2sxc - Export this entire App - error - 2sxc

I installed clean:
dnn 9.1.1.
2sxc 9.14.0.
When I try to use : Export this entire App
for any app I get error in dnn admin log,
and nothing happend in UI
DefaultDataProvider:DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke
Message:Could not find a part of the path 'C:\root_www_folder\desktopmodules\tosic_sexycontent\SexyContent\ImportExport\Instructions'.

This folder is missing in fresh install:
Create it manualy and export started to work.


How do I access a Sqlite3 database from an Electron AppImage .mount point?

OS: Linux 5.9.16-1-MANJARO
Electron version: 10.1.5
BetterSqlite version: 7.1.2
I am currently writing an application using Electron and BetterSqlite.
I build the AppImage like this:
npm run build && electron-builder build
This is how I access the database from my code:
db = new Database(
path.join(__dirname, `/${dbName}`).replace("/app.asar", "")
I have added the database file to use using:
"extraResources": [
But when I open the AppImage i get the following error message:
SqliteError: attempt to write a readonly database
The database seems to be inaccessible due to the /tmp/.mountxxx point being readonly.
This behavior does not occur when I open the application in the development folder since it's not a readonly directory.
Is there a way to use the database from the /tmp/.mountxxx directory?
How would I got about accessing the database another way?
Thank you in advance.
I have searched for a way to use the AppImage mount point to read and write but I have not found anything. I will be using the user's home directory to store the database
As the error says when an AppImage is executed the AppDir is mounted as RO filesystem.
To workaround this you need to copy the database file into the user home using an startup script. By example you can copy it to "$HOME/.cache/com.myapp/appdata.db" then use this new copy.

Could’nt install plugins in wordpress

I’m using wordpress.org- “oceanWp theme” and i’ve installed a plugin called “profile builder” then removed and tried to install it again, but I couldn’t.
As soon as I give install it loads and says “Update Failed!”.
ERROR MSG: “Installation failed: Abort class-pclzip.php : Missing zlib extensions”.
I also edited the file wp-admin/includes/class.pclzip.php and Changed all references of gzopen to gzopen64(had 3 references) but didn’t help.
I know I still can install plugins via Cpanel and filezila but I really want to solve this ERROR.
Thanks in advance:)
Host: Infinityfree.net
Wordpress version: Version 5.4.2
Profile builder plugin version: Version: 3.1.9
The page I need help with: https://makeitquick.ml

2sxc | Export App Error

When I export my 2sxc Content App from my site I am seeing the following error:
(function(){var c=0;if("undefined"!==typeof
CustomEvent&&"function"===typeof window.dispatchEvent){var
a&&(a=JSON.stringify(a)),"string"===typeof a)return
function(c){return function(f){var
fetch&&(fetch=function(c){return function(f,d){var
g}}(fetch))}})(); (function(){if("undefined"!==typeof CustomEvent){var
c=function(a){if(a.lpsubmit)return a;var
I'm trying to export from one dnn site to another (I've already successfully exported the pages that these content apps are placed on). I see the following on my new site when using dnn site wizard to export all content and files:
Error: System.Exception: Data is missing - usually when a site is
copied but the content / apps have not been imported yet - check
I believe what you ran into was that you didn't check the "Include all Content-Groups" checkbox:

