RavenDb patch api in embedded version of the server - integration-testing

Is there any difference in patch api in embedded and standard version of the server?
Is there a need to configure document store in some way to enable patch api?
I'm writing a test which use embedded raven. The code works correctly on the standard version but in test it doesn't. I'm constantly receiving patch result: DocumentDoesNotExists. I`ve checked with debugger and the document exists in the store - so it is not a problem with test.
Here you can find a repro of my issue: https://gist.github.com/pblachut/c2e0e227fa3beb51f4f9403505c292bb

I`ve reached the contact in the ravendb support and I have answer for my question.
There should be no difference between embedded and normal version of the server. The problem was that I did not passed explicitly for which database I want to invoke batch command. In the result I tried to patch document in system database.
var result = await documentStore.AsyncDatabaseCommands.ForDatabase("testDb).BatchAsync(new[] {command});
I assumed that database name will be taken from the session (beacuse I get documentStore from there). But the name of database should be always passed.
var documentStore = session.Advanced.DocumentStore;


Get a bulk pipeline runs providing run ids as a list from .NET

I have an endpoint which tells me the status of a given adf pipeline from .NET. For that purpose I use the .NET sdk for ADF, specifically I run PipelineRun pipelineRun = client.PipelineRuns.Get(resourceGroup, dataFactoryName, runId); and then I retrieve the status from pipelineRun.Status. The only thing I get from an user here is runId. However, I have a scenario where I need to send a list of runIds. From what I've seen, reading the official documentation, I noticed that most of their apis work with runId of type str which means it works only per runId? Has any of you ever stumbled upon a scenario like this and how did you manage to get status of multiple runIds? Did you use an already built function from the SDK or you just for-looped the PipelineRun pipelineRun = client.PipelineRuns.Get(resourceGroup, dataFactoryName, runId); for listSize times?

How to knit dynamic reports with Google Analytics (rga)

I'm using rga to get some data from Google Analytics. From the repo:
The principle of this package is to create an instance of the API Authentication, which is a S4/5-class (utilizing the setRefClass). This instance then contains all the functions needed to extract data, and all the data needed for the authentication and reauthentication. The class is in essence self sustaining.
The package creates and saves a local instance using:
rga.open(instance="ga", where="~/ga.rga")
When I try to knit, however, I get an error that the ga object (what would be the instance) is not found. The code works when I run the chunks in RStudio, however—I believe the error is related to this aspect:
[The command above] will check if the instance is already created, and if it is, it'll prepare the token. If the instance is not created [...] it will redirect the client to a browser for authentication with Google.
My guess is that knitr can't perform that last step and so, the object is never created.
How can I make this work? I'm thinking that there might be a way to load the local ga.rga file to bypass browser authentication.
You can bypass browser authentication by passing the client id and client secret key that you can get it from Google API console. Saving a local auth file in the dev env is always risky. You can try this code, this uses Google API and also saves the local instance -
rga.open(instance = "ga",
client.id = "<contains apps.googleusercontent.com>",
client.secret =<your secret key>, where ="~/ga.rga" )
Also ensure that desktop option setting is enabled in Google API console

MarkLogic I don't know how to get all the result

Hello I am trying to read a module with this code:
(: Entry point - must be a read-only query. :)
(xs:QName('var1'), 'test',
xs:QName('var2'), "response"))
I am new in MarkLogic, I am using groovy and the api to connect to it, but also I saw I can invoke the module with this and indeed I did but it returns me
your query returned an empty sequence
I want to know if I can query xs:QName('var1'), 'test', changing test with a wildcard or how can I get all the information from the file called /path/mydocument.xqy?
I tried to use this:
but it says the file is not found. Although, if I use invoke I can query it, but I don't know what are the values I have to pass. I was wondering if there is something like sql using %% or something to give me all the data.
To answer the first question: "I am trying to read a module "
IF the module is in the database, then you must query the Modules database in which the module resides.
If the module is in the filesystem then you cannot directly access its source as a document but you can by executing xdmp:filesystem-file()
With the Default configuration of the server and REST client, user placed modules are in the "Modules" database and user placed documents are in the "Documents" database. This means, if you do a GET (read a "Document") with no additional parameters, it will return documents from the "Documents" database. Assuming you are using the default configuration for client and server, this would result in the behavior you are seeing. E.g. your Module code is in the Modules database, doing a GET for it by name will search the Documents database and correctly not find it.
You don't mention, and I don't know, the groovy library being used, but the REST API itself and all implementations of general purpose ML REST client libraries I am familiar with have options for overriding the default database with another. If the groovy library supports that, then specify the "Modules" database for your query and it should return the module document. Note: content-type will be application/text not text/xml.
You can simplify things for testing by bypassing the libraries and simply use a browser and try a URL like this http://yourserver.com:8000/v1/documents?uri=/your/module.xqy&database=Modules
Ref: https://docs.marklogic.com/REST/GET/v1/documents
Making the appropriate changes to the path and server for your use.
If you are still confused, then you should start with the basic MarkLogic tutorials and work through them one by one. You will most likely succeed faster by doing this then jumping straight into coding you don't understand yet.
Note: The default behaviour is to EXECUTE documents when doing a GET call, using the Modules database. Thus doing a GET of http://yourserver:8000/your/module.xqy will EXECUTE it not return its source.
You will notice the REST API has a uri query parameter. This is EXECUTING the REST API code on /v1/documents which in turn will read the document specified by the uri and database parameters and return it.
I guess I can use:
xs:QName("letter"),"*", "wildcarded"),
xs:QName("collection"),"*", "wildcarded"))))
although it doesn't return anything

