Can a prepared statement use multiple values [duplicate] - r

This question already has answers here:
PreparedStatement IN clause alternatives?
(33 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Consider an SQL statement like
Select * from items where id in (123,456,789)
Can I use a prepared statement like
Select * from items where id in ?
and then supply the parameter as a set or list? Maybe I'd need parentheses around the "?".
I'm planning to use this in R, but I guess it's a general query for JDBC.

Two partial work-arounds:
Create a function that changes in (?) to in (?,?,?), depending on the length of the supplied list of values, then break that array into individual values for binding.
Pros: one query; binding is straight-forward
Cons: not feasible with large lists; have to wrap your queries in query-manglers, not fool-proof
Upload values to a temp table and change your query to
select * from items where id in (select val from temptable)
Pros: deal with arbitrary number of values; no need to trick SQL; binding is just as one would do for a multi-row insert
Cons: multiple calls; requires temp table and clean-up; might be problematic integrating with more complex queries (??)


SQlite3 multi-column UNIQUE INDEX not having expected effect [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to set unique constraint over multiple columns when any one can be null?
(3 answers)
Closed 4 months ago.
I have a unique constraint on one of my tables:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `role_contextid_targetid_ownerid_type_endedat_unique` on `role` (`contextId`, `targetId`, `ownerId`, `type`, `endedAt`)
You can see it is part of the db definition here:
But for some reason it is still allowing multiple entries which share all of their contextId, targetId, ownerId, type, endedAt values. Notice the last three items below:
Am I misunderstanding what a multi-column unique index is supposed to do? In not, why did SQLite allow me to add items that break these rules?
Here's what docs are saying
For the purposes of unique indices, all NULL values are considered different from all other NULL values and are thus unique.
So, it considers NULLS as different values which makes all the problem lines unique from the DB's point of view

Passing multiple values as parameter to teradata view [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Teradata variable with list of values
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
We are trying to pass values from report to teradata view as parameter. How do we pass multiple values to teradata view ?
AND (v_fact_xyz in (?) or 'ALL' in (?))
is the line of code written currently
where ? can be single value('Abd, EFG(ORM)') or multiple values like these
The report is working fine with single parameter passed but throws error while passing multiple values
.net data provider for teradata 110083 error.
A Null has been specified as the value for a parameter
If I understand correctly, your question is how to pass multiple values to your IN clause, something like this:
WHERE v_fact_xyz IN ('Abd','EFG(ORM)','AnotherValue')
If that's the case, one way to do it is using a "split" UDF (user-defined function) to convert your parameter string into a format that the IN clause supports. The IN clause can take record-sets or a single value, but not a comma-separated list.
This page may give you some ideas:
Also check to see if Teradata offers any built-in "split" or "delimited" UDFs which you can use to do this.

filter QSqlRelationalTableModel with setFilter function to show only items that contains a specific tag/tags

I have an SQLITE Database with the following tables
I'm using QSqlRelationalTableModel class to for the items table.
this class have this function QSqlTableModel::setFilter(const QString &filter);
The filter is a SQL WHERE clause without the keyword WHERE
for example: setFilter("item_name=arg");
what I want to do is to use the setFilter function to select only items with a specific tag/tags.
since I can only use the setFilter(QString &Filter) function which is basically a WHERE clause
I found this solution which I think is a bad one
I'll use this filter
FilterString="item_id=arg1 or item_id=arg2 or item_id=argX or......"
the IDs will be obtained from this query
Query.prepare("select item_id from items_tags where tag_id=?");
the FilterString will be generated and incremented by a (do while loop) using function that will loop over the resulted Query IDs
and use like 2 if statements to determine when to add the or clause to the FilterString
this solution will definitely work but I think it's stupid because if there are many tagged items(say 5000) the Query string will contain 4999 or clause and another 5000 "id=x" so the Query will be more than 10000 characters long.
QString object can contain a lot more characters but is this Query will have a big impact on performance ?
what are the other alternatives, Even if it requires to switch to another DB like ORACLE or Mysql since SQLITE doesn't have many internal features

