http get response to same uri means same format in response - http

I have a question regarding the response to a HTTP request.
My question is
The representations present in responses to GET requests on the same URI should always have the same format, and why.
I thought that the server might change the content associated to that URI, or that the client making the request might change the accept header in the request, but I'm not sure.

The format may changed based on Content-Encoding, Content-Disposition, and a lot of other things. Compression for example may be used (but that's not the final format, just the transport format). The page may contain dynamic content, based on your current user session (so based on your cookies, for example).
The server response would usually contain a Vary header which clearly states, for your browser, the request headers that may influence the content of the page.
For example you may have a Vary: cookie which means that if the browser requested this page without a cookie, and that later you have a cookie for this website, then the page content should not be loaded from the browser cache and a new request should be made.
So your first sentence is wrong, or too simple. Request headers and Response headers can contain informations on validity of the message, how to store it, when to ask for changes, or what headers may alter the message content.


Caching strategy using ETag and Expires/Cache-control with no assets version/ID

After reading a lot about caching validators (more intensively after reading this answer on SO), I had a doubt that didn't find the answer anywhere.
My use-case is to serve a static asset (a javascript file, ie: to be used in other websites, so messing with their Gpagespeed/gmetrix score matters the most.
I also need their users to receive updated versions of my static asset every time I deploy new changes.
For this, I have the following response headers:
Cache-Control: max-age=10800
etag: W/"4efa5de1947fe4ce90cf10992fa"
In short, we can see the following flow in terms of how browser behaves using etag
For the first request, the browser has no value for the If-None-Match Request Header, so the Server will send back the status code 200 (Ok), the content itself, and a Response header with ETag value.
For the subsequent requests, the browser will add the previously received ETag value in a form of the If-None-Match Request Header. This way, the server can compare this value with the current value from ETag and, if both match, the server can return 304 (Not Modified) telling the browser to use the latest version of the file, or just 200 followed by the new content and the related ETag value instead.
However, I couldn't find any information in regards to using the Cache-Control: max-age header and how will this affect the above behavior, like:
Will the browser request for new updates before max-age has met? Meaning that I can define a higher max-age value (pagespeed/gmetrix will be happy about it) and force this refresh using only etag fingerprint.
If not, then what are the advantages of using etag and adding extra bits to the network?
No, the browser will not send any requests until max-age has passed.
The advantage of using ETag is that, if the file hasn't changed, you don't need to resend the entire file to the client. The response will be a small 304.
Note that you can achieve the best of both worlds by using the stale-while-revalidate directive, which allows stale responses to be served while the cache silently revalidates the resource in the background.

HTTP Requests, body vs param vs headers vs data

I am new to HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT, ETC.) and I am having some issues understanding the "anatomy" of these procedures.
What exactly is the difference between the body and the data? Are they the same thing? Or are headers the same thing as the param? When authentication takes place, are the username and password params or headers or does it vary from API to API? Any help is greatly appreciated. Are there any tutorials or reads you recommend to better understand how to deal with HTTP requests?
Thank you!
Based on This article and some points of others, you could find out about differences between HTTP header & HTTP parameter ,and and also Body:
meta data about the request
HTTP Headers are NOT part of the URL
if it's information about the request or about the client, then the header is appropriate
headers are hidden to end-users
globally data
restrict Dos-attack by detecting authorisation on it's header, because a header can be accessed before the body is downloaded
the query params are within the URL
like this "tag=networking&order=newest"
if it's the content of the request itself, then it's a parameter
The product id and requested image size are examples of "some detail" (or parameter) being supplied as part of the content of a request
parameters can be seen by end-users (query parameters) on URL
data of business logic
important information
unlike body, proxy servers are allowed to modify headers
data in specefic kinds of requests
you can pass token by body as encoding & decoding in servers
For a full and correct understanding of these questions, RFC2616 recommend by Remy Lebeau is worth reading.
What exactly is the difference between the body and the data?
If you are reading some blog, the body (HTTP body) is be used to transfer data (probably in JSON format). The body carries data, in another way, you get data from body.
Are they the same thing?
So they are not same at all.
Or are headers the same thing as the param?
Header (HTTP header) is related to body, they are part of the HTTP message.
As param, it's usually refer to http request param, which usually looks like the following part of the question mark
When authentication takes place, are the username and password params
or headers or does it vary from API to API?
They vary for different API's, normally not in param, probably in body of a post request.
Again, start from the RFC2616 would be a good choice.
data is not a HTTP specific term. data can be anything.
a 'parameter' is also not a HTTP specific term. Many web frameworks might consider parameters everything behind the ? in a url, but this is not an absolute truth.
usernames and passwords sometimes appear in the request body, sometimes in headers. In web applications they typically are in the request body, but certain types of authentication systems place them in the Authorization header.

