ROC plot and axis wrong, randomForest model - r

I have the below data and I would like to know if I am on the right tracks regarding a random forest model
I run the following randomForest model but when I go to plot the ROC my axis looks off and I believe it could be something to do with my model but cannot find where I have gone wrong. The x-axis starts at 1.0 and not 0....
fit <- randomForest(as.factor(status) ~ CA.TA + CA.CL + EBIT.TA + CF.TL + WC.TA + WC.S + TL.TA + C.TA,
data = train,
importance = TRUE,
#type = "prob",
ntree = 200)
prediction <- NULL
prediction$status_prediction <-, test))
prediction$status_prediction_prob <- predict(fit, test, type = "prob")
prediction <- NULL
prediction$status_prediction <- predict(fit, test)
prediction <-
prediction$status_prediction_prob <- predict(fit, test, type = "prob")
confusionMatrix(prediction$status_prediction, test$status)
prediction$status_prediction <- as.numeric(prediction$status_prediction)
result.roc <- roc(test$status, prediction$status_prediction)
plot(result.roc, print.thres="best","closest.topleft", main = "ROC curve", print.auc = TRUE)
auc(test$status, prediction$status_prediction)


Error when predicting partial effects using new data for gamlss model

I'm here re-raising the issue of predicting CI's for gamlss models using the newdata argument. A further complication is that I'm interested in partial effects as well.
A closely related issue (without partial effects) was un-resolved in 2018: Error when predicting new fitted values from R gamlss object.
I'm wondering if there has been updates that also extend to partial effects. The example below reproduces the error (notice the `type = "terms" specifying I'm interested in the effects of each model term)".
#example data
test_df <- tibble(x = rnorm(1e4),
x2 = rnorm(n = 1e4),
y = x2^2 + rnorm(1e4, sd = 0.5))
#fitting gamlss model
gam_test = gamlss(formula = y ~ pb(x2) + x, y ~ pb(x2) + x,
data = test_df)
#data I want predictions for
pred_df <- tibble(x = seq(-0.5, 0.5, length.out = 300),
x2 = seq(-0.5, 0.5, length.out = 300))
#returns error when = TRRUE
pred <- predictAll(object = gam_test,
type = "terms", = TRUE, #works if = FALSE
newdata = pred_df)
Many thanks in advance!
I talked to the main developer of the gamlss software (who is responsible for this function).
He says that the option with type="terms"
has not yet been implemented,
and unfortunately he is too busy at present.
One idea is to bootstrap the original data,
and predict terms for each bootstrap sample,
and then use the results to obtain CI's.

Error building partial dependence plots for RF using FinalModel output from caret's train() function

I am using the following code to fit and test a random forest classification model:
> control <- trainControl(method='repeatedcv',
+ number=5,repeats = 3,
+ search='grid')
> tunegrid <- expand.grid(.mtry = (1:12))
> rf_gridsearch <- train(y = river$stat_bino,
+ x = river[,colnames(river) != "stat_bino"],
+ data = river,
+ method = 'rf',
+ metric = 'Accuracy',
+ ntree = 600,
+ importance = TRUE,
+ tuneGrid = tunegrid, trControl = control)
Note, I am using
train(y = river$stat_bino, x = river[,colnames(river) != "stat_bino"],...
rather than: train(stat_bino ~ .,...
so that my categorical variables will not be turned into dummy variables.
solution here: variable encoding in K-fold validation of random forest using package 'caret')
I would like to extract the FinalModel and use it to make partial dependence plots for my variables (using code below), but I get an error message and don't know how to fix it.
> model1 <- rf_gridsearch$finalModel
> library(pdp)
> partial(model1, pred.var = "MAXCL", type = "classification", which.class = "1", plot =TRUE)
Error in eval(stats::getCall(object)$data) :
..1 used in an incorrect context, no ... to look in
Thanks for any solutions here!

