calculator parsing wth FSM - fsm

I am trying to remember what I have learned in university where we used fsm + parse tree to build a compiler.
To start off simple I thought I will try to do it for a calculator first.
this is what I have got
I can't seem to get what I should do if im in the bracket state and I see another ( and what state I should go to if I see a )
I know you can get the result easily with a stack implementation but I want to remember how to do it with FSM.


What draws the line between reflective programming & non-reflective programming like simple softcoding?

Not sure if this is the right place to bring up this kind of discussion but, Im reading and feel I need a bit further clarification for where the line between "reflective" & non-reflective programming really goes. Theres a series of examples of reflective v non-reflective code towards the end of the wikipedia page where all the "reflective" examples seem to access data with string identifiers - but what would actually differentiate this from say putting a bunch of objects in a collection/array of some sort and accessing them by an index - say compared to accessing them by an array of string identifiers that you can use to fetch the desired object?
In some languages you can clearly see the difference & benefit, like in Python & JS they have the eval method that lets them insert all sorts of code at runtime that can be pretty much endlessly complex and completely change the code flow of an application - and no longer limited to accessing mere special type objects. But in the examples listed on the wiki page you can also find examples where the "reflection" seems limited only to accessing specially declared objects by there name (at which point Im questioning if you can really argue that the program really can be considered to be "modifying" itself at all, at least on a high level in conceptual point of view).
Does the way that the underlying machinery producd by the compiler (or the way that the interpreter reads your code) affect whats considered to be reflective?
Is the ability of redefining the contents of existing objects or declaring new objects without a "base class"/preexisting structure created at compile time that differentiates reflective & non-reflective code? If so, how would this play with the examples at the wikipedia page that doesnt seem to showcase this ability?
Can the meaning of "reflective programming" vary slightly depending on the scenario?
Any thoughts appreciated <3

Asynchronous long running computation in elm

I am new to ELM and I am trying to wrap my head around asynchronous computations.
I am trying to write an ELM program to automate radiology report generation.
This program uses a graph data structure to store the state of a hierarchical tree of toggles, radio, and edit boxes that the user can edit (add, delete, move around) the toggles.
Individual toggles can also have their behavior modified so that toggling one ON, will show or hide other toggles.
As an example, when you toggled Chest ON, the lung would show, and the liver would be hidden. I do this by using the edges of the graph in the update function, which then is interpreted and rendered in the view function.
I then use a look-up table of sorts to compute the English phrase corresponding to a set of specific ON or OFF toggles, like liver, cyst, 3, mm, segment_4.
This works fine, but computing the English phrases is computationally expensive and it blocks my UI thread.
I have been playing with Tasks and Process.swap but I am misunderstanding them somehow.
I thought that I could change my ToggleOnOff message implementation so that I could spawn the long running implementation, return immediately my new state (i.e., (model, Cmd msg) ), and set the spawned processed to call the update again with the English text string when it finished with the computation. I have failed completely in implementing this.
I have a generateReport function which I turned into a Task using Task.succeed.
Than I tried to spawn this generateReportTask and chain it using Task.andThen to the msg UpdateReportFullText. And then I would need to return a new model imediately with the state of the toggles, before the long running generateReportTask runs and calls update on its own to add the english text to the model.
I believe I am still thinking about this imperatively and that I am misunderstanding FP and ELM. My experience with ELM has always shown me that the ELM way is always shorter and clearer than my clumsy imperative-style noob attempts.
Can someone please educate me and help a poor fellow see the light?
Thank you
(Sorry for the dry no code question but my program is hard to reproduce in a few lines...)
Long running computations are a bit tricky on the web platform, especially if you want them not to block the user interface.
In practice you have two options:
Use Web Workers. This is a technology that actually spins up a new process that can run entirely in parallel with your UI process. Unfortunately Web Workers are basically an entirely separate program that communicates with your main program via (mostly) serialised messages. This means that the computation you perform has to be accelerated more than the serialization/deserialization ends up costing.
In Elm, you would use a Platform.worker program, then add ports and wire things together in JavaScript. This article seems to describe this in some detail.
You can chunk up your computation into small bits and perform each small bit per frame. This can work even better in some cases where there are intermediate results that can be rendered, although this isn't necessary. You can see an example I wrote here (notice how it actually takes a few seconds to compute the layout of the graph, but it just looks like a neat little animation).

Does Ada have a standard stack implementation?