UNION of tables using bigquery LegacySQL

I'm trying without luck to do a query to retrieve the union two tables of events using legacySQL, as standardSQL is not yet supported on data studio.
In standardSQL that would be something like:
However, in legacySQL I get an error when trying to refer app_events_*. How do I include all the tables of my events, so I can filter it afterwards on data studio if I can't use the wildcard?
I've tried something like:
select * from (TABLE_QUERY(com_myapp_ANDROID, 'table_id CONTAINS "app_events_"'))
But not sure if this is the right approach, I get:
Cannot output multiple independently repeated fields at the same time.
Found user_dim_user_properties_value_index and event_dim_date
Edit: in the end this is the result of the query, as you can't use directly FLATTEN with TABLE_QUERY:
FLATTEN((SELECT * FROM TABLE_QUERY(com_myapp_ANDROID, 'table_id CONTAINS "app_events"')),user_dim.user_properties),
FLATTEN((SELECT * FROM TABLE_QUERY(com_myapp_IOS, 'table_id CONTAINS "app_events"')),user_dim.user_properties)
Table wildcards don't work in legacy SQL as you have guessed so you have to use the TABLE_QUERY() function.
Your approach is right but the first parameter in the TABLE_QUERY function should be the dataset name not the first part of the table name. Assuming your dataset name is app_events that would look like this:
TABLE_QUERY(app_events,'table_id CONTAINS "app_events"')
In legacySQL the union table operator is comma
select * from [table1],[table2]
For TABLE_QUERY you would include the dataset name as first param, and the expression for the second
select * from (TABLE_QUERY([dataset], 'table_id CONTAINS "event"'))
to read more how to debug TABLE_QUERY read this linked answer
The Web UI automatically flattens you the results, but when there are independent repeated fields you need to flatten with the FLATTEN wrapper.
It takes two params, table, and repeated field eg: FLATTEN(table, tags)
Also if TABLE_QUERY is involved you need to subselect probably like
FLATTEN((SELECT * FROM TABLE_QUERY(com_myapp_ANDROID, 'table_id CONTAINS "app_events"')),user_dim.user_properties)
That particular issue you are experiencing is not UNION related - you will see same error message even with just one table if the table has multiple independently repeated fields and you are trying to output them at once. This scenario is specific to Legacy SQL and can be resolved with use of FLATTEN clause
At the same time, most likely you don't actually mean to use SELECT * which cause those repeated fields to be in output all at the same time. If you can narrow down your output list - you have slight chance to address it - but if still few independently repeated fields are in output - you can use FLATTEN technique

Multiple inserts using 'User Defined Table Type' ( sql-server)

In my ASP.NET web app I have a DataTable filled with data to insert into tblChildren.
The DataTable is passed to a stored procedure.
In the SP I need to read each row (e.i Loop through the DataTable), change a couple of columns in it (with accordance to the relevant data in tblParents) and only then insert the row into tblChildren.
SqlBulkCopy wouldn't do and I don't think TVP will do either (not sure... not too familiar with it yet).
Of course I can iterate through the DataTable rows in the app and send each one separately to the SP, but that would mean hundreds of round trips to the SqlServer.
I came across two possibilities that might achieve that : (1) Temp table
(2) Cursor.
The first is quite messy and the second, as I understand it, is NOT recommended)
Any guidance would be much appreciated.
I tried the approach of user-defined Table Type.
That works because I populate the Table Type (TT_Children) with values in the TT_Child_Family_Id column.
In real life, though, I will not know these values and I would need to loop thru #my_TT_Children and for each row get the value from tblFamilies, something like this :
SELECT Family_Id FROM tblFamilies WHERE Family_Name = TT_Child_Last_Name
(assuming there is always an equivalent for TT_Child_Last_Name in tblFamilies.Family_Name)
So my question is - how to loop through the table-type and for each row look up a value in a different table?
EDIT 2 (the solution) :
As in Amir's perfect answer, the stored procedure should look like this :
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_Z_Insert_Children]
#my_TT_Children TT_Children READONLY
INSERT INTO tblChildren(Child_FirstName,
SELECT Cld.tt_child_FirstName,
Fml.Family_Id FROM #my_TT_Children Cld
INNER JOIN tblFamilies fml
ON Cld.TT_Child_LastName = Fml.Family_Name
Notes by Amir : column Family_Name in tblFamily must be unique and preferably indexed.
(Also I noticed that in case TT_Child_LastName does not have a match in tblFamilies, the row will not be inserted and I'll never know about it. That means that I have to check somehow if all rows were successfully processed).
You can join tblFamilies into the insert in the procedure and take the value from there. Much more efficient than looping through.
Or create a cursor and do one child at a time.
1) Make sure there is only one occurance of FamilyName in tblFamilies.
2) Make sure that if tblFamilies is a large table, then the FamilyName column is indexed.
INSERT INTO tblChildren(Child_FirstName, Child_LastName, Child_Family_ID)
SELECT Cld.tt_child_FirstName,
FROM #my_TT_Children Cld
INNER JOIN tblFamilies fml on Cld.TT_Child_LastName = Fml.FamilyName
But be aware that if tblFamilies has more than one entry per Family_Name, then this will duplicate the data. In this case you will need to add more restrictions in the where.