How can I tell the "current age" of a cached page?

I'm wondering how the browser determines whether a cached resource has expired or not.
Assume that I have set the max-age header to 300. I made a request at 14:00, 3 minutes later I made another request to the same resource. So how can the browser tell the resource haven't expired (the current age which is 180 is less than the max-age)? Does the browser hold a "expiry date" or "current age" for every requested resource? If so how can I inspect the "current age" at the time I made the request?
Check what browsers store in their cache
To have a better understanding on how the browser cache works, check what the browsers actually store in their cache:
Firefox: Navigate to about:cache.
Chrome: Navigate to chrome://cache.
Note that there's a key for each cache entry (requested URL). Associated with the key, you will find the whole response details (status codes, headers and content). With those details, the browser is able to determine the age of a requested resource and whether it's expired or not.
The reference for HTTP caching
The RFC 7234, the current reference for caching in HTTP/1.1, tells you a good part of the story about how cache is supposed to work:
2. Overview of Cache Operation
Proper cache operation preserves the semantics of HTTP transfers
while eliminating the transfer of information already
held in the cache. Although caching is an entirely OPTIONAL feature
of HTTP, it can be assumed that reusing a cached response is
desirable and that such reuse is the default behavior when no
requirement or local configuration prevents it. [...]
Each cache entry consists of a cache key and one or more HTTP
responses corresponding to prior requests that used the same key.
The most common form of cache entry is a successful result of a
retrieval request: i.e., a 200 (OK) response to a GET request, which
contains a representation of the resource identified by the request
target. However, it is also possible to
cache permanent redirects, negative results (e.g., 404 (Not Found)),
incomplete results (e.g., 206 (Partial Content)), and responses to
methods other than GET if the method's definition allows such caching
and defines something suitable for use as a cache key.
The primary cache key consists of the request method and target URI.
However, since HTTP caches in common use today are typically limited
to caching responses to GET, many caches simply decline other methods
and use only the URI as the primary cache key. [...]
Some rules are defined regarding storing responses in caches:
3. Storing Responses in Caches
A cache MUST NOT store a response to any request, unless:
The request method is understood by the cache and defined as being
cacheable, and
the response status code is understood by the cache, and
the no-store cache directive does not appear
in request or response header fields, and
the private response directive does not
appear in the response, if the cache is shared, and
the Authorization header field does
not appear in the request, if the cache is shared, unless the
response explicitly allows it, and
the response either:
contains an Expires header field, or
contains a max-age response directive, or
contains a s-maxage response directive
and the cache is shared, or
contains a Cache Control Extension that
allows it to be cached, or
has a status code that is defined as cacheable by default, or
contains a public response directive.
Note that any of the requirements listed above can be overridden by a cache-control extension. [...]
Usually (but not always) the server providing the resource will provide a Date header, indicating the time at which that resource was requested. Caching entities can use that Date and the current time to find the resource's age. If the Date response header does not appear, that the caching entity will probably mark the resource's request time in other metadata, and use that metadata for computing the age. Another possibly helpful response header to look for is the Last-Modified response header.
So first, you should check if the cached resource has the Date header for your own age calculation. If not present, it will then depend on which specific browser you are using, and how that browser handles caching for Date-less resources. More information on HTTP caching and the various factors involved, can be found in this caching tutorial.
Hope this helps!

What determines request equivalence for HTTP caching?

I feel like this has to be easy to Google, but I can't find it: from the perspective of an HTTP cache, what determines if two requests are equivalent?
I imagine one ingredient is that that their URLs need to be identical; for example, rearranging (but not changing) query string parameters seems to cause a cache miss. Presumably they need to have the same Accept header. What else determines if a request can be served from cache?
This is mostly described in this RFC:
The method
The full uri
Caching-related headers in response influence whether something got stored.
Any request headers that appeared in the list of the Vary response header.
It also matters whether you are caching for a specific user (for example a browser), or many users (for example a proxy).
I also struggled with this. Changing my google search to use "http cache key" generated better results. Using the URL seems to be the most common. Query strings are also generally included. describes what the default is for cloudflare and a discussion on the impact of using different keys.
Another parameter that could be useful is to identifying the type of assets that you want to cache. Or leave it open (no filtering)
"Authorization" header is specifically mentioned in the HTTP spec ( and needs to be handled.
Upon further reading, I noticed the section on "Secondary keys" in the standard ( and the use of "Vary" header in a response. Headers presented in the "Vary" response header have to match in both the original and the new request for the cache to declare it as a match.
And as for the primary key, standard says "The primary cache key consists of the request method and target URI." in
There are all the conditional requests for cache control like If-match, If-unmodified-since, If-none-match and If-modified-since. For example If-modified-since works this way: suppose you have already requested a page and now you want to reload it. If the header is present then a new page will be sent back from the server ONLY if it was modified since the date indicated as a value for If-modified-since, otherwise 304(not-modified) status will be returned.
Accept and Accept-* instead are necessary for Content-Negotiation, like in which language the page should be returned.
More on conditional requests here:

How do I deal with different requests that map to the same response?

