WordPress Facebook comments error "Can't download" - wordpress

I want Facebook comments on my images on WordPress. I'm using the Social Gallery Lite plugin for WordPress. It shows a comment lightbox for each image.
I have two problems:
The comments are not appearing in my moderation tool / I'm not getting notifications of new comments
Every time I add a new comment, I get an errormessage saying "Can't download", nothing more. When I refresh, the comment is added. When I add another comment on the same image, I don't get any errors. When I add another comment on another image, I get the error again.
This is what I did:
installed and acitvated the plugin
created a new app on facebook
copy pasted the APP ID in my plugin
made sure that I am the admin of the app
published the app (not even sure if this was necessary)
Am I missing a step?

Not really a coding related question here. So possibly on the wrong forum, best asked on the Wordpress community.
However, will attempt an answer here, it would seem that on the plugin itself does not need a facebook app to be created screenshot for app ID, it has a native app to do that. What you need to do is to provide your admin ID to the plugin to access your comments screenshot for admin access.


Remove element from Wordpress plugin

I am currently using a social media login plugin for my website that allows users to login via their social media account.
Currently the flow of the plugin works in a way such that after ANY user authenticate themselves through Facebook, they will be brought back to my site with 2 options, link their Facebook account with their site's account, or to register an account.
How can I edit my code such that I am able to remove the "registration account" part without editing the plugin code directly as this might affect future updates of the plugin itself. One way that I know will definitely work is to comment that section away in the plugins itself but I do not wish to touch the plugin code.
After researching, a possible way that I think might work is to apply a filter that removes the element but I am not sure if that is the correct workaround for this situation.
Can anyone shed some light on this matter?
Thank you!
I don't see a way to filter executed php code on your Wordpress website.
I got two ways of dealing with this:
1: Disallow people to register an account on your site. The registration link will probably not be displayed anymore.
2: Or comment out the code within the plugin. Remember where you edited the lines. Whenever the plugin gets an update, comment out those lines again. Or contact the owner of the plugin to issue a feature request.

API does not get called in WordPress

I am using WordPress to build my website and I'm using PayPal API for payment through a plugin called Paid Membership Pro (http://www.paidmembershipspro.com/homepage/).
The problem occurs when I fill the form, add credit card number and click on submit to do the payment.
A new blank (white) page comes up with nothing inside of it. Since there is no coding involved I was not able to do any bug fixing. Also could not find any similar issue on stackoverflow.
Could you please share your experience if you have had the same issue or if you have any suggestion?
If you're getting a blank white page that means a PHP error is happening but you don't have error display enabled on your server.
Open your wp-config.php and set WP_DEBUG to true. If it's not in there just add it.
Then when you go through that process you should see actual errors displayed on the screen so you can see what's wrong and get it fixed.

Facebook for WordPress plugin unable to submit Opengraph Action

I try to follow the Instructions here but I also consulted this. I was able to install the plugin, create my Facebook app, get the namespace, icon etc. even a test post worked, but when I click "submit", I get a dialog box that says this:
Built-in Action Types require that you provide instructions for using your app's Open Graph integration as your Open Graph Test User in a functioning test environment. Failure to provide a functioning test environment will result in rejection of your Action Type.
I've tried typing in the box, but when I click continue I just get this box again. I wanted to setup auto syncing and ditch Networked Blogs, but maybe I should have stayed with a working solution, given this has gone far from smoothly. How do I get the publish article action submitted and approved?
I actually got the Facebook for WordPress plugin to work, but I didn't find it actually made my blog better. It seemed to run slow, unexpectedly stopped working at times, and did not result in increased traffic. If you want to share your posts to Facebook and you can stand clicking the button yourself after you hit publish, I recommend the Professional Share plugin. If you want related posts, I recommend the Yet Another Related Post Plugin.
The Facebook for WordPress plugin and JetPack are just too big, they have too much cruft, they are not worth running in my opinion and I've been using WordPress since 2005. Just because a big corporation makes an official plugin, doesn't mean it is the best.

Timeline plugin issue in Wordpress

I tried to use the timeline plugin and post to my timeline using this tutorial. and everything worked as a charm. The problem occurred when I tried to implement the same to my WordPress blog. The timeline plugin doesn't refresh after I authorized the app to add actions to my timeline and sometimes after the refresh, I see the Facebook logo (error page) instead of the plugin. Updating the timeline also doesn't work because of "an active access token must be used to query information about the current user" error.
I tried to use the very same app, so I assume that there is something wrong going on with WordPress. Any idea what it could be?
Resolved. A plugin had a reference to the old all.js

Wordpress comments are always closed in new posts?

I'm running a wordpress multi-author blog and comments are always closed when a new post is published. I would want the default to be that comments are always open automatically.
I think I have the right settings in 'Discussion' settings as you can see:
I can't post images coz I'm new here so let me describe the settings:
[unselected] Attempt to notify any blogs.. [selected] Allow
link notifications from other blogs... [selected] Allow people to
post comments on new articles [unselected] comment author must
fillout name and email [selected] Users must be registered and
logged in to comment
Any tips or code alterations in wordpress you could recommend? As you can imagine, It's annoying to have to manually switch on comments for all new posts everyday.
unselect User must be registered and logged in to comment.
thats what is causing the problem.
There might be a problem with the Wordpress cookies. Have you tried refreshing your cookie secrets? Visit http://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/ and then paste the result into your wp-config.php file, in place of the old secrets. Warning: everyone will have to log in again.
You might also try updating Wordpress to the latest version, using a fresh config file. It sounds like a piece of your configuration got broken; a fresh install usually fixes it.
