robotframework execute python method against result - robotframework

I am using Robotframework with Jython. I don't have access to requests module therefore I would like to use native urllib2 to test the respose code of a URL.
So, I am doing something like this
*** Settings ***
Library urllib2
*** Test Cases ***
${result}= urlopen http://localhost:80
It seems to work but this returns a filehandle. I would like to read the file handle.
Having another python script is out of the question since this is an embedded system.
So, is there a way to evaluate ${result}


How do I run a python script in my robot code and terminate running my python code whenever I want?

This is my robot code, here takes input from events.json(I modify this using robot code) and generates a text file. only stops running when it satisfies a condition, after running it will create a text file and I want to terminate the program and then read the results of text file.But the problem is if i run the below code the test cases are not executing the robotcode keeps on running.
See this
robot framework
*** Settings ***
Library JSONLibrary
Library OperatingSystem
Library Process
*** Variables ***
*** Test Cases ***
Testcase with correct events and checking final state is DONE
Testing with correct events events-Create Dict/Convert json to string/create file
validating state.txt to check if its ending the state with DONE
*** Keywords ***
Testing with correct events events-Create Dict/Convert json to string/create file
Run Process ${CURDIR}${/}
FOR ${event} IN #{events}
${new_dict}= Create Dictionary event=${event}
${json_str1}= Convert Json To String ${new_dict}
Create File ${CURDIR}${/}events.json ${json_str1}
Terminate All Processes
validating state.txt to check if its ending the state with DONE
${result}= Get File ${CURDIR}${/}state.txt
Should Be Equal ${result} DONE
How do I run python scripts and terminate them manually?

Robot framework SSHLibrary 0 arguments expected two

I am trying to make a testcase in robotframework with SSHLibrary and running into an error trying to connect with the FTP server. The error I get is keyword login.login expects 0 arguments and gets two. I do not really understand why it does expect 0 arguments.
the resource file in which the keyword file exists has the following code:
*** Settings ***
Library SSHLibrary
*** Keywords ***
Set Default Configuration 30s
Open Connection ${HOST}
The test I like to run looks like:
*** Settings ***
Documentation Example of testing an accrual for TLOG
Resource ../Resources/login.robot
*** Variables ***
${HOST} sitenv
${USERNAME} crmapplication
${PASSWORD} Company11*
*** Test Cases ***
Any idea what is going wrong? I am especially surprised I cannot get it to work because I used the open connection and login keywords from SSHLibrary before when I was trying out a few things and it worked fine.
As you said login.login That tells me you have probably another library that has keyword login. In this case you have to specify that you want to use SSH library.
You can do this with
Here you can have a look how to import library with custom name and use keywords

Unable to run shell script from test case

I'm trying to invoke a shell scrip from within a .robot test case.
The .sh file is in the same folder as the .robot file
*** Settings ***
Library Process
*** Test cases ***
Run the shell script
Start Process ./ shell=yes
I'm getting the error:
Setting variable 'Start Process ./' failed: Invalid variable name 'Start Process ./'.
Running on Ubuntu
Researched documentation for Robot framework but could not find a solution. Maybe digging in the wrong spot.
I'm not sure how you are trying to set the path of the shell script in the robot file. The error message seems to convey that something is wrong with the way you're initialising the variable to hold the path.
The following code should work:
*** Settings ***
Library Process
*** Variables ***
${pathToScript} ./
*** Test cases ***
Run shell script
${output} Run process ${pathToScript} shell=yes
The return code and the output displayed in the terminal are stored in the ${output} variable. You can access the details as ${output.rc} and ${output.stdout} respectively.
You can find more details about the result object here.
According error details the keyword is not recognized, I think, you need add extra spaces after keyword name:
Start Process ./ shell=yes

Run the robotframework remote library keyword with TypeError: run_keyword() takes exactly 4 arguments (3 given)