r: coefficients from glmnet and caret are different for the same lambda

I've read a few Q&As about this, but am still not sure I understand, why the coefficients from glmnet and caret models based on the same sample and the same hyper-parameters are slightly different. Would greatly appreciate an explanation!
I am using caret to train a ridge regression:
Hitters = na.omit(Hitters)
x = model.matrix(Salary ~ ., Hitters)[, -1] #Dropping the intercept column.
y = Hitters$Salary
train = sample(1:nrow(x), 7*nrow(x)/10)
train_control = trainControl(method = 'cv', number = 10)
grid = 10 ^ seq(5, -2, length = 100)
tune.grid = expand.grid(lambda = grid, alpha = 0)
ridge.caret = train(x[train, ], y[train],
method = 'glmnet',
trControl = train_control,
tuneGrid = tune.grid)
# alpha is 0 and best lambda is 242.0128
Now, I use the lambda (and alpha) found above to train a ridge regression for the whole data set. At the end, I extract the coefficients:
ridge_full <- train(x, y,
method = 'glmnet',
trControl = trainControl(method = 'none'),
tuneGrid = expand.grid(
lambda = ridge.caret$bestTune$lambda, alpha = 0)
coef(ridge_full$finalModel, s = ridge.caret$bestTune$lambda)
Finally, using exactly the same alpha and lambda, I try to fit the same ridge regression using glmnet package - and extract coefficients:
ridge_full2 = glmnet(x, y, alpha = 0, lambda = ridge.caret$bestTune$lambda)
The reason is the fact the exact lambda you specified was not used by caret. You can check this by:
closest values are 261.28915 and 238.07694.
When you do
coef(ridge_full$finalModel, s = ridge.caret$bestTune$lambda)
where s is 242.0128 the coefficients are interpolated from the coefficients actually calculated.
Wheres when you provide lambda to the glmnet call the model returns exact coefficients for that lambda which differ only slightly from the interpolated ones caret returns.
Why this happens:
when you specify one alpha and one lambda for a fit on all of the data caret will actually fit:
fit = function(x, y, wts, param, lev, last, classProbs, ...) {
numLev <- if(is.character(y) | is.factor(y)) length(levels(y)) else NA
theDots <- list(...)
if(all(names(theDots) != "family")) {
if(! {
fam <- ifelse(numLev > 2, "multinomial", "binomial")
} else fam <- "gaussian"
theDots$family <- fam
## pass in any model weights
if(!is.null(wts)) theDots$weights <- wts
if(!(class(x)[1] %in% c("matrix", "sparseMatrix")))
x <- Matrix::as.matrix(x)
modelArgs <- c(list(x = x,
y = y,
alpha = param$alpha),
out <-, modelArgs)
if(!$lambda[1])) out$lambdaOpt <- param$lambda[1]
this was taken from here.
in your example this translates to
fit <- glmnet::glmnet(x, y,
alpha = 0)
lambda <- unique(fit$lambda)
these lambda values correspond to ridge_full$finalModel$lambda:
all.equal(lambda, ridge_full$finalModel$lambda)

