column, in addition to the rank and frequency in r. so for example, the desired input and output would be
df <- read.table(header=T, text='A B C D
a a b c
b c x e
c d y a
d NA NA z
f NA NA NA',stringsAsFactors=F)
and output
element frequency columns ranking A B C D
1 a 3 A,B,D 1 1 1 na 2
3 c 3 A,B,D 1 3 2 na 1
2 b 2 A,C 2 2 na 1 na
4 d 2 A,B 2 4 3 na na
5 e 2 A,D 2 5 na na 2
6 f 1 A 3 6 na na na
8 x 1 C 3 na na 2 na
9 y 1 C 3 na na 3 na
10 z 1 D 3 na na na 3
Thank you.

Perhaps there is a way to do this in one step, but it's not coming to mind at the moment. So, continuing with my previous answer:
step1 <- df %>%
gather(var, val, everything()) %>% ## Make a long dataset
na.omit %>% ## We don't need the NA values
group_by(val) %>% ## All calculations grouped by val
summarise(column = toString(var), ## This collapses
freq = n()) %>% ## This counts
mutate(ranking = dense_rank(desc(freq))) ## This ranks
step2 <- df %>%
mutate(ind = 1:nrow(df)) %>% ## Add an indicator column
gather(var, val, -ind) %>% ## Go long
na.omit %>% ## Remove NA
spread(var, ind) ## Go wide
inner_join(step1, step2)
# Joining by: "val"
# Source: local data frame [9 x 8]
# val column freq ranking A B C D
# 1 a A, B, D 3 1 1 1 NA 3
# 2 b A, C 2 2 2 NA 1 NA
# 3 c A, B, D 3 1 3 2 NA 1
# 4 d A, B 2 2 4 3 NA NA
# 5 e A, D 2 2 5 NA NA 2
# 6 f A 1 3 6 NA NA NA
# 7 x C 1 3 NA NA 2 NA
# 8 y C 1 3 NA NA 3 NA
# 9 z D 1 3 NA NA NA 4


remove a column when the column name is empty in R

I was running a procedure to make the first row as column names. Since one value is NA one column has become empty. Here is the example.
df <- data.frame(var1 = c("a","b","c","d",NA),
var2 = c(1,2,3,4,NA),
var3 = c(NA,7,8,9,10))
> df
var1 var2 var3
1 a 1 NA
2 b 2 7
3 c 3 8
4 d 4 9
5 <NA> NA 10
df1 <- df %>%
janitor::row_to_names(row_number = 1)
> df1
a 1 NA
2 b 2 7
3 c 3 8
4 d 4 9
5 <NA> NA 10
How can I remove when the column name is empty?
The desired output would be:
> df2
a 1
2 b 2
3 c 3
4 d 4
5 <NA> NA

r data formatting with NAs

If I have a dataset with three columns like this below
Id Date Gender
1 NA F
1 03-11-1977 NA
2 04-17-2005 NA
2 NA M
3 06-04-1999 NA
3 NA F
How could I clean this data such that I see a dataset like this below ?
Id Date Gender
1 03-11-1977 F
2 04-17-2005 M
3 06-04-1999 F
fill the values by Id and filter NA values.
df %>%
group_by(Id) %>%
tidyr::fill(Gender, .direction = "updown") %>%
# Id Date Gender
# <int> <chr> <chr>
#1 1 03-11-1977 F
#2 2 04-17-2005 M
#3 3 06-04-1999 F
You may use na.omit in a by approach.
dat <- do.call(rbind, by(dat, dat$Id, function(x) cbind(x[1,1,drop=F], lapply(x[-1], na.omit))))
# Id Date Gender
# 1 1 03-11-1977 F
# 2 2 04-17-2005 M
# 3 3 06-04-1999 F
dat <- read.table(header=T,text=' Id Date Gender
1 NA F
1 03-11-1977 NA
2 04-17-2005 NA
2 NA M
3 06-04-1999 NA
3 NA F')