Where to Get Encryption Key for Realm App in Swift

I have a Swift app that uses the Realm Object Server running remotely on a Linux server. Everything is working, including real-time sync.
Occasionally I want to inspect the contents of a local Realm file used by the iOS Simulator so I can do some debugging. When I browse here:
~/.../CoreSimulator/.../Documents/realm-object-server/<unique id>/
...and I try to open this file: realm%3A%2F%2F104%2E236%2E129%2E235%3A9080%2F%7E%2Fmyapp.realm
I get prompted with: Please enter a valid encryption key for this Realm file.
Where do I get this encryption key? I tried using the admin token from the server, but that doesn't appear to be working.
Also, can I turn off encryption everywhere? Or is it mandatory for any app using the Realm Object Server?
It is not possible to open the local version of a synced Realm file using the Browser (or anything else, for that matter). This is due to differing history types internally (but I won't go into that now). In order to inspect the contents of the Realm file, you have to open it using the previously defined syncURL. The browser will then download the file and show you the contents.
A few links on this topic:
You may use old version of Realm Browser, please update it and check the result again.
Use Realm Studio instead which worked for me.
Here can download the file
byte[] key = new byte[64];
new SecureRandom().nextBytes(key);
String encryptionKey = byteArrayToHexString(key);
//encryptionKey is what you want byteArrayToHexString see
Log.d("test", "encryptionKey:"+encryptionKey);
byteArrayToHexString() method you can see:How to convert a byte array to a hex string in Java?

OData error: "A value without a type name was found and no expected type is available." when calling Azure Active Directory Graph API

Let's see if you experts have a clue of what's going on here.
We have a web application running on Azure Web Sites. This WebApp uses OWIN + OpenID Connect to authenticate users against an Azure Active Directory tenant. Also the application uses the Azure AD Graph API to collect some data of the directory.
We based our code on this sample project provided in GitHub: https://github.com/AzureADSamples/WebApp-GraphAPI-DotNet
The WebApp was working perfectly some hours ago (authenticating to the AD and fetching data from the directory), but then the weirdest thing happened to us. Today we found that we could still authenticate against the AD but the Graph API was throwing errors almost randomly.
We traced the error down to a specific request, when trying to get a specific user by ObjectId in a synchronous way:
Claim claimObject = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst(Helper.Constants.ADTenant.ObjectIdClaimType);
string userObjectID = claimObject == null ? string.Empty : claimObject.Value;
ActiveDirectoryClient client = AuthenticationHelper.GetActiveDirectoryClient();
List<IUser> users = client.Users.Where(u => u.ObjectId == userObjectID).ExecuteAsync()
The thing is the last line throws an exception regarding the OData model:
"A value without a type name was found and no expected type is available. When the model is specified, each value in the payload must have a type which can be either specified in the payload, explicitly by the caller or implicitly inferred from the parent value."
We started slicing the last line of code into pieces as follows:
IReadOnlyQueryableSet<IUser> queryUsers = client.Users.Where(u => u.ObjectId == userObjectID);
IPagedCollection<IUser> pagedUserCollection = queryUsers.ExecuteAsync().Result;
List<IUser> users = pagedUserCollection.CurrentPage.ToList();
And found the exception was throwing in this line:
IPagedCollection<IUser> pagedUserCollection = queryUsers.ExecuteAsync().Result;
Weirdest thing is that this line was executing fine yesterday and today started failing without explanation.
Does anyone know what are we doing wrong? Why did it start failing today?
We are using api-version=2013-11-8. We kept the Azure AD Graph API Client Library on version 1.0, as in the sample on GitHub.
First of all - many apologies for introducing this problem. The underlying problem is that an entity (User entity in this case) was updated on the service side, with a new collection (AlternativeSignInNamesInfo). Typically adding new entities, properties, collections and complex types should not cause a breaking change for the client library. However due to an issue in ODatalib, unknown collections are not simply ignored.
I totally agree with the sentiment on this, and we absolutely do NOT want to have apps that take a dependency on the Graph Client Library be subject to ANY outages. We are working with the ODatalib team to get this issue rectified, so that this is no longer a problem with our Graph client library moving forward.
In the meantime we are in the process of rolling back our Graph service, so that 2.0.5 should start to work again. Version 2.0.6 should also work - as long as you don't try and post to the new collection on the User object (AlternativeSignInNamesInfo).
UPDATE: The Graph service has been rolled back. I’ve also verified that getting a user through Graph Client Library 2.0.5 AND 2.0.6 both work.
Hope this helps and again sorry for any issues caused here.
I had the same problem just now! I have an application which have been working for a couple of weeks and hasn't been changed. I've got it working by upgrading "Microsoft.Azure.ActiveDirectory.GraphClient" from version 2.0.5 to 2.0.6
Yes upgrading the graph client Nuget package to the latest 2.0.6 fixed this problem. I had a similar panic this morning too. It's an unbelievable fact that Microsoft rolled out a new version of the dll which breaks applications run on previous version!
My team had similar experience. After installing 2.06 our code started working again. Took the entire day with first discovering, fixing, and then testing the solution.