Ionic2 with Meteor

I have a problem using Meteor in an Ionic2 project.
The project itself should run, as it is a clone of the Meteor-tutorial:
git clone https://github.com/Urigo/Ionic2CLI-Meteor-WhatsApp
When I start the Meteor server I get this
=> Started proxy.
server/publications.ts (24, 10): Property 'publishComposite' does not exist on type 'typeof Meteor'.
server/main.ts (14, 28): Property '_options' does not exist on type 'typeof Accounts'.
server/main.ts (51, 14): Property 'createUserWithPhone' does not exist on type 'typeof Accounts'.
=> Started MongoDB.
=> Started your app.
=> App running at: http://localhost:3000/
Then I start the ionic app with ionic serve and get this in the terminal
Running live reload server: http://localhost:35729
Watching: www/**/*, !www/lib/**/*, !www/**/*.map
√ Running dev server: http://localhost:8100
When I open the App I get this error in the browser's console:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) http://localhost:8100/sockjs/info?cb=_07sz35uj7
As I understand it means that it tries to grab data from meteor but couldn't reach it. When I open the URL in the browser manually and change the port to 3000 I get back a message from meteor.
I found two hints on Google:
1) start the ionic app without livereload
ionic serve --nolivereload
2) to set __meteor_runtime_config__ to the correct URL:PORT
But hint 1 doesn't work and for hint 2 I have no idea where to place it.
While writing this I found out, that in the file node_modules/meteor-client-side/meteor-runtime-config.js the correct port is defined by
__meteor_runtime_config__ = {};
__meteor_runtime_config__.DDP_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_URL = 'http://localhost:3000';
So it looks like hint 2 is also already done.
Why is it still trying to reach the meteor server on wrong port, or is there maybe another problem?
Ok, solved it on my own again.
I had to add those lines of code to the index.html file of my ionic2 project:
__meteor_runtime_config__ = {
DDP_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_URL: 'http://localhost:3000'
No idea, why the config in the node_modules/meteor-client-side/meteor-runtime-config.js file is ignored.
Edit: Looks like there was a bug that is fixed in version 1.3.5

Web setup project fails to install dynamic-data site: "the installer was interrupted"

The last phase of the installer fails with this message:
Installation Incomplete
The installer was interrupted before [project] could be installed. You need to restart the installer to try again.
Running msiexec /i installer.msi /l*vx setup.log shows the following entries in the setup log:
INFO : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: Getting web folder property token...
INFO : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: Token is '/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/ProjectDir/DynamicData/Filters'.
INFO : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: Getting METADATA_HANDLE for the directory '/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/ProjectDir/DynamicData/Filters'.
ERROR : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: FAILED: -2147024893
ERROR : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: FAILED: -2147024893
ERROR : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: Custom Action failed with code: '3'
ERROR : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: Custom Action failed with code: '3'
INFO : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: Custom Action completed with return code: '3'
The same web application had no problems being installed with a web setup project before. The issue started after upgrading the web application from .NET 3.5 SP1 to .NET 4.0.
This blog entry points out the issue:
Which got me started thinking, I have
a subfolder named filters. Changing
nothing else but renaming the filters
subfolder made it finish properly. I'm
assuming you might have the same
problems with folders named apppools,
info, or 1 as well.
(Emphasis mine)
Unfortunately, Filters is a hard-coded folder name in Dynamic Data. If you look at FilterFactory, there doesn't appear to be any way to override that value, seeing as how the FilterFactory property of MetaModel is not marked virtual. If we can't change the folder name, then we have to look at fixing the installer...
The installer error is being raised by the ApplyWebFolderProperties custom action. That action isn't built-in to Windows Installer—it's added by the Web Setup Project. That's helpful, because it means we can remove it with WiRunSQL.vbs:
cscript WiRunSQL.vbs installer.msi "DELETE FROM CustomAction WHERE Action='WEBCA_ApplyWebFolderProperties'"
Note that the actual name of ApplyWebFolderProperties is WEBCA_ApplyWebFolderProperties. Seeing as how the action doesn't appear to be documented anywhere, caveat emptor. It doesn't appear to be too terribly important though.
To automate the workaround, you could add the command to the setup project's PostBuildEvent like so:
cscript.exe "$(ProjectDir)..\WiRunSQL.vbs" "$(BuiltOuputPath)" "DELETE FROM CustomAction WHERE Action='WEBCA_ApplyWebFolderProperties'"
If anyone knows a better way to install a folder named Filters, I'd love to hear it.
