'CRM on demand' change date to the first of the month in custom field - crm

I have been searching the Oracle developers forum and the rest of Google to no avail for this question.
I have created a custom field in a report that shows the date a new tender was created. I want to change this date to be the first of the month for that date.
I have tried using Trunc(mydate, 'month') to change the date but this throws an error.


In Google Analytics - how do I link directly to today's statistics?

In Google Analytics, I am trying to create a link that navigates directly to today's statistics.
When choosing today's date from the menu, it populates the URL with the date range selected, as follows:
Is it possible to create a dynamic populates today's date? Such as:
In an unsupported way, you could set your dates to something in the future:

How to show original publish post date instead of last edited date in wordpress

I have just updated the post on my blog changed its category and now its showing the current date instead of publishing date. How to display the publish date instead of the revision/update one.
ED website
A password to access is letmein Thank you in advance.
I think you must keep in a database field the initial date, and then you must modify the template in order to display the initial date not the last. But if you go to the Gui that can edited the post and you know the date you can update manual the date for a specific post. In Wp you can put feature or older date to a post.

Amazon MWS API, listing seller's products that is updated after a specific date

I am trying to list the products of a seller (using marketplaceID) that is created or updated after a specific date.
I tried RequestReport with ReportType "_GET_MERCHANT_LISTINGS_DATA_" and setting StartDate to the target date but the data returned contains products that are created (or lastly updated) before that date.
The documentation is not very specific on what 'StartDate' actually does:
Start of a date range used for selecting the data to report.
Type: xs:datetime
Default: Now
If I recall correctly, this date does not relate to a products modification timestamps but to a products existance in the database. As an example, setting StartDate to yesterday should give you a list of products that were in the database within the last 24 hours. This includes products that were recently created and products that were created way before that but still exist.
I don't think it is possible to get a list of products that were modified within a timeframe (again, I'm writing this from my recollection on how this worked when I played with it)

create date formatted custom_meta field in wordpress admin

I have created a custom meta field to be used within a custom post type, that is to be the start time of a series of events. However, I would like to run my query_posts off of this value, but it is not formatted in date/time format, therefore '1:00pm' shows up in the list before '9:00am'. Is it possible to format this value in the db or at least prior to setting the 'meta_key' meta_value in my arguments for my query?
I've come across this problem a few times before. I'm going to use my most recent example because it sounds like it's along the same lines of what you're doing.
I had to create an event calendar using WordPress. In my custom post type, I had two fields: a start time and an end time. Instead of just using "1:00pm" as the start and end times, I also included the dates. This would allow for events that would last an entire weekend like a concert or a race.
What I'm getting at here, is once the user submitted that the event started on January 3, 2012 at 8:00 am and ended on January 3, 2012 at 10:00 am, I saved both of the variables using strtotime(). If you're not familiar with this function, you can read more about it here: http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.strtotime.php.
I also suggest using the datetime picker add-on for jQuery UI http://trentrichardson.com/examples/timepicker/.
I hope this helped. I know I was a little vague at times. If you need me to explain anything in more detail, don't be afraid to ask.

Setting report to current date

I have a report where it shows meetings and their requirements. However i just want the report to show ONLY today's stuff--not the entire week's worth.
I tried setting my group header (i'm grouping by day) to currentdate but yet it still shows me the entire week. I then have to go to the grouping tree and select today's date. Is there any way to run my report and have it ONLY show today's stuff and nothing else???
Any ideas?
Use the select expert to limit the results to today's date. printdate is a special Crystal Formula keyword.
{table.date_field} = printdate
Or, if you're working with a datetime db field you can strip the time with CDate
CDate({table.date_field}) = printdate
One way would be to change your query so that it's only getting one day's worth of data; that is, assuming your data contains a date field. To take it a step further, you could add date parameters to the query itself and leave the group headers as is. That way, you can have one day of data, or data from a specific date range.
If you have no influence (or desire) to change the way data comes into Crystal Reports, you could also add a formula via the Section Expert to suppress the group or detail section unless the date is the current date.