With high hopes I typed with Ada.Containers. to see the autocomplete list, and did not see Stack or anything resembling it listed. Does the Ada standard library really not come with a stack implementation?
On Rosetta Code I found this stack implementation, which is very much lacking as it runs to the allocator for every single node being added.
I feel like there must be some "other Ada standard library" I must be missing out on, as I keep running into basic library features that are apparently missing.
I don't believe I've actually used a stack in 50 years of (mainly real-time, control systems) programming. Part of the reason for there being no standard Ada.Containers.Stacks might be that educators would lose one of the introductory topics in a Data Structures For Beginners course :-)
The AI that introduced the Containers states that
[it] provides a number of useful containers for Ada. Only the most useful containers are provided. Ones that are relatively easy to code, redundant, or rarely used are omitted from this set, even if they are generally included in containers libraries
and that
You can use a vector to implement a stack in the traditional way:
package Stacks is new Ada.Containers.Vectors (ET);
use Stacks;
Stack : Stacks.Vector;
procedure Push (E : in ET) is
Append (Stack, New_Item => E);
function Top return ET is
return Last_Element (Stack);
procedure Pop is
Delete_Last (Stack);
which then gives the opportunity to create bounded stacks and to pre-allocate unbounded stacks if appropriate (i.e. you know the typical maximum depth but want to allow for deeper ones occasionally).
You can just use Ada.Containers.Vectors.Vector as a stack like you can do in most other programming languages.
V.Append (E) is push
V.Last_Element is the current top element
V.Delete_Last is pop
Generally, stack describes the semantic of a data structure. You can assign this semantic to different kinds of data structures, like dynamic arrays (Vector being one) or linked lists (the solution you linked).
The standard library provides functionality by implementing well-defined, versatile data structures. It is up to you as user to select a data structure that fits your required semantic well.

Why we need to compile the program of progress 4GL?

I would like to know Why we need to compile the program of progress 4GL? Really what is happening behind there? Why we are getting .r file after compiled the program? When we check the syntax if its correct then we will get one message box 'Syntax is correct' how its finding the errors and showing the messages.Any explanations welcome and appreciated.
Benefits of compiled r-code include:
Syntax checking
Faster execution (r-code executes faster)
Security (r-code is not "human readable" and tampering with it will likely be noticed)
Licensing (r-code runtime licenses are much less expensive)
For "how its finding the errors and showing the messages" -- at a high level it is like any compiler. It evaluates the provided source against a syntax tree and lets you know when you violate the rules. Compiler design and construction is a fairly advanced topic that probably isn't going to fit into a simple SO question -- but if you had something more specific that could stand on its own as a question someone might be able to help.
The short answer is that when you compile, you're translating your program to a language the machine understands. You're asking two different questions here, so let me give you a simple answer to the first: you don't NEED to compile if you're the only one using the program, for example. But in order to have your program optimized (since it's already at the machine language level) and guarantee no one is messing with your logic, we compile the code and usually don't allow regular users to access the source code.
The second question, how does the syntax checker work, I believe it would be better for you to Google and choose some articles to read about compilers. They're complex, but in a nutshell what they do is take what Progress expects as full, operational commands, and compare to what you do. For example, if you do a
Find first customer where = yes no-error.
Progress will check if customer is a table, if is a field in that table, if it's the logical type, since you are filtering if it is yes, and if your whole conditions can be translated to one single true or false Boolean value. It goes on to check if you specified a lock (and default to shared if you haven't, like in my example, which is a no-no, by the way), what happens if there are multiple records (since I said first, then get just the first one) and finally what happens if it fails. If you check the find statement, there are more options to customize it, and the compiler will simply compare your use of the statement to what Progress can have for it. And collect all errors if it can't. That's why sometimes compilers will give you generic messages. Since they don't know what you're trying to do, all they can do is tell you what's basically wrong with what you wrote.
Hope this helps you understand.

Can I disassemble my code in PLTScheme?

Can I see the translated machine instruction of a scheme function like (disassemble) in LISP?
There is a decompile module providing a function by the same name. It can be used to decompile a bytecode file into a kind of a human-readable form. However, this is not a linear assembly-language representation (that is what gets generated dynamically by the JIT), and it's questionable whether it will help you to look at the results. In any case, search the documentation for more information.
You can also use the macro stepper to get a rough idea of the kind of complexity that MzScheme actually sees -- just click it, disable all macro hiding, and step through your code until it's completely expanded. It will be hairy.