Transpose multiple columns as column names and fill with values in R

The sample data as following:
x <- read.table(header=T, text="
ID CostType1 Cost1 CostType2 Cost2
1 a 10 c 1
2 b 2 c 20
3 a 1 b 50
4 a 40 c 1
5 c 2 b 30
6 a 60 c 3
7 c 10 d 1
8 a 20 d 2")
I want the second and third columns (CostType1 and CostType 2) to be the the names of new columns and fill the corresponding cost to certain cost type. If there's no match, filled with NA. The ideal format will be following:
a b c d
1 10 NA 1 NA
2 NA 2 20 NA
3 1 50 NA NA
4 40 1 NA NA
5 NA 30 2 NA
6 60 NA 3 NA
7 NA NA 10 1
8 20 NA NA 2
A solution using tidyverse. We can first get how many groups are there. In this example, there are two groups. We can convert each group, combine them, and then summarize the data frame with the first non-NA value in the column.
# Get the group numbers
g <- (ncol(x) - 1)/2
x2 <- map_dfr(1:g, function(i){
# Transform the data frame one group at a time
x <- x %>%
select(ID, ends_with(as.character(i))) %>%
spread(paste0("CostType", i), paste0("Cost", i))
}) %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
# Select the first non-NA value if there are multiple values
# # A tibble: 8 x 5
# ID a b c d
# <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
# 1 1 10 NA 1 NA
# 2 2 NA 2 20 NA
# 3 3 1 50 NA NA
# 4 4 40 NA 1 NA
# 5 5 NA 30 2 NA
# 6 6 60 NA 3 NA
# 7 7 NA NA 10 1
# 8 8 20 NA NA 2
A base solution using reshape
x1 <- setNames(x[,c("ID", "CostType1", "Cost1")], c("ID", "CostType", "Cost"))
x2 <- setNames(x[,c("ID", "CostType2", "Cost2")], c("ID", "CostType", "Cost"))
reshape(data=rbind(x1, x2), idvar="ID", timevar="CostType", v.names="Cost", direction="wide")

Reorganize data.frame into tabulation of values

df <- data.frame(x=c(1,2,1,2,3,3), y = c(letters[1:5],'a'), val = c(1:5, 9))
x y val
1 a 1
2 b 2
1 c 3
2 d 4
3 e 5
3 a 9
I want to create a function fun(df, rowname, colname, valname)that takes a dataframe, rowname, colname, and value inputs and returns a data.frame or matrix with row names, column names and values as shown below
fun(df, "x","y","val") should return
1 2 3
a 1 NA 9
b NA 2 NA
c 3 NA NA
d NA 4 NA
e NA NA 5
The reshape2 library allows this kind of manipulation:
dcast(data=df, y~x, value.var = "val")
y 1 2 3
1 a 1 NA 9
2 b NA 2 NA
3 c 3 NA NA
4 d NA 4 NA
5 e NA NA 5