I'm designing a Web service. The request is idempotent, so I chose the GET method. The response is relatively expensive to calculate and not small, so I want to get caching (on the protocol level) right. (Don't worry about memoisation at my part, I have that already covered; my question here is actually also paying attention to the Web as a whole.)
There's only one mandatory parameter and a number of optional parameter with default values if missing. For example, the following two map to the same representation of the response. (If this is a dumb way to go about it the interface, propose something better.)
GET /service?mandatory_parameter=some_data HTTP/1.1
GET /service?mandatory_parameter=some_data;optional_parameter=default1;another_optional_parameter=default2;yet_another_optional_parameter=default3 HTTP/1.1
However, I imagine clients do not know this and would treat them separate and therefore waste cache storage. What should I do to avoid violating the golden rule of caching?
Make up a canonical form, document it (e.g. all parameters are required after all and need to be sorted in a specific order) and return a client error unless the required form is met?
Instead of an error, redirect permanently to the canonical form of a request?
Or is it enough to not mind how the request looks like, and just respond with the same ETag for same responses?
First, don't use semicolons as a delimiter in a query string. You should be using ? to begin a query string and & to delimit variable/value pairs. RFC 3986 doesn't explicitly say you have to use &, but the vast majority of existing code uses this delimiter because of the application/x-www-form-urlencoded precedent.
Second, you're right, in that parameters in a query string result in a different URI, and thus, as far as caches are concerned, a different resource. Assuming you want optimal caching performance, if you know that an optional parameter has been specified, and its inclusion is unnecessary and does not affect the representation that will be transmitted, you should be making a redirect to a canonical representation that omits the parameter. (i.e., An optional parameter is given with a value that is set to the default value. For example, if you have, you can normalize to because 80 is the default value for the port with HTTP. You can do the same for query parameters since you control the URI space.) If you have parameters included (optional or otherwise) that appear in an order other than the canonical order, you should redirect for that too. A 301 redirect would be preferred if you know that the relationship between URIs will be stable. Otherwise, do a 302/307 redirect as appropriate. I would recommend defining your canonical form the same way that OAuth does: Sort each parameter alphabetically, first by key, then by value. Other normalization operations will also help out here. RFC 3986 has an entire section on URI normalization that will be relevant to you. This technique will really only work for GET, and redirects on PUT/POST/DELETE are not generally recommended.
Third, ETags are great, and they provide a huge performance improvement if implemented well by both the client and server. However, it's unfortunately rare for both sides to do it right. Ditto for Last-Modified. You should pursue these, because the CPU and bandwidth savings are significant when it works, but they are not sufficient on their own. Other headers like Cache-Control are also frequently necessary. It's worth familiarizing yourself with Section 13 of RFC 2616 if you're planning on going into great detail on this stuff.
Finally, a word of warning — there is an issue with these redirects you need to be aware of: Clients trying to access your resources may frequently be redirected to other locations. This introduces overhead that only gives you an overall savings if the clients make subsequent requests against the same resource, maintaining state to avoid the subsequent redirect. Unless you've open-sourced a reference client implementation that takes advantage of your caching optimizations, you may never benefit from these tweaks.
I would pick option (2) in your list - I would make the request RESTful, rather than RPC like.
I.e. in this case, if you make all of the parameters parts of the request path:
In the case where not all of the optional parameters are specified, return a 301 (Permanent redirect) to the full resource name with the defaults filled in. This will (or should) be cached by clients and web caches appropriately, and even if it gets to your backend then making the 301 should be very cheap for you.
At which point, you have one canonical form for the URI, and caching will work as normal/expected.
This does mean that every combination of parameters will be cached separately (as a 301), however that's fine really as the non-canonical requests will have an independent cache policy to the full request and clients which are worried about the extra round trip can fill in all the parameters themselves.
Your option (3) won't work as you expect - each form will be cached independently as they're different URIs.
It should also be noted that a lot of downstream caches / software won't cache your response at all due to the query parameters, which is why I suggest turning it into a 'proper' resource..
First it's a good thing you choice GET since other methods don't have as good caching support. As far as I know browsers do cache URIs with respect to the parameters so I don't think It's a good idea to use a canonical form.
One thing that you don't state here is how this service is going to be used. If those requests are made from a browser (and it looks to me that those are probably issued from a script) requests will probably look the same even if they are asked for more than once. So make sure that whatever generate the URI end up with the same URI for equal input data (remove default parameters or always include them).