Confidence intervals for predictions from logistic regression

In R predict.lm computes predictions based on the results from linear regression and also offers to compute confidence intervals for these predictions. According to the manual, these intervals are based on the error variance of fitting, but not on the error intervals of the coefficient.
On the other hand predict.glm which computes predictions based on logistic and Poisson regression (amongst a few others) doesn't have an option for confidence intervals. And I even have a hard time imagining how such confidence intervals could be computed to provide a meaningful insight for Poisson and logistic regression.
Are there cases in which it is meaningful to provide confidence intervals for such predictions? How can they be interpreted? And what are the assumptions in these cases?
The usual way is to compute a confidence interval on the scale of the linear predictor, where things will be more normal (Gaussian) and then apply the inverse of the link function to map the confidence interval from the linear predictor scale to the response scale.
To do this you need two things;
call predict() with type = "link", and
call predict() with = TRUE.
The first produces predictions on the scale of the linear predictor, the second returns the standard errors of the predictions. In pseudo code
## foo <- mtcars[,c("mpg","vs")]; names(foo) <- c("x","y") ## Working example data
mod <- glm(y ~ x, data = foo, family = binomial)
preddata <- with(foo, data.frame(x = seq(min(x), max(x), length = 100)))
preds <- predict(mod, newdata = preddata, type = "link", = TRUE)
preds is then a list with components fit and
The confidence interval on the linear predictor is then
critval <- 1.96 ## approx 95% CI
upr <- preds$fit + (critval * preds$
lwr <- preds$fit - (critval * preds$
fit <- preds$fit
critval is chosen from a t or z (normal) distribution as required (I forget exactly now which to use for which type of GLM and what the properties are) with the coverage required. The 1.96 is the value of the Gaussian distribution giving 95% coverage:
> qnorm(0.975) ## 0.975 as this is upper tail, 2.5% also in lower tail
[1] 1.959964
Now for fit, upr and lwr we need to apply the inverse of the link function to them.
fit2 <- mod$family$linkinv(fit)
upr2 <- mod$family$linkinv(upr)
lwr2 <- mod$family$linkinv(lwr)
Now you can plot all three and the data.
preddata$lwr <- lwr2
preddata$upr <- upr2
ggplot(data=foo, mapping=aes(x=x,y=y)) + geom_point() +
stat_smooth(method="glm", method.args=list(family=binomial)) +
geom_line(data=preddata, mapping=aes(x=x, y=upr), col="red") +
geom_line(data=preddata, mapping=aes(x=x, y=lwr), col="red")
I stumbled upon Liu WenSui's method that uses bootstrap or simulation approach to solve that problem for Poisson estimates.
Example from the Author
pkgs <- c('doParallel', 'foreach')
lapply(pkgs, require, character.only = T)
registerDoParallel(cores = 4)
data(AutoCollision, package = "insuranceData")
df <- rbind(AutoCollision, AutoCollision)
mdl <- glm(Claim_Count ~ Age + Vehicle_Use, data = df, family = poisson(link = "log"))
new_fake <- df[1:5, 1:2]
boot_pi <- function(model, pdata, n, p) {
odata <- model$data
lp <- (1 - p) / 2
up <- 1 - lp
seeds <- round(runif(n, 1, 1000), 0)
boot_y <- foreach(i = 1:n, .combine = rbind) %dopar% {
bdata <- odata[sample(seq(nrow(odata)), size = nrow(odata), replace = TRUE), ]
bpred <- predict(update(model, data = bdata), type = "response", newdata = pdata)
rpois(length(bpred), lambda = bpred)
boot_ci <- t(apply(boot_y, 2, quantile, c(lp, up)))
return(data.frame(pred = predict(model, newdata = pdata, type = "response"), lower = boot_ci[, 1], upper = boot_ci[, 2]))
boot_pi(mdl, new_fake, 1000, 0.95)
sim_pi <- function(model, pdata, n, p) {
odata <- model$data
yhat <- predict(model, type = "response")
lp <- (1 - p) / 2
up <- 1 - lp
seeds <- round(runif(n, 1, 1000), 0)
sim_y <- foreach(i = 1:n, .combine = rbind) %dopar% {
sim_y <- rpois(length(yhat), lambda = yhat)
sdata <- data.frame(y = sim_y, odata[names(model$x)])
refit <- glm(y ~ ., data = sdata, family = poisson)
bpred <- predict(refit, type = "response", newdata = pdata)
rpois(length(bpred),lambda = bpred)
sim_ci <- t(apply(sim_y, 2, quantile, c(lp, up)))
return(data.frame(pred = predict(model, newdata = pdata, type = "response"), lower = sim_ci[, 1], upper = sim_ci[, 2]))
sim_pi(mdl, new_fake, 1000, 0.95)

How to graph my multiple linear regression model (caret)?

