I started evaluating the qDecimal library, but I already encountered a baffling issue:
QDecDouble val(9.34);
qDebug() << val.toString();
QDEBUG : UtilsTests::test() "9.340000000000000"
What am I doing wrong?
I can'f find anything with a fast search for QDecDouble... but I am almost sure that
would do the difference. The way you did it, the result did not saved somewhere...
Usually these commands returns the result that you want and you have to save it somewhere...
When I tried to use the autocorrection of the command cout in c++ it should autocorrect to something like cout<<a<<endl; but why does it keeps becoming cout<<a<<endl;>>>>
Is there any way to fix that?
Just experimenting with help in RStudio. So I type setwd? and the help comes up in another RStudio window. Now I type ls? ( at the console ) and all I get is "+". What's it expecting? I was told you don't need to put the () in and even if you do, same thing happens. I have to escape out of it. Shut down and startup...same problem and same ole' output from setwd?.
I'm on a MacBook air M1 macOS BigSur 11.3.1
It's expecting a string/object after the ? to search the prior type of files for. The characters before the ? it is treating as a type. If nothing is before the ? it searches all types of documentation: objects, packages, etc. Examples:
Error in `?`(Is, is) :
no documentation of type ‘Is’ and topic ‘is’ (or error in processing help)
I currently have this code:
self.add_subsystem('IntegrateForTheta2Ue6', utilities.CumulativeIntegrateTrapeziums(n=n),
promotes_inputs=[('x', 'panel_lengths'),
('x0', 'stagnation_point_position'),
('y', 'ue5'),
('y0', 'panel_start_external_tangential_velocity')],
promotes_outputs=[('cumulative_integral', 'intue5')])
self.add_subsystem('ThwaitesCalculateMomentumThickness', ThwaitesCalculateMomentumThickness(n=n),
It does not throw any errors when run, but when debugging it is clear that the output for intue5 aka cumulative_integral is not being passed into ThwaitesCalculateMomentumThickness - it appears as all ones. When I try the above with self.connect('IntegrateForTheta2Ue6.intue5', 'ThwaitesCalculateMomentumThickness.intue5'), I get Attempted to connect from 'IntegrateForTheta2Ue6.intue5' to 'ThwaitesCalculateMomentumThickness.intue5', but 'IntegrateForTheta2Ue6.intue5' doesn't exist.
Am I making a mistake in my output aliasing, or is this a bug?
Updating to the latest version of OpenMDAO worked. I believe I was already calling run_model(), so I'm not sure why it wasn't working.
I am running an "autoit3.chm" file. When it runs, I would like to send a down key arrow but it doesn't work:
$file = FileGetShortName("C:\Users\PHSD100-SIC\Desktop\AutoIt3.chm")
Run(#ComSpec & " /c start " & $file)
WinWaitActive("AutoIT Help")
Well, you're just waiting for the wrong Window Title... Try WinWaitActive("AutoIt Help") and it will work... Your "T" must be a "t"...
To find this out, you just need to check your script output and after your CHM-File has been opened you'll see that your script is still running. But you would have expected it to execute the Send(...) and then terminate. So your script must still be waiting for the expected window to appear. Which will lead you to double check your window title, probably you'll directly copy the window title with the AutoIt Window Info Tool, and this shows your mistake. Correct it. Viola, be happy =)
Besides: You don't need to run a Command-Prompt first, you can call ShellExecute($file) directly instead.
If you use the AutoIt Window Info tool, it helps with these issues, and it's also good practice to debug with ConsoleWrite(...)s.
For example, a simple one would be as before. However, you should probably use timeouts or variables and use the return for success/fail.
Use following syntax for down key enter
Send("{DOWN 2}")
and similar for Up key enter
Send("{UP 2}")
When I do
#include <inttypes.h>
long long value = 0;
printf("An 8 byte long integer value: %"PRId64".", value);
Eclipse shows me a syntax error in the printf line. Anybody knows how to get rid of it? This is the only way I know to have a printf working on both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures and Eclipse errors every few lines make it quite hard to see the real issues.
The question was answered here.
You need to add __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS in Project Properties->C/C++ General->Paths and Symbols.