When it comes to the ETag I recommend you to have this, though I would like to clarify how it works; You get the request, you process all your "expensive calculations" and then if there were a If-None-Match header with the same hash (ETag) as your processed response you may return 304 Not-Modified. So ETag is used to avoid transmitting the response if the client already have it. (Sure you may implement caching on server-side, but this is better to do based on input parameters).
To further improve cache hits on client side you may want to set proper caching headers in you response.
I asked almost the same question for me some month ago. My answer I describe on an example of my realization.
On the server side I have WFC service which receive requests in one of the following forms
GET /Service/RequestedData?param1=data1&param2=data2…
GET /Service/RequestedData/IdOfData?param1=data1&param2=data2…
PUT /Service/RequestedData/IdOfData // with param1=data1&param2=data2… in body
POST /Service/RequestedData/IdOfData // with param1=data1&param2=data2… in body
DELETE /Service/RequestedData/IdOfData
So requests are in REST for, but GET requests have some optional parameters. Especially this part is a port of your interest.
Because WFC support a URL templates, the prototype of functions which reply to a client request looks like
[WebGet (UriTemplate = "RequestedData?param1={myParam1}&param2={myParam2}",
ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
MyResult GetData (string myParam1, int myParam2);
All requests like
GET /Service/RequestedData?param1=&param2=data2
GET /Service/RequestedData?param2=data2&param1=
GET /Service/RequestedData?param2=data2
will be mapped to the same call from the side of my WCF service. So I have one problem less.
Now at the beginning of implementation of every method which response to HTTP GET request I set in the HTTP header "Cache-Control: max-age=0". It means that client always try to verify client browser cache and no ajax requests will be not easy responded from the local cache like it can do Internet Explorer.
Next I calculate always an ETag based on my data. The exact algorithm is a subject of separate discussion, but important is, that in all responses to HTTP GET requests exist ETag in the HTTP header.
So clients every time verify his local cache and send GET request to server. They send the ETag, which come from its local cache, inside of "If-None-Match" HTTP header. Server computes the ETag which has data, which will be sending back to this GET request. It ETag of data is the same as in the client request server send back response with empty body and the code "304 Not Modified" back. In this case browser gives data from the local cache.
If the same client from a unknown reason create a new version of URL request, which will be interpret from the web browser as a new URL, then web browser will not find old server response in the local cache and send one more time the same request to the server. Is it a real problem? The server send the data one more time. If you have a server side caching you can makes a little more optimization. In the most cases, the URL of GET requests will be produced by a client side JavaScript so you will be no time have such situation.
Calculation of ETag and setting of "Cache-Control: max-age=0" and Etag header as well as setting "304 Not Modified" code should do WFC service, but it is very easy.
The most important is that my implementation of ETag calculation is not as expansive as getting the whole data from the database server and calculation MD5 cache from there. I use permanently rowversion data type in every row of data in the SQL Server database. This rowversion is nothing other as a counter of changes in the database. If one change a row of data rowversion value in the corresponding row will be incremented. So if one makes SELECT statement from maximum value of rowversion value, and this value is not changed comparing with the previous requests, one can be sure that the data were not changed in the time period. The algorithm of calculation of ETag should be only sensitive to deleting of data from the table. But it is also a solved problem. A little more about this you can read in Concurrency handling of Sql transactrion.
I don’t want suggest my ETag calculation as a best choice, I want only say, that calculation of ETag can be much cheaper as calculation MD5 from the whole data.
In case of errors Server throws an exception which will be mapped to a HTTP code, which I define in the throw statement. As a body WFC sends a standard JSON object {"description":"My error text"}. A custom error object is also possible (see Is WebProtocolException included in .net 4.0?). On the client side I use jQuery and in the corresponding jQuery.ajax inside of error event handler the error message will be decoded and displayed to the user.
So my recommendation: usage of ETag together with "Cache-Control: max-age=0" for all HTTP GET requests. For all other requests I’ll recommend you implement RESTfull service. For the error implementation you should look at the most native way which is supported by the software used for server and client implementation and use this.
UPDATED: To clear the URL structure I should add following. In my service the main part like GET /Service/RequestedData/IdOfData describes data objects requested. Parameters param1=data1&param2=data2 corresponds mostly the information about sorting, paging and filtering of data. I use active jqGrid plugin for jQuery and if the end-user scroll in the grid to the next page, click on the column header (sorting of data) or if he set a filter with respect of searching feature, all these follows to different optional parameters appended the main URL.