I have created an multiple linear regression model and would now like to plot it. But I can't seem to figure it out. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I used baruto to find the feature attributes and then used train() to get the model. When I try to plot model_lm I get the error:
There are no tuning parameters with more than 1 value.
Here is my code at what I have attempted so far:
rt_train <- rttotal2
rt_train$year <- NULL
#rt_train$box_office <- NULL
#impute na and address multicoliniearity
preproc <- preProcess(rt_train, method = c("knnImpute","center",
rt_proc <- predict(preproc, rt_train)
rt_proc$box_office <- rt_train$box_office
titles <- rt_proc$titles
rt_proc$titles <- NULL
#rt_train$interval <- as.factor(rt_train$interval)
dmy <- dummyVars(" ~ .", data = rt_proc,fullRank = T)
rt_transform <- data.frame(predict(dmy, newdata = rt_proc))
index <- createDataPartition(rt_transform$interval, p =.75, list = FALSE)
train_m <- rt_transform[index, ]
rt_test <- rt_transform[-index, ]
y_train <- train_m$box_office
y_test <-rt_test$box_office
train_m$box_office <- NULL
rt_test$box_office <- NULL
#selected feature attributes
boruta.train <- Boruta(interval~., train_m, doTrace =1)
#graph to see most important var to interval
names(lz) <- colnames(boruta.train$ImpHistory)
plot(boruta.train, xlab = "", xaxt = "n")
Labels <- sort(sapply(lz,median))
axis(side = 1,las=2,labels = names(Labels),
at = 1:ncol(boruta.train$ImpHistory), cex.axis = 0.7)
#get most important attributes
final.boruta <- TentativeRoughFix(boruta.train)
getSelectedAttributes(final.boruta, withTentative = F)
boruta.rt_df <- attStats(final.boruta)
boruta.rt_df <- setDT(boruta.rt_df, keep.rownames = TRUE)[]
predictors <- boruta.rt_df %>%
filter(., decision =="Confirmed") %>%
select(., rn)
predictors <- unlist(predictors)
control <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv",
#look at residuals
#p-value is very small so reject H0 that predictors have no effect so
#we can use rotten tomatoes to predict box_office ranges
train_m$interval <- NULL
model_lm <- train(train_m[,predictors],
y_train, method='lm',
trControl = control, tuneLength = 10)
model_lm #.568
z <- varImp(object=model_lm)
z <- setDT(z, keep.rownames = TRUE)
z$model <- NULL
z$calledFrom <- NULL
plot(varImp(object=model_lm),main="Linear Model Variable Importance")
#get coeff
interc <- coef(model_lm$finalModel)
slope <- coef(model_lm$finalModel)
ggplot(data = rt_train, aes(y = box_office)) +
geom_point() +
geom_abline(slope = slope, intercept = interc, color = 'red')
This is what some of my input looks like. Thank you!!
Here is an example using the inbuilt data set cars:
data(cars, package = "datasets")
build the model
control <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",
number = 10,
repeats = 6)
model_lm <- train(dist ~ speed, data = cars, method='lm',
trControl = control, tuneLength = 10)
I will assume you would like to plot the final model.
You can use the caret predict.train function to get the predictions from the model and plot them:
pred <- predict(model_lm, cars)
pred <- data.frame(pred = pred, speed = cars$speed)
additionally you can provide the cars data set to geom point and plot the observations:
ggplot(data = pred)+
geom_line(aes(x = speed, y = pred))+
geom_point(data = cars, aes(x=speed, y = dist))
if you would like to obtain the confidence or prediction interval you can use the predict.lm function on model_lm$finalModel:
Here is an example for the prediction interval:
pred <- predict(model_lm$finalModel, cars, = TRUE, interval = "prediction")
pred <- data.frame(pred = pred$fit[,1], speed = cars$speed, lwr = pred$fit[,2], upr = pred$fit[,3])
pred_int <- ggplot(data = pred)+
geom_line(aes(x = speed, y = pred))+
geom_point(data = cars, aes(x = speed, y = dist)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lwr, ymax = upr, x = speed), alpha = 0.2)
or the confidence interval:
pred <- predict(model_lm$finalModel, cars, = TRUE, interval = "confidence")
pred <- data.frame(pred = pred$fit[,1], speed = cars$speed, lwr = pred$fit[,2], upr = pred$fit[,3])
pred_conf <- ggplot(data = pred)+
geom_line(aes(x = speed, y = pred))+
geom_point(data = cars, aes(x = speed, y = dist)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lwr, ymax = upr, x = speed), alpha = 0.2)
plotting them side by side:
plot_grid(pred_int, pred_conf)
to plot the linear dependence on two variables you can use a 3D plot, for more than 3 it will be a problem.