Run the robotframework remote library keyword with TypeError code
from robotremoteserver import RobotRemoteServer
from WiseLibrary import WiseLibrary
test.robot code
*** Settings ***
Library Remote
Suite Teardown Delete Wise Sessions
*** Test Cases ***
${name} Generate App Name 5
${resp} Create Application name=${name}
Verify Code And Data ${resp} 201 name=${name}
[Teardown] Delete Application Teardown ${name}
It looks like Connection got established to the library because I can see the reflection of keywords in RIDE
python -m robot.libdoc Remote:: list
Create Application
Delete Application Teardown
Delete Wise Sessions
Verify Code And Data
Generate App Name
But while executing any keyword I am getting following error:
FAIL : TypeError: run_keyword() takes exactly 4 arguments (3 given)

File has no test case table in Robot FrameWork

I've encountered a problem relating to Robot Framework test cases. After executing it, the console (cmd screen) displays error:
"[ ERROR ] Parsing 'Login_admin_page.txt' failed: File has no test case table."
Please take a look my test suite as well as test case and help me figure out the issue:
A. Structure of Test cases:
--Login_admin_page.txt (--> main test case)
--resource.txt (--> resource file)
B. Content of test cases file:
Documentation A resource file with reusable keywords and variables.
... This test is functionally identical to the example in
... valid_login.txt file
Resource resource.txt
Test Teardown Close Browser
***Test Cases***
Open Login page
Open Browser To Login Page
*** Settings ***
Documentation A resource file with reusable keywords and variables.
... The system specific keywords created here form our own
... domain specific language. They utilize keywords provided
... by the imported Selenium2Library.
Library Selenium2Library
*** Variables ***
${BROWSER} Firefox
${DELAY} 0
${VALID USER} admin
*** Keywords ***
Open Browser To Login Page
Open Browser ${SERVER} ${BROWSER}
Maximize Browser Window
Set Selenium Speed ${DELAY}
Login Page Should Be Open
Login Page Should Be Open
Title Should Be Google
Use cmd and access to folder "TS_test", execute "pybot Login_admin_page.txt". The screen displays error.
The error File has no test case table can only occur in one circumstance: you do not have a testcase table. If you have a test case table but have no test cases, you'll get a different error.
A testcase table is denoted by a line that begins with one or more asterisks and then the phrase "Test Case" or "Test Cases". Case doesn't matter, and trailing asterisks are ignored. A fairly common pattern seems to be to use multiple asterisks on both ends of the line, eg: *** Test Cases ***
If you try to give a file without such a heading to robot, you will get the error you report. For example, trying to run robot on a completely empty file will give that exact error. Also, if you misspell "Test Case", you'll get the same error.
Given that, I'm wondering if your error is simply that you forgot to save the file before trying to run it.
Please set proper line endings.
In my case I've changed from Mac (CR) to UNIX (LF)
How about encoding of your test case files? I saved unicode encoded test file and I use to have the same error. Save your test case files in UTF-8 and It will fix your problem.
I have encountered similar file - parsing errors using Robot Framework in the past, mostly when trying to use Microsoft Word to author html files (not recommended!). I have always found that following the advice given in the Robot Framework user Guide about Debugging eventually helps me track the problem down.
In this case, I would recommend you try switching on Robot Framework's syslog output and looking through to see what it has managed to parse, if anything, from your test case file. I recently used this to figure out a nasty UTF-8 character encoding problem introduced into a html test case file by Microsoft Word (again, not recommended unless you really have to!).
(From the User Guide):
export ROBOT_SYSLOG_FILE=/tmp/syslog.txt
pybot --name Syslog_example path/to/tests
I had the same problem happen to me, and in my case it was simply a missing new line after * Test Cases * and the start of the actual test table.
This happened when you copy past the content of the test case file. In my case I have copied test case content and paste in nano editor
It got pasted something like below without proper spacing
*** Settings *** Library Selenium2Library *** Variables *** ${BROWSER} firefox *** Testcases *** Hello Open Browser browser=${BROWSER}
Then I have intend and aligned properly like below and its works
*** Settings ***
Library Selenium2Library
*** Variables ***
${BROWSER} firefox
*** Testcases ***
Open Browser browser=${BROWSER}