Fill missing values with new data R-Python

I have two dataset x and y
> x
a index b
1 1 1 5
2 NA 2 6
3 2 3 NA
4 NA 4 9
> y
index a
1 2 100
2 4 101
I would like to fill the missing values of x with the values contained in y.
I have tried to use the merge function but the result is not what I want.
> merge(x,y, by = 'index', all=T)
index a.x b a.y
1 1 1 5 NA
2 2 NA 6 100
3 3 2 7 NA
4 4 NA 9 101
In the real problem there are additional limitations:
1 - y does not fill all the missing values
2 - x and y have in common more variables (so not only a and index)
EDIT : More realistic example
> x
a index b c
1 1 1 5 NA
2 NA 2 6 NA
3 2 3 NA 5
4 NA 4 9 NA
5 NA 5 10 6
> y
index a c
1 2 100 4
2 4 101 NA
The solution would be accepted both in python or R
I used your merge idea and did the following using dplyr. I am sure there will be better ways of doing this task.
index <- 1:5
a <- c(1, NA, 2, NA, NA)
b <- c(5,6,NA,9,10)
c <- c(NA,NA,5,NA,6)
ana <- data.frame(index, a,b,c, stringsAsFactors=F)
index <- c(2,4)
a <- c(100, 101)
c <- c(4, NA)
bob <- data.frame(index, a,c, stringsAsFactors=F)
> ana
index a b c
1 1 1 5 NA
2 2 NA 6 NA
3 3 2 NA 5
4 4 NA 9 NA
5 5 NA 10 6
> bob
index a c
1 2 100 4
2 4 101 NA
ana %>%
merge(., bob, by = "index", all = TRUE) %>%
mutate(a.x = ifelse(a.x %in% NA, a.y, a.x)) %>%
mutate(c.x = ifelse(c.x %in% NA, c.y, c.x))
index a.x b c.x a.y c.y
1 1 1 5 NA NA NA
2 2 100 6 4 100 4
3 3 2 NA 5 NA NA
4 4 101 9 NA 101 NA
5 5 NA 10 6 NA NA
I overwrote a.x (ana$$a) using a.y (bob$a) using mutate. I did a similar thing for c.x (ana$c). If you remove a.y and c.y in the end, that will be the outcome you expect, I think.
xa = x[,c(1,2)]
m1 = merge(y,xa,all=T)
m1 = m1[!duplicated(m1$index),]
m1$b = x$b[match(m1$index, x$index)]
m1$c = x$c[match(m1$index, x$index)]
index a b c
1 1 1 5 NA
2 2 100 6 NA
4 3 2 NA 5
5 4 101 9 NA
7 5 NA 10 6
or, if there many other columns like b and c:
xa = x[,c(1,2)]
m1 = merge(y,xa,all=T)
m1 = m1[!duplicated(m1$index),]
for(nn in names(x)[3:4]) m1[,nn] = x[,nn][match(m1$index, x$index)]
index a b c
1 1 1 5 NA
2 2 100 6 NA
4 3 2 NA 5
5 4 101 9 NA
7 5 NA 10 6
If there are multiple columns to replace, you could try converting from wide to long form as shown in the first two methods and replace in one step
m1 <- merge(x,y, by="index", all=TRUE)
m1L <- reshape(m1, idvar="index", varying=grep("\\.", colnames(m1)), direction="long", sep=".")
row.names(m1L) <- 1:nrow(m1L)
lst1 <- split(m1L, m1L$time)
indx <- is.na(lst1[[1]][,4:5])
lst1[[1]][,4:5][indx] <- lst1[[2]][,4:5][indx]
res <- lst1[[1]][,c(4,1,2,5)]
# a index b c
#1 1 1 5 NA
#2 100 2 6 4
#3 2 3 NA 5
#4 101 4 9 NA
#5 NA 5 10 6
Or you could use dplyr with tidyr
z <- left_join(x, y, by="index") %>%
gather(Var, Val, matches("\\.")) %>%
separate(Var, c("Var1", "Var2"))
indx1 <- which(is.na(z$Val) & z$Var2=="x")
z$Val[indx1] <- z$Val[indx1+nrow(z)/2]
z %>%
spread(Var1, Val) %>%
filter(Var2=="x") %>%
# index b a c
#1 1 5 1 NA
#2 2 6 100 4
#3 3 NA 2 5
#4 4 9 101 NA
#5 5 10 NA 6
Or split the columns by matching names before the . and use lapply to replace the NA's.
indx <- grep("\\.", colnames(m1),value=TRUE)
res <- cbind(m1[!names(m1) %in% indx],
sapply(split(indx, gsub("\\..*", "", indx)), function(x) {
x1 <- m1[x]
indx1 <- is.na(x1[,1])
x1[,1][indx1] <- x1[,2][indx1]
x1[,1]} ))
# index b a c
#1 1 5 1 NA
#2 2 6 100 4
#3 3 NA 2 5
#4 4 9 101 NA
#5 5 10 NA 6
