Wordpress comments are always closed in new posts? - wordpress

I'm running a wordpress multi-author blog and comments are always closed when a new post is published. I would want the default to be that comments are always open automatically.
I think I have the right settings in 'Discussion' settings as you can see:
I can't post images coz I'm new here so let me describe the settings:
[unselected] Attempt to notify any blogs.. [selected] Allow
link notifications from other blogs... [selected] Allow people to
post comments on new articles [unselected] comment author must
fillout name and email [selected] Users must be registered and
logged in to comment
Any tips or code alterations in wordpress you could recommend? As you can imagine, It's annoying to have to manually switch on comments for all new posts everyday.

unselect User must be registered and logged in to comment.
thats what is causing the problem.

There might be a problem with the Wordpress cookies. Have you tried refreshing your cookie secrets? Visit http://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/ and then paste the result into your wp-config.php file, in place of the old secrets. Warning: everyone will have to log in again.
You might also try updating Wordpress to the latest version, using a fresh config file. It sounds like a piece of your configuration got broken; a fresh install usually fixes it.


Can't access the Wordpress dashboard when logged in

I migrated the company's website on a new hosting server. Since then, I cannot access my Wordpress dashboard when I'm logged in.
When connected, I see my website and the classic Wordpress top bar. But when I click on the button with the name of my website (usually that sends me to the dashboard) it just sends me back to the home page.
I add that the top bar isn't really like the classic top bar since it doesn't contain any option.
Here's a screenshot.
The top of my website when logged with the top bar of the admin wordpress
Clicking "Bonjour Signature_Beta" doesn't do anything. I can only log out.
Going to the /wp-admin page gives me an error saying "Sorry, you do not have authorization to reach this page". Except, I'm supposed to have authorization since my profile has a wp_content value of a:1:{s:13:"administrator";b:1;} and wp_user_level of 10.
I have tried multiple things I found online that didn't come to fruition sadly :
Renaming plugin's folder (nothing changes except page breaking because they're made with Elementor)
Renaming theme's and child theme's folder (page goes blank, top bar still there though)
Replaced .htaccess file (nothing)
Checking my account didn't lose admin privilege through phpmyadmin (it didn't, it's at level 10 + it has the weird administrator code
Added a new admin account through function.php (can log in with it, still can't access dashboard)
Increased memory limit
Repair database tables
Kind of desperate and frustrated about it.
Thank you in advance for the help :)
Ok with a fresh pair of eyes, I found out what was the problem. Tables prefix! I followed what was described here : After moving Wordpress, login works, but no admin access anymore
For the record, I never found it when googling or searching my answer here before posting. When posting my question I review the post stackoverflow suggested and it wasn't there either. But now it's suggested next to my post, so... great!

Remove custom email rule from wordpress site

Help a developer i hired not only he didn't finish the job, but also he left a rule that sends him a copy for everyone who sings up on my site i've been trying to remove the rule from the plugins to no avail I am new to programming, below ill place some images hopefully one can indicate me where such rule could be, i want to mention i am using fluent form and that also he had ftp access only to that specific directory as i didn't fully trusted him.
also, there are not custom snippets in the snippets section
also he never had access to cpanel, and the email is sent only from that specific form i belive as it was the only form at the time enter image description here
I can confirm that removing the plugins and removing cache and re-installing the plugins doesn't work but I can officially confirm that the issue only happens when this line is added into fluent form, methods=stripe&fname={inputs.names.first_name}&lname={inputs.names.last_name}&email={inputs.email}&cname={inputs.input_text_1}&acname={inputs.input_text_2}&phone={inputs.numeric-field}&admin_url={submission.id}
Even if only this: methods=stripe is added, still send the email to him that instructions tells the plugin where to find that email address
i tried typing the email address in php my admin and file manager in cpanel but nothing i find only logs at most of the emails sent
Since you are using Fluent forms then you should check the notification rules of that specific form.
Click on Settings of the form you want
Go to Settings & Integration(Top bar) > Email Notifications (Sidebar)
There you will see all notification rules for that form, his email is probably there, remove it.
More info here.
SOLVED: The rule came from within the theme file editor, wasn't the plugins.
the developer added his email for notification testing and never removed it.

Lost access to wp-admin and some of user meta-data

We are running into the same problem for the third time already. Suddenly all the users, including admins, lose their access to wp-admin, plus some custom user fields get erased.
When I look into the database, it looks like user roles are not changed (admin is still admin). So why I can't access the backend is not clear.
Every time we recover from the backup, but it becomes a regular problem.
I can't figure out if it's a WordPress, a plugin, a hosting issue or we get hacked every time it happens. The problem is that the logs on the hosting stopped being recorded on the 4th of October (we'll be changing hosting as it's the second time I see the logs not recorded).
For the guest users the site is working fine.
My question is: where to look for the source of the problem?
Thank you in advance.
Regularly update your wordpress and plugins. I read somewhere wordpress contaminates sites if not updated regularly. So whenever you see an update for a plugin or core files do not forget to hit that.
A friend asked me to help him with a similar problem ... somehow a part of the usermeta table was lost yesterday and today. This is a list of the plugins that he's using ... maybe there's a match somewhere:
Akismet anti-spam
Cherry Data Importer
Cherry Data Importer
Cherry PopUps
Cherry Search
Cherry Sidebars
Cherry Socialize
Cookie Notice
Duplicate Page
Editor clasic
Contact Form 7
Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights
Mashshare Share Buttons
Mobile Menu
Post Types Order
Post Views Counter
Q2W3 Post Order
SSL Insecure Content Fixer
WordPress Social Login
Yoast SEO
Thankfully we have a backup and were able to restore the usermeta data, but since it happened twice by now, the problem persists :(
WP and all plugins are updated.

Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page

I realize there is other threads on this topic but there solutions and problems are different from mine.
Im able to login to wp-admin correctly
All seems normal but the abilty to (add plugin) or theme or anything has been wiped.
you can look at plugins but there is no way to add a new one.
Same goes for widgets, and themes.
You cant access things like update core.
you just get a default message
Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.
Iv checked the mysql database and all seems fine.
With the user_meta and users
Iv deleted all plugins
Iv deleted all themes.
There is no issue with Wp memory
its basically just a default install of wordpress at this point.
Im not sure what could be causing this.
Any suggestions?

WordPress Facebook comments error "Can't download"

I want Facebook comments on my images on WordPress. I'm using the Social Gallery Lite plugin for WordPress. It shows a comment lightbox for each image.
I have two problems:
The comments are not appearing in my moderation tool / I'm not getting notifications of new comments
Every time I add a new comment, I get an errormessage saying "Can't download", nothing more. When I refresh, the comment is added. When I add another comment on the same image, I don't get any errors. When I add another comment on another image, I get the error again.
This is what I did:
installed and acitvated the plugin
created a new app on facebook
copy pasted the APP ID in my plugin
made sure that I am the admin of the app
published the app (not even sure if this was necessary)
Am I missing a step?
Not really a coding related question here. So possibly on the wrong forum, best asked on the Wordpress community.
However, will attempt an answer here, it would seem that on the plugin itself does not need a facebook app to be created screenshot for app ID, it has a native app to do that. What you need to do is to provide your admin ID to the plugin to access your comments screenshot for admin access.